Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 387: Sealing Jieyin, Suppressing the Immortal Gate

All of this proves the power of immortals.

The immortal light was extremely bright, and the disciples nearby seemed to be bathed in spring light, with a strange smile on every face.

And even a piece of grass or a piece of gravel nearby seemed to be enlightened at the moment when the fairy light passed by, and they kowtowed towards Hongjun.

The goblin who should have been swallowing the essence of the sun and the moon for who knows how many years to take form, at this moment, seems to have a ray of spiritual wisdom emerging.

Just like the grass demon, just like the stone demon.

But at this moment, after seeing such a scene, Maitreya knew what kind of existence he had offended, and his face changed greatly with fear.

He wanted to escape, but found that he couldn't move at all.

"How dare a mere Buddhist sect be so rampant!!!"

Hongjun snorted coldly, and his power suddenly exploded, pressing down on Maitreya's heart like a mountain spanning countless realms, making it difficult for Maitreya to breathe.

Maitreya had a horrified look on his face, looked at Hongjun in front of him, and said quickly: "Spare my life, the young monk made nonsense earlier and asked the immortal to spare his life!!!"

After hearing Maitreya's begging for mercy, Hongjun's face looked a little better.


Hongjun shouted loudly, and the shocked Maitreya instantly flew back to the Western Buddhism Gate and disappeared from where he was.

If he hadn't been too lazy to argue with this junior, he would have killed him long ago.

However, in front of his disciples, he still has to retain the tolerance of an immortal and not let his disciples think that he is a person without grace.

To deal with such a person who is not in the realm of Hunyuan, there is actually no need to show such a scene. This is clearly shown to those disciples, making those disciples even more devoted to him and believe in him even more.

Western Wilderness, Buddhism.

Buddhism now has not only three Buddhas, but also two Buddhas, namely Jie Yin and Zhunti.

After Jie Yin and Zhunti achieved breakthroughs in cultivation, they naturally became Buddhas.

Jie Yin's current name is Namo Baozhuangguang King Buddha, also known as Jie Yin Buddha, and Zhunti is Zhunti Buddha Mother, which means that he is the mother of Buddha and the source of everything.

In fact, this is also the case. Although these two people may not be as powerful as the Third Buddha, they cannot lose any of their reputations.

If I thought of mentioning the name of the Buddha Mother to Qingyin, it would be better to mention it to Zhun, perhaps to sow discord between the two.

Although Jie Yin and Zhunti are obviously disciples with raised eyebrows, in fact both parties know that they are just using each other, and they don't really take it seriously, so the name of Buddha Mother is given to them. , and I won’t feel anything.

The Third Buddha gave the name of Mother Buddha to Zhunti, and the Namo Baozhuangguang King Buddha who was introduced actually sounds very good from the name.

This is completely disgusting for the gods and demons of light, King of Light Buddha, and the name of the gods and demons of light in Buddhism is the Great Tathagata of Light. Although Great Tathagata is the top title, King of Light Buddha is also disgusting. Of light, gods and demons.

King of Light, King of Light, isn't that the King of Light...

"Maitreya, didn't I ask you to go to the Southern Wilderness human race to preach? Why is this so?"

Sitting at the head of the Great Leiyin Temple, the raised-brow Sakyamuni Buddha opened his eyes and asked after seeing that Maitreya had actually had his cultivation level cut off and became an ordinary person.

In fact, if he hadn't stopped it, Maitreya would have flown directly to the main hall and died.

I have to say that Hongjun is really cruel. This is as obvious as Buddhism declaring war.

"Reporting to me, Buddha Tathagata, my disciples were preaching among the human race. They passed by a mountain called Dragon Tiger. When they saw the splendor of the immortal light on it, they knew that they were the disciples of the immortal sect. They wanted to defeat the people of the immortal sect, so that they could be defeated. Hundreds of thousands of immortal disciples entered Buddhism.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I stepped in, I saw a person with a fairy light all over his body. Before he could take action, the disciple..."

Maitreya knelt on the ground and told everything that had happened before.

“So brave!!!”

Sakyamuni Buddha raised his eyebrows but had not yet spoken. When Amitabha Buddha heard the words, he became furious and said angrily.

But the raised eyebrows of Sakyamuni Buddha did not have any overly angry thoughts, but looked at Maitreya helplessly. This guy actually ran into someone else's place to pry the corner. No wonder he was stripped of his cultivation.

"You first go to the Eight Treasures Merit Pool to gain enlightenment and understand the true meaning of Buddhism!"

"Disciple, obey."

Maitreya bowed after hearing this, then stood up and walked away.

There is no way. If your cultivation is gone, you have to practice again. You can't just forget it.

Although a lot of time was wasted, there is nothing that can be done about it. If it is wasted, it will be wasted.

After Maitreya retreated, Sakyamuni Buddha raised his eyebrows and turned to look at Jieyin, and said slowly: "This matter cannot be ignored. Although Maitreya offended me first, a mere disciple of the immortal sect dared to hurt my disciple of the Buddhist sect. How audacious.

To guide you, just go and raze the Dragon Tiger Mountain to the ground, but remember not to hurt the human disciples. "

"Disciple knows, please rest assured, teacher."

Jie Yin's face did not change when he heard this, he lowered his head slightly and said.

After saying that, he soared into the clouds and mist, with golden light behind him, all the way out of Mount Xumi and headed towards the Southern Wilderness human race.


A flash of golden light came across the ground, then filled the sky, covering the entire Longhu Mountain in an instant.

A golden Buddha appeared in the clouds, looking down at the Immortal Gate on Longhu Mountain.

Hongjun didn't dare to show off too much, so he never showed his true aura. Although his face was still the same, he still blocked all perception.

Even if Jie Yin was in the sky, he actually didn't sense Hongjun below.

"?!? Traitor, dare to appear in front of this ancestor!!!"

With the appearance of the aura, Hongjun instantly knew who this person was. It turned out to be his former disciple Jie Yin Taoist.

Now, this little bastard has become Jie Yin Buddha.

Judged out of the immortal sect and entered the Buddhist sect, this kind of traitor undoubtedly made Hongjun hate it.

Hongjun wanted to reveal his identity at this moment and kill the Jie Yin in front of him, but he didn't dare. He was afraid that if he revealed his identity, he would be caught and beaten by Di Jun. He was afraid that he would fall into the seal again.

Therefore, his body shape and appearance changed, but in front of his disciples, he still looked the same as before. This is the magic power of thousands of people with thousands of faces.

"Buddha? What's your purpose?"

Hongjun's voice was like thunder, shaking the sky, with the true meaning of immortality mixed in it, instantly breaking the confusing golden light in the sky, and making the immortal disciples who were originally trapped in it wake up instantly.

The aura of the supreme immortality floated up, and purple lights appeared behind him.

In an instant, countless great immortals appeared behind Hongjun, and each of them seemed to be as strong as the powerful people in the Hunyuan realm.

Of course, they were actually not able to fight against the Hunyuan realm at all. They were just for show, covered by Hongjun's own aura, and were just a toy to scare people.

In an instant, dozens of great immortals supported the scene behind Hongjun, and suddenly scared Jieyin's face to a dark green.

But who is Jie Yin? How could he be defeated before the battle? He calmed down a little and said slowly: "I am the Buddha of Buddhism. I come here to spread the true meaning of Buddhism."


Hongjun sneered disdainfully, and then said: "The way of Buddhism is just a way to confuse sentient beings. There are many geniuses in the human race, how can they look down on such unorthodox ways?"

Jie Yin's heart was hurt when he heard the voice. It's not that Buddhism has never come here to preach. It has always been preaching, but no one will join Buddhism at all. They dare not confuse the disciples of the human race. After all, every city of the human race is guarded by a strong man.

There are countless strong men in the human race, and they dare not confuse sentient beings.

But if they don't use the means of confuse, then no one will look down on Buddhism at all.

After all, what is the true meaning of Buddhism? Cultivate this life and seek the next life! Do more good deeds in this life, and you will be rewarded in the next life, and you may even not be reincarnated after death, but go to the Western Paradise.

What is the human race? They are all cultivating this life and seeking this life. They all want to become stronger and stronger, and they all want to be invincible in this life.

But the fucking Buddhism actually asked them to talk about the next life, and they were stupid enough to run to believe in Buddhism?

Even if they don’t believe in the so-called next life, which of the methods of Buddhism can be put on the table?

Which of the methods that can be put on the table is not obtained from the Tao? Then why bother to go to the Buddha, can’t you practice by yourself? Is the human gate not good enough or the human race’s heritage is not enough?

This is why Maitreya was so angry when he saw so many disciples from the Xianmen that he wanted to seduce them all. After all, this is the territory of the Xianmen. Although they are all human disciples, they are not in the city after all. As long as he defeats the disciple who guards the mountain of the Xianmen, he can seduce these disciples to go to the Buddhist sect.

It’s just a pity that the one he met was not a disciple of the Xianmen, but the ancestor of the Xianmen, the Xianzu Hongjun.


Jie Yin snorted coldly when he heard this, and then said: “All living beings are suffering, and our Buddhist sect adheres to the thoughts of Tathagata. What’s wrong with leading all living beings to enjoy happiness in the Buddhist sect?

Those who believe in Buddhism can enjoy the paradise, and anything they pursue can be satisfied! To save all living beings from suffering, this is Buddhism!!!”

As his words fell, the Buddha’s light suddenly rose to the sky, and bursts of Sanskrit sounds came into the ears, as if he wanted to forcibly save the disciples of the Xianmen.

Hongjun was furious when he saw this, and the immortal light shone brightly. The aura of dozens of great immortals behind him bloomed instantly, and the endless immortal Dao rhyme appeared, and the vast sacred light was endless.

Hongjun had a deep hatred with Jieyin, and now he was offended so much, how could he tolerate this.

His dignity was insulted by a junior, and Hongjun suddenly burst out with his own powerful strength, and suppressed everything with supreme power.

Boom! ! !

The powerful immortal Dao burst out in an instant, and a dense stripe appeared over Longhu Mountain. Each stripe was for the purpose of sealing this place, and the purpose was to fear that one day the heaven would discover it.

And when these stripes appeared, all the breath seemed to disappear. If you observe this place from the sky, you will only see that it is inexplicably peaceful here, and there is no problem.

Jieyin's face suddenly changed when he saw this, and the Buddha's Dao flew out in an instant, and there was an infinite Dao to shock the four directions. All the lifelong learning was used at this moment.

The Buddha's light stood in a forest, layer upon layer, heading towards the immortal light.

But the Buddha's light was like paper, shattered at the touch, and instantly pierced by the immortal light.

Countless magical powers were completely sublimated at this moment, and the two former masters and apprentices began to fight for the first time.

However, in a moment, the Buddha's light dissipated, the fairy light filled the air, the Buddha's golden body was no longer there, and the golden light in the sky turned into purple energy that filled the sky.


"Teacher is so strong!!!"

"Is this the power of Master..."

"A mere Buddhist Buddha is nothing more than that. Compared with the Immortal Sect, there is a huge difference..."

Below, hundreds of thousands of disciples looked at the battle that broke out in the sky and whispered.

All the disciples could see how powerful Hongjun was, and Jie Yin was only defeated at the first touch.

Hongjun looked at Jieyin, his eyes full of coldness, and then raised his hand.

Fall slowly.

The endless immortal light dazzled and the Taoist rhyme sublimated, and the infinite power fell towards Jie Yin in an instant.

A palm settled down, and this palm contained infinite power. If it broke out in those worlds attached to the ancient world, it would be enough to destroy billions of times.

Wow! ! !

Jie Yin was suppressed at the foot of Longhu Mountain in an instant and turned into a statue.

Yes, this is not pure power, but to lead to suppression.

He knew that even if Hunyuan died, he would eventually come back again, so it would be better to suppress him here for countless years.

"Now I have my revenge!"

Hongjun looked much better, but he actually suffered a lot this time. After all, the formation that shielded this place cost him countless years of hard work. This time he was using it to deal with such a traitor. This special How could he not feel a loss in his heart?

But after taking a look at Jie Yin who was sealed at the entrance of Longhu Mountain, he felt a lot calmer.

This was not just a simple seal, but turned into a statue. This really made Jie Yin lose his face a lot.

For their kind of innate holiness, the most important thing is actually their face. After all, Hunyuan people are immortal, but now they are really losing all their face.

And when the formation was revoked, Hongjun's years of hard work were gone. If he had to fight again, he didn't know how many years it would take to make up for it.

"Not good! Jie Yin has encountered a catastrophe, and has been suppressed and sealed now!"

Raising his eyebrows, Sakyamuni Buddha suddenly felt his heart skip a beat. He counted with his fingers and realized what was happening to him now.

"Ah?! Please ask the teacher to rescue my senior brother!!!"

Zhunti was shocked when he heard this and quickly stood up and worshiped.

He knew that the reception was in trouble, so he walked over to give it away, so he quickly asked Yangmei for help.

The only ones who can save and guide him are the Buddhas of the third generation. As for the gods and demons of light, it is impossible for him to move them.

There is still hope for the Third Buddha.

Sure enough, after he cried for a while, Buddha Sakyamuni raised his eyebrows and said: "Forget it, you have repeatedly attacked people from my Buddhist sect. How can you endure such humiliation! A mere celestial sect can be destroyed with a snap of a finger!"

In his opinion, Hongjun had been suppressed by the Emperor of Heaven a long time ago. The current Immortal Sect is not at his mercy, so what if he is a Hunyuan?

There is a difference between Hunyuan and Hunyuan. Just like if you can't beat the opponent after a lead, that guy can't beat him.

However, after thinking that the opponent could not even defeat him, Sakyamuni Buddha raised his eyebrows and frowned slightly.

"Isn't this guy Hongjun?"

"No, no, that guy Hongjun didn't get out of trouble. It shouldn't be him, and I didn't feel his aura."

Thinking of this, Ancestor Yangmei felt very relieved.

"Why is there another Buddha? There is no end to this Buddhist sect, right?"

Hongjun was preaching at Longhu Mountain and suddenly stopped. After feeling the Buddhist energy in the West, he frowned and thought.

In the past, when he was the Immortal Ancestor, who was lying high on the Nine Clouds, who would dare to come and find trouble with him?

But now, these bastards are running over one after another, beating one after another, beating one after another, as if there is no end.

When Patriarch Yangmei arrived at Longhu Mountain, a huge Buddha with shining golden light appeared above the clouds.

After Hongjun saw it, his face darkened.

"You damn raise your eyebrows. Even if you create a Buddhist sect, you actually dare to come in front of me. If you really can't do it, you will be exposed if you are exposed. The worst is that you will be sealed again!!!"

Hongjun narrowed his eyes slightly and wanted to seal it.


The raised eyebrows of Sakyamuni Buddha exclaimed after seeing Hongjun.

I thought that the other party was not Hongjun, but now I didn't expect that it was actually Hongjun!

Hongjun was shocked when he heard this. This guy actually recognized him. He immediately manifested his original body and flew to the raised eyebrows of Sakyamuni Buddha.

"Raise your eyebrows! You and I were friends in the past, but why are you sending people to trouble me again and again? Are you really not afraid that I will kill you here today!!!"

Hongjun's eyes were red, he stared at Yang Mei and said sternly.

Buddha Sakyamuni raised his eyebrows and felt guilty when he heard this. He originally thought he was here to bully the weak, but he knew that he had met a great god. He was very clear about Hongjun's methods and knew that this guy could not offend randomly, otherwise he would not be able to offend him. Eat your own good fruit.

But he was not a coward, and immediately replied sharply: "Hongjun, weren't you sealed in chaos? When did you get out of the trap!"


Hongjun snorted coldly, staring coldly at the raised eyebrows of Sakyamuni Buddha without saying anything.

Raising his eyebrows, Sakyamuni Buddha felt a little timid when he saw this, and even more frightened, and then said: "I didn't know that this place was where fellow Taoists lived before, so I was a lot of offended. Now that Maitreya has been deposed, and the guide has been sealed, it is also He finally got the end he deserved.

Fellow Taoist, why don't you let me bring it back to you, so that this matter can be wiped out, so that the Buddhist sect will never infringe upon the immortal sect again? "

Although Hongjun had the intention to destroy the Buddha at the beginning, Hongjun obviously couldn't do it at this time, so there was no need to worry too much, but he didn't want to force Hongjun too much.

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