Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 393: Professor Title, Void Monster

"Go away, get out of the human race and return to Jiuli. You can avoid death. If not, you will die here today!"

Shi Hao stood in the air, with his hands behind his back and his eyes extremely cold as he spoke.

Zhutian fell to the ground, looking at the aloof Shi Hao with cold eyes, and sneered in his heart.

"Damn humans! Sooner or later I will kill you all!!!"

Then, Zhutian's figure disappeared here, turning into a streak of demonic energy and disappearing.

He said those words in his own heart, otherwise the Shi Hao family would have to chase him to death, and they would not be able to let him go.

In fact, not killing the opponent is not because of his human blood, but because the other party has the blood of the witch clan.

If you kill a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian of the Witch Clan, the consequences will be extremely serious.

If the Wu Clan comes to your door, the consequences will be no joke.

Although it is said that the human race is worthy of the witch clan today, if a war really breaks out, the human race will definitely suffer heavy casualties, and many years of hard work will be in vain.

And in the current state, it is impossible to kill the opponent. The entire prehistoric era seems to have fallen into a state of forced peace.

Except for the gods and demons of the avenue who are located in the avenue, no one can kill the primitive creatures.

Even someone as strong as Emperor Jun would not be able to do this, so no creature in the wild could do this.

Although those Dao gods and demons can kill ancient creatures, they do not have the body of Dao gods and demons, which makes them unable to defeat some extremely powerful primitive creatures.

For a moment, it seemed to be in some kind of balance.

When Pangu saw this, he quietly retreated.

Shi Hao suddenly raised his head and looked at where Pangu was just now. He frowned and felt that some extremely powerful creature should have appeared here just now.

After Zhutian left the human race, he vented all his anger on a small race that was dependent on the human race.

Blood covered the entire earth, and there was not a single bit of remains on the entire earth, because all the corpses and even the souls had been devoured by him.

He stood tall in the sky, with demonic flames surging behind him.

"Terran! Damn Terran!"

Although he also has half of human blood, he has always followed his father's teachings since he was born. Although he still respects his mother, his father is the greatest in his heart.

His mother is just an abandoned child among the human race, but his father is the time ancestor witch Zhu Jiuyin, second only to the space ancestor witch Emperor Jiang among the twelve ancestral witches.

He is the only second generation of the twelve ancestral witches of the entire witch clan, so he has been extremely favored since he was a child.

The twelve ancestral witches taught him all the skills they knew. It can be said that he learned all the ways of the twelve ancestral witches.

However, he has not learned the way of reincarnation from his aunt Houtu. It is not that he does not teach him, but that he cannot learn it.

Ever since he was sensible, he had begun to see how the human race hated the people of the Jiuli clan. Obviously everyone was a human race, but just because they had the blood of the Wu clan, he hated them from the bottom of his heart and ostracized them.

But it is clear that their ancestors all contributed to the human race. The mentality of the Jiuli people who have been marginalized since childhood has gradually changed, and even Zhutian is no exception.

When he was in the human race, he was marginalized, but when he was in the wizard race, he was like the apple of his eye.

The strong contrast between the two made him increasingly think that he was a member of the Witch Clan rather than a member of the Human Clan.

"When I am so powerful that everyone is afraid, that will be the end of the human race!!!"

Zhutian whispered angrily.

Immediately afterwards, he turned around and left, heading towards the Wu Clan.

In the battle just now, he was actually hung up and beaten by the opponent. If it weren't for his identity as a witch, he would have died there and he didn't know when he would be able to recover again.

He couldn't accept this, but there was nothing he could do about it...

"Ye Xuan, you have done well before, which also proves your strength. The assassin comes from Fusang Kingdom. You must know this. As for the assassin's matter, there will naturally be someone above to deal with it. Here is a list of fifth-level monsters It’s a gathering place. If you’re bored, you can go there and play.”

Suddenly, a message came to Ye Xuan's mind.

After hearing the words, Ye Xuan quickly returned to consciousness, and with a thought, he saw the landmark in front of him.

This kind of landmark is recorded in what star field, which stars and stars, and even accurate to the planet, which can ensure that the Creator God can find the place there.

"Okay, Dean, but is Fuso Kingdom going to destroy them?"

Ye Xuan quickly thought about it, came to Dean Zhu Yuanzhang's office, and asked.

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled slightly when he saw this, waved his hand, and said: "It won't be destroyed, but at least one of their sixth-level creation gods will be allowed to commit suicide. As for destroying it, if you want to, then do it yourself. Well, after all, a country can't just say that it will destroy other countries just because you were assassinated.

But if you become strong and can destroy it yourself, then even if you have revenge, other countries will not be able to say anything. "

Ye Xuan nodded when he heard this and said: "I understand, then I will go there myself."

"Well, the matter in Fuso Country is a trivial matter. The main reason is that you often don't go out for activities. I also want to see how far your strength has reached. Now it seems that dealing with those fifth-level monsters is not a big problem, so I gave it to you. You have a map and it’s up to you whether you want to go or not.”

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded.

It can be said that the treatment he gave Wu Yaozu was always very good. He didn't have to worry about anything, he didn't have to go to class, and he could directly participate in the outdoor activities of his senior year.

"Okay, thank you, Dean."

Ye Xuan nodded and thanked him.

Just when he was about to leave, Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly said: "By the way, are you interested in staying at Daming College as a professor? You don't have to teach anything, just leave a name. How about that?"

Ye Xuan frowned when he heard this, as if this had no other benefits besides the awesome reputation.

"Dean, this...my current strength seems not worthy..."

Ye Xuan didn't want to take the role, so he relied on his strength. After all, even the teacher who taught students was a sixth-level creation god, but he only had a fourth-level creation god, so how could he take the role.

"It doesn't matter. Depending on your talent, you will reach the sixth level of Creation God sooner or later."

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled slightly and said.

"Don't worry, you don't have to do anything, and there are benefits to be gained, so why not do it?"

As if he could see Ye Xuan's reluctance, he said with a smile.

"Benefits? What benefits?"

As soon as he mentioned the benefits, Ye Xuan suddenly became interested and asked curiously.

"You can obtain divine origin, fame, background, power, everything." Zhu Yuanzhang said easily with a smile on his face.

He knew that Ye Xuan would agree, and the reason why he was so anxious to let Ye Xuan become a professor was mainly because he was afraid that this kid would be attracted by other colleges in the future.

Such a genius has finally entered his own academy, can he let him go?


It must be firmly tied to your own chariot and cannot be allowed to be obtained by others.

After Ye Xuan heard the words, it seemed that there were quite a lot of benefits, so he nodded and agreed: "Thank you, Dean."

"Well, go ahead. I will handle all the relevant procedures for you."

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded and waved his hands.

Ye Xuan nodded after hearing this, and then left from the dean's office and returned to his villa.

He was lying on the sofa, looking at a drawing floating in the air.

Ye Xuan thought, and divine power was injected into the drawings.

The drawing began to show some faint light.

Finally, something similar to a compass appeared in the sky.

Record pointer.

The use and function of the record pointer instantly entered Ye Xuan's mind.

You only need to inject divine power into the record pointer, and the record pointer will activate a very special formation, and a void portal will appear, leading to the location recorded by the record pointer.

A record pointer can record only one location, and it cannot be changed for life.

Then, Ye Xuan injected a ray of divine power into it, and the void scale emitted a burst of light.

Bursts of fluorescence gathered together and pointed to one side.


A transparent portal appeared in the void.

Ye Xuan walked into it without changing his expression.

director's office.

"Dean, do you really want to give him the title of professor?"

Zhu Yunwen, vice president of Daming College, frowned and asked.

You must know that the title of professor is not given casually. There are so many teachers in Daming College, but only a few have the title of professor.

Now that a student like Ye Xuan would give him such a professional title, isn't this a joke?

If this were to be known to other teachers who had not been taught, what a big trouble would be caused.

Hearing this, Zhu Yuanzhang took a sip of the tea in front of him, then chuckled and said, "What's the point? Those old bones are all old and have lost their spirits. It has been so many years now that I haven't seen a single breakthrough in cultivation." , even the cultivation level increases are very few.

It's time for a young guy to come out and stimulate them, letting them know that if they don't work hard, they will really be surpassed by the younger generations. "


After hearing what Zhu Yuanzhang said, it seemed that he not only wanted to give Ye Xuan the professional title of Professor, but also let the teachers know about it.

For a moment, Zhu Yunwen didn't know what to say, so he just sighed and remained silent.

Seeing Zhu Yunwen's silence, Zhu Yuanzhang laughed and said: "Don't worry, it's not just for this reason, the main reason is that this junior is too powerful. I saw from him that anything can happen. We must not let such a genius go." .

The world needs more hawks, not doves who only know peace! ! "

"His Kingdom of God is very powerful and has unlimited potential. It is countless times greater than the potential of my Kingdom of God. What's more, I deliberately manipulated those Fuso assassins to assassinate him before, just to test his potential. How's the fighting power?"

Zhu Yuanzhang recalled that when he discovered that there were Fuso assassins plotting evil around the Ancestral Star, he invisibly guided those people to the Creation Continent, and even allowed those people to enter the Daming Academy.

"Oh? What's the result?"

When Zhu Yunwen heard this, he became interested. He didn't know about this matter. Not only did he not know about it, but the entire Daming Academy, except for the party involved, Ye Xuan, also the leader Zhu Yuanzhang knew about it.

"It goes without saying that they naturally won and were crushed. You must know that the three Fuso assassins are all real fifth-level creation gods, even though they are all in their early stages of cultivation..."

Zhu Yuanzhang said in a deep voice.


Zhu Yunwen took a breath of cold air, and his expression couldn't help but change.

"What about his current cultivation level?"

"Late fourth level."

"!!! It's so fast!"

Zhu Yunwen was completely shocked. He didn't know what to say.

Throughout the entire history of Creation Continent, no one has been able to achieve such a situation.

If this matter had not come from Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Yunwen would not have believed it even to death.

But this was what Zhu Yuanzhang said himself, so how could it be false?

"Genius, peerless genius, I knew he was very strong before, but I didn't expect him to be so strong..."

Zhu Yunwen couldn't help mumbling to himself, and sighed for a while.

Shaoyuan Star Territory, an extremely desolate continent suspended in the starry sky.

This is the continent called Eternity. Back then, it was thought to be a continent that would survive forever.

But now, everywhere is desolate, without any vitality, whether it is green plants or animals, they have disappeared at this moment.

Once upon a time, this place also represented a powerful civilization.

But since the emergence of the creation god civilization, the civilization here has been destroyed, the civilization here has been lost, and all the resisters and non-resisters have been killed.

Only a handful of creatures escaped by turning into monsters.

In the human world, monsters can be spared but civilization must die.

However, in the Eternal Continent now, there is a monster that looks very much like a mouse. Its whole body is covered with densely packed mouths, as if it wants to swallow everything.


That huge monster unscrupulously devoured the vitality of the Eternal Continent. Under it were those densely packed corpses. Those were the corpses of the lives that had been preserved in this civilization in the past. Those were also monsters...

They are like cultivating voodoos, fighting and devouring, trying to cultivate the most powerful voodoo, and finally devour the last vitality of this continent.

That is the vitality of this continent itself...

However, an uninvited guest suddenly broke into this continent, which shocked the monster's movements.

Then he suddenly raised his head, a trace of greedy desire flashed in his extremely scarlet eyes.

"Not dead yet! There is still life in this continent! I want to kill him! Then after devouring this continent, I will seek revenge on those alien races!!!" Such an idea instantly appeared in its mind, which was also the original plan. The only remaining thought.

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