Pangu's words seemed like an old man wanting to visit a powerful city. Shi Hao nodded after seeing that the man in front of him was indeed an old man from the human race.

"Okay, old man, please."

Seeing this, Shi Hao nodded without saying anything.

Although his intuition told him that the human old man in front of him was a little weird, and he couldn't really see through him, that was all he could see at this stage.

His eyes told him that the person he saw was just an ordinary person, but his intuition told him that the person in front of him was not such a simple person.

Therefore, Shi Hao was also full of curiosity. He didn't know what the background of the guy in front of him was, so he agreed to accompany him to take a look at the current human race.

If he is really an ordinary human old man, then the guy in front of him is still his junior. But if he is an existence of unknown origin, what kind of sacred power can he hide from himself...

For a moment, Shi Hao's heart trembled, but now he could only take Pangu for a walk, so he walked slowly in the city. Anyway, what he had now was just a ray of thought, and it did not delay the main body.

When Pangu heard this, a smile appeared on his face, and then he nodded, following in the footsteps of Shi Hao in front.

"As expected of a race that can carry three thousand avenues, it can actually have such a nature. But having said that, although the human race has a destiny that can carry three thousand avenues, it seems that no one can really carry it so far..."

Pangu looked at Shi Hao's back and thought curiously.

You must know that the human race's body is qualified to carry the three thousand avenues, but the human race has not been able to really have a race that masters the three thousand avenues.

Then I thought that maybe the human race appeared late, so they haven't been able to master the Three Thousand Avenues yet.

If a second creature appears that controls the Three Thousand Avenues like himself, it will undoubtedly enhance the combat power of the Ancient World. And if all the creatures of the Ancient World master the Three Thousand Avenues, they may be able to achieve the eternal truth. A chance in the world...

Pangu thought of this...

Shi Hao was immediately alert, feeling as if he had been seen through by the old man behind him.

This couldn't help but make him feel scared. At this moment, he completely knew that the old man behind him must be an extraordinary existence. Anyway, he couldn't be one of those really ordinary old people.

But he didn't look back, because he knew that even he couldn't see through this guy, and he could imitate all aspects of the human race so that he couldn't see the flaws. This kind of existence was undoubtedly far beyond him.

"But the only people who surpass me in the ancient world, apart from the Human Emperor, are probably the Emperor of Heaven, Taiyi and those gods and demons..."

"Who is the one……"

"It's impossible for Taiyi's character to do such a thing..."

"Then it's the Emperor of Heaven and those gods and demons..."

"No, the Emperor of Heaven has always been upright, so it shouldn't be him..."

"That means the guy behind you is a god and demon!!!"

Shi Hao, who was thinking about it while leading the way, suddenly thought of it, and then he was shocked and didn't know what to do at this time.

Although these gods and demons do not dare to harm Honghuang because Pangu is in charge, this does not mean that they do not dare to harm the human race.

Although the human race is powerful, the two of them are so close at this time. If the other party suddenly breaks out, let alone his own strength, even those in the Hunyuan Realm of Stone City can kill this kid. Then he would have been killed long ago. Just die...

The creatures of the ancient world cannot kill the gods and demons of the great road, but the gods and demons of the great road can kill the creatures of the ancient world!

This is the difference between the two, this is the difference in their background, starting from their composition!

The gods and demons of the Great Dao are born from and nurtured by the Great Dao, so they are powerful and unparalleled in the world.

And other creatures are born from the combination of the great avenue and other great avenues, so naturally they are not as good as the gods and demons of the great avenue.

Under the leadership of Shi Hao, Pangu quickly traveled throughout Shicheng.

While Shi Hao explained the current situation of Shi Kingdom with a smile, he secretly kept an eye on Pangu at all times, for fear that Pangu would kill him directly in the middle.

Pan Gushi looked at Shi Hao's well-formed and already accomplished Samsara Dao and nodded. He also understood the concept of chaos a little better. Perhaps, given time, the human race boy in front of him will become prosperous. …

As the saying goes, those who are not from our race must have different minds. Adhering to this belief, Shi Hao has been secretly guarding Pangu, for fear that the other party will attack.

Pangu looked at the young man in front of him and nodded with satisfaction.

"Human race, not bad!"

Pangu looked at Shi Hao in front of him with joy and nodded slightly.

"In this case, the human race is very good, then I will show up and leave..."

Seeing that Pangu wanted to leave, Shi Hao quickly shouted: "Hey! Wait! Who are you!!"

Pangu did not respond to any of his words, but just disappeared and left.

For Pangu, the entire prehistoric world was created by him. Whether it was human beings or the Lich clan, all of these were based on the world he created first.

If there was no prehistoric world, there would be no two races of lichs and no human beings. There would also be no prehistoric tribes, let alone the so-called heaven and earth.

Therefore, everything is equal in front of him, and everything will not be biased in favor of the Witch Clan just because the Witch Clan is made of his flesh and blood.

This is also the reason why he didn't care about the death of the ancestral witch. If it is true, countless creatures in the prehistoric era are his descendants. How can the bloodline be better?

Are there any Sanqings transformed by Yuanshen who are closer to each other? Are Dijun and Taiyi transformed by Shen Yun closer?

Therefore, Pangu would not participate in this ancient controversy.

But this time, the reason why He ran to the human race to see the aura of the human race was because he was curious about the human race.

After all, whether it is the Dragon Clan or the Lich Clan, these three clans were actually transformed by Him. However, this human race, created by the day after tomorrow, was able to surpass all the descendants and achieve the greatest achievements in the world. Strong name.

After he left, Shi Hao stood there blankly. Even now, he has not been able to know who the other party is. He wanted to know, but the other party did not give him this chance.

Suddenly, a strange crack suddenly appeared in the sky above Shicheng.

A figure exuding waves of demonic aura slowly walked out of the crack.

He looked at the human race below with wrathful eyes, couldn't help but stick out his tongue and licked his upper lip, and said with a smile: "Human race!! It's really delicious!!!"

Boom! ! !

An extremely powerful figure suddenly appeared, and a touch of reincarnation reflected the heavens.

"How brave you are!!! How dare you stop me!!!"

A look of shock and anger flashed across the eyes of that figure, and he looked up to the sky and roared in rage.

It has the head of a human and the body of a snake, with a pair of black wings behind it, and demonic aura surging all over its body, making it look like a creature from the wild.

However, at this moment, there was a sad look in Shi Hao's eyes. He looked at the creature coming towards him and sighed quietly, and then the Tao Yun around him was overwhelming, as if he could bury the creature at any time. generally.

"Time to start! Sudden stop!"

It was filled with demonic energy, and could actually control the avenue of time, stagnating the time and space in front of it.

"control time?"

Shi Hao frowned as he looked at the monster coming towards him.

This ability to control time makes him difficult to deal with, but it is not impossible to deal with.

Then, a thought came to my mind.

The extreme speed made Shi Hao seem to ignore time, and a figure was moving crazily through the stagnant space.

Buzz! ! !

The unparalleled power of the Dao Yun destroyed everything, turning into a burst of powerful energy that swept everything, and finally fell on the figure full of demonic energy.

"You are not affected by time?!"

The figure full of demonic energy said in extreme shock upon seeing this, as if it was something incredible.

At some point, Pangu's figure appeared nearby again. From a high altitude, he looked down at the entangled Shi Hao clan and the figure full of demonic energy.

"This is……"

Pangu frowned slightly as he looked at the figure full of demonic energy.

This guy actually has a bit of the aura of the demon god and demon in the past who tried to steal his axe. The key is that he is not a disciple of the current demon ancestor Luohu.

And it actually controls the Avenue of Time, which is really weird.

Divine light flashed in Pangu's eyes, and then, the whole life of the figure full of demonic energy in front of him soon appeared in front of Pangu.

Pangu's face showed a clear look as he passed by in a hurry.

"So it turns out that he is actually a descendant of Zhu Jiuyin of the Wu clan..."

The Witch Clan bloodline can be said to be the bloodline that is most devoted to him, and it is also the tribe that he usually helps a lot.

But who knew that the child born from Zhu Jiuyin's intermarriage with a human girl would reach the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal so quickly.

But for some reason, he actually stepped into the devil's path.

The Avenue of Time is very normal. After all, it is the bloodline of Zhu Jiuyin. Even if one is born with the law of time, it is extremely normal. Even if one does not know it, he will be taught it the day after tomorrow, so this is extremely normal.

But why do people from the Witch Clan fall into the devil's path...

"The one who beheads you today is the human clan Shi Hao!"

Shi Hao's voice was full of confidence and arrogance. His pride was invisible at ordinary times, but if he was in a battle, he could clearly feel the opponent's arrogance.

Waves of extremely powerful Dao Yun slowly spread out from his body.

The invincible road creates an invincible heart...

The Avenue of War forged a body with magical powers of fighting...

The Five Elements Avenue suppresses everything, and life continues...

The avenue of reincarnation is the avenue of victory. Once the avenue comes out, who can compete with it?

Terrifying power spread out from his body.

It was as shocking as the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, heading towards Zhu Tian, ​​the son of Zhu Jiuyin.

Boom! ! !

Thousands of roads are surging forward, so terrifying that the entire void in the wilderness is trembling.

Countless human races looked up to the sky and saw Shi Hao, the founder of the Stone Kingdom, facing off against the enemy in the sky.

However, no one came to help him. It was not because they were not strong enough, but because they all had sufficient confidence in their ancestors and were confident that they could defeat them no matter who came.

"Damn humans!!" Zhutian roared with ferocious eyes.


A flash of black and red flashed across his eyes.

In an instant.

Countless demonic thoughts arose from his body, turning into strange and incomparable shadows, and some even turned into demons that connected Shi Hao's heart.

The phantoms turned into various demons among the demons. Inner demons, heavenly demons, lust demons, succubi and other demons appeared one after another, trying to seduce the desires in Shi Hao's heart, thereby turning Shi Hao away. Shi completely fell into sinking.

Although the Dao of Demon is a serious Dao, it has been manipulated by some people and has deviated from the real Dao of Demon.

The demon Rahu made a mistake, which caused almost all the demons in the world to go astray.

Zhutian is no exception.

"In the past, demons and gods roamed the chaos. Except for the five supreme gods and demons, no one was their opponent. They could even often defeat many with one enemy without falling behind. Who knew that in today's prehistoric times, none of these demons could understand the true meaning of it? …”

Pangu shook his head slightly and sighed. It was not worth it to be a devil.

"Fall, fall, fall..."

Zhutian's captivating words emerged from Shi Hao's heart.

It seems that as long as Shi Hao agrees, all his desires can be satisfied. Whether it is worldly power or the charming witch, it seems that he can have it with just a hook.

However, Shi Hao sneered disdainfully, and the power in his hand remained undiminished.

Click! ! !


The infinite aura of the Great Way of Reincarnation was injected into Zhutian's body, causing him to wail in agony.

Shi Hao looked at Zhutian in front of him indifferently. He could already feel the human blood coming from the other person's body with just that touch.

The guy in front of him, who is neither a devil nor a ghost, actually has the blood of the human race.

"A despicable guy like you actually has human blood. He should be from the Jiuli clan!" Shi Hao let go of the opponent's body and kicked him to the ground hard.

After recognizing the opponent's human bloodline, he didn't want to kill him anymore, mainly because this guy was from the Jiuli tribe.

Although the Jiuli Clan is a country of the human race in name, in fact, it has long since turned to the Wu Clan in its heart, so in fact the human race people regard them as the Wu Clan.

After the Jiuli clan members have been marginalized by the human clan for many years, their bloodline has become thinner from generation to generation. Gradually, their feelings for the human clan have gradually weakened, and they have slowly moved towards the side of the Wu clan.

Both the human race and the witch race actually hope to see this ending.

After all, for the human race, the blood of these people is no longer pure, but for the Wu race, they have a group of descendants with great development potential.

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