Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 386 Three Rules, Immortality Emerges in One Thought

Boom boom!!!

A huge sound came, and the slash of the light of death washed away the wall composed of life and reincarnation.

This slash issued by the death god and demon, which led the living beings to death, slashed towards the three people with great momentum. The three people felt that they were instantly fixed, unable to break free, unable to escape, and unable to stop.

They could only watch the slash symbolizing death coming towards them. They had a premonition, and their strong feeling told them that this slash had the ability to make them really fall into death and unable to extricate themselves! ! !

There was even a possibility that they would be taken as slaves by the death god and demon, and become death slaves who would never turn over...

At the critical moment.

"How dare you hurt my subordinates!"

A tall figure appeared in front of the three people. It was Emperor Jun. He waved his hand and raised his infinite power.

In countless time and space, a sun shines, illuminating the ages, spanning the heavens, and everything seems to be unable to escape the watch of this sun.

The concept of the sun god and the concept of the emperor of heaven merge together, illuminating the nine heavens and ten earths, illuminating the ages, and infinite time and space.

The slashing light that wanted to lead the three people to death, but it was lightly hovering in the hands of Emperor Jun.

Emperor Jun's eyes were bright, looking at the death air that kept circling in his hand but could not escape, and he blew gently, and the slash symbolizing death disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared.

His figure shines in the heavens, and his sight spans infinite years.

He is the emperor of heaven, the synonym of the ceiling of combat power in the prehistoric world.

Since Emperor Jun appeared, the time and space around him seemed to be solidified, and no one could escape from here.

The Dao rhymes of the great Dao were like chains, locking the invisible space and time together, preventing creatures from freely passing through them and preventing people from moving at will.

Seeing this, the Death God and Demon showed a look of fear in his eyes.

"How is it possible?! How could such a powerful creature from the future appear?!"

He couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe that there were creatures in the prehistoric world who could stand shoulder to shoulder with the gods and demons with their bodies from the future. He couldn't believe that these ants could stand shoulder to shoulder with the great and noble gods and demons!

Even if they were ants that were stained with the breath of gods and demons, they were still ants! They could never stand shoulder to shoulder with or even surpass the gods and demons!!!

However, at this moment, the facts were laid out in front of him, which shocked and terrified the Death God and Demon.

"Even the Sun will die in front of me!!!"

The Death God and Demon did not sit and wait for death, but roared.


A stream of extremely pure death energy surged out from the realm of death and blessed the death gods and demons.

Seeing this, Di Jun's mouth corners slightly raised, chuckled, raised one hand lightly, slowly pressed down, and said: "This is..."

"Heavenly punishment!"

Boom! ! !

As Di Jun's palm fell, a huge sun appeared in the sky above the Arctic, and endless solar true fire emerged in the sky, and then enveloped the entire Arctic.

That was the real sun, not the sun manifested by the Tao rhyme, but the mighty sun transformed by Pangu's left eye in the sky above the prehistoric world! ! !

And this sun, separated from the Zhoutian movement, came to the sky above the Arctic.

Boom! ! !

Sizzle! ! !

This round of mighty sun slowly fell downwards, and every time it fell, the temperature of the Arctic glacier rose countless times.

As the layers fell, the glacier actually began to melt!

The closer they got, the more the dead air that spread over the glacier began to sizzle, as if being burned by the true fire of the sun.

In fact, it was not the true fire of the sun that could burn the dead air, but the true fire of the sun that was transformed from Pangu's left eye under the blessing of Di Jun's enormous cultivation that could burn the dead air.

Even death could not resist the horror of the sun!

The aura of the death god and demon became stronger and stronger, and his hands gently crossed the void.

In an instant.

The time and space that was originally blocked by the Emperor of Heaven was opened by him, and a new world appeared inside.

In that world, it symbolized death...

Even time and space seemed to be dead in it...

And that world was swallowing and spitting out endless dead air, as if it was going to swallow up the sun in the sky.

Just as the sun was about to fall, Di Jun showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

The Dao rhyme around him was manifested, and the infinite Dao rhyme was blessed.

Buzz! ! !

The sun suddenly grew bigger again, and the world that could contain the sun seemed a little insufficient at this moment.

The sun was so big that the sky could contain it!

The sun was so fierce that nothing could resist it!

Sizzle! ! Crackle! !

The endless dead air was burned by the sun, making bursts of noise. Not only that, the dead air became extremely hot, and the steam brought by the melting of the glaciers below made the temperature in the dead air rise sharply.

The temperature was already very high under the burning of the sun, and it was raised to another level, as if the dead air was about to burn.

Once the dead air began to burn, this dead world would be completely destroyed.

The death gods and demons were shocked when they saw this, and quickly put away the world of death, and then cut through time and space, trying to escape.

But when he was escaping, he discovered that he couldn't jump into those times and spaces at all.

It turns out that the time and space here are suppressed by Emperor Jun. Unless Emperor Jun is defeated, there will be no way to escape from this place.

At this time, the Death God and Demon began to truly panic. He did not want to fall into a deep sleep. After the resurrection, none of the Gods and Demons wanted to fall into a deep sleep again.

"Damn it, it's all because the realm of death was created too late!!!"

The Death God Demon became angry with shame and roared angrily in his heart.

After He was born, He should have immediately come to the North Pole to create the realm of death.

The Realm of Death is the scene inside the Realm of Death, but it was moved outside by the Death God and Demon to fight. I just didn't expect that I would be unable to fight against Di Jun.

It would be great if it were created earlier and the space inside the Realm of Death was made larger so that it could be swallowed in no matter how big the sun was...

However, at this time, Di Jun would not wait. As the punishment fell, the Death God Demon felt as if he could not move. Even the movement of the avenue behind him seemed to be a little slow.

Then, infinite power roared up, as if it was going to kill the death god and demon.

At this moment, the Death God and Demon shouted: "No more fighting, this battle ends here! Just take these people away!!!"

When Emperor Jun heard this, he quickly put it away, fixed the big sun in place, and said with a bit of fun: "If I kill you, I can still take them away."

The Death God and Demon was stunned when he heard this. Yes, you can still leave even if you kill him.

However, he instantly understood that since the other party had stopped, it meant that he was not forced to kill him, which meant that there was still hope.

"Please give me some conditions. If they are not excessive, I will agree to it!"

Di Jun nodded when he heard this. He was still a man who knew the current affairs, and then said with a smile: "As long as you promise me three things."


The Death God and Demon also completely believed it at this time. The guy in front of him had no intention of killing him at all, but had a purpose from the beginning.

Although he said he understood, he didn't want to fall asleep again, so he had no choice but to agree.

"First, whether it is death energy or death realm, it cannot leave the North Pole and cannot spread to other places." Di Jun said slowly with a solemn expression.


The Death God and Demon nodded and agreed. This was not something that was impossible to do.

A place as huge as the Arctic Land is indeed enough, enough to allow him to condense the body of the avenue much faster.

In fact, even if Emperor Jun didn't say anything, he would not expand again, because there is Pangu behind the prehistoric times, and no one knows the terror of Pangu better than the gods and demons of the Great Dao.

He knew that Pangu would not let anyone destroy the ancient world, so he actually did not dare to expand anything.

And the reason why He chose the Arctic was precisely because the Arctic was deserted, and the immortal volcanoes that erupted in the Antarctic at all times were really troublesome, so he did not choose the Antarctic.

Not to mention the land of East Pole, where there was the aura of reincarnation, and he didn't want to go there and provoke the other party.

As for the West Pole, there is an extremely terrifying aura there. Although he doesn't know what it is, he has no intention of going there to get into trouble, and this North Pole is the best place.

There are not so many things, and there are no volcanoes underground that erupt all year round. There are glaciers everywhere, which will not have any impact on the dead energy.

Moreover, there are very few creatures, so even if you kill a few, you won’t be able to bring out Pangu.

But who knew that as soon as He built this place, he would be harassed by those damn ants. The key point is that these ants are actually so powerful...

After seeing the Death God and Demon agreeing, Di Jun continued: "Second, do not absorb a large amount of true spirits. At most, it should not exceed one ten thousandth of the number of true spirits."


Regarding this point, the Death God and Demon have no objections. Granting death to those true spirits is only fulfilling His authority of death. In fact, it will not be of much benefit. After all, those living beings who die and become undead are actually Will grow avenues of death.

And there is indeed a need for real death between heaven and earth. If there is always life, then sooner or later the Great Desolation will reach a limit, and He can alleviate it.

And the true spirits he is looking for are just to eliminate those creatures that should not exist between heaven and earth. They are all weak and have been beaten into true spirits by others. What are they still doing...

"Third, you cannot slaughter the creatures of the primitive world."

After Di Jun finished speaking, he looked at the Death God and Demon, waiting for the other party's reply.


The Death God and Demon thought for a moment that even if the other party didn't tell him, he would not massacre the creatures of the primitive world, still because he was afraid of Pangu.


The mighty sun suddenly rose towards the sky, and even the surrounding time and space was released from the seal.

After Di Jun heard this, he put away all his magical powers.

Then he looked at Hou Tu and others, as if he saw clearly the doubts in their hearts, and said directly: "Please go to heaven and explain."

Hou Tu originally wanted to say something, but after seeing what Emperor Jun said, he had no choice but to bow his hands and salute: "I obey your Majesty's order."

"Follow your Majesty's orders."

Nuwa and Shentu both saluted directly when they heard this.

After Di Jun clicked, he disappeared.

After Di Jun disappeared, the Death God and Demon also quickly ran away. The fact that there was such a powerful existence in this primitive world was undoubtedly beyond his imagination.

In the realm of death.

"The prehistoric world is so powerful, and those creatures are so strong. If I create such a powerful world, will it greatly improve my strength..."

The Death God and Demon thought that the creatures in the prehistoric world were so powerful, and if he created a new world in his body, would the power of the creatures in this world be able to enhance his own strength.

Thinking of this, the Death God and Demon felt more and more possible.

Then, His heart was filled with excitement,

"Where should we create a world? A real world!"

The Death God and Demon is in trouble again. After all, it seems that he only has consciousness left now. If he creates a world outside, it will be just a waste of effort and it is impossible to grow himself.

But if it were created within his own body, it would be impossible for him who only has consciousness left to create it in his consciousness.

Suddenly, the Death God Demon's eyes suddenly lit up, and he thought of something.

"By the way, Daoguo!!!"

Dao fruit is the fruit of the profound cultivation of the Dao, and it symbolizes the existence of entering the realm of Hunyuan.

This thing is in the body, and it is a part of the cultivation realm. If the Tao Fruit is transformed into the world, its own strength will definitely increase dramatically.

If the Death God and Demon just wanted to give it a try before, then now he is fully confident about this matter.

Just do whatever comes to your mind. It is not difficult for Dao gods and demons to create a world.

In heaven.

Emperor Jun sat on the throne of the Heavenly Emperor, and everyone also took their seats.

"Your Majesty, why do you want to let that god and demon go?" Hou Tu frowned and asked impatiently.

Emperor Jun smiled slightly when he heard the words and explained: "In the ancient times, between heaven and earth, there was a yin and a yang, and all things were mutually reinforcing and restraining each other. One was declining and the other was growing. Now, due to reincarnation, all sentient beings in the world are no longer afraid, and there are endless disputes.

Therefore, the appearance of death is also in accordance with the timing of heaven. The realm of death is a scene that heaven is happy to see. The existence of death gods and demons will make the creatures in heaven and earth fearful and dare not be so presumptuous.

And although the world is vast, according to the current growth rate of living beings, sooner or later it will become narrow.

The appearance of death also relieves the burden on heaven and earth. I hope that day will come later. "

The gods and demons of death are not like the gods and demons of darkness. Even if the dark gods and demons are not there, the darkness itself will still exist.

If the death gods and demons were not there, although there would still be death in the world, reincarnation would happen. Although it would be a good thing for the vast number of living beings and the world, in the long run, it would always have a negative impact.

The death gods and demons and the realm of death are used to offset these effects. However, death cannot get out of control, so Emperor Jun comes forward to scare it. Pangu is also there secretly, so there will be no trouble.

After hearing Di Jun's explanation, Hou Tu nodded and sighed: "I just feel sorry for those true spirits who lost their subordinates to death..."

After saying that, she shook her head, stood up slowly, bowed to Emperor Jun, and then dejectedly descended to heaven and headed towards the underworld.

As for Shen Tu, naturally he followed closely behind.

When Nuwa saw this, she felt a little lost and a little sad.

She knew that Hou Tu couldn't bear it, but what Di Jun did was reasonable, so she didn't say anything more.

As for Di Jun, no matter whether it is a god or a demon, as long as there is no obstacle, he will not care.

I took action today because I saw that the other party actually wanted to kill Nuwa, so I took action to protect the other party.

As for Hou Tu, even if he really falls and dies, sooner or later he will be born again in the six paths of reincarnation.

The death gods and demons can kill the Hunyuan Realm, but they cannot kill the Lord of Reincarnation in the Underworld.

And Shen Tu? He is just a great witch. If he falls, he will fall...

Southern Wilderness, Human Race, Immortal Sect.

"Xianmen? You still want to educate the human race? What a joke!!!"

A faint sacred voice sounded from the sky.

Upon hearing this, Immortal Ancestor Hongjun looked up at the sky, only to see a man with a bald head appearing above the Immortal Gate.

The Immortal Gate starts from the human city and is located in Longhu Mountain.

It is said that this mountain was formed when a dragon and a tiger both fell during a fight in the past, so it was named Longhu Mountain. Now it has become the base camp of the Immortal Sect.

There are a total of seven direct disciples who worship at Longhu Mountain. Their Taoist names are Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, and Yaoguang. They are named after the stars of the Big Dipper in the sky. .

This was undoubtedly a conflict with the seven Star Lords, and it was inevitable that there would be some disputes over fate, but Hongjun used great means to shield it from the knowledge of the seven Star Lords.

In addition to the direct disciples, there are hundreds of thousands of outer disciples, these are the backbone of the Immortal Sect.

Immortal Ancestor Hongjun originally taught his disciples well here, preaching and preaching.

But suddenly an uninvited guest broke in. The visitor was Maitreya, a Buddhist monk.

Immortal Ancestor Hongjun was furious when he heard this, and looked at Maitreya walking step by step in front of him, his eyes flashed.

The purple energy came immeasurably from the east and covered half of the sky of the Immortal Sect.

After Hongjun saw Maitreya, he saw the future in his heart.

In the endless time and space, there was a time and space that appeared. In that time and space, Buddhism flourished, immortals withered, and the immortals and gods in the sky almost fell into the hands of Buddha.

That was a sad time and space, an illusory time and space. Hongjun's eyes flashed and wiped it out at will.

From then on, there was no figure of that time and space in the prehistoric world.

Hongjun opened his mouth slightly and said slowly: "Immortal."

A thought of Hunyuan appeared out of thin air, and a thought of Hunyuan opened the world.

In the world, golden lotuses surged from the ground and fell from the sky.

Golden light scattered in all directions, and endless purple air emerged.

Infinite creation followed, the vast and sacred brilliance shone brightly, and the ethereal immortal air floated up.

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