Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 385 Death retreats, deathly aura reigns

The strongest Hunyuan among the eight underworlds descended into the death realm of the North Pole.

"Death God and Demon, you are too rampant!!!" Hou Tu was full of anger and said righteously: "You have caused countless primitive true spirits to die, and now you have turned the North Pole into a death realm. This crime should be punished!!!"

"This crime should be punished!!!"

Tu Bo's eyes also flashed with dangerous light. He knew how powerful the god and demon in front of him was.

That was the existence that held the power of death, that was the destination of death, that was the Great Dao God and Demon!

And he was born in the Nine Nether Yellow Springs, linked to death, so he naturally knew how terrifying the death god and demon were!

"Humph! The hypocritical ants are so pitiful!" The death god and demon glanced at Hou Tu with disdain and said coldly.

When Chi You heard that Death dared to insult Hou Tu, he was furious and shouted: "How dare you!!!"

"Get lost!"

The God of Death then glanced at Chi You, and his heart was already filled with endless anger.

He was the most noble God of the Great Dao. These damned ants dared to yell at him. They really didn't want to live.

With the glance of the God of Death, a wisp of death energy shot towards Chi You, absorbing the death energy around on the way and bursting out.

Chi You saw this and the Hunyuan Dao Fruit appeared. With the burst of Dao Yun, he blocked the attack.

"Heh, you have some skills, but that's all!" The God of Death looked at Chi You strangely and found that the other party could actually block his attack.

But that was all. He just made a casual attack, which caused the other party to use the Dao Yun to offset it. In this way, the gap between them could be seen.

As his mind moved.

Hua La La! ! !

The Dao rhyme of the Great Dao of Death completely erupted.

In an instant, the death energy reflected the entire Arctic land. The endless death energy gathered together and actually flickered with some light. That was the light of death, the light that led people to death!

And these death lights were also extremely terrifying things for those who achieved the state of Hunyuan.

He was dead, so he should send everything back and give all living beings the true death! ! !

Even the state of Hunyuan was no exception! ! !

The pure and terrifying Dao rhyme of death enveloped everything, and soon suppressed the Dao rhyme of Chiyou's Great Dao of War.

Seeing this, Hou Tu and the other seven Hunyuans did not dare to be arrogant. Knowing the fear of these gods and demons, they all took action.

In an instant.

The Dao rhyme of many great ways filled the Dao rhyme of the entire Great Dao of Death, and it was washed away and collapsed faintly.

Hou Tu's avenue seemed to restrain the avenue of death. The avenue of reincarnation flourished at this moment, and the power of reincarnation and the power of death were entangled.

The avenue of reincarnation is the avenue between death and life. It contains the avenue of life towards death and death towards life. Reincarnation is a very special avenue. It is the extreme of death and the extreme of life. They are intertwined with each other, living from the extreme of death and dying from the extreme of life.

Therefore, the breath of life contained in it can restrain the avenue of death. Although it is not really very restraining, it also has some effect.

Later, although Shen Tu was the ghost emperor, he was actually a great witch, not a pure ghost. What he cultivated was the avenue of life. He was also the only one in the witch clan who specialized in the avenue of life. It was unprecedented.

The avenue of life and the avenue of death are mutually reinforcing and mutually restraining. However, after all, it is not the avenue of life displayed by the gods and demons of life, so it is still suppressed by the avenue of death.

But under the suppression of Chiyou's Great Dao of War and the Dao rhyme of the other four ghost emperors, as well as Tu Bo's Nine Nether Yellow Springs Great Dao, the eight mixed Yuan strongmen almost dispersed the Dao rhyme of the Death God and Demon! !

The Death God and Demon were horrified when they saw this. Are the lowly creatures in this damn prehistoric world so powerful? ? Can they actually compete with the gods and demons? !

Shouldn't such lowly creatures be the opponents of the gods and demons no matter how many they come? Shouldn't they be the food of the gods and demons? !

"No!!! This is absolutely impossible!! It must be because my body of gods and demons has not yet condensed!!!"

The Death God and Demon looked at the several mixed Yuan strongmen in front of him with cold eyes, shouting silently in his heart.

But even so, this is an extremely terrifying thing. These later creatures, the creatures created and bred by Pangu, can actually compete with the Great Dao Gods and Demons with only consciousness. This is also an extremely terrifying thing! ! !

Let alone the consciousness of the Great Dao God and Demon, even if it is a remnant of the Great Dao God and Demon, even if it is a hair and flesh of the Great Dao God and Demon, or the Dao rhyme, or something else.

Anyway, as long as it is a living being that is related to the Great Dao God and Demon, it is not comparable to these acquired creatures! ! !

Not to mention the consciousness of the Great Dao God and Demon! This is the Great Dao God and Demon itself! It's just that there is no body of the Great Dao God and Demon! ! !

"No, they have the breath of the Great Dao God and Demon, they are also the remnant of the Great Dao God and Demon, so they can be so powerful!!!"

Soon, the Death God and Demon found the reason in the fight. It turned out that these guys also had the remnant or flesh of the Great Dao God and Demon in their bodies.

"No! This woman and these three guys do have the aura of Pangu and Huangquan God and Demon, but these four souls do not have the aura of the Great Dao God and Demon. Why are they so powerful?"

The Death God and Demon suddenly discovered that except Houtu, Tubo, Chiyou, and Shentu, no one had the aura of the Great Dao God and Demon. The four ghost emperors were indeed ghosts cultivated by the human race after death.

The human race is so talented that after the dead human race became ghosts, they rose step by step. They were so powerful that they were selected by Houtu and became four of the Five Ghost Emperors.

The Eastern Ghost Emperor, the leader of the Five Ghost Emperors, was appointed by the Great Witch of the Witch Clan, that is Shentu.

In other words, except Shentu, the others were actually transformed from the human race in life form.

In fact, ghosts and living beings are only different in life forms, even true spirits are the same, at least in the eyes of the Death God and Demon, whether it is a ghost or a living being, in his eyes, they are actually living beings, which is different from the cognition of most beings in the prehistoric world.

In the face of death, only when everything is gone is it true death...


Boom! ! !

The endless death energy of the entire Arctic land gathered together, forcibly interrupting the confrontation between the Death God and Demon and the eight Hunyuan realms.

The Death God and Demon snorted coldly, forcibly interrupted the confrontation, and his figure dissipated between heaven and earth.

He already understood that he could not deal with the eight Hunyuan in front of him, mainly because there were the annoying Life Avenue and Reincarnation Avenue in them. If there were no two mutually restraining Avenues, he would have claimed that he would not be unable to deal with these eight ants, even if he had not really awakened.

With the departure of the Death God and Demon, the North Pole did not return to its original state, but was completely transformed by it. Even if the Death God and Demon were not here, it could not be restored.

Hou Tu frowned when she saw this. Although she and several other Hunyuan strongmen could deal with the Death God and Demon together, they could not catch up with them at all, let alone find a God and Demon who wanted to hide in the vast wilderness.

"Empress, what should we do?" Chi You asked puzzledly.

The reason why they could drive away the Death God and Demon was not because they were so strong, but because they were unwilling to fight to the death with them. Of course, if they could not take them down, there would be a steady stream of witches and even ancestors to support them, and the Death God and Demon would be defeated sooner or later.

Perhaps the other party realized this, so they left here neatly and threw such a big problem to them.

The Five Ghost Emperors knew that they did not have much say, so they simply looked at Hou Tu.

Tu Bo, who was standing by, also looked at Hou Tu. He didn't know what to do in this situation.

"Aren't gods and demons extremely proud? How could they run away..." Hou Tu said helplessly. When she came, she thought that the eight of them might not be able to beat the other party, and she had even thought of calling for reinforcements, but she never thought that gods and demons would actually run away...

Shouldn't the existence of the Dao gods and demons fight to the death...

So, Hou Tu was also very helpless. Tu Bo was stunned when he heard the words, then smiled bitterly and said tentatively: "Although this place has been assimilated by it, maybe we can try to see if we can expel these dead air?"

Hou Tu nodded and smiled bitterly: "Now we can only try..."

She didn't know whether she and others could expel the dead air here, but now she could only try it.

Hua La La! ! !

As Hou Tu's words fell, a group of eight Hunyuan strongmen tried to use their own Dao Yun to expel these dead air.

After a while,

"No, my Dao rhyme is completely unable to expel it..." Western Ghost Emperor Zhao Wenhe sighed and said helplessly.

His Dao rhyme was injected into it, but there was no reaction at all, and the death energy did not decrease at all.

"Yeah, I can't do it either..."

"And me, it's useless..."

"Me too..."

As Zhao Wenhe spoke, Northern Ghost Emperor Zhang Heng, Southern Ghost Emperor Du Ziren, and Central Ghost Emperor Zhou Qi spoke one after another.

Their Dao rhyme injected into the death energy not only failed to reduce the death energy, but even had a tendency to increase it, so they all stopped.

"Empress, mine doesn't seem to work either..." Fengdu Emperor Chi You said silently, a little embarrassed, he felt a little uncomfortable because he couldn't help Hou Tu.

"Ahem, my Dao rhyme was injected into it, and the death energy seemed to be nourished, and it became more..." Tu Bo's old face blushed, and he said a little embarrassedly.

Others didn't help, he was just a hindrance.

Hou Tu shook her head slowly and said, "It's OK. It seems that this death energy can only be driven away by the Dao rhyme of the Great Dao of Life..."

Not only are they useless, but even Hou Tu's Dao rhyme of the Great Dao of Reincarnation is also pitifully ineffective.

After seeing that the Dao rhyme of the Great Dao of the Eastern Ghost Emperor Shen Tu was useful, Hou Tu immediately realized that if she wanted to dispel the death energy, she had to use the Dao rhyme of the Great Dao of Life.

"My Queen, although my Dao rhyme is useful, it can't keep up with the growth rate of these death energy..." Shen Tu said a little depressed. His Dao rhyme is the most effective one among all the people present.

But these death energy are endless and more and more, and the speed at which he consumes can't keep up with the speed of growth...

Hou Tu looked at this land of death. It used to be a land of glaciers, but now it has turned into such a ghostly appearance.

I couldn't help but sigh. I originally wanted to dispel it, but the death energy kept growing out, and even after death, it kept coming out.

But fortunately, these dead energy will not spread out, but will continue to be strong in the Arctic Land. This can barely be regarded as a good thing, and it is much better than spreading to the Northern Wasteland.

"That's all, you can go back later. Shen Tu will go with me to the Tianwei Realm."

Hou Tu sighed, waved his hand, and told the others to go back first, while he took Shen Tu to the Tianwei Realm to find Nuwa.

Nuwa is the one who has the deepest understanding of the path of life in the entire ancient world. If you want to dispel these dead energy, you can only place your hope on Nuwa.

After hearing this, Tu Bo and others also understood what Hou Tu was going to do, so they all bowed and left, and then returned to the underworld together.

In the Heavenly Guard Realm.

Fuxi was still suffering from injuries, so he couldn't come out of seclusion.

At this time, Nuwa was receiving Hou Tu and Shen Tu who had just arrived.

"I wonder why Your Majesty Hou Tu came here this time?" Nuwa smiled and bowed her hands.

Hou Tu returned the gift and said solemnly: "Do you know about the death gods and demons?"

Nuwa frowned when she heard this, shook her head, and asked doubtfully: "The god of death has awakened?"

She didn't even know about this, and had never left the Tianwei Realm. Although the Tianwei Realm was a foreign world that relied on the prehistoric world, it was also separated from the prehistoric world. Therefore, what happened in the prehistoric world, Nuwa didn't know.

Hou Tu nodded and continued: "Well, not only that, it also wiped out countless true spirits in the ancient world. It was death in the true sense. From now on, there will never be any more of them in the ancient world.

Moreover, it has turned the Arctic glacier land into a realm of death. The original Arctic land is now full of the breath of death. Only the Taoist rhyme of the avenue of life can dispel the endless death air. "

After hearing Hou Tu's words, Nuwa completely understood that she was here to ask for help. Thinking that the other party was harming the wilderness, she immediately stopped caring about the witches and monsters, and quickly agreed.

"I will go to the North Pole to drive away those dead spirits."

After saying that, Nuwa went to the North Pole with Hou Tu and Shen Tu.

The arctic land, the land of death.

After Nuwa came here, she realized that the Arctic had already experienced such great trauma.

There is no light of hope here, only the light of death.

There is no sky here, only a world of death.

There is no hope or anything here, just death and coldness, accompanied by the sound of silent wind.


Nuwa shouted loudly, and the rhyme of the Avenue of Life spurted out instantly, turning into a huge water and heading towards the death aura that filled the sky.

The mighty forces of death and life are entangled, tightly intertwined, and counteracting each other.

Nuwa's Dao Yun of the Dao of Life was much more powerful than Shen Tu's. Upon seeing this, Shen Tu quickly followed her own Dao Yun.

However, although the two people's Dao Yun of Life can curb the trend of increasing death energy, it cannot reduce the death energy at all.

This also means that Nuwa and Shentu alone cannot eliminate the dead energy and return the Arctic land to its original state.

"No, if this continues, even if the divine power is exhausted, I'm afraid it won't be able to offset the death energy."

Nuwa took back her Dao Yun and looked at the death aura in front of her with complicated eyes. She could not do this with her ability.

"If you want to counteract these dead energy, unless you find the life gods and demons, I'm afraid it won't be possible to eliminate them..."

After hearing Nuwa's words, Houtu also fell into deep thought.

Gods and Demons of Life...

How to do this? So many life gods and demons have been born in the world, but they still have not been conceived.

Just as the three of them were worrying about it, they heard a burst of wild laughter coming from the other side.


Everyone heard the sound and went out, only to see that it was the death god and demon who had been beaten away before.

When the death god and demon appeared again, Hou Tu's face turned pale. She knew how powerful the god and demon in front of her was. At this time, with the strength of the three of them, Guang couldn't stop the death god and demon on the opposite side.

"There were eight of you just now, but now there are only three. I want to see how you plan to survive!!!"

The Death God and Demon laughed ferociously, and the terrifying but endless death energy instantly enveloped the three of them.

"The Divine Tree of Life!!!"

Seeing this, Nuwa quickly used her magical power, and a sacred tree exuded the breath of life and rose up from the ground, growing slowly from the Arctic glacier land that was enveloped in death and extremely cold.

In an instant, it grew into a towering tree.

The luxuriant branches and leaves almost covered the sky and the sun, and soon covered Nuwa, Houtu, and Shentu from being attacked by those dead energy.

However, this sacred tree only persisted for a while before being broken by the endless death energy.

"In reincarnation, you can see eternal life, and death will disappear!"

The six paths of reincarnation in Hou Tu's eyes reappeared, the divine light shining brightly and flowing erratically.

The power of reincarnation unfolded with his eye skills, washing over the body of the death god and demon.

"Damn ants, disgusting smell!"

The Death God Demon cursed in disgust, and then waved his hand, sending a ray of death slashing towards the three of them.

Whether it was the aura of the Avenue of Life or the aura of the Avenue of Reincarnation, he didn't like it.

Wow! ! !

The rhyme of reincarnation combined with the rhyme of life formed a huge wall, trying to block this slash.

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