"It's true. It turns out that the Fantasy Fairy Kingdom can also do this. This means that anyone can use particles to develop the Kingdom of God at a deeper level!!!"

"Teacher is so strong..."

"Is this the strength of the sixth-level Creation God..."

"No, this is just the tip of the iceberg. The strength of the real sixth-level creation god must be many times more powerful than it is now."

Lin Xi slowly added after hearing the envy of the classmates beside her for the strength displayed by her teacher.

He knew that the strength of a sixth-level creation god was definitely more than that. Although the strength displayed now was enough to completely crush them in all directions, it was definitely much stronger than it was now.

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly appeared at the door of the class, but it was he who rushed here immediately after hearing Wang Ke's message.

Originally, nothing happened until he came, but this time since the teacher specially called him to come and observe, Ye Xuan, who had nothing to do, naturally followed him.

It just so happened that the decisive battle between the lich and the lich was over, and what followed was bound to be a long period of peace.


Ye Xuan bowed his hands towards Wang Ke and bowed.

Naturally, one must have high respect for ancestors who are stronger than oneself. This is respecting the strong.

What's more, this strong man is still the one who wants to teach himself knowledge, so he should naturally be more worthy of respect.

After Wang Ke saw this, he smiled and nodded to Ye Xuan.

After seeing Ye Xuan, the other students immediately focused their attention on Ye Xuan.

"I'll go, I can't see through his breath at all..."

One student said in shock.

"How strong is he? Why do I feel like he can kill me instantly..."

"So strong..."

Lin Xi's pupils shrank and her heart was filled with shock.

He knew that Ye Xuan was very strong, and had heard about Ye Xuan's deeds. He knew that Ye Xuan was not an ordinary person, but he did not expect that Ye Xuan was so strong. No wonder he could firmly occupy the top spot on the Tongtian Ranking.

And his ranking is only eighth in the national rankings on the Tongtian Ranking. There is still a long way to go before Ye Xuan.

Of course, in another year, not only will his own strength skyrocket, but even the current senior students will leave. By then, Lin Xi is expected to break into the top three.

It is conceivable that Ye Xuan must be at the top of the list. This is an existence that no one can shake.

"How did this kid become so strong..."

Lin Xi watched Ye Xuan step by step and randomly selected a seat among the seats beside him to sit down, thinking with shock in his heart.

You must know that he was able to climb to his current position because the family gave him a lot of resources, and these resources were really poured into him to enable him to reach the current state of cultivation. of.

But even so, it is not as powerful as Ye Xuan.

He even felt an extremely terrifying aura from Ye Xuan's body, as if he would be on the verge of death if he tried to harm Ye Xuan.

At this moment, Lin Xi's original idea of ​​making things difficult for Ye Xuan disappeared without a trace.

And since the thought in his mind disappeared, he no longer felt the terrifying aura, as if nothing had happened.

However, Lin Xi naturally would not treat it as if it had not happened. He knew that it was because Ye Xuan's strength had reached a certain extreme, or because Ye Xuan's understanding of the avenue was extremely deep, that this function similar to automatic defense appeared. .

While he was staring at Ye Xuan's back, Ye Xuan, who was sitting in front, suddenly turned around and stared into his eyes. Lin Xi was shocked and quickly lowered his head and looked away.

boom! Bang bang!

Lin Xi's heart suddenly beat continuously, as if she was out of control.

"Huh~Have you been discovered by him..."

A burst of cold sweat appeared on Lin Xi's forehead.

"Was it the malice that boy had towards me just now..."

There was a look of doubt in Ye Xuan's eyes, but he immediately put it behind him and turned to look at Wang Ke on the steps.

After Ye Xuan's eyes left Lin Xi, Lin Xi's heartbeat gradually returned to normal and her face slowly calmed down.

Looking at the movements of the two of them, Wang Ke's expression remained as usual. Naturally, he sensed everything, but he didn't say much. In his teaching career, he had seen countless situations similar to those of Ye Xuan and Lin Xi. , so naturally they didn’t take it seriously.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Ke began to talk, and the smile appeared on his face again, and he said in succession: "Microscopic particles, in human's previous scientific research, include molecules, atoms, electrons, Particles such as protons, neutrons, quarks, hadrons, and baryons are small but can affect the world, and even particles such as the Planck particle, which are the tiniest and so tiny that they can hardly affect the world in the slightest.

How tiny are these particles? It's so tiny that even the fourth-order Creator God can't see it. Even I have to concentrate and not be careless in order to observe the existence of such particles.

And once you master the Planck particle..."

As Wang Ke finished speaking, the entire classroom environment suddenly changed, and the students seemed to be in the interstellar space.

Small interstellar maps were placed in front of them. As Wang Ke finished speaking, the interstellar maps continued to shrink and shrink, until even the slightest bit was no longer visible.

Until even Ye Xuan couldn't see the slightest bit of those interstellar maps. At this time, Wang Ke continued: "These interstellar maps have shrunk to their current size, just like atoms, and every one of them contains Smaller microscopic particles are like certain creatures or things above stars..."

"If we control these particles, we can explore the foundation of the Kingdom of God from a smaller world view, thereby improving the foundation and developing the Kingdom of God..."

"And today, I am going to teach you some wonderful connections between particles and the Kingdom of God..."

Immediately afterwards, Wang Ke's world appeared in front of everyone again. These people could clearly see how Wang Ke unfolded his world from the micro level step by step.

Human beings have always been accustomed to looking at the world from a macro perspective, because what is visible to the naked eye is the macro world, and the micro world cannot be seen by mortals.

Therefore, apart from those who are engaged in science, these creation gods rarely view the world from a microscopic perspective, and the same is true for Ye Xuan.

Although he could see those particles that were too small to be observed with the naked eye, he didn't pay much attention to them. Instead, he blocked them. Otherwise, the world would be full of those things and it would be impossible to avoid them. Microscopic particles would be everywhere in front of his eyes. .

As a creator god, he naturally has this ability and can control whether he wants to see the microscopic world anytime and anywhere.

Just like some immortals and gods can use certain magical powers to see the three realms, it's not that they don't have that ability to see the world, it just means that they don't need to use that ability on weekdays.

Just like the God Erlang in myths and legends, his heavenly eye can look up into the sky and down into the underworld. However, that eye is not always open, it is only used when needed.

Time passed slowly, and more than half a month had passed since Wang Ke's lecture. During this more than half a month, Ye Xuan and Wang Ke discussed many things about the use of microscopic particles in the Kingdom of God.

This method was not invented by Wang Ke, but was first proposed by many creation gods who own the Kingdom of Science. It can be regarded as a method that everyone among the high-level creation gods knows.

But for these fourth-level creation gods, it is still relatively new. At least it is almost the first time for everyone here to accept this theory.

And if your cultivation realm has not reached the fourth level of the Creation God, you actually don’t need this thing. After all, it is for those Creation Gods with slower cultivation realm who have suffered from the inability to strengthen themselves for a long time. of.

After listening to this class, Ye Xuan felt that he had benefited a lot, so he bowed his hands to Wang Ke again and said, "Thank you, teacher."

"Teachers preach, resolve doubts, and impart knowledge. There is no need to thank you too much."

Wang Ke shook his head with a smile and didn't say much.

Ye Xuan also showed gratitude. Although it is a teacher's duty to teach and educate people, you must know that he had no intention of coming to this class. It was Wang Ke who personally sent a message to him and asked him to come and listen to the class, so he was allowed to attend. Learned many things.

For this, Ye Xuan naturally felt extremely grateful.

"Thank you teacher."

After other students saw what Ye Xuan said, they all started talking too.

After all, when it comes to thanking the teacher, it doesn't matter if no one says it, but if someone does say it and you don't say it, it will appear that you don't understand how to respect teachers.

So, under this feeling, all the students in the class saluted and shouted to Wang Ke.

"Students, there is no need for this, please disperse!"

Wang Ke smiled, and then his figure disappeared into the classroom again, just like when he came, without making any sound.

I walked away quietly, just as you came quietly...

When the students saw Wang Ke leaving, they dispersed one by one.

When Ye Xuan was about to leave, suddenly, a voice appeared in his mind.

"The principal said he wants to see you if he has something to do."

That was Wang Ke's voice. After he finished speaking, he disappeared again.

There was a doubt in Ye Xuan's heart. How could the principal be looking for him? Logically speaking, even if he was looking for him, shouldn't he be contacted directly? Why would he need to use Wang Ke's help to do this...

Although he had doubts in his heart, he still walked toward the principal's office calmly.

Principal room.

Zhu Yuanzhang and Wang Ke were sitting in the principal's office, looking at Ye Xuan at the door with a smile on their faces.

"Principal, teacher."

Ye Xuan shouted politely, and then sat down on his own. He didn't know what the principal was looking for, but since he was looking for it, he would naturally tell him.

"Well, the main reason I called you here this time is to ask you, why has your strength improved so quickly?"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked solemnly and looked at Ye Xuan with a strange look.

He knew that Ye Xuan's talent was astonishing, and he also knew that Ye Xuan was very powerful, but he didn't expect that Ye Xuan was so terrifying. He had only entered the fourth level of the Creation God, and he had already reached the later stage.

How long has it been? How long has it been? It’s been a year. It’s almost the fifth level of creation. What kind of concept is this? This is a peerless genius that has never been seen before. It’s something that has never happened before. .

Ye Xuan was stunned when he heard this, and then replied: "Um... I don't know why, maybe it's because of his extraordinary talent..."

He never thought that Zhu Yuanzhang came to him for this matter. He originally thought that something really happened, but in the end he just asked about the progress of his cultivation.

Zhu Yuanzhang frowned when he heard this, obviously this was not the answer he wanted to get, and then he asked again: "I mean, do you have any methods that can be made public and help the majority of students improve their cultivation. "

Ye Xuan understood something instantly when he heard the words. He immediately shook his head and said slightly apologetically: "Sorry, principal, I really don't have this method. I just practice step by step. As for the so-called special method, I don't know how to do it." I really don’t know.”

If Zhu Yuanzhang hadn't asked, he wouldn't have felt a little sorry if someone else had asked him. After all, Zhu Yuanzhang had helped him a lot and had been guarding his growth.

After hearing what Ye Xuan said, Zhu Yuanzhang nodded, waved his hand and said, "It's okay, you can go back."

He knew what Ye Xuan said was true, so he didn't ask any more questions and let Ye Xuan go home.


Ye Xuan nodded, saluted the two of them again, and then left the Daming Academy.

After he left, Wang Ke frowned and asked Zhu Yuanzhang: "Principal, is it because he has improved so quickly in cultivation because of the special reason of his divine kingdom?"

"It's not impossible, but it's a pity that it can't be copied to other students. It would also be great if the cultivation speed of some students could be improved..."

Zhu Yuanzhang said with sincerity and sincerity that he was dedicated to the Daming Academy and the Daxia Kingdom, but some things often do not depend on whether he is willing to do it, but whether he is willing to really succeed in those things.

Although Ye Xuan is not new to Chuangshi Continent, this is actually his first time to truly integrate into Chuangshi Continent.

The Creation Continent is not like those in other galaxies that display technology everywhere. It is not like the city-states standing on various star rings, nor is it like the giant ships that shuttle through the stars.

Here, there is almost no developed technology, and all creations seem to be innate and created together with the Creation Continent.

The thing that towers into the sky is not a science and technology building, but a towering tree among the immortals.

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