Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 380 The wonderful collision between the Kingdom of God and microscopic particles


Luo Hu snorted coldly when he heard this, but didn't say much.

He didn't know what Hongjun said. He naturally knew about it, so he didn't say too much.

After seeing this, Hongjun's face looked much better, the fairy light was flowing in his eyes, and the fairy energy on his body was spreading in all directions, protecting Hongjun from the endless evil energy in this extraterrestrial demonic realm.

Although demonic energy is not a problem for demons, it is naturally not a good thing for creatures other than demons.

Even for beings like Hongjun, if they stay in the Demon Realm for a long time, there is no guarantee that it will have some impact on themselves.

Although the demonic aura is not as fierce as the chaotic aura, in terms of other weird aspects, it is not bad at all, and it is even stronger.

Demonic energy can erode the sanity of living beings and cause them to fall into the devil's path.

Hongjun is in charge of the Dao of Immortality and has no distracting thoughts. He needs to calm down and concentrate his energy. He cannot have other distracting thoughts. Things like demonic thoughts are naturally uncomfortable for Hongjun.

"In that case, I'll take my leave."

Hongjun looked at Luo Hu in front of him, said something, and then disappeared into the outer demonic realm.

Luo Hu was the only one left in the Demon Ancestor Hall.


Luo Hu looked at the place where Hongjun left, and couldn't help but gritted his teeth and shouted in his heart.

He regretted a little at this moment. He regretted releasing Hongjun again. He originally planned to join forces with Hongjun to subvert the heaven, but now, the Lich's decisive battle could not proceed.

But at the most tragic moment, Pangu stopped him and caused the two Lich clans to cease fighting. This resulted in the two clans not really wiping out their own wealth.

If Pangu had not appeared, then Luo Hu's wishful thinking was undoubtedly very good, and he would have had the opportunity to subvert the heaven and control it.

If the demons really control the heaven, the demons who ascend according to their luck will be able to develop very quickly and sooner or later they will replace other races.


Thinking of this, Luo Hu couldn't help but feel a strong resentment towards the born Pangu in his heart.

Even though everything was ready, a force majeure factor occurred along the way. This makes anyone feel uncomfortable.

Moreover, Pangu clearly said that he would not interfere with the affairs of the prehistoric times, and he would be born as soon as he was born, but he still insisted on interfering with it. Just such an interference completely shattered Luo Hu's plan.

I originally planned to bite the bullet and give it a try, but that guy Hongjun refused to take action because he was not sure.

There is no other way, Luo Hu can only wait, wait quietly, until the next better opportunity comes.

It's just that as time goes by, the gap between them seems to be getting bigger and bigger, instead of getting smaller and smaller.

In other words, the further you go, the greater the opportunities Luo Hu needs. Only if they are big enough can Rahu's ideas come true.

“Why is God so unkind to me!!!”

Luo Huan looked up to the sky and roared angrily, his heart full of confusion. He had obviously been driven to the demonic realm outside the realm, and yet he had to suffer so much misfortune.

Above the chaos, in the void.

"It's useless. With such a mind, how can it be accomplished?"

Ye Xuan looked at Demon Ancestor Luo Hu who was in the outer demon realm in the chaos, shook his head slightly and sighed. He couldn't understand how Luo Hu became like this.

You know, although Luo Hu was a bit stupid in the past, he was really powerful in terms of talent, strategy and other aspects.

"Today's ancient wilderness is very lively. The West Pole has the elusive white tiger, the East Pole has the underworld, the gods and demons of reincarnation, and the Southern Wilderness is the territory of the human race. As for the South Pole, There is nothing wrong with a group of Phoenix clan who are struggling to regain their peak.

There are also various other worlds such as the mortal world, and there are countless powerful beings in them, and these are also part of my strength..."

A very proud smile appeared on Ye Xuan's face, obviously very satisfied with this.

This time-traveled world is as if everyone in this world is a creator god, creating all kinds of powerful creatures in their own world, thereby nurturing themselves.

And the controlled kingdoms of gods are like sandboxes, allowing the savior to do what they want to determine the most powerful creation god. And the kingdom of that creation god is naturally the most perfect in the world. Kingdom of God.

Immediately, with a thought in his mind, Ye Xuan left the wilderness and walked outside.

Although it is said that he has stayed in the prehistoric world for a long time, from the outside world it has not actually been that long. He is still stuck on the day he entered the prehistoric world.

Ye Xuan slowly stood up in his own villa at Daming Academy in Chuangshi Continent, and then headed towards the outside world.

Sophomore year, first class.

Class 1 of Ming Dynasty is the best class in Daming Academy, and Ye Xuan is also a member of this class.

But since Ye Xuan came to Daming College, he has not been to this class once.

In fact, no one, whether it is teachers or students, has seen Ye Xuan. No one cares about this. After all, everyone does not come to the class to see Ye Xuan.

The university courses are not tight, there is only one class a month, and one class is several hours, which depends on the teacher.

If you are enthusiastic, you can teach for a month without any problems, of course, the premise is that there must be students willing to listen and teachers willing to teach.

On this day, as usual, many students appeared in the classroom of Ming Class 1, which is usually empty.

Every student who goes to school here is a gifted child, the best of this class, and the top students in the entire universe. In this class, they are at the top.

"Hey, what do you think of Ye Xuan's personality? I haven't gotten along with him."

A young man looked at several students beside him and asked curiously.

After entering the university, although most of the students have no friends, after taking a class, everyone is a gifted child, so naturally they will get together to see who they can get along with, and then naturally they will have more friends.

Friends, in the true sense, are those who can help each other. If the level difference is very large, then they are not friends, but noble people.

We are all adults, so naturally we will not make friends with people who are of no help to us, and they are not friends and playmates who grew up together.

This society is very realistic, or any society is very realistic.

The world of the Creator God is no exception. Except for the essential difference in power, it is almost the same as other ordinary humans.

"Who cares? It's none of my business. I should practice hard and become stronger!"

A yellow-haired man said with disdain.

Although he looked very disdainful on the surface, he was actually very envious and jealous of Wu Yaozu in his heart, because although Wu Yaozu had not come here for the past few months, every time he had a class, the class was full of discussions about Wu Yaozu.

This legend of a brother who is not in the arena, but has a brother in the arena made the yellow-haired man very envious. After being envious for a long time, he naturally began to be jealous.

He knew that Ye Xuan was very strong, otherwise he would not be remembered by these proud sons of heaven, but for a noble man like him who was born in the Creation Continent, this was simply unacceptable.

The yellow-haired man was named Lin Xi, and he was the strongest person in Ming Class 1 besides Ye Xuan. Since Ye Xuan had not appeared for a long time, Lin Xi was naturally the strongest guy that this class could see.

"Haha, Brother Lin is right. It's true that you don't care about Ye Xuan. It's true that you should seize the time to become stronger. Others are stronger after all. It depends on yourself."

Another person nodded and agreed.

This statement also made everyone quite agree. After all, no one who can enter this class is not a genius. It's just about helping each other. It's not about licking others. It's not that.

"Ahem, the teacher is here, stop talking..."

Suddenly, a figure appeared on the podium. That person was their teacher. There were not many teachers who taught the class, only one, and one teacher taught all the classes until graduation.

The teachers of these geniuses are naturally very powerful. Each teacher is a sixth-order Creation God, and they are all extremely powerful Creation Gods.

Therefore, these geniuses did not dare to show the slightest disrespect to their teachers.

After all, although they are powerful, they are only fourth-order Creation Gods. Compared with the teachers of sixth-order Creation Gods, the difference is still a bit big.

After the fourth-order Creation God, one step is a world, not to mention the existence of two major realms different from them, which can really destroy them with a thought.

After seeing the teacher coming, the voices in the whole classroom instantly became low, and there was no more whispering before.

"Okay, what did we talk about last class?"

After seeing that the students were quiet, Wang Ke looked at many students with a smile on his face and asked.

"Teacher, you talked about the connection between microscopic particles in the kingdom of God."

After hearing this, Lin Xi immediately said loudly.

Wang Ke nodded after hearing this, smiled with satisfaction, and then spoke again: "Okay, let's continue with this topic."

It's not that he didn't remember where he talked about, but this was just a way to interact with his classmates.

"Although the Kingdom of God is a macroscopic world, we can still analyze it from the microscopic perspective according to scientific methods.

Just like what we talked about in the last class, what is the most basic thing that constitutes a world?

It is Tao! It is the Great Dao!"

"And what is the external manifestation of the Great Dao? It is the law! It is the rule! The Great Dao is mysterious and wonderful, and it is indescribable. It can only be understood but not explained.

And what about the law? Although it is a little shallow, it is not easy to understand when it is taught. The rules are different. The rules are actually part of the universe, that is, the time and space that make up the universe.

And what is space manifested by? It is the microscopic particles mentioned in science.

If you master the microscopic particles, you actually master these rules, and you can better deduce the rules, so as to master the Great Dao."

Wang Ke was talking halfway when he suddenly saw that many students began to raise their hands, so he stopped and smiled, and Lin Xi in the crowd was directly controlled by him and stood up.

"Teacher, besides the deduction of the law of the great way, what other benefits are there in controlling the microscopic particles?"

Lin Xi began to ask the teacher in front of him like a curious baby.

Wang Ke smiled slightly, and Lin Xi sat down again, and then explained: "Mastering the microscopic particles has another benefit, that is, it can be combined with one's own kingdom of God to help the kingdom of God better develop its potential, and there may even be very special things happening!"

"So there is such a benefit, then if we master it, it will definitely be very good for the development of the kingdom of God!!!"

"Yes, yes, this time it is really a great harvest!"

"Haha, if those who didn't come know, will they regret it in the future..."

Everyone knew who this person was talking about, it was undoubtedly Ye Xuan, and there was no one else except Ye Xuan.

Who knew that after Wang Ke heard this, his face condensed slightly, and then a divine thought was sent out.

Yes, some things still need to be shouted. Although it doesn't matter if Ye Xuan doesn't listen, it's good to listen.

Zhu Yuanzhang personally greeted them, the teachers and vice principals, and told them not to interfere with Ye Xuan no matter what he did, and not to ask too much or say too much, just take care of yourself.

Then, Wang Ke asked another student to stand up.

The student was excited and asked: "Teacher, do these microscopic particles still have any effect on the fantasy world?"

Wang Ke smiled dumbly when he heard the words, and his breath was slightly released. A simple and powerful world breath came to his face, and a picture was slowly unfolded.

A powerful breath shocked the whole classroom, and these students were shocked.

They dared not imagine that the strength of the sixth-level creation god would be so powerful.

That was just a small corner of Wang Ke's kingdom of God, where there were powerful and terrifying creatures one after another, including immortals and body forging.

And there is no doubt that this world is definitely not a technological world.

"Look, isn't my world a world of fantasy and fairy tales?"

Wang Ke didn't say much, but directly let these students feel whether his world can be used.

And in that ancient and powerful world picture, microscopic particles that ordinary humans cannot observe combined together to stir up waves of things that are different from ordinary laws.

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