Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 382 Jianmu and the Mystery of the World

In the center of Chuangshi Continent, there is a huge tree that towers into the clouds and reaches the sky. That is Jianmu. The first time Ye Xuan saw this Jianmu, the name naturally appeared in his mind.

In legend, Jianmu is a bridge between heaven, earth, humans and gods. It is a sacred tree that mortals can climb to the fairy world through Jianmu. Many mortals can reach heaven directly through this tree.

Jianmu is within reach, even if it is far away from Ye Xuan, it can still be observed at a glance.

As soon as Ye Xuan thought about it, the distant trees were as shocking as if they were brought into view.

The building that appeared in front of Ye Xuan was not only a huge tree, but also had branches extending out one after another. There were even flowers, fruits, birds, animals, etc. on it. Hanging dragon, divine bell and so on.

All kinds of mythical creatures and creatures that can be seen are entangled on the building tree. Ye Xuan was extremely shocked when he saw it.

"Could it be that this Jianmu is really the sacred tree that communicates with the upper world, and the Creation Continent is the center of the universe. Only when you come here can you have the opportunity to ascend to the upper world..."

Ye Xuan was so shocked that he couldn't help but murmur to himself.

Thinking of this, he couldn't wait to go to the Jianmu to see if the endless Jianmu really led to other worlds.

"No, don't be so reckless. If it can really exist, there can't be no records in the school! You will know what is going on when you go back and take a look!!!"

After Ye Xuan figured this out, he immediately turned around and returned to the academy.

He didn't know if this building tree was his illusion or something else. After all, he didn't see this building tree in the academy, and he didn't see this sacred tree in the United Eagles last time.

"Impossible, how come there is no record!!!"

Ye Xuan frantically searched every book in the library. He had thousands of incarnations, and his mind searched everywhere for every book.

Every book in the library is actually a super large knowledge base, and similar knowledge bases will appear in the same book.

Books are the key to opening that knowledge base. Each book corresponds to a huge ocean of knowledge. There is a huge amount of knowledge behind every character on the book.

There are tens of thousands of books in such a huge library, and the knowledge in each book is tens of thousands or even billions of times more than all the knowledge in Ye Xuan's previous life combined.

However, Ye Xuan only spent three days and three nights to read all these books.

"There is a tree, its shape is like an ox, and its bark is like a tassel or a yellow snake. Its leaves are like Luo, but it is actually like Luan, and its wood is like a wormwood. Its name is Jianmu."

"That's not right, those buildings cover the sky and the sun, they don't look like cows..."

"Building trees have green leaves, purple stems, black flowers, and yellow fruits. They make no sound underneath and have no shadow when standing."

"The green leaves and yellow stems are real, but the purple stems are not really seen..."

Ye Xuan kept murmuring the records about Jianmu in his heart, and suddenly he read this sentence:

"Building wood, hundreds of feet tall without branches, with nine vines and nine walnuts underneath, is actually like hemp, and its leaves are like awns. It is a giant tree, and it is the work of the Yellow Emperor."

"Wait! Huangdi?!!"

Ye Xuan's pupils shrank suddenly, the legendary Jianmu was actually related to the Yellow Emperor! ! !

The Yellow Emperor is one of the legendary Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, and there are also legends of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors in this universe, but they are just too old and are just myths.

There are many possibilities for the selection of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors. Some people say that Huangdi is one of the Three Emperors, while others say that he is the head of the Five Emperors...

There is no debate about any of this.

But now, I actually read about the Yellow Emperor in Jianmu...

"The Yellow Emperor did it, does that mean this jianmu was planted by the Yellow Emperor..."

But after just a moment, Ye Xuan stopped thinking about this matter. It was just such a sentence, and he couldn't see any other relationship.

"South of the Bai people, under the building trees, there is no shadow in the sun, and there is no sound when calling, covering the sky and the earth."

"The White People...are they the ancestors of the Eagle United Nations?"

Ye Xuan's brows furrowed again, this damn thing actually involved Bai Min again, and Bai Min was just one of those foreigners.

"The buildings are in the capital, and all the emperors are from top to bottom."

"The Jianmu we saw at the beginning is indeed at the center of the world. Does the latter sentence mean that the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors in the past also accessed the higher world through this sacred tree..."

After reading this, the doubts in Ye Xuan's heart were not only unsolved, but even became bigger.

"Is there really a higher-level existence in this universe..."

"But it's obvious that the power in this universe is already so powerful..."

Ye Xuan thought about the civilization of the God of Creation. He always felt that this civilization was simply a cheat. It could strengthen itself through the evolving world. The more powerful the evolving world was, the more powerful he became. No matter how he thought about it, he felt that this was a BUG. world.

Because the world created by the God of Creation was not created from scratch in the true sense, they seemed to have summoned a world that truly existed.

Just like Ye Xuan's chaotic world, he has now developed it into a prehistoric world, and the creatures in it are each stronger than the last.

If this kind of civilization is not the strongest, then how powerful is the universe that stands above the universe he is in now?

Ye Xuanqiang suppressed the shock in his heart, walked out of the library and left the college again.

But this time, after he left the academy, he never saw that Jianmu again. The towering Jianmu that stood in the distance just now seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

"Could it be that we don't always have the opportunity to see Jianmu..."

At this moment, new doubts appeared in Ye Xuan's heart again.

Immediately afterwards, he put aside his doubts about Jianmu and turned to visit the capital.

He knows that his level of cultivation is far from enough to explore Jianmu, so just like the dark world he encountered in the Kui Star Territory last time, his strength is simply not enough. He can only keep it in his heart and wait until he has enough strength. Head there again to find out.

"The strongest monsters in the dark world are only sixth-level monsters. Although it is an extremely terrifying thing, sooner or later I will definitely be able to go there, but I don't know how long it will take to build the wood..."

For a moment, Ye Xuan couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

His current cultivation level has reached the late stage of the fourth-level creation god. It shouldn't be a big problem against fifth-level monsters. When he feels that his cultivation level is about the same, he can go to the dark world first. .

At that time, even if I still can't beat the opponent, it shouldn't be a big problem if I want to run away.

Of course, all of this must at least wait until Ye Xuan reaches the fifth level of cultivation.

Ye Xuan soon started traveling in the capital. The capital of Daxia was not as prosperous as the one on the ancestral star. Instead, it felt peaceful and peaceful.

Let him walk in it and look at the surrounding scenery, as if he was in an ancient city in his previous life. There was no such prosperity, and there was peace and tranquility everywhere.

There is no too flashy technology, and there is no sense of feasting and feasting.

Makes people happy, comfortable and peaceful.

"Is this the view of the capital? It's not quite what I imagined, but it's certainly very refreshing."

With a faint smile on his lips, Ye Xuan looked at the classical buildings in front of him and felt the specialness brought by this city.

And when he walks into a small store, he will find that it is like stepping into the door of a new world. There are various decoration styles inside, with an excellent temperament and scenery like a fairy world, and also a cybernetic atmosphere. Punk-like technology style, as well as various different styles, each store has a different style.

It turns out that it's not that there's no lively entertainment in the capital, but that everything is hidden in the seemingly quiet shops.

Perhaps, this is the best in the eyes of those in power. Everywhere you look is beautiful. As for the other kind of life that many people want, it is just under the surface.

Anyway, out of sight is out of mind, and people who don't want to go to that kind of place can't see it.

Ye Xuan undoubtedly prefers tranquility to the hustle and bustle.

In this way, after wandering around for a long time, Ye Xuan returned to his own villa in Daming College.

"Principal? Why are you here?"

As soon as Ye Xuan returned home, he found that the principal had been waiting here for a long time.

When Zhu Yuanzhang saw Ye Xuan coming back, he smiled and asked straight to the point: "Have you seen Jianmu?"

"Yeah, is there anything strange?"

Ye Xuan sat down, spread his hands, and said nonchalantly.

After seeing Ye Xuan's admission, Zhu Yuanzhang looked solemn and asked again: "Do you know that Jianmu can't be seen all the time, and not everyone can see it every time he appears."

"What's the meaning?"

Ye Xuan's pupils shrank. According to Zhu Yuanzhang's words, wouldn't he say...

"Every time Jianmu appears, some people can see it, but some people can't. Even if you see it once, you may not see it the next time..."

"Maybe it's better to put it another way. Jianmu will always be there, but we can't see it. Whenever the opportunity comes, we can see Jianmu..."

Zhu Yuanzhang said slowly with a heavy tone.

After Ye Xuan heard this, there was an uproar in his heart. It turned out that Jianmu was always there, it was just about whether he could see him or not.

But there was another question that followed. Ye Xuan tilted his neck and frowned and asked Zhu Yuanzhang: "Principal, how did you know that I saw Jianmu?"

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled when he heard this, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said with a smile: "Haha, I sensed that you returned to the college immediately after leaving school and went to the library, so I knew that you were looking for things related to Jianmu."

"How can we judge based on this alone?"

Ye Xuan's nose arched slightly, and he said a little doubtfully.

"Because I was just like you back then. When I first came to Creation Continent, I saw Jianmu, so I immediately started looking up various information."

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled and looked at Ye Xuan aside. No one could bear not to check the information after meeting Jianmu.

After hearing what he said, Ye Xuan suddenly realized that it wasn't just this incident that made him think of Jianmu.

After figuring this out, Ye Xuan couldn't help but ask again: "Principal, was it really the Yellow Emperor who planted the wood and then helped him go to heaven?"

"I'm not very clear about this. After all, they are all written by ancestors. The buildings recorded by everyone are almost different. You have also seen this. So as for whether it was written by the Yellow Emperor, I don’t know much about planting.”

Zhu Yuanzhang slowly shook his head and explained, then he changed the subject and said again: "But according to legend, Jianmu is indeed a passage to another world, and this has never been broken from generation to generation! "

"Oh? If you say that, has anyone ascended?" Ye Xuan suddenly became energetic after hearing this and asked quickly.

He stared at Zhu Yuanzhang closely, looking forward to Zhu Yuanzhang's nod.

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he asked funnyly: "Ascension?"

But he turned around and said: "If you say it means ascending, then ascend. Anyway, from the moment I saw Jianmu, I have never heard of anyone being able to ascend. Although some things exist, they are always a mystery. Creation There are many, many mysteries like Jianmu in the mainland..."

"Okay, it's time for me to leave. I'll give you a piece of advice before I leave. There are some things that we can't figure out, maybe because our strength is far from enough...

So, don’t waste your time and energy on this kind of thing. The universe is very big, and there may be many unknown things. What the Creator God controls is far smaller than the unknown world..."

After saying that, Zhu Yuanzhang disappeared into Ye Xuan's villa.

But the words Zhu Yuanzhang said before leaving gave Ye Xuan a reminder.

Yes, there is absolutely no need to waste time on such things. Even Zhu Yuanzhang said this, so where can he go...

"Strength, you still need strength. At least the cultivation level is enough. All the answers are no longer answers. Since things have become answers, there is always an answer..."

An unprecedented thirst for knowledge appeared in Ye Xuan's eyes. This thirst for knowledge is what drives human progress.

Then, with a thought, he entered the prehistoric world.

Everything in the outside world cannot be handled by the current strength, so go to the ancient world and guide them to become stronger! ! !

In the wild world.

This time, Ye Xuan controlled the particles of the microscopic world and the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. Thinking of the methods taught to them by Teacher Wang Ke, Ye Xuan quickly gained a foundation.

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