Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 379: Resurrection from the dead, union of immortals and demons

Hou Tu looked at the current Land of Reincarnation and felt a lot more relaxed after seeing that it had basically returned to normal operation.

But then I thought of my brothers, Tu Bo and Chi You, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness in my heart.

"If I had known today, why would I have to..."

Houtu sighed quietly, feeling unhappy in his heart.

And she died early, and she didn’t know when the fallen tribesmen would return. But fortunately, these tribesmen were in the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal realm and would not really fall. Otherwise, Hou Tu at this time I am afraid that I have already fallen into deep self-blame.

However, if it was really going to involve a full-scale war, she would not agree with Di Jiang's idea in Pangu Palace.

Because if a full-scale war breaks out, there will undoubtedly be heavy casualties, which cannot be recovered overnight, not to mention that the death of those creatures is the real death.

"I would like to ask you all to take care of the affairs of the underworld for the time being. I will go to Pangu Palace. If you have any important matters, please come and see me here."

A divine thought from Hou Tu spread to the minds of the Ghost Emperors of the Five Directions and King Qin Guang.

"Your Majesty, you're welcome. Please follow your instructions."

The five ghost emperors and King Qin Guang bowed their heads and shouted.

After hearing the words, Hou Tu nodded, then left the underworld, crossed the passage, and reached the sky above the East Pole in one step.

Then she used the ground-vertical golden light technique and rushed towards Pangu Palace. She was originally the ancestral witch of earth and had innate control of the earth's avenue. Using the ground-shrinking and ground-vertical golden light techniques was extremely fast. Compared with Ordinary creatures are much faster.

Regarding the magical power of Earth Escape, Hou Tu also has innate control over it to an unknown extent, and its use is much more powerful than ordinary divine abilities.

Ancient times, near the Kunlun Mountains, in the Pangu Palace.

The eight ancestral wizards Jumang, Qiangliang, Lingshou, Xuanming, Tianwu, Xizi, Shebishi, and Xingtian sat on their respective seats in Pangu Hall with lifeless expressions.

After arranging for the tribesmen of their respective tribes to return to their tribes, they returned to Pangu Hall, sat in their respective positions, and looked at each other without saying a word, almost as if they were petrified.

After Hou Tu returned to Pangu Hall, everyone seemed to have a backbone and all looked at Hou Tu.

"Little sister, how did you recover so quickly!?"

Seeing this, Ju Mang couldn't help but asked.

"Yes, yes, Father God said it would take ten thousand years, but I didn't expect you to return so early, little sister!!!"

Qiang Liang also said with a look of surprise.

The other ancestral witches also looked at Hou Tu with shock.

They all knew that Hou Tu would not die, but they did not expect that the recovery time would be so fast. Even if they control reincarnation, it would not be so fast...

"Teacher took action and gave birth to me again from infinite time and space, so it will take a lot of time."

Hou Tu looked at his many brothers and his only sister Xuan Ming with a smile on his face.

After hearing Qiang Liang's words, she also knew that after only ten thousand years, she would be able to see her brother and her tribe come back to life again.

I originally thought it would take dozens of Yuanhui, but I didn't expect to be able to return so soon.

In this case, there is no need to be sentimental. After all, it is only a mere ten thousand years, just a blink of an eye. For saints like them, a retreat may last more than ten thousand years.

In other words, the time we don't see each other on weekdays is far more than ten thousand years.

In other words, you can see these brothers and clan members next time.

Therefore, there is no need to be so sad, just treat it as a mere absence.

"By the way, why do you brothers and sisters look like this?"

When Hou Tu came here, he found that not only did these people have no words, but their expressions were extremely dull.

It's like he can't move anymore and has lost his mind...

"Oh~ I blame myself. How great it would be if I was the one who died in the battle!!!"

After hearing Hou Tu's words, Ju Mang couldn't help but look up to the sky and sigh. He hated it. He hated why he didn't blow himself up in the battlefield.

It's not that he was afraid of death and didn't dare to self-destruct, but that he didn't find a good time. He couldn't say that he could suppress the opponent and then go and self-destruct...

Generally, there is only one reason for self-destruction, that is, they are not hostile to the opponent, so they choose to self-destruct.

If you can defeat the opponent, you will basically not choose to self-destruct, but will defeat or even kill the opponent alive.

"Yes, it would be great if I died on the battlefield that day!!!"

For a time, many ancestral witches began to blame themselves.

Since they were born, they have never been in this situation. They would be separated again, and they would have the current separation of life and death.

The closest time was when Hou Tu's body died and reincarnated. At that time, they clearly felt the pain of Hou Tu's death, but then they knew that Hou Tu had actually revived again, and became more powerful, possessing The soul is gone.

"No, the fall of the ancestral wizards is not to make us blame ourselves and feel guilty. From the beginning of the war, we may have understood that we cannot win, but this is not to make us feel guilty and guilty. , but to let us look forward and lead the Wu clan to the true peak, to surpass the heaven!"

Suddenly, a passionate voice appeared. It was the words spoken by Xingtian, the youngest of the ancestors. He was originally the most powerful witch in the Houtu tribe, and then promoted to the ancestor witch.

He has never had much say among the ancestors. After all, he was promoted from a great witch, and he was not as good as them in terms of emotions.

However, Xingtian, who spoke today, made these ancestors stunned after hearing his words. They all looked at Xingtian in disbelief. They did not expect that Xingtian, who was always keen on fighting, could still say such words. This made them feel quite surprised.

"Yes, Xingtian's words are correct. Brothers, the death of the eldest brother and others did not make us feel guilty, but they are leading us to a more powerful path with their own death!!!"

Hou Tu also stood up and affirmed at this time. Even if Xingtian did not say these encouraging words, she would say it, and since Xingtian said it, she would just confirm it.

"That's right, we want to climb to the top and surpass everything in the true sense!!!"

Qiang Liang stood up, slapped the table suddenly, and shouted loudly.

His words were full of passion and confidence. He believed that the Wu clan could surpass the Wu clan and become the most powerful race.


In the vast chaos, the remaining land of the previous battlefield.

A terrifying aura slowly condensed in the battlefield, and the chaotic aura carrying the breath of death hovered in it bit by bit.

This is the place where Zhu Rong and other ancestor witches fell, and this is the place where Donghuang Taiyi fell.

Here, too many top-level sacreds fell, so the breath of death is very abundant.

After the birth of Honghuang, although the number of people who fell between heaven and earth every day is unknown, after a long time of accumulation, it is unknown how many creatures have died, and how many breaths of death have gathered together, which cannot be checked or calculated.

There has never been such a turbulent and powerful creature falling like this. There has never been a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian falling in the prehistoric world. But now, in this battle, more than 100,000 Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian cultivators have fallen.

This is an extremely terrifying number. Although these Hunyuan cultivators will not really die, every fall is a real fall, just condensing and reviving from other time and space.

Just like the gods and demons of the Great Dao, falling is like falling into a deep sleep in the Great Dao, but it is also a real fall...

Now, a breath of death gathers together and gradually forms a figure. That figure presents an extremely terrifying breath, which is the breath that everything will go to death.

That is a breath that is even more terrifying than death. It is the incarnation of the Great Dao of Death! It is the figure of the gods and demons of death! ! !

"Everything will eventually return to death!!! Death will bury everything!!!"

After the figure solidified, it suddenly said this sentence.

As these words fell, the previously surging chaotic auras instantly withered and dried up, and their vitality disappeared. They froze in place in an instant, no longer making any movements.

Even the chaotic auras could not resist the death aura emanating from the Death God and Demon.

The chaotic auras that were originally cheering and jumping around suddenly wilted, stayed in place, and slowly dissipated, as if they had never appeared.

After the Death God and Demon revived, he slowly closed his eyes, and then opened them again, and his heart was shocked: "This is the breath of reincarnation..."

Then, he looked in one direction again, his eyes looking at the endless time and space, crossing the obstacles of the layers of the avenue, and saw another God and Demon...

"This is the breath of the Light God and Demon..."

"This is the breath of the Dark God and Demon... No, it seems that he has just revived and returned to the avenue again..."

"This is the breath of Pangu!!!"


After finding the breath of Pangu, the Death God and Demon took a breath of cold air. He was a little bit unbelievable, but the facts were in front of him.

"Could it be that the darkness attempted to destroy the prehistoric world, and then was killed by Pangu..."

Soon, the Death God and Demon reacted and knew why the Dark God and Demon fell. In his mind, there was no other possibility except this one.

Although the Dark God and Demon did not get along with the Light God and Demon, the great way was contradictory and coexisted. Samsara was a neutral faction. In the chaos, it had always been eager for peace with the chaos and did not want to see any faction become too powerful.

So it was unlikely that the Samsara God and Demon helped the Light God and Demon to kill the darkness, and it was obviously impossible for the Light God and Demon to kill the darkness by their own strength.

Therefore, the only possibility left in the Death God and Demon's mind was actually this.

"Then I can't destroy the prehistoric world either..."

The Death God and Demon's eyes revealed a hint of complexity. He looked into the distance, where the prehistoric world was.

In his heart, he wanted to destroy the prehistoric world and wait for the Destruction God and Demon to revive.

But now it seems that with Pangu here, he can't do this.

Therefore, He could only put away the murderous intent in his heart and then flew towards the prehistoric land.

"I want to see what kind of world you, Pangu, have created with such desperate efforts! How much worse will it be than the chaos!!!"

The Death God and Demon smiled coldly in his heart and flew towards the prehistoric land.


In the Endless Demon Realm.

Luo Hu is sitting at the top, and opposite him is Immortal Ancestor Hongjun.

If this scene spreads out, the creatures in the ancient world may not be able to sleep. The Demon Ancestor and the Immortal Ancestor, who had never dealt with them before, actually walked together for the first time, and they were still in the Demon Realm.

This point released the news that the Immortal Sect and the Demonic Sect have really joined forces, at least for now, otherwise it would be impossible for Hongjun to come to the outer demonic realm.

"This method doesn't work. If this is the case, we will surely perish or be sealed forever!!!"

After hearing Luo Hu's plan, Hongjun immediately retorted.

"Oh? If this method doesn't work, then what method should be used to succeed!"

After hearing Hongjun's rebuttal, Luo Hu was not angry, but asked curiously.

He really wanted to hear what better way Hongjun had, and he actually dared to refute his method which was perfect in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, Hongjun shook his head slowly, sighed suddenly, and said: "It's not that your method doesn't work, and it's not that I can't think of a better way. It's just that judging from the current situation, no matter what we use, It is impossible to subvert sentient beings in the three realms even if you try this method.

There is not enough time, and it is not advisable to act rashly for the time being. We should wait for the opportunity to act. Now we can only wait with peace of mind, there is no other way..."

Luo Hu originally thought that Hongjun would have such a good idea, but who knew that Hongjun would say such words? Even though his face darkened, he angrily said: "Do you still remember what you promised me when I rescued you?" Are you trying to break the contract?"

"No, no, I have never thought about breaking the contract, but now I am not strong enough. Let's not talk about the human race and the dragon race. Whether it is heaven or underworld, these are two extremely powerful forces. Even now Even if the muscles and bones are injured, the muscles and bones are far from being lost.

There are more than tens of thousands of people in Hunyuan? And your and my subordinates combined are only a few hundred Hunyuan, not to mention that many of my subordinates are human monks. It is impossible to be enemies of the human race. With such a difference in power, how can it be because of a little traitor on the other side? Can rebellion defeat them? "

Hongjun shook his head slowly and said seriously.

Perhaps because he was afraid that Luo Hu would not believe it, he added again, saying: "I have been trapped in chaos by the Emperor of Heaven for countless years. I want to kill them all more than you. But this is the fact. If you want to To achieve success, it is far from being impulsive.”

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