Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 390 The Thought of Destroying Fusang

"My Moon Reading Army has entered your world. It won't be long before your world will be killed by our two fifth-level creatures!!!"

The little Wang Lang beside the bed laughed, his eyes full of joy.

Yes, since they can't defeat Ye Xuan himself, they can keep dodging to avoid being killed by Ye Xuan, and then their kingdom of God creatures will destroy Ye Xuan's kingdom of God. In this way, Ye Xuan's strength will continue to decline.

If the kingdom of God can be destroyed, it will be even more amazing. Ye Xuan's strength will be reduced indefinitely until he becomes a scum who is not even a first-level creator god.

However, just when the little Wang Lang beside the bed was smug.

Ye Xuan heard the words and a playful expression appeared on his face. Looking at the black-clothed man from Fuso in front of him, he suddenly became interested. He not only wanted to kill these two people, but also let the other party give up completely before killing them.

"Really? Then I will show you what the real kingdom of God is!"

Ye Xuan's playful voice appeared.

Hearing this, the man in black sneered disdainfully, thinking that Ye Xuan was just looking for death. In this situation, Ye Xuan would only have one outcome, and that was death.

After all, their kingdom of God has fifth-level creatures. No matter how strong the creatures in Ye Xuan's kingdom of God are, they are only fourth-level creatures. What can they use to fight their creatures?

The fact that the God of Creation can fight across levels does not mean that the creatures in the kingdom of God can fight across levels!

If you want to blame someone, blame Ye Xuan for being too arrogant. If he kills them in the outside world, the danger of the kingdom of God will naturally be lifted. But since he has chosen this path, the two of them don't even need to hide, and just wait quietly for Ye Xuan to show a regretful expression!

"A mere fourth-level kingdom of God wants to defeat our fifth-level kingdom of God? It's a joke! Weak creatures, accept the judgment!" The man in black's voice was extremely cold, causing the temperature around to drop by several degrees.

His kingdom of God is a world of oceans, with all kinds of sea beasts in it, and the most powerful ones in the kingdom of God are the legendary Heavenly King, Hades, and Sea King.

Among the three kings, the Heavenly King is a human being, a guy who is equivalent to the God of Creation like Jehovah.

As for the Hades, he is the ruler of another world after the death of the sea beast. The sea water there is no longer the ordinary blue sea water of the human world, but is extremely black like ink, which makes people feel scared when they see it.

And the Sea King is the most powerful existence in the human world, the most powerful sea beast that controls countless sea beasts.

Sea beasts are divided into ordinary sea beasts, sea kings, and sea emperors. Each sea king is a fourth-level creature, and each sea emperor is a fifth-level creature.

The Sea King himself is also a fifth-level creature. At the beginning, among all the sea beasts, the Sea King was the first to reach the fourth level, so he was called the King of Sea Beasts, but as time passed, more and more sea beasts reached the fourth level. From then on, the most powerful sea beast king retained the title of Sea King, and those fourth-level sea beasts were all called Sea Kings.

After that, the Sea King reached the fifth level of strength, and did not change his name. He was still the king of this sea. After that, several fifth-level sea beasts appeared, and those sea beasts were called Sea Kings to distinguish them from Sea Kings.

The Sea King is extremely powerful, but the four Sea Kings are also extremely powerful. Although there are strengths and weaknesses among the five, there is only a very small difference in strength, and the strongest individual is still the Sea King.

Weak creatures?

You call the prehistoric creatures weak?

Ye Xuan looked at the two guys in front of him with a strange look on his face, with mixed feelings in his heart, and an indescribable feeling.

The last time he was so hard-mouthed, I don’t know how many meters of grass on his grave...

It’s just a Sea God Kingdom and a Moon Reading Kingdom. What can it count for in front of the prehistoric world?

The man in black waved his hand, and Xiao Wanglang beside the bed also waved his hand.

The picture of the Kingdom of God appeared in front of the three people.

Endless sea beasts, led by the four sea emperors and three kings, continued to rush into the prehistoric world.

Among those sea beasts, there were beings that could open their mouths to swallow a huge island, and there were terrifying figures that could smash an island with one blow.

There were endless and extremely powerful sea beasts. When they went out to fight, the sea water was divided, as if a machete fell from the sky, which made people feel terrified.

"When your kingdom of God is destroyed, you will know what fear is..."

Ye Xuan smiled when he heard this, and his fingers were raised casually.


All the creatures in the prehistoric world knew at this moment that the alien world in the sky had descended. All the prehistoric creatures had only one thought in their hearts at this moment, that is, to destroy all the bastards who dared to invade the prehistoric world!!!

"You seem very confident. I like the contrast caused by a confident genius like you who finds out that he is not my opponent in some aspects."

Beside the bed, Xiao Wanglang saw that Ye Xuan was not afraid at all, but was still threatening himself and others, and he laughed immediately.

But then, he couldn't laugh anymore, his smile instantly stiffened, and he looked at the projection in the kingdom of God.

Then, there was a look of horror and fear in his eyes.

In the prehistoric world.

Endless alien creatures occupied the sky above the prehistoric world, and those creatures were wantonly destroying everything in the prehistoric world.

Both the Heaven and the Underworld seemed to have become cannon fodder in front of these fifth-level creatures. They had no ability to resist and could only be slaughtered wantonly.

In this space and time, everything in the prehistoric world was being destroyed.

The earth was being torn apart, the sky was collapsing, as if the world was going to be destroyed in the next moment.

It seemed that the prehistoric world had already been occupied by creatures from another world...


"Is this the creature from another world that came this time?"

"Weak, low-level, ignorant, and without intelligence. If their strength far exceeded ours by several levels, it would be interesting. It's just a pity. It's a pity that they are only one level higher than us. How dare they appear in the prehistoric world..."

A gentle voice with a sigh sounded.

The human body and the snake tail were Fuxi.

Fuxi stood in another space and time, with a floating bubble constantly flowing in his hand, and in the bubble, endless creatures from other worlds were constantly destroying that world.

There are endless time and space in the prehistoric world, and each time and space may be illusory or real.

The alien creatures descended into a part of the infinite real time and space, but the combat power in that time and space was really low, so they were destroyed by those alien creatures.

The real prehistoric world exists in countless time and space. If there are no detailed coordinates, you can't even find it.

This is one of the weakest time and space in the prehistoric world. All the creatures in this world are the reflection of the prehistoric creatures, a thought, or the shadow left by the reflection of the heavens.

Fuxi leaned over and looked at these creatures, sighed leisurely: "The prehistoric world is extremely, time and space are infinite, and it is already very good for such a lowly creature to break into one of the time and space, not to mention that it has cultivated to a higher realm than me..."

As he gently clenched his palm, that time and space, along with those countless alien creatures, disappeared, and the foam became crystal clear, without any colorful transparent foam.

I thought the invaders would be some powerful creatures, but I didn't expect them to be so vulnerable.

Ye Xuan also overestimated the opponent, and thought that all the creatures in the prehistoric world would feel disgusted and kill the opponent. As a result, he only sent out Fuxi to wipe out all the alien creatures in that time and space.

Although the cultivation level of these alien creatures is higher than Fuxi, after all, their foundation is too weak. Those so-called mythical creatures are just the thoughts of any creature in the prehistoric world, extremely humble and low.

The key is that there are waves of disgusting breath all over the body, how can Fuxi bear not to kill them all.

After doing all this, Fuxi jumped out of the long river of time and space and returned to the time and space he belonged to.


"How is it possible?!!"

Seeing this, Xiao Wanglang beside the bed opened his eyes wide, as if everything in his heart had been overturned.

"Is this the creature of the chaotic world... Is this the rule of life..." Another man in black muttered to himself, not knowing what to say...

All of this was too much of an impact on their worldview. They had never seen such a powerful existence that could destroy their creatures in the kingdom of God with a single thought.

You know, that was a fourth-level creature! ! ! Theirs was a fifth-level creature! ! !

Ye Xuan looked at the two men in black in front of him with a sneer on his face, shook his head slightly, and said sarcastically: "Your kingdom of God is not very good! Is it just these two tricks?"


The little Wang Lang beside the bed ignored Ye Xuan's words, muttering to himself with his eyes blank. At this moment, he realized what kind of ant-like existence he and others were in front of Ye Xuan.

But this guy was obviously just a fourth-level creator god, how could he beat the three fifth-level creator gods! ! !

What's even more outrageous is that the guy in front of them clearly said that he was in the early stage of the fourth stage, but why did he reach the late stage of the fourth stage!!!

And his aura is even stronger than that of the fifth-level Creator God! If he had not yet created the Godhood, they would have thought that the guy in front of them was the fifth-level Creator God!

The Godhood is what the Creator God with the Godhead condenses in the next step. If the Godhood is condensed, it will become a truly powerful Creator God, that is, the fifth-level Creator God.

This realm is qualified to be called a god among the Creator Gods!

"Be loyal to the Great Fuso Empire!!!"

The little Wang Lang beside the bed knew that he could not leave here alive today, and he roared immediately, and his body began to burst out with huge energy, and his body began to expand continuously, just like the previous black-clothed man who wanted to self-destruct.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan shook his head slightly, sighed, and said, "Why bother..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a breath of death quickly swept over the two men in black, and the terrifying power of death devoured everything of the two men in black.



Kingdom of God...

Everything, in front of the power of death, was instantly turned into nothing.

When the other party died, the space of the villa returned to the previous plane again.

Ye Xuan looked at the villa that was turned into nothing during the battle between them, and whispered: "Retrace."

As he finished speaking, except for the three dead men in black, everything in front of Ye Xuan was moving backwards rapidly.

In an instant, the villa returned to its original state without any difference, as if nothing had happened.

The only difference is that the deaths of those men in black prove that there was not no fighting here.

Ye Xuan sneered and spread his palms.

Two transparent souls slowly floated up, it was the souls of the two men in black who had just been killed by Ye Xuan.

Rather than saying they are souls, it is better to say that these are the incomplete memories of the two Creator Gods.

The two figures floated stupidly in mid-air without any trace of life.

The past and memories of the two of them had turned into countless fragments, and what was in front of Ye Xuan at this moment was part of them.

These memories keep passing by.

"Soul reading!"

After the power of Soul Avenue appeared, Ye Xuan instantly blocked the useless information.

Countless information circulated crazily in Ye Xuan's eyes.

Soon, there was a scene that interested Ye Xuan.

"Kill him. If this person grows up in the future, he will definitely be the terminator of our Da Fuso Empire..."

"Yes, bedside, you are the leader of this assassination operation..."

A middle-aged man appeared in the screen. After Ye Xuan saw it, his eyes narrowed slightly and he said coldly: "In that case, let me destroy you in the future!"

"Fuso, Xiba... none of them can even think of living!!!"

"This universe is too small, so small that it can only accommodate the voice of Daxia. Everything will disappear in my hands..."

These are Ye Xuan's thoughts, and they are also things he will do when he reaches sufficient strength in the future.

Then, he erased all those bubble-like scenes with one hand, and the two incomplete souls carrying incomplete memories completely dissipated between heaven and earth.

Fusang Kingdom wanted to kill him, so it was only natural for him to take revenge and go back.

Although it is said that even if the other party did not do anything to him, he would still destroy the Fuso Kingdom after he cultivates...

But now it was Fusang who felt sorry for him in name. If others dared to accuse him, he would have sufficient reasons to speak.

After all, Fuso is a country. If it is really destroyed, there is no guarantee that some voices from other countries will appear to resist and accuse Ye Xuan.

Of course, it would be impossible to hand it over. How could he hand over the combat power that could destroy Fuso alone?

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