Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 384: True Spirit Authority, Realm of Death

"Can you elaborate on the forces that besieged the human race as mentioned earlier?" Buddha Shakyamuni with raised eyebrows asked immediately.

"No, my realm is just a glimpse of these, there is no more..." Yin Yang Liuli Medicine Buddha shook his head slowly.

After hearing Yin Yang's words, the old ancestor Yang Mei also frowned, but did not say much.

Although he did not know whether the old ancestor Yin Yang was telling the truth, he could not ask any more.

Since the old ancestor Yin Yang only said these, then whether it was only these or not, he would only say these.

So, there was no point in asking again.

After getting these words, Buddha Shakyamuni with raised eyebrows fell into his own world.

And Yin Yang Liuli Medicine Buddha sneered in his heart, how could he tell everything to these two guys who betrayed him.


The underworld.

"Strange, how come many true spirits have disappeared..."

Hou Tu was in the underworld and felt that the number of true spirits between heaven and earth seemed to have decreased a lot. This was based on the number of people who came to the underworld.

In the past, the number of true spirits that came to the underworld every day was almost the same, but in recent days, the number of true spirits has dropped a lot.

True spirits are something that every living being has, whether it is a dead soul or a living soul.

After a living being dies, it will generally become a dead soul, that is, a thing like the three souls and seven spirits. If it is more cruel or dies again, then after the three souls and seven spirits disappear, it is basically completely fallen from the world.

The only thing that can prove that it still exists is the true spirit, which is why it is called the true spirit. In any case, it is proven to exist.

In theory, all living beings in the world will be attracted to the underworld and come to the underworld to re-enter the cycle of reincarnation after becoming true spirits.

According to the way of balance of heaven, the number of people who were beaten into true spirits in the prehistoric world will not actually differ too much, but in recent days, Hou Tu has clearly felt that the number of true spirits has decreased.

What does this mean? It means that the true spirits have been robbed.

Because in the prehistoric world, only the Hunyuan realm can destroy the true spirit, that is to say, unless the Hunyuan realm attacks the non-Hunyuan realm, but this possibility is not high. Why do they do such a thing that hurts the heaven and earth when they have nothing to do?

Moreover, she could clearly feel that someone had taken action to lead the true spirit to another place.

But who in the world has the authority to face the true spirit more powerful than Hou Tu?

A layer of haze shrouded the prehistoric world, as if to cover everything.

All this made Hou Tu not see clearly.

So, Hou Tu found her teacher, the God of Reincarnation.

She came to the front of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, bowed to the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and said respectfully: "Disciple Hou Tu, I have something to ask the teacher."

A wisp of consciousness floated out, and soon formed the appearance of the God of Reincarnation.

"What's the matter?"

"May I ask, teacher, is there a great way of gods and demons in the world that can be stronger than the great way of reincarnation when facing the dead? Why do I feel that someone is attracting the true spirits in the world behind the scenes, so that the true spirits in the land of reincarnation are decreasing day by day..."

Hou Tu did not dare to act rashly and asked respectfully.


The god and demon of reincarnation heard the words and uttered a light exclamation, frowned slightly, and his heart suddenly jumped, and then he began to calculate.

Bursts of the power of the great way appeared on his body, and the rhyme of the Tao emitted bursts of light, and even had a hint of strange fragrance.

He saw a pair of big hands that penetrated all the dead and living souls in the past, present and future, and exuded the breath of death.

After a moment, the eyes of the god and demon of reincarnation suddenly opened, and there was some surprise in his words, and he whispered: "The breath of death..."

"Sure enough, you have revived..."

After hearing the teacher's words, Hou Tu's eyes also shrank, and she couldn't help being shocked.

"It turned out to be the god and demon of death, no wonder I can't completely take over the power..." Hou Tu said with some amazement.

"Don't be afraid. For the dead, the power of reincarnation is greater than death. That's why only a few of the true spirits are missing, not all of them."

The God of Reincarnation shook his head slightly, obviously not too concerned.

Although the God of Death is powerful, there is no need to worry too much. Stealing some true spirits is fine, but if they dare to disturb the underworld, then we have to ask Him whether He agrees or not.

"Don't worry too much. Okay, Master has something important to do. You can leave first."

After saying that, the God of Reincarnation entered the six reincarnations again.

Hou Tu had no choice but to bow and say, "My disciple, goodbye."

After saying that, she returned to her own Hou Tu Palace.

After she sat down, she felt more and more that those true spirits should be nurtured in the underworld, and then go to reincarnate, and should not disappear in the prehistoric world and never see each other again.

"No, we can't let the God of Death go on like this..."

Thinking of this, Hou Tu's majestic words appeared.

"Tu Bo, Feng Du, come to see me in the Samsara Palace."

After saying that, she closed her eyes and waited for the two to come.

Although Tu Bo and Feng Du died in the battle in the past, the long years have passed and they have been reborn.

It can be said that the battle between the two tribes of witches and liches was almost meaningless except for completing a great trend of the heavenly way.

Since Taiyi in the Heavenly Court was revived, he actually lost the power of the Sun. Although the reborn Taiyi is still the three-legged golden crow and still controls the way of the Sun, he has lost the power of the Sun God.

It is not that he does not have it, but that it is occupied by Emperor Jun and cannot be returned to Taiyi.

If Emperor Jun dies, the power will all belong to Taiyi, which is a cycle.

The strength of those who control the complete power of the Sun will naturally increase significantly. Although Taiyi has lost part of the power of the Sun, it is only for the control of the Sun, and it has no effect on combat power, cultivation and realm.

Tubo and Fengdu Emperor Chiyou soon came to Houtu Palace.

In Houtu Palace.


The two saluted and shouted in unison.

Hou Tu opened her eyes upon hearing this, and slowly said, "I called you here for the matter of the true spirit. I believe you have already noticed it."

Tu Bo nodded, and then asked in confusion, "Just as the queen said, do you know the reason?"

Although Chi You, the Emperor of Fengdu, knew about it, he actually didn't care too much about it, so he didn't say much.

What true spirit of the egg, it disappeared, it disappeared, it was plundered, it was plundered, as long as it didn't happen in the underworld, everything didn't matter.

Of course, if they came to plunder or kill the dead in the underworld, it would be within the duties of the Emperor of Fengdu, and he would be furious!

"It was the death god and devil who revived and used his authority." Hou Tu nodded, and then said.


Tu Bo took a breath of cold air upon hearing this, it was the death god and devil who revived.

The God of Death holds the power of death. Whether it is the living or the dead, they may be controlled by him.

Holding death, all living and dead souls can be enveloped by the breath of death. It is the real death, not reincarnation.

The death of living beings is not real death. There are still primordial spirits and true spirits that can be reincarnated. But if even the true spirit dies, it is the real death.

That is the real death!

The God of Death is the existence that holds all of this. He has the power to make all living beings and dead souls fall into real death.

For the creatures of the prehistoric world, the God of Death is undoubtedly an existence that makes them extremely afraid.

"If it is allowed to be like this, the creatures in the prehistoric world will never have peace. I don't know how many creatures will return to the era without reincarnation and will not be able to reincarnate and live another life..."

Hou Tu's eyes were bright, with love, care and a hint of determination in her eyes.

"This is a reversal of history. As a descendant of the Father God, I, Hou Tu, will never allow such a thing to happen."

Hou Tu's words shocked Chi You and Tu Bo. They did not expect Hou Tu to actually intend to get rid of the Death God and Demon.

Doesn't this mean that the Death God and Demon must be killed?

But the Death God and Demon are the representatives of the Disorder Camp, one of the three major camps of Chaos in the past. They are the most powerful Disorder God and Demon besides the leader Destroyer God and Demon.

Even more powerful than the Dark God and Demon...

Even more terrifying than the Killing God and Demon...

Hou Tu's eyes actually outlined the epitome of the Six Paths of Reincarnation at this moment, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation rolled in his eyes.

The God and Demon that caused such harm to the prehistoric creatures, only sleeping here is the real good God and Demon...

In the void.

Ye Xuan looked at the current trend of the Heavenly Dao and everything that the world's operation would bring, and nodded slightly.

"Only in this way can it be regarded as a true catastrophe, and only in this way can the human race be reborn from the ashes, experience the last tempering, and become the strongest."

"I made the human race strong from birth. Although it is a good thing for the human race, it is also a bad thing in a sense. Only by being born in the insignificant, experiencing a hundred hardships and climbing to the top, and leaning over the sky and the earth, can the human race become the strongest in the true sense. But I have only achieved being born in the insignificant, and have not yet made them experience pain..."

"Those who have gone from being insignificant to being the strongest are often much stronger than those who are born strong..."

"Today's furnace of heaven and earth is becoming more and more stable, allowing many creatures to obtain their own treasures, and the creatures in the human race will not suffer too much because of being born late..."

Ye Xuan whispered in his heart.

To be honest, the human race is now truly standing on the top. No matter which major force in the prehistoric world, it is impossible to say that it is a sure victory for the human race. Even if they can beat themselves, it is basically a miserable victory.

However, the real strongest is still far inferior to the strongest of other forces. Suirenshi also knows this in his heart, so he is determined to fill this gap.

If the peak combat power of Dijun really starts a war, it is completely possible to make the high-level fighters of the human race fall quickly, thus causing the collapse of the overall situation.

The human race is naturally strong, whether in terms of foundation or talent, they are all at the top of the prehistoric world.

Those with a deeper foundation than the human race almost do not have the talent of the human race, and those with more outstanding talents than the human race lack some of the deep foundation of the human race.

The most exaggerated thing is that the human race is powerful in batches, while other innate sacred beings are only a few dozen at most, and this is the gap between the two.

"Whether we can survive this catastrophe in the end, whether we can make it to the end, and what the last step is, all depends on the human race themselves."

"In the end, it is enough to simply dominate the ancient world, or it is the strongest race that surpasses all the achievements in the world."

"It's up to you to write all this..." Ye Xuan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and his heart was filled with joy.

But the next moment, he felt a special aura appearing in the prehistoric world.

"That is……"

In the wild world.

The Death God and Demon stands in the Arctic. It is a desolate existence. The eternal Arctic glaciers cover almost the entire Arctic. Even if it is not covered, it is still a desolate land.

This is a place where all life is extinct. The cold energy is raging across the Arctic glaciers, and even the gods passing by are unable to stop it. Just like the Antarctic volcanic land, without strong cultivation to support themselves, those creatures cannot be here at all. Survive.

In this place where the cold and powerful energy was once raging, a new world suddenly appeared.

Standing deep in the glacier.

The place around the depths of the glacier was empty, only the endless breath of death remained.

That is the realm of death created by the death gods and demons in the Arctic. This is the real death. Those who enter this realm will have no eternal life.

Those who enter this world will fall into real death and become slaves of the gods and demons of death. They cannot transcend or escape. They will never be able to escape from this identity for eternity.

Until they are killed by other beings and completely dissipate between heaven and earth, or the death gods and demons fall into sleep in the avenue, they will also completely dissipate between heaven and earth.

All in all, when the person is captured by the death god and demon and becomes a slave of death, this person can no longer survive in the wilderness and can only serve as a slave of the death god and demon. When death dissipates, it is their escape hour.

In today's prehistoric chaos, even the two Lich clans who had always maintained the peace of heaven and earth had a decisive battle, not to mention the other races in today's prehistoric world, which were fighting against each other and causing friction everywhere.

But fortunately, there is no trouble between the major forces. Each race is busy with its own development, just like before.

"Everything will return to death, and the world of the dead is the real destination..."

"The essence of life is to return to death, which is the root of everything..."

The eyes of the Death God Demon were shining with light as he murmured in a low voice.

Then the endless aura of death appeared from the realm of death.

Wow! ! !

The endless breath of death floats unbridled in the Arctic.

With the tyranny of the breath of death, what is floating in the air across the Arctic glaciers is no longer just the terrifying and harsh gas, but also the infinitely terrifying death breath...

Everything is enveloped in the shroud of death. The Arctic land, which was originally devoid of life, has become devoid of any living beings in the entire Arctic land after this tyranny of death! ! !

The death given to all living things is the avenue of death, which is on the opposite side of the avenue of life.

But now, the Death God and Demon uses the death energy that annihilates everything to pull the entire Arctic glacier land into death.

In the past, the Arctic was not as good as the Hunyuan people who could rely on their own cultivation to resist for a while, or even the creatures who were not afraid of the severe cold were able to survive in the Arctic.

However, from now on, neither the former nor the latter will be able to survive in the Arctic for a moment.

Of course, not all beings are unable to stay in the Arctic. As long as those who have reached the Hunyuan realm can still survive in the Arctic.

Hunyuan is immortal. To a certain extent, even death cannot kill Hunyuan.

For Hunyuan, they imprinted the heavens in infinite time and space, thereby becoming immortal and immortal. This prehistoric time and space was just a mere realm.

Of course, if the Death God takes action himself, that would be another matter.

"Death will sweep everything away, and there will be no other breath in the Arctic..." The Death God and Demon whispered.

With the whisper of death, the terrifying death air floating in the Arctic began to boil continuously! ! !

Then a terrifying scene occurred.

Wow! ! !

Whether it's the sky or the mountains and rivers, whether it's the sun, the moon or the stars, everything is enveloped in the aura of death at this moment.

Suddenly, the endless creatures in the wild began to feel panic.

This scene was far more terrifying than the previous Lich Showdown, because the previous Lich Showdown did not affect their existence.

But at this moment.

The concept of the firmament is dissipating.

The sun, moon and stars are being devoured.

The mountains and rivers are breaking and the rivers are solidifying.

This endless death energy is annihilating everything.

The entire Arctic land no longer has any scenery. It is shrouded in the breath of death. It is extremely dark all year round and falls into the true polar night. From then on, there is no aurora or daylight in the Arctic land.

Even the mountains and rivers have disappeared, leaving only a death realm built on glaciers in the Arctic.

Since then, cold has been linked to death, and extreme cold is another synonym for death.

"Only by completely penetrating death can I be fully awakened..." The Death God and Demon whispered.

He did not really awaken, but only awakened a consciousness. He could not even be called a soul or spirit. He was just a consciousness. He longed for the solidification of the body of the Great Dao and longed for a real awakening.

But it was soon. As he created a death realm in the Arctic glacier, it was already soon.

However, just as the death gods and demons listened to the wailing of the Arctic.


Eight extremely powerful mixed auras suddenly appeared.

Queen Tu of the Earth, Tu Bo, Lord of the Underworld, Chi You, the Great Emperor of Fengdu, Shen Tu, the Eastern Ghost Emperor, Du Ziren, the Southern Ghost Emperor, Zhao Wenhe, the Western Ghost Emperor, Zhang Heng, the Northern Ghost Emperor, and Zhou Qi, the Central Ghost Emperor.

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