
The monster's huge body ran wildly at a speed beyond the imagination of ordinary people, which was extremely contrary to its huge body.

It was like breaking the laws of physics in the universe.

"Living creature, still alive!!! Kill him! Kill him!" The monster's eyes were red, and there was a desire in his eyes, a program that had been set since its birth.

It looked at the white-clothed creature in front of it, which was already close at hand, and its eyes were full of desire.


It opened its bloody mouth without hesitation and swallowed the figure fiercely.

However, the expected thing did not happen.

The next moment.



Countless blood spurted out from its head, and the huge body like a city fell down completely.

And the head above the neck had disappeared, without even a trace of corpse left, and blood was constantly gushing out.

The immense vitality escaped from the blood and finally returned to the continent.

Gradually, the desolate atmosphere in the continent gradually faded.

In the center of the Eternal Continent, an oasis appeared faintly.

The grassland gradually recovered, the trees gradually grew, and the rivers and lakes that had been dry for who knows how long were now slowly flowing with fresh water.

Until the death of the huge creature, it still did not see clearly how the creature that was so weak in its eyes killed it.

With this doubt, it fell into death completely.

As the saying goes, when a demon falls, all things come to life, which is the scene before.

The immense vitality absorbed by it is madly emerging from its corpse, and even the vitality of the corpse itself is rapidly dissipating, transforming into various animals in this world.

Just like Pangu who transformed into all things in the ancient world.

"A mere monster actually possesses such a great power..." Ye Xuan said in shock as he watched the monster's corpse decompose.

If Pangu was like this, he would think it was normal, but this monster that looked like a mouse could actually possess such great power, which undoubtedly made him feel a little incredible.

Then, he slowly looked at this desolate world and found that there was only this monster on the huge continent, and he couldn't help but frowned slightly.

"Such a huge continent, why is it so desolate..."

"Could it be that the vitality here was absorbed by this monster, so it would burst out with such amazing vitality after death..."

Ye Xuan was silent.

If it was really what he guessed, then this continent had undoubtedly experienced an inhuman experience, which was a catastrophe.

Thinking that a monster could turn such a huge continent into a desolate place, he couldn't help but feel a little desolate.

In the vast universe, there are countless desolate planets. Even though humans are colonizing the universe on a large scale, there are still countless planets and even star regions that have not been set foot on.

It must be said that this universe is too big, and you may encounter any kind of monsters.

"But the dean clearly said that this is the gathering place of fifth-level monsters, but now you can only see one fifth-level monster..."

Ye Xuan frowned, a little confused about Zhu Yuanzhang's information.

He didn't think that Zhu Yuanzhang's information was wrong. That was the cultivation realm of the seventh-level Creator God. It can be said that a sneeze can wipe out a star region.

Of course, the premise is that no one in that star region can stop it...

You must know that reaching the realm of the seventh-level Creator God is the top combat power in this universe. There are countless humans, but the seventh-level Creator God is a handful. All the seventh-level Creator Gods in so many human countries are only a few dozen.

So, there must be something wrong.

At this moment, an extremely powerful aura slowly emerged from behind Ye Xuan.


A cold wind blew past...

As if it was indicating that something was about to happen.

The sky suddenly changed, and the originally clear sky became extremely gray.

Countless dark clouds densely covered the sky.

"The storm is coming..."

"The dark clouds are pressing down on the city and are about to be destroyed..."

Buzz! ! !

In the darkness, a pair of extremely scarlet Chen Muguang suddenly appeared behind Ye Xuan.

A huge ape-shaped figure that was as huge as a mountain appeared behind him.

Its body was covered with scarlet lines, which were outlined together, as if it was a brilliant work of art.

The extremely powerful aura made the life that had begun to appear on the Eternal Continent bow its head.

Pieces of grassland lowered their expensive heads and swayed with the wind.

The waters of rivers and lakes were cut off and could not be gathered...

At this moment, countless lives seemed to be destroyed...

The huge and powerful monster had no color in its eyes at this moment, and just looked down at Ye Xuan from above.

Ye Xuan felt the huge monster behind him, but he didn't feel the slightest fear. Instead, a smile appeared on his face, his mouth corners slightly raised, and his body suddenly soared into the air.

"Dharma Heaven and Earth!!!"

Boom! ! !

Ye Xuan's eyes showed a trace of joy, and his body continued to grow.

Soon, he was thousands of feet tall, and he looked down at the monster in front of him, chuckled and said, "It feels really good to be high above..."

His huge body was not just growing on the surface, but completely growing, and it changed from the root.

The streams of divine power that seemed to be a continuous source were shocking, and gave the other party an extremely powerful feeling, causing the huge ape-shaped monster to reveal a trace of fear in his eyes.

This kind of low-intelligence creature has always been like this, shocking the other party from the breath and from the size, and reducing many unnecessary fights in turn.


After the ape-shaped monster felt the pressure from Ye Xuan, it roared to the sky, and its hands kept beating the extremely strong muscles on its chest.




Every hammer blow had a kind of Dao rhythm that seemed to vibrate around like a rhythm.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan's face changed. It was a sound attack emitted by one Dao rhythm after another.


Ye Xuan raised his palm casually, and the Silence Avenue appeared behind him.

In an instant.

The entire Eternal Continent fell into an extreme silence. Whether it was the sound of the wind or the roar and clapping of the ape-shaped monster, at this moment, no sound could be emitted.

The Dao rhythm attack also lost its power and turned into nothing...

The giant ape-shaped monster's face darkened when he saw this, and his strength suddenly burst out, and countless Dao rhythms appeared.

Hundreds of Dao rhythms in the Three Thousand Avenues actually appeared on a monster! ! !

The blood-red lines on the demon ape's body seemed to be activated, emitting tremendous power. The giant ape roared and slapped Ye Xuan with one palm.

Puff! !

The space above the Eternal Continent was instantly blown up by this palm, and the entire nearby space was instantly collapsed, and even the sky began to tremble and fall.

"I'm playing with you, but you're still angry..."

Ye Xuan shrugged helplessly, then curled his lips, his face changed, and shouted: "In this case, then let you know what real horror is!!!"

Boom! ! !

The extremely powerful force suddenly burst out from behind Ye Xuan.

A terrifying aura of the avenue appeared behind Ye Xuan, and the next moment, it turned into a phantom.

The phantom towered into the clouds, ten times taller than Ye Xuan now.

The avenue of power suddenly burst out at this moment.

That was the real God of Power, the God of Power among the Three Thousand Great Daos, not the false and general God of Power of Pangu.

A huge figure suddenly appeared with a hammer in his hand, standing behind Ye Xuan.

The huge hammer in his hand swung, and then everything was broken.


The huge hammer suddenly hit the giant ape-like monster, making a huge cracking sound.

The ape-like monster's raised hands had not yet landed on Ye Xuan's head, and it stood there in an instant, as if stiff.

Ye Xuan looked at the monster in front of him, shook his head slightly, and then put away the magical power of the Dharma Realm of Heaven and Earth, his body turned into normal, looking at the towering huge ape-like monster in front of him, and blew a breath gently.


Crack! !

Boom! ! !

As the light breath blew on the huge ape-like monster, the other party's huge body suddenly began to collapse violently.

Pieces of broken meat mixed with blood began to fall, as if blood rained down from the sky, mixed with countless Dao rhymes and bones, and even various fresh internal organs fell to the ground and turned into layers of new life.

"Strange, why does every creature here turn into a new life circle after death..."

Ye Xuan frowned slightly as he looked at the new ecosystem in front of him.

This is a bit too outrageous. The originally desolate continent was just an insignificant mouse at the beginning. Although it was a fifth-level mouse, its strength was extremely low.

A fifth-level creator god can beat a fifth-level monster, and although Ye Xuan is only a fourth-level creator god, he can beat a fifth-level creator god, not to mention these fifth-level monsters.

After the fifth-level early mouse died, a fifth-level mid-stage giant ape immediately appeared.

The strangest thing is that after the two monsters fell, they would bring extremely magnificent vitality to this land, as if all this vitality was swallowed by the mouse and the giant ape.

As long as these monsters are killed, the continent will return to its original vitality.

Just as Ye Xuan was thinking about where he had come to, suddenly.


A deafening roar suddenly sounded, and Ye Xuan's thoughts were instantly pulled back to reality.

I saw a blood wolf that was several times larger than the previous giant ape monster appeared in front of me, with a bit of anthropomorphic anger in its eyes.

"Interesting, the fifth stage is late..."

Ye Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly. The monsters here would actually become stronger and stronger. As long as the monsters in the previous realm were killed, a new monster would immediately appear behind them.

"Did the dean give me a treasure map specifically for killing monsters and perfecting this continent..."

Ye Xuan said somewhat dumbfounded.

"But it seems like I don't have any benefits..."


With the huge roar of the blood wolf, which seemed like the world was nothing before it, the sky that was originally filled with dark clouds instantly became extremely clear, and the clear sky of the past reappeared.

However, before he could stay for a moment, the sky turned extremely dark in an instant.

In just a short moment, the originally clear sky turned into an extremely dark night.

In the dark night, the stars high in the sky disappeared, replaced by a huge, round and flawless moon.

Blood Moon Wolf King, late fifth level! ! !


Ye Xuan let out a chuckle, his face became slightly more solemn, and then his body suddenly enlarged rapidly.


The Blood Moon Wolf King looked at the originally extremely small creature in front of him that had grown several times taller than himself in just a few breaths, and an incredible look appeared in his eyes.

Obviously at the beginning, the opponent was only ten thousand feet tall, just a little bigger than that stupid ape demon, but why is he now several times bigger than himself! ! !

At this moment, Ye Xuan was 100,000 feet tall, and his divine power instantly increased 100,000 times, and his power increased countless times.

"This is the body of an ancestral witch, how could you know it from monsters like you!"

Ye Xuan chuckled, took a step forward, and punched the giant wolf with a light punch.


The Blood Moon Wolf King roared angrily, and the hair on his body suddenly stood up. The blood-red hair on his body seemed to be burning blood.

Magic power surges, blood surges, and gathers on the limbs.

It jumped suddenly and grabbed Ye Xuan's fist with one claw, as if trying to scratch the fist.


Thunderbolts emitted a crackling sound from Ye Xuan's fist, which was the fury of thunder brought about by shattering the space.

Pieces of flames emitted bursts of flames from the Blood Moon Wolf King's claws, instantly evaporating the space and disappearing.

Between the two touching.

Boom! ! !

The extremely powerful Dao Yun from the center of contact between the two suddenly shook towards the surroundings, but only for an instant, the Dao Yun that shook towards Ye Xuan was instantly offset by it.

On the other hand, the Blood Moon Wolf King was punched away by Ye Xuan, turned into a blood-red figure and flew out, disappearing.

call out!

Ye Xuan's figure flashed, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of the body of the Blood Moon Wolf King that kept flying upside down. He stretched out his hands and suddenly grabbed the Blood Moon Wolf King's tail.

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