After all, dogs will jump over the wall when they are anxious, let alone Hongjun.

If Hongjun is really pushed into a hurry, then the lonely Hongjun will take revenge wildly, which is something that Buddhism will not be able to bear.

As for sealing Hongjun...

Sakyamuni Buddha has never thought about this.

Suddenly, a ray of light flashed by, and Sakyamuni Buddha raised his eyebrows and suddenly thought in his heart that there are gods and demons of light behind Buddhism. No matter how strong Hongjun is, he can't be stronger than the gods and demons of light!

Hongjun is not Emperor Jun! ! !

"You can leave, but you have to stay for me."

Hongjun's expression did not change and he said calmly.

At this time, he was ready to fight to the death. If they couldn't fight, they would die together. He suppressed Yang Mei, and Di Jun suppressed him.

"You are my disciple, how can you be humiliated like this?" Yangmei immediately breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that he could leave. He didn't want to fight with Hongjun. Who knows if this guy has any back-ups and who is behind him? How much Hunyuan there is.

Hongjun can escape from the seal of the Emperor of Heaven, so it is conceivable that he must have his accomplices. Now he doesn't know how many Hunyuan there are in the Immortal Sect. How can he fight such a battle where he doesn't know anything about it.

Hongjun was furious when he heard this and said sternly: "Jie Yin is my traitor!!!"

He raised his eyebrows and became angry. He really couldn't say anything, so he had no choice but to remain silent.

"I am the Buddha of Buddhism. Now Buddhism not only has the three Buddhas, but also the figure of the Great Tathagata of Light behind it. Hongjun, I remember that I was a good friend with you in the past, and I don't want to fight to the death with you. Do I have to compete with you today? !”

Hongjun's expression changed when he heard this. The other party actually had the backing of the great gods and demons. Damn it. Thinking of this, Hongjun couldn't help but feel sad.

In the first half of his life, he was extremely honorable, but what about now? Forget it, it’s bleak! It doesn’t matter if the Witch Clan can hold him up to his thigh! The demon clan itself has big legs! You can even raise your eyebrows to reach your thighs, damn it! ! !

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and the resentment in Hongjun's heart gradually increased.

But in an instant, the immortal energy passed by, and all the resentment in Hongjun's heart disappeared, and he regained his sanity.

Hongjun looked calm and said calmly: "Take me and bring you here. If this happens again in the future, don't blame me for being ruthless. Moreover, if the Immortal Sect is gone, then there will be no need for the Buddhist Sect to exist."

Hearing Hongjun's words, Buddha Sakyamuni raised his eyebrows and breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't take Hongjun's threat seriously at all.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist."

After raising his eyebrows, Sakyamuni Buddha showed some politeness on the surface, and pointed out directly, and the seal that had turned into a stone statue was broken. After seeing the raised eyebrows in the sky, his heart was full of shame.

When he came to Yangmei, he clasped his hands and lowered his head and said, "Thank you, teacher, for saving me."


He raised his eyebrows and softly agreed, nodded, but didn't say much.

Then he came to the side of Yangmei Patriarch, and now he saw who the person opposite was.


With a sudden pull, his eyes widened and his mind was shaken with fear. No wonder he was not the opponent's opponent and was hit by a hammer. It turned out that the opponent was actually Hongjun...

Jie Yin didn't dare to look at Hongjun, and quickly lowered his head, not even daring to breathe.

As the mastermind behind the scenes, Hongjun has been exposed to the world in almost no other battles except the battle with Luo Hu in the past.

But this does not prevent Yangmei from knowing how strong the other party is. No one will be so stupid that the other party only relies on strategy to achieve such a status.

Strength is always the foundation of everything.

The reason why Hongjun fell to the highest level was precisely because he lacked strength.

If his strength is still as unparalleled as ever, then he will still have the final say in today's prehistoric times.

With raised eyebrows, Sakyamuni Buddha returned to Daleiyin Temple together with Namo Baozhuangguang King Buddha.

en route.

"Teacher, how did the Immortal Ancestor get out of trouble and still preach in the human territory?" Jie Yin couldn't help but asked curiously.

"I don't know, but since he has appeared again, we'd better not go and provoke him."

After hearing this, Sakyamuni Buddha with raised eyebrows shook his head and spoke slowly.

Although he said this in his words, he had decided in his heart to wait until he returned and ask the Gods and Demons of Light for help, asking the Gods and Demons of Light to go and seal Hongjun.

If this guy Hongjun is not sealed, he will feel uneasy.

If it weren't for the conflict of cause and effect with the Heavenly Court, he would have gone to the Heavenly Court to inform Di Jun, and asked the Emperor to come and seal Hongjun again.

After all, Hongjun has a great cause and effect with other saints. If he informed Di Jun, Di Jun would definitely seal Hongjun.

But if he went there, he might have reminded Di Jun that he was the one who blocked the Heavenly Court that day, but he had formed a rift with Di Jun and the others. If Di Jun was reminded of it, he might also have to be suppressed by the other side. .

"Disciple knows..."

Jie Yin nodded, but there was still some fear in his heart. In the past, he and his junior brother, Taoist Zhunti, betrayed the Immortal Sect and turned around to join the Buddhist Sect.

This has a lot of cause and effect with Immortal Ancestor Hongjun. Although the other party prevented them from entering the Supreme Avenue, there is no cause and effect in itself. It just means that they are two different paths and the other party led you to the wrong path. .

After all, the road reaches the sky, and it’s up to you how you go.

Otherwise, Hongjun still wants to make up for the great cause and effect caused by what he did? Pull it down.

It's just that doing this will make all living beings in the ancient world hate Hongjun. Doesn't it matter if there is no cause and effect? What matters is that the deep hatred has been forged.

But it happened that Jie Yin and others betrayed Hongjun. This was the real cause and effect, and it was all linked to Tiandao.

Sent to the Immortal Sect and betrayed the teacher.

Therefore, Jie Yin was very scared. He knew why Hongjun was looking at him like that in the first place. Could he stop staring at him like that?

If it were him, he would probably have to find an opportunity to kill the other party.

"But fortunately, I have already achieved Hunyuan. He must be dissatisfied and has nothing to do..."

Jie Yin comforted himself a little, thinking this.

After all, he has really achieved the realm of Hunyuan. From the birth of the first Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal in the prehistoric times, up to now, no Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian has been seen to fall.

There was no one who had learned from the past, which also gave Jie Yin a lot of peace of mind.

In the Great Leiyin Temple.

After raising his eyebrows and guiding him to sit down, Shichen Amitabha couldn't help but ask, "How about that? Do you want to kill that immortal?"

He raised his eyebrows and slowly shook his head, sighing.

This sigh also made Patriarch Yin Yang and Mother Zhunti all look over.

"That immortal is no one else, but the former immortal ancestor..." He raised his eyebrows and sighed.


When Amitabha Buddha and Mother Chunti Buddha heard this, their expressions changed instantly and they took a deep breath.

Even Yin Yang Liuli Medicine Buddha, who had closed his eyes and was recuperating, opened his eyes in an instant and stared at the raised eyebrows at the side.

"How did the Immortal Ancestor get out of trouble?!"

His words are also what everyone wants to ask.

"I don't know why, but it was indeed the Immortal Ancestor who blocked me at that time." He raised his eyebrows and shook his head. He didn't know about this himself, so he didn't know how to say it.

Although I really don't want this to happen, it is the fact that Hongjun is now out of trouble.

Although not many living beings knew about Hongjun being sealed in the chaos at first, as Hongjun did not appear for a long time, everyone gradually came to know that it was sealed that day by the Emperor of Heaven and a few people. .

Although Yin Yang didn't want to get involved in this muddy water when he heard this, if Hongjun returned, it would inevitably affect Buddhism, and if Buddhism was affected, his interests would actually be invaded.

Therefore, no matter what, the ancestor of Yin and Yang is not willing to see this happen.

"Why don't you go and see the Great Tathagata of Light, and ask the Great Tathagata of Light to help clear the obstacles for us!"

As the words of Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Master Buddha fell, all the Buddhas expressed their opinions.


"Great kindness!"

After the discussion, the five Buddhas bowed their heads and shouted: "Praise the Great Tathagata of Light, my disciples and others ask to see the Great Tathagata of Light!!!"


A white light shone in the Great Leiyin Temple, and the gods and demons of light appeared in front of everyone.

With a cold expression on his face, He leaned over and looked at the Buddhas in front of him, and said calmly: "Why are you seeking me this time?"

The Buddha Sakyamuni, who raised his eyebrows, quickly stepped out of the procession after hearing the words, leaned down and said: "Dear the Great Tathagata of Light, now Buddhism is in a crisis, I hope that the Great Tathagata of Light will come to rescue!!!"

The God of Light frowned when he heard this, let out a sigh, and asked curiously: "Is there anything else you are afraid of? Could it be that the Heavenly Court is not there?"

He raised his eyebrows and shook his head quickly, then replied: "No, he is the Immortal Ancestor. This person was transformed from the residual thoughts of the immortal gods and demons. In the past, he led the war between the three races in the ancient times, causing all races to wither. And then there was even more intention Blocking the thoughts of Hunyuan and trying to lead all sentient beings astray in the ancient world is the public enemy of the ancient world.

Moreover, he once saw the growth of Buddhism, which aroused the thought of destroying the Buddha. This thought of destroying the Buddha became more and more intense, and the disciples were afraid that it would become a reality...

Originally, this person was sealed in chaos by the Emperor of Heaven because of his heinous crimes. He escaped from the seal at some point. Now he is preaching and strengthening the Immortal Sect in the Longhu Mountain of the Southern Wilderness Human Race. He has also destroyed the cultivation of my Buddhist disciples and the general of the Southern Wilderness. The King of Light, the Buddha without Treasure Banner, was suppressed in front of the gate of the Immortal Sect and lost all face of Buddhism. He also asked the Great Tathagata of Light to take action to seal these demons for Buddhism and all sentient beings! ! ! "

Hearing this, the God of Light and the Demon asked curiously: "Since the Emperor of Heaven sealed this guy in the past, why don't you report it to the Emperor of Heaven this time and let the Emperor of Heaven seal this guy?"

Raising his eyebrows, Sakyamuni Buddha choked when he heard the words, rolled his eyes, and said quickly: "The Emperor of Heaven is the Lord of Heaven. We have the Great Tathagata of Light in our Buddhist sect, so there is no need to ask for help from the Emperor of Heaven. If we go to ask the Emperor of Heaven for help, wouldn't it be telling the world Buddhism is not as good as Heaven, so why should you go and see the Emperor of Heaven if you have something to do?”

"But Buddhism is not as good as heaven!"

The God of Light was even more confused when he heard this, frowned and said.

As soon as he said this, he raised his eyebrows. He meant that others would think that Guangming was not as good as Di Jun, so he said this to Laser Ming, but he didn't expect that Guangming would understand so much.

Immediately, he gritted his teeth and said with an indignant look: "Great Tathagata, others say that Buddhism is not as good as Heaven, I accept it! After all, this is a fact that is obvious to all! But if there are people who are not discerning, they will think that Great Tathagata is not as good as Tathagata." If the Emperor of Heaven were to kill him on the spot, he would be extremely angry!"

When he said this, sure enough, the God of Light instantly became angry. Although it is true that he cannot defeat Emperor Jun now, the damn thing is not that he cannot defeat Emperor Jun, but that he is not in full condition now, but A mere consciousness.

If the true body comes, if it is conceived from the body of the Dao gods and demons, He, the light, will definitely let Di Jun know what it means that the Dao gods and demons cannot be insulted! ! !

But now it is time to be cowardly, but this does not mean that he will accept others saying that he is not as good as Emperor Jun.

"Just wait, I'll come as soon as I go, it's just Hongjun, he just did it by flipping his hands!!!"

After the God of Light said a word, his body turned into dots of light and disappeared.

"High, really high!"

Ancestor Chen on the side stretched out his hand and couldn't help but praise.

"Hahahaha..." Yangmei Ancestor couldn't help but smile quite proudly.

"If we had waited for him to react, I'm afraid fellow Taoist wouldn't be smiling so happily..." The Yin-Yang Patriarch on the side said lightly.

Ancestor Yangmei's laughter stopped suddenly, and the expression on his face was a bit incomprehensible. After thinking that Ancestor Yin Yang might tell the truth, he couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

Longhu Mountain.

"this time……"

Hongjun looked into the distance. The visitor did not hide any of his aura. This majestic and ancient aura instantly shocked Hongjun's heart.

"Light God and Demon!!!"

When Hongjun knew who the visitor was, the body of the God of Light also appeared in front of Hongjun.

"Immortal Ancestor Hongjun shall forever suppress Xumi!!!"

The words of the God of Light were cold and ruthless. When he knew that the other party dared to suppress even the Buddhas of Buddhism in front of the gate of the Immortal Sect, he actually became angry. He just thought that if someone else took action, then he would not have to take action again. .

Now that he has taken action, he must retaliate in kind and suppress the other party forever in front of Mount Sumeru, so that all living beings in the ancient world know the consequences of offending Buddhism.

As a result, endless light appeared, shining on the entire Southern Wilderness. The wilderness that was originally in the daytime became even brighter and even dazzling at this moment.

"The way of immortality is vague, but the way of heaven is clear!!!"

After all, Hongjun was a being who once aligned with the way of heaven. Even if he was separated from the way of heaven later, he could still use some magical powers related to the way of heaven at this moment.

And this is what keeps him standing at the top of the world.

This time when I meet the God of Light, I don't care whether he will be exposed or not. Let's get through this hurdle first!

Boom! ! !

Southern Wasteland, the human royal court.

"Your Majesty, it has been found out that this vision is caused by a place called Longhu Mountain in the Lin Kingdom. Longhu Mountain is the Immortal Gate Dojo. A fight broke out there. According to Lin Wang Lin Dong, it is the God of Light. The devil is fighting with a Taoist, and he may be the legendary immortal ancestor."

After hearing this, Shennong waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "I ordered Lin Dong to protect the nearby human race. If these two really hurt the human race, then lead an army to attack and kill them all!!! "


"No, I have to go there myself. I have never seen the legendary Immortal Ancestor, ha~"

Boom! ! !

The endless light seemed to have turned into a murderous weapon one after another at this moment. Each ray of light that could not be perceived was shot towards Hongjun carrying the supreme Taoist charm.

And those fairy lights were flowing and mixed with the power of heaven, and they actually withstood the indiscriminate shooting of countless rays of light for a while.

"Oops, I won't be able to hold on for long if this continues!!"

Hongjun was only slightly relieved when he saw that he had been able to hold on for the time being. He was able to withstand most of it thanks to the power of heaven, but now that he is not an immortal ancestor who conforms to heaven, there is no endless supply of power of heaven.

With a thought, a broken jade butterfly flew out from his soul.

When the jade dish of good fortune landed on Hongjun's head, the air of good fortune suddenly fell down and completely covered Hongjun.

At this time, Hongjun withdrew the power of heaven again, and the fairy light in the sky turned into magical powers and headed towards the gods and demons of light.

After the God of Light saw the treasure above Hongjun's head, he paused, and then his eyes showed a trace of doubt and confusion, but he had no time to think about it anymore. Facing Hongjun's blow, his body shape Gradually dissipate.

Dao of immortal light passed through his body, but he was not damaged in any way.

Then the two looked at each other.

Buzz! ! !

The extremely powerful Dao Yun appeared behind both sides. Above Longhu Mountain, the God of Light and the Demon stood on the dragon's head, while the Immortal Ancestor Hongjun stood on the tiger's head.

In the infinite time and space, two extremely powerful figures slowly emerged, and they continued to deduce.

A light is immortal, and darkness is creeping underfoot.

A stream of immortal energy exists forever, suppressing the sects of demons and Buddhas.

Under these two figures, it seems that even the realm of Hunyuan has become so weak, like ants that can be crushed at any time.

These two figures are both the top existences in the ancient world. One is the mastermind behind everything, Immortal Ancestor Hongjun, an eternal and eternal god of light.

If these two beings really had a complete fight here, not even the human race's Lin Dong would be able to protect the aftermath from harming the human race.

But fortunately, the powerful men from the nearby Hunyuan Realm came over, just to protect the human race from being affected by the fight between these two sacred gods.

And the reason why they didn't drive the other party away is because watching this level of battle up close is a great improvement for them.

In the void.

Ye Xuan looked at Hongjun and the light god and demon colliding and smiled slightly.

"How many years have you escaped from the trap? Can you be on par with the gods and demons? Hongjun, your talent and talent really shock me again and again..."

"But you were indeed the top existence in the prehistoric world back then. After all, the suppression for so many years cannot seal you..."

"I am looking forward to your performance..."

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