Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 389 Fusang assassination, the fearful man in black

"In the clash between the top saints and the great gods and demons, no one knows who will win..."

"And these two, Jie Yin and Zhunti, are not the kind of people who are willing to let others take away their fruits. Who knows what kind of waves they will stir up in the future."

"In life, you should plan everything and have ambitions. Only in this way can you continue to become stronger and make the prehistoric world continue to become stronger!"

At this moment, Ye Xuan's face suddenly froze, and his mind moved, and he immediately returned to reality.

He looked at a corner of the room and laughed softly: "I don't know how to praise you. A mere fifth-level creation god can actually lurk here."

"You also isolated the space here, but do you really think that the principal, who is a seventh-level creation god, doesn't know about your infiltration?"

"You guys underestimate the seventh-level creation god too much..."

Ye Xuan's eyes were focused, and where his eyes reached, several figures suddenly appeared.

"Yes, they can still find our existence."

A total of three figures appeared. Each of them was not tall, but handsome, and spoke with a Fuso accent.

"It turned out to be Xiaoba Ga!"

Ye Xuan's eyes turned cold, and he looked coldly at the three fifth-level creation gods in front of him. Countless disgust suddenly rose in his heart, as if it rose from his blood.

"Hehe, your senses are indeed very sharp, but it's a pity that your talent is too strong, so strong that I have to wipe you out from the world."

An extremely weird accent sounded, and the voice sounded like the words spoken by dog ​​shit.

As for what Ye Xuan said about being discovered by the seventh-level creation god, they didn't care. They didn't plan to go back alive after participating in this operation, and they were not killed by the seventh-level creation god, which means they still have a chance.

When Inoue Kojiro selected them, the three of them stood out, and then they stayed near the ancestral star, waiting for an opportunity to move.

But Ye Xuan had never appeared, and had not gone to other star regions, which made it impossible for them to kill him.

After the last operation, they still went to the Creation Continent. They had no choice but to follow him.

This time, it was almost impossible for them to find their way into the Daming Academy, but they just came in. Ye Xuan was also curious about this.

It didn't make sense that these aliens had found their way to the doorstep, but they still didn't find it.

Therefore, there was only one possibility left, that the high-level Creation Gods had already found it, but they didn't care much, just to see how strong Ye Xuan was now.

Anyway, Ye Xuan's body was protected by a protective ban arranged by Zhu Yuanzhang himself, which would be activated if he was in danger of his life.

As Xiao Baga's voice fell, a terrifying breath burst out in an instant.

A dark and strange breath slowly emerged.

At the same time.

In the prehistoric world.

A huge passage appeared, and countless tentacles surged wildly in it, as if it was a passage to hell.

Suddenly, a huge figure walked out of the passage, with countless tentacles surging frantically, as if sucking the spiritual energy of the world in the prehistoric world.

If Ye Xuan was here, he would definitely be amazed why such a shocking giant octopus appeared on the other side.

And it was not something else, but the leopard octopus.

The mythical creature of Fusang descended into the prehistoric world without any sign at this moment!


The faces of all the creatures in the prehistoric world who sensed this thing changed, and an instinctive feeling of disgust emerged in their eyes!

The thick tentacles that could be bent and combined at will were waving wantonly in the sky, and the sky was torn apart by it, and the earth seemed to be collapsing.

The endless spiritual energy seemed to be sucked up by these tentacles...

Ugly, terrifying, tyrannical, disgusting.

All kinds of disgusting auras emerged in Ye Xuan's villa, and even spread to the prehistoric world.

It was a feeling that surpassed everything, a world that people hated from the bottom of their hearts.

And this world is the kingdom of the black-clothed man in Fusang.

"What a disgusting aura..."

Ye Xuan's eyes did not hide his disgust at all. Not to mention looking at the other party, just staring at the other party, it seemed that he could see the ugly appearance in the other party's heart.

Those disgusting auras drifted throughout the room, but Ye Xuan did not act rashly. This was the first time he faced a fifth-level creation god.

The auras of the other party came, except for making him feel disgusted, but he did not feel breathless.


"I admit that you are very powerful and are indeed a genius, but in front of us, you can only have the title of a genius who died young!!!"

The aura of a guy named Xiao Wanglang by the bed among the three people suddenly changed, and the powerful aura of the fifth-level creation god immediately pressed towards Ye Xuan, wanting to crush Ye Xuan alive.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The overwhelming momentum instantly destroyed everything in the villa, even this villa.

Even the surrounding space began to change vaguely.

"Did you get pulled into an unknown space? I thought you could destroy the space of the Creation Continent~"

Ye Xuan sneered disdainfully, shook his head, looked at the space that began to distort around him, and said slowly.

"What? How is it possible?!" Seeing this, Xiao Wanglang beside the bed showed a trace of surprise in his eyes, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

He couldn't believe that the other party could still move freely under his oppression without any sense of oppression.

"Do you feel scared?"

Ye Xuan's mouth corners slightly raised, looking at the other party with a playful smile in his eyes.

Behind him, there was an infinite rhyme of Taoism, and one after another of Taoism suddenly appeared, and I didn't know what it was, and I didn't know how.

It can't be described, it can't be grasped.

It can't be penetrated, it can't be understood.

Hua La La! ! !

Three thousand Dao rhymes appeared behind Ye Xuan, as if three thousand of the most majestic gods and demons were looking down on everything.

The phantoms of three thousand great gods and demons appeared behind him, and their eyes seemed to be looking at extremely weak ants.

"Damn it! Die!!!"

Hearing this, the three men in black were furious, and endless darkness emerged.

Pairs of red eyes appeared in the darkness, and those pairs of red eyes emitted strange light, and even countless whispers came out in the darkness.

Finally, countless tentacles stretched out in the endless darkness. In addition to the tentacles, there was endless sea water, as if coming from all directions.

The characteristics of the kingdoms of the three fifth-level creation gods merged together, and the darkness was full of oceans, and the dense and strange red eyes had countless tentacles.

"Humble creature, you just created the chaotic world by chance. You don't understand the greatness of the true Fusang mythology system at all!!!"

The head of the three, Xiao Wanglang, spread his hands with a fanatical face, embracing the endless darkness. His face was fanatical, and he had a bit of compassion when he looked at Ye Xuan.

These words seemed to have the power of the avenue. A black hole suddenly appeared and appeared under Ye Xuan's feet, as if to suck Ye Xuan into it and turn him into endless shatters.

The kingdom of the gods of Xiao Wanglang by the bed is a world of Tsukuyomi. The most powerful existence is Tsukuyomi God. Tsukuyomi God was originally the moon god in the Fusang mythology system, but now he has been developed into the god of darkness by Xiao Wanglang by the bed.

He is the existence that controls the darkness in his kingdom of gods. Slowly, Tsukuyomi controls the darkness.

And these darknesses are created by Tsukuyomi. No matter what god it is, as long as he is willing to master it, he can master those avenues. It's just a matter of time.

"Under the glory of the leopard octopus, become one of the humans toyed with by the leopard octopus~" The first black-clothed man whispered devoutly.


Countless tentacles instantly went towards Ye Xuan, some towards his head, some towards his mouth, his limbs, his lower body...

It seemed that those tentacles appeared just to play with humans.

In fact, just like the myth of Fusang, the leopard octopus appeared in this way. Many humans believe in the leopard octopus, because the leopard octopus can bring the most perfect sex life to any Fusang woman, and can also give many Fusang men perfect sexual fantasies.

"Disgusting thing, get out!"

Seeing this, Ye Xuan shouted angrily, and the aura of the Great Dao on his body suddenly appeared, and the phantom of the gods and demons of the killing avenue appeared.


The figures of the killing gods and demons suddenly appeared, and a breath of killing instantly burst out wildly around.

In an instant.

After the countless tentacles felt the breath, they were so scared that they immediately stopped and fled, fleeing from here madly.


Ye Xuan chuckled, and the white figure standing in the endless darkness was so dazzling and brilliant.

"Disgusting world, it shouldn't exist in this world, death will take everything away..."

"Listen, the breath of death~"

As Ye Xuan's words fell, countless tentacles disappeared in an instant.

"Impossible?! Where is my octopus?!!!"

The man in black was shocked when he saw this, and he immediately let out a terrified roar.

He began to explore desperately, and with a thought, he looked at the kingdom of God in his body.

But he saw that the passage that had invaded the prehistoric world before had collapsed and disappeared. The countless octopuses in the kingdom of God were now ashes and no longer seen.

Everything, everything, turned into ashes.

No! There is not even ashes.

Then, he began to feel the strength of his body disappearing rapidly.

The man in black showed a look of horror and hatred, and roared: "Damn it!!!"

He began to rush towards Ye Xuan without hesitation, and he wanted to pull Ye Xuan to explode before his cultivation level completely fell.

His body began to expand continuously, and soon exceeded the size of a human dozens of times, turning into an extremely huge giant.

He knew that after his cultivation level dropped, it was almost impossible for him to return alive, so he wanted to take Ye Xuan away directly.

But he didn't think about it. He was a fifth-level creator god, and his strength was reduced because the opponent killed all the creatures in the kingdom of God in one move. How could such strength take Ye Xuan away?

"Go to hell!!!"

A roar that resounded through the soul came.

"No, run!"

The little Wang Lang beside the bed shouted quickly and ran around.

Another man in black ran away immediately when he saw this, without stopping at all.

Although these two people are both fifth-level creation gods, the guy who blew himself up is also the same fifth-level creation god. He will be disabled even if he is blown up like this.

Ye Xuan, on the other hand, stood there with a slight smile on his face, his body not moving for a moment, facing the self-destruction of the fifth-level creation god.

With a calm expression, he stretched out a finger and pointed gently at the man in black heading towards him.


Buzz! ! !

In an instant, the endless terrifying aura disappeared in an instant.

The energy in the body of the man in black that was constantly expanding and ready to explode was rapidly disintegrating, and the majestic energy that had finally been gathered seemed to dissipate in an instant.

The huge sound that was about to explode suddenly disappeared, and everything seemed to have never happened.

Waves of strange aura appeared and then dissipated between heaven and earth.

A tall phantom with the head of a snake and the body of a horse slowly appeared behind Ye Xuan. In those indifferent eyes, it seemed that nothing could arouse his emotions.

His figure is tall and majestic, as if there are endless creatures that are facing falling apart in front of him.

His figure is reflected in the heavens and the world, and in the endless years.

Its name is...

Split the gods and demons! ! !

at the same time.

The countless tentacles carrying disgusting auras in the ancient wilderness are constantly dying.

inside the room.

The man in black who originally wanted to self-destruct had already disappeared, leaving only the two men in black who shrank far away.

The little Wanglang beside the bed was horrified to find that although the boy in front of him was a fourth-level creation god in name, his actual combat power was no weaker than that of a fifth-level creation god.

I originally thought that the three fifth-level creation gods would be able to perfectly deal with Ye Xuan, but who knew that the other party would kill one of them so easily and instantly.

"How is it possible that this kid can jump over the ranks and kill the enemy!!!"

The little Wanglang beside the bed was horrified, and he really didn't want to believe the result, but the matter happened to be right in front of him, and no matter how much he didn't believe it, he had to believe it.

When he thought of this, the little Wanglang beside the bed was filled with shock and horror.

He originally thought he would die after killing Ye Xuan, but he didn't expect that he might die now if he can't even kill Ye Xuan...

The Kingdom of God that they were so proud of was so weak and vulnerable in front of Ye Xuan's Kingdom of God.

It seems that they have been suppressed by Ye Xuan's Chaos Kingdom from the beginning, and their strength seems to be out of balance when facing Ye Xuan.


In other words, whatever they know, Ye Xuan will use more powerful magical powers to stop them!

This is a fundamental blow, something that has been doomed from the beginning!

In front of Ye Xuan, in front of the chaotic world, their fifth-level creation god seemed to have become a joke...


Ye Xuan raised his palm casually, squeezed it gently, and made a dull sound.

Then the darkness that spread over the entire space seemed to have lost its original power at this moment, and disappeared in an instant.

The darkness recedes and the black hole disappears.

Then, the light shines!

At this moment, a shadow of a bright god and demon also appeared behind Ye Xuan.

"What a disgusting smell!!!"

The little prince beside the bed cursed secretly, looking at the phantom of the light god and demon as if he had encountered some kind of nemesis. He was so suppressed that he seemed to be out of breath.

Then, the shadow of a god and demon once again appeared behind Ye Xuan.

It was a human head with a human body, and its eyes were filled with curiosity about everything and an indescribable sense of compassion for all living things.

However, when Xiao Wanglang looked at him beside the bed, he saw a pair of fierce eyes that seemed to be looking for an enemy in the void.

His figure is the most majestic existence among all gods and demons, and his breath is also the most powerful existence among all gods and demons.

He symbolizes the starting point of everything and the end of everything...

His name is...

Pangu! ! !

"You!! This!! How can such a terrifying avenue exist in this world!!! What kind of terrifying existence is this?!"

The little Wanglang beside the bed had extremely horrified eyes and couldn't help but screamed and yelled.

He peeked at the phantom behind Ye Xuan. The phantom had an aura that could destroy everything...

I felt the boundless aura of killing again...

There are endless deaths...

I don’t know how many frightening avenues can be glimpsed in the shadow, which is a desperate and full of fear...

"Are you scared?" The slightly playful look in the corners of Ye Xuan's eyes was clearly revealed at this moment.

The man in black didn't say anything after hearing this, he was just thinking about how he should escape from here.

But when the two of them were about to escape, they found that the place had been restricted for a long time, and there was no possibility of escape.

After realizing that he could not escape, Xiao Wanglang looked at his companion beside him, and the two nodded to each other.

Since you can't escape, let's fight to the death!

"I admit that you are very powerful. You can fight against the fifth-level Creator God with the power of the fourth-level Creator God, but can your kingdom of God be as powerful as you?"

"I don't believe that your kingdom of God can be so powerful!!!"

There is no fear in the eyes of Xiao Wanglang beside the bed. Since he is bound to die, he will fight to the death!

Although the strength of the Creator God is based on the strength of the creatures in the Kingdom of God, it does not mean that the two are absolutely equal. The Creator God himself can also practice, but it is slower than waiting for the creatures to improve themselves.

And the situation like Ye Xuan who owns three thousand avenues is even more so. The avenue is not as simple as one plus one equals two. Ye Xuan, who owns three thousand avenues, is naturally many times more powerful than those creatures in the prehistoric world.

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