Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 383 Time and space condense, great terror!

Ye Xuan was above the void, and his palms suddenly spread out forcefully.

Tiny but extremely terrifying and violent forces appeared one after another, and those tiny particles seemed to contain endless power.

As his palm suddenly clenched into a fist, in an instant, the terrifying and violent power in the particle body that originally seemed ordinary suddenly exploded.

In an instant, a particle exploded and shattered and transformed into the purest source of the world. Then, under the guidance of Ye Xuan, the source of the world continued to integrate into the countless time and space of the prehistoric times and turned into particles again. particle.

Parallel and non-parallel time and space began to continuously absorb the power of the world. With the absorption of these time and space, the breath of life in time and space began to become more powerful and more real.

Then it gradually solidified and turned into reality.

From now on, these parallel and non-parallel time and spaces are no longer illusory concepts in the past years, but real time and space.

And the condensation of these time and space made the strength of the prehistoric world advance by leaps and bounds. In an instant, the origin of the prehistoric world increased by more than a billion times, and its strength increased by more than a billion times.

Ye Xuan's strength increased rapidly, as if it had reached an unprecedented intensity.

In the past, although there were parallel and non-parallel time and space in the ancient world, it was actually just an illusory concept. This also resulted in every invasion from another world coming to the current time and space, and There is no way to go to the past time and space.

Although it is still possible to rely on the thoughts of Hunyuan to achieve the realm of Hunyuan and achieve immortality, but in the end it is just an illusion.

But now, as these time and space condensations come true, not only the strength of the prehistoric world has been greatly improved, but even Ye Xuan's strength has also been greatly improved.

He had a vague feeling, as if he had reached the upper limit of the fourth-level Creation God, as if he could break through to the next level at any time.

Above every particle of the origin of the world, there is a time and space, that is, another prehistoric world. How many particles are there?

It is an infinite amount of particles, which is an infinite amount of ancient time and space.

Although the power of the world will not be superimposed infinitely due to this situation, there will always be a very powerful improvement.

And those worlds that do not carry the origin of these particles have become immeasurable illusory worlds, just like before.

The combination of these real time and space, illusory time and space, and today's prehistoric world has become a real prehistoric world, and all of this has also created the foundation of the prehistoric world.

Hunyuan is the world that Ye Xuan wants to create. It is a world in which everyone can realize Hunyuan. No, it is a world in which everyone can realize Hunyuan.

After such a long time, after hearing about the mutual development of particles and the world, I finally cast a perfect foundation for Hunyuan.

At the moment when the foundation of Hunyuan was cast, all the strong men in the Hunyuan realm in the prehistoric era felt the changes in the Hunyuan realm.

The once almost illusory Hunyuan Dao Fruit now became extremely solid, as if it were a real thing.

The brilliance of the Hunyuan Dao Fruit made their understanding of the Dao much faster and deeper.

The upper limit of the entire prehistoric world seemed to have been completely raised. Emperor Jun, Suiren clan, ancestral wizards and other powerful people in the Hunyuan realm felt that their strength had become much stronger.

In the world of Tianwei, the energy of the universe in Fuxi's eyes is constantly flowing, and the Bagua Taoist rhyme behind him is flowing and nourishing.

The Tao Yun was so brilliant that it turned into a light that filled the sky and spread throughout the Tianwei Realm. Countless avenues and foundations were manifested in his body.

In the huge Heavenly Guard Realm, only Fuxi and Nuwa existed. In the past, they each occupied half of the sky, and their Taoist charms reflected each other.

However, at this time, the Taoist auras belonging to Nuwa's Avenue of Life and the Avenue of Creation were all crushed by the Daoguang formed by the condensed Taoist rhyme of Fuxi's Avenue of Heaven and Earth and the Avenue of Bagua.

At this moment, there is no life or creation in the Heavenly Guard Realm, only Fuxi's Tao Yun is left! ! !

Suddenly, a long river appeared in front of Fuxi.

This is a long river calculated from the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth. It is a long river transformed from the chessboard of heaven and earth. This is the long river of heaven and earth.

The end of the long river means the end of heaven and earth. At this moment, Fuxi spent countless time and space combining the power of Fuxi to spy on the end of the long river of heaven and earth.


Fuxi suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood. In an instant, his breath became weak, and the Dao light in the sky also dissipated. Even his eyes began to dim, and the Bagua Dao Yun behind him became even more sluggish.

He spent endless efforts trying to peek at the end of heaven and earth, but he could never see what the end was.

He only knows one thing. Today's prehistoric times have undergone new and major changes. This major change is not as obvious as the previous changes.

This change was something he had to work so hard to understand.


After Nuwa felt Fuxi's aura weakening, she immediately appeared in front of Fuxi and shouted anxiously.

"I have nothing to do, it's just that I failed to spy on the end of the world and was bitten back..."


"But I have gained nothing. This world has undergone great changes, so our strength has been improved a bit. In addition, the endless time and space in this world have solidified."

Fuxi put his hand on his chest and said while coughing.

He forced himself to peek at the backlash of heaven and earth, and was injured by the Tao. It would take a long time to recover.


Nuwa's pupils shrank suddenly when she heard the words. The solidification of time and space means that those endless time and space are no longer illusory, but realities, which also means that the current prehistoric world is not the only prehistoric world.

In other words, if she breaks through in other time and space, she will also break through.

Moreover, if she controls the avenue of time and space, she can go to any time and space at will, whether it is parallel or not.

Whether it is the future or not...

Everything, maybe it will slowly become stronger.


Then, Ye Xuan walked on the time and space of the heavens, walking in the endless time and space.

This endless time and space, the powerful people everywhere, are just a tiny particle, a particle to Ye Xuan.

He walked in a more magnificent and vast world, and every step fell in the time and space of the prehistoric world while transcending that time and space.

Then, Ye Xuan looked at the human race in the southern wilderness.

The human race in the southern wilderness has not been corrupted. They were created by the heart of the gods and their hearts are unwavering. Everyone has their own firm beliefs. They all believe in strengthening the human race and strengthening the human race.

Even if there are factions among them, even if there are countless differences among their sects, they all know that they are individuals first, and then they belong to which faction or sect.

This is also the reason why Luohou has never been able to plant demon seeds among the creatures of the human race to make the human race rebel. To be precise, there are demon seeds planted, and they have also guided people to practice the great way of demons, but no one has been brainwashed by him.

And this is the only time Luohou has made a loss-making business, which makes Luohou always remember it, but he dare not do anything to seduce people among the human race. After all, he has lost once, and he doesn't want to lose again.

Ye Xuan's eyes were shining brightly. He saw a stream of luck power hanging down from the Heavenly Dao, continuously.

This is commonly known as destiny. The human race is the protagonist of destiny, so it has this kind of luck power that is almost condensed into substance.

If one of them falls on a human creature, then that person is commonly known as the son of destiny. He will have a strong luck in his life, and everything he wants will come true. It is as easy as drinking water to break through his cultivation.

"Maybe I did something wrong..."

Ye Xuan looked at the human race in the Southern Wilderness, and suddenly thought of this idea in his heart.

In the past, he spent all his efforts to make the human race have higher potential. Now that this perfect human race has finally appeared, it seems that the hardships that should have been experienced have not actually been experienced.

"No, I was wrong..."

"In the past, I gave the human race the foundation of the strongest, gave them a foundation comparable to the sacred, and gave them an indomitable and unyielding character. All this was just to make them stronger.

But I don't want them to become the strongest almost smoothly. Things that are obtained without going through hardships are destined not to be cherished."

"So, I want the last calamity of the human race to become a real calamity, a calamity that is more tragic than the Dragon Han calamity in the past."

"The third calamity is called the Conferred God, but it is actually the Conferred Human!!!"

A fierce look flashed across Ye Xuan's eyes, and his eyes were full of severity.

Since its birth, the human race has become countless times stronger, but it has always been inferior to the demon race in all aspects. Whether it is the mind of the human emperor or the combat power, it is not as good as Emperor Jun.

If they are not allowed to experience a cruel war again, perhaps their upper limit will always be a strong man who lags behind the real peak level.

Although it is enough to rely on the advantage of the human race, the top combat power is indeed extremely lacking.

The top combat power of the human race is very strong, but it is far inferior to Di Jun, let alone Pangu...

What Ye Xuan wants is to make the human race truly top. He can make the human race the strongest as a group, but the most peak existence still depends on the human race itself.

And this does not mean that Ye Xuan wants the human race to dominate the prehistoric world. It is not the case. A real prehistoric world is impossible for one race to dominate, but a scene of a hundred schools of thought.

Ye Xuan has always done this, just like the prehistoric world today. Although the demon race is the most powerful force, there are also the witch clan, the underworld, the southern wilderness human race, and the four seas dragon clan to check and balance each other.

Of course, no matter how many schools of thought contend and check and balance, there is always the strongest existence. Ye Xuan naturally hopes that the human race will be the strongest existence.

As Ye Xuan's mind moved, the trend of the heavenly way changed completely, and the so-called Conferred God Tribulation that was originally set completely changed its meaning.

However, at this time, everything was still too early.

But there was also a hint...

In the Western Wilderness.

As Ye Xuan's mind moved, the trend of the heavenly way changed, and after Ye Xuan made the illusory time and space real, the creatures in the Hunyuan Realm became much stronger.

And the change in time and space undoubtedly made the Avenue of Time and the Avenue of Space much stronger.

As a result, the ancestors Yangmei and Shichen also benefited greatly from it.

"Today's prehistoric era is really terrible. It is far more difficult than the original prehistoric era. Although ferocious beasts were raging in the original prehistoric era, look at what has come out now.

It doesn't matter that there are endless gods and demons in the avenue, but what's even more outrageous is that Di Jun can actually kill the dark gods and demons with one move. What is the concept of this?

Moreover, now the great god Pangu has also appeared...

There is also an extremely terrifying aura that seems to have revived, and I don’t know what kind of god or demon it is..."

Ancestor Shi Chen, who is now Shi Amitabha, has a bit of worry in his eyes, and is extremely unsure of his own strength.

Sakyamuni Buddha, who stood aside and raised his eyebrows, was silent when he heard the words. However, after hearing the words, the Yin-Yang Glaze Medicine Master Buddha, a light flashed in his eyes.

"Two Taoist friends, there is no need to be too nervous. I exerted all my Tao charm and finally relied on the Yin-Yang Avenue to spy on the yin and yang of the world and seize the glimmer of life."

"Oh? What is it? Tell me quickly!"

Raising his eyebrows, Sakyamuni Buddha was overjoyed when he heard this and asked quickly.

The Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha pretended to smile profoundly, and then said: "The destined protagonist of the human race, I finally saw a possibility of being broken in the infinite time and space!!!"


The raised eyebrows of Sakyamuni Buddha and Amitabha Buddha were both shocked and exclaimed when they heard this.

"Are you serious?"

Shichen Amitabha asked next, his eyes full of distrust of Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Master Buddha.

Even the saints in charge of Time Avenue and Space Avenue don't know about this kind of thing. How can a mere Yin-Yang Avenue know about things in other time and space?

"Of course!" Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha said matter-of-factly. After speaking, he frowned slightly and looked at Amitabha Buddha dissatisfiedly: "Did the Buddha in the past think that the poor monk was lying?"

Buddha Sakyamuni, who raised his eyebrows, quickly came out with a smile and reconciled: "No, no, no, this news is too shocking, so it makes past Buddhas a little surprised. I hope future Buddhas will not think too much."

After hearing this, Shichen Amitabha didn't say much and gave up his defense.

When the Yin-Yang Glaze Medicine Master Buddha saw the raised-brow Sakyamuni Buddha willing to come out to fight, he took advantage of the situation and got off the donkey.

He nodded and said slowly: "Although the human race is the destined protagonist, it will suffer a great disaster in the future. This is the Great Tribulation of the Gods, and it is also the next calamity after the Lich Tribulation."

After hearing what the Yin-Yang Glazed Medicine Master Buddha said, Amitabha Buddha and Sakyamuni Buddha were immediately in an uproar.

"I didn't even know about this, but he knew about it?!"

With raised eyebrows, Sakyamuni Buddha looked at the Yin-Yang Glazed Medicine Master Buddha beside him, and thought with mixed feelings in his heart.

He knew that this meant that the other party's understanding of the Great Dao was far superior to his own. He did not know this because he did not have enough understanding of the Great Dao.

As for Shichen Amitabha, he didn't think much about it. He has always been the one with the least eyesight, and he should also have the least understanding of the Tao. It's just that the most shocking thing is not the raised eyebrows but the yin and yang, that's all.

Although the three of them are said to be strong and weak, in reality no one can do anything to the other. The Avenue of Time and the Avenue of Space are too shameless. As long as their cultivation levels are not too different, they cannot kill each other at all.

At this time, Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Master Buddha was also filled with pride. If he hadn't still had a need for Buddhism, these two bastards would have run away long ago. What happened when they were chased by the gods and demons of light? He remembered it clearly.

Now that I can see the shock of the two of them and the expression of Yangmei Ancestor as if he has eaten shit, I feel relieved.

"In the future, besides the human race, who else will be the leader of the future Buddha and the conferring of gods and calamities?"

Raising his eyebrows, Sakyamuni Buddha put aside other thoughts in his mind and couldn't help but ask.

The Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Master Buddha also wanted to know after hearing the words, so his whole body emitted bursts of Tao light, and he closed his eyes to meditate.

"Witches...demon...dragons...immortals...demon...Buddha...all of them, almost all the forces from all races in the wild seem to have participated in this battle..."


Having said this, the Yin Yang Glaze Medicine Master Buddha suddenly spurted out a large mouthful of blood, which evaporated and disappeared before it even hit the ground.

"Big...big...horror!!!" He shouted with a look of horror on his face.


The raised eyebrows of Sakyamuni Buddha took a deep breath when he saw this, Yin and Yang actually suffered such a backlash.

And he also said something terrible, what on earth did he see?

Also, the other party said that all the forces in the ancient world will work together to deal with the human race, even Buddhism is no exception...

This is probably the possibility that Yin Yang said that the destiny of the human race will be deprived...

For a moment, turbulent waves surged in his mind, and various speculations began to appear and be overturned.

At this time, although Amitabha was shocked for a while, he didn't take it to heart in an instant and just hit him. It's not like he wouldn't do anything when the time came.

Besides, big terrors and the like were none of his business. He was not going to provoke those so-called big terrors.


After Yin Yang Liuli Medicine Buddha made a slight adjustment, he let out a long breath, and the suppressed feeling in his chest instantly improved a lot.

"Future Buddha, what did you see just now?" Sakyamuni Buddha raised his eyebrows and couldn't help asking with a frown.

After hearing this, Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha shook his head slowly and said, "I have never really seen anything terrifying. I only caught a glimpse of it and was injured by its aura without seeing anything. If I hadn't withdrawn it early, I'm afraid..."

He didn't say anything else, but both Yang Mei and Shi Chen understood the meaning of the words, and they subconsciously showed a look of horror again.

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