Heavenly Palace, Thirty-three Heavens, Lingxiao Palace.

Emperor Jun sat at the top, leaning over to look at the empty seat below, his eyes seemed to be thinking about something.


Fuxi's figure came from the long river of time and space and sat on that seat.

In fact, the two who appeared here at this moment were not real bodies, but just a thought of each other. Normal meetings and conversations did not require real bodies to come in person.

"What are the differences between those alien creatures that invaded the prehistoric world before and before?" Emperor Jun looked quite relaxed, obviously not taking it seriously, and now he was just asking some questions.

After all, those alien creatures died, which can be known from Fuxi's return.

If Fuxi had not volunteered to kill those alien creatures that disgusted all the creatures in the prehistoric world, the ending would not be like this now, at least that time and space would not be destroyed.

However, it is worthwhile to exchange a time and space for Fuxi's enlightenment.

Fuxi carefully recalled the creatures he had encountered before, then nodded slowly, saying, "Most of the creatures we encountered before were weak, and some even had a foundation that was not much worse than ours, but their strength was undoubtedly much worse than ours."

At this point, he changed the subject and said, "However, the creatures that invaded the prehistoric world this time are extremely powerful. If I were also in that time and space, I would definitely not be able to survive and would definitely perish with that time and space.

But fortunately, they have only strength, but they don't know what space and time are, and can only foolishly destroy everything in that time and space.

And their foundation is extremely shallow, and they have almost no understanding of the Tao, but they have such powerful strength, which is really a bit strange."

Although he would not be able to survive if he was also in that time and space, in fact, he could not enter that time and space at all.

He was able to summon the long river of time and space thanks to his cultivation of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. If it were someone else, he would not be able to summon this long river of time and space, let alone enter it.

Even he could only sit in the long river of time and space, waiting for the vicissitudes of the world. Unless it was destroyed by external forces, he could not change anything in a certain time and space.

Oh, no, it can also affect himself in that time and space, but that's all.

After hearing Fuxi's words, Di Jun frowned slightly and replied: "There are so many creatures in the Ten Thousand Worlds. Even the world is as vast and boundless as the boundless starry sky, let alone the creatures in it?"

The strength of those creatures from other worlds actually made Di Jun a little curious. What kind of great power could make Fuxi say such words.

Without looking, Di Jun knew that it must be those lowly creatures that wantonly destroyed everything in that space and time. However, Fuxi leaned over and stared at it in the long flow of space and time, and then destroyed that space and time, and then he could kill them with the help of the mighty power of space and time.

"By the way, how strong are those creatures from other worlds?" Di Jun couldn't help asking.

"Like the God of Creation, like the Father God Pangu, more powerful than your Majesty, and not just one..." Fuxi couldn't help showing a look of shock in his eyes.

When he first saw the strength of those creatures, he was naturally shocked by them.

If they didn't have the power to crush them, no matter how weak they were in that space and time, they would be at the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and they would never be killed by the other side.

But the fact is that the self in that time and space was killed as easily as a pig or a dog, and even the incarnation of the Emperor of Heaven was no exception...

Although that time and space is relatively weak, no matter how weak it is, it has proved the existence of the supreme primordial.

"Hiss..." Di Jun took a breath of cold air when he heard it, and then said with a little relief: "Fortunately, they did not come to this world, otherwise I don't know how many lives would suffer..."

Although each time and space is the prehistoric world, after all, the prehistoric world today is the main body.

When this time and space disappears, in fact, other time and space that depend on one time and space will fall into collapse, and the entire prehistoric world will be destroyed.

But if other time and space disappear, no time and space will be affected.

A solemn and serious look appeared on Di Jun's face.

When the Dao body was transformed, his original body came here in an instant, and Fuxi saw it and quickly transformed his original body.

If someone who saw the original body of the Emperor of Heaven still used a clone, it would seem that he did not respect the Emperor of Heaven.


Countless Dao rhymes appeared, and behind Di Jun appeared two Dao rhymes, the Avenue of Time and the Avenue of Space.

Fuxi looked at Di Jun in amazement, but did not speak to disturb him.

The Dao rhymes of the Avenue of Time and the Avenue of Space slowly combined together, as if something was stirring in the dark.

A long river of time and space appeared in front of Di Jun and Fuxi. In the boundless river of time and space, countless water droplets and bubbles combined together to form such a scene.

The water droplets are illusory, and the bubbles jumping on them are a real time and space.

In the countless bubbles, rounds of suns emerged, filling the entire bubble, as if everything in that time and space was the sun.

Under the reflection of the sun, soon, the bubble that had been destroyed and disappeared knew which time and space it was.

Emperor Jun's mind moved, and all the past events in that time and space appeared in his eyes one by one.

Countless creatures, countless stories, passed through his eyes one by one.

After a long time.

"It turned out to be these dirty creatures!!"

Emperor Jun's words were a little cold, but he also had some doubts about the strength of these lowly creatures.

He didn't know, nor did he understand why these lowly creatures could become so powerful.

Until he saw the lifespan of those creatures, he instantly understood.

"The maximum level of these lowly creatures is just like this, and there will be no improvement in the future, and this is accumulated through countless years. The time they have practiced is more than ten thousand times more than the beginning of the prehistoric world until now..."

Emperor Jun shook his head slightly, then waved his hand, the long river of time and space disappeared, and the Tao rhyme behind him disappeared.

"Your Majesty, it is really powerful!!!" Fuxi couldn't help but exclaimed.

He didn't expect that Di Jun was so powerful and had such powerful means. It had only been a short time since they last met, but he had even comprehended the Dao of time and space, and it seemed that he had made some achievements.

Di Jun seemed to see through his inner thoughts, and smiled and said, "It's just that when I killed the two ancestor witches before, I collected some Dao insights..."

Fuxi suddenly realized what he said and nodded repeatedly. He didn't expect that it would be useful in this way...

But then again, this doesn't seem to be something that ordinary people can do.

After all, this is collecting the Dao of others. Even if it means killing the other party and then taking it away, except for hearing Di Jun's recognition now, he has not seen any creature who can do this.

"Your Majesty is really powerful, far beyond what Fuxi can do." Fuxi smiled and praised.

"This is a small story, but compared to these, there are many stronger beings than us in this endless world. If we really meet them one day, what will happen to the fate of the prehistoric world..."

Di Jun was silent for a while, and did not say much about this matter. He just looked ahead with worry.

"We are Hunyuan, transcending time and space, and are immortal. Except for a few great gods and demons who have the power to destroy us, there is no danger."

"Although those more powerful creatures may destroy us at will, Your Majesty should know that the most powerful in the prehistoric world is not our innate sacredness, nor those great gods and demons, but the existence in the sky above the dark."

"Even if those stronger beings than us really come, as long as there is that existence, the prehistoric world will not collapse, and he will not sit idly by and watch the prehistoric world disappear..."

Fuxi smiled, and the eight trigrams flowed in his eyes, as if he had everything in his hands, as if everything in the world was under his control.

The confidence of a wise man who controls everything made Di Jun in front of him stunned, as if the Fuxi who he thought could plan for the four directions in the past had returned.

Di Jun laughed up to the sky and said, "Daoyou, how could I not know that Daozun! But if all things in the prehistoric world can only rely on that existence, then sooner or later, this world will be abandoned by him.

In the vast world, why should we protect a world that has no hope and no qualifications to help each other?"

Ask yourself, if Di Jun was Ye Xuan, he would not protect a world that would only let himself protect it when encountering a strong person. Even if he protected it before, it was just to see where this world is going.

It doesn't matter if the combat power is not enough, but if Ye Xuan is regarded as a support, then Ye Xuan will no longer look forward to this world. Even if it is impossible not to protect it as Di Jun said, but after that, Ye Xuan will not have much expectation for the prehistoric world.

This world is like this, the strong will always be strong, and the weak will always be weak.

Being strong is not necessarily strong, and being weak is not necessarily weak.

In Ye Xuan's view, a strong heart makes one strong. Having a heart that wants to become stronger is the real strength. As for the other things, they are not so important.

After all, strength can be surpassed by others, but a heart that desires to become stronger cannot.


Ye Xuan can also clearly feel that his strength seems to have improved a little bit compared to before. Although it is not much, it has indeed improved.

"Perhaps, under a certain sense of crisis, that is, the so-called pressure and danger, Honghuang will become stronger, and I will become stronger."

Ye Xuan could have killed the remaining two people as quickly as he killed the first black-clothed man when the black-clothed men arrived, but he wanted to try to see whether Honghuang would become stronger under the threat of so many fifth-level creatures.

In the case of crisis, although the creatures of Honghuang deliberately huddled together for warmth and knew some of their whereabouts, it was still difficult to see anything in such a short time.

This will have to wait until later to see.

Creatures like Di Jun know that the prehistoric world cannot rely on Ye Xuan, but must rely on themselves.

Only when everything is in one's own hands can one truly rely on others.

Prehistoric creatures cannot rely on other beings to support themselves, but prehistoric creatures can definitely make it work by relying on themselves.

Even if there are conflicts and contradictions in daily life, they are all internal conflicts. However, if anyone dares to collude with creatures from other worlds, he will definitely not survive afterwards.

"It seems that these crises alone are not enough. Even someone as strong as Fuxi would think of relying on me..."

Ye Xuan muttered to himself. This was somewhat different from what he essentially thought.

It's okay for the weak to think of relying on themselves, but Fuxi would actually think of relying on him, which means that this crisis is not enough.

Afterwards, Ye Xuan raised his hand slightly.

Buzz! !

A series of extremely powerful avenues such as time, space, fate, cause and effect, destiny, destruction, and death emerged in the void. Under the influence of many avenues, the unknown lines of fate intertwined and woven each other, forming a time and space controlled by Ye Xuan subjectively...

At the same time, a stream of light passed by the human race in the southern wilderness.

A majestic existence transformed into an old man of the human race. In essence, no matter how you look at it, it is a real human race.

And this majestic existence is Pangu.

Pangu's mind moved, and he appeared in the human race's Shicheng, the capital of the Shi Kingdom.

"This city is interesting..."

Just when Pangu felt that the human race in Shicheng was quite powerful, a young man suddenly came out of nowhere.

"Old man, are you a foreign human race?"

Shi Hao frowned and looked at Pangu carefully.

When he looked at Pangu, he found that the other party was just a mortal, a person who had no breath fluctuations at all. Looking at his bones, he found that he was indeed a human race.

How could a mortal human race appear in Shicheng out of thin air?

All the wind and grass movements in Shicheng could not escape his perception, and the same was true for Pangu, who suddenly appeared but was extremely strange.

Pangu looked at Shi Hao after hearing the voice, and secretly said in his heart that he was lucky.

Although Shi Hao's strength was just a floating thing in his eyes, which could be broken with a flick of a finger, the road that Shi Hao was currently on was like stepping on the road of reincarnation.

Pangu naturally knew the strength of the road of reincarnation.

What really made him sigh inwardly was not just the reincarnation avenue, but the fact that Shi Hao had a faint aura of chaos...

"Old man?" Shi Hao asked again when he saw that the other party did not answer him.

Pangu smiled and nodded when he heard it, saying, "Yes, it took a lot of effort to get here with the help of the immortal. I heard that this place is very prosperous. Can you take me to visit it?"

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