Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 395: God King in White! Sixth-level Monster!


Ye Xuan grabbed the wolf's tail with both hands and stopped suddenly, then threw it forward.

call out!

Ye Xuan's figure disappeared again. When he reappeared, he had grabbed the wolf's tail with both hands and threw it in the previous direction again.


call out!

"Oh my god, I'm so inexperienced..."

For a moment, Ye Xuan didn't know how many times he had thrown it. He inadvertently found that the Wolf King in his hand had rolled his eyes and passed out, and then he stopped.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Xuan threw his hands into the air, and then flew into the air. His eyebrows were raised, and his body was slightly bowed, similar to a Zhamabu movement. Then his hands were raised together, and he slowly placed them on the right side. waist.


Ye Xuan twisted his hands, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and his face was full of teasing thoughts.


At the hands, a white light gathered in the palms of the hands.


The energy that the white light continued to gather suddenly surged dozens of times, turning into an extremely thick energy, and the color became blue.


As Ye Xuan shouted loudly with a serious look on his face, he suddenly pushed his hands towards his chest.

call out! ! !

A blue energy light wave instantly shot out from the palm of his hand, drawing a beautiful arc and finally hitting the body of the Blood Moon Wolf King who had already passed out.

Boom! !

boom! !

The Blood Moon Wolf King suddenly exploded, and all the soul in his body disappeared, leaving only the majestic vitality scattered on the ground, making the vitality of this continent even more majestic.

boom! flutter!

For a moment, Ye Xuan seemed to notice that the heart of Everlasting Continent was beating.

"It's strange that there are still hearts in mainland China?" Ye Xuan frowned and couldn't help but whisper.

Although it is said that any planet or continent has life, unless it is dead, this life can only be seen from a certain perspective.

It does not mean that the continent or planet really has a heart and blood...

But he just happened to hear that sound similar to a heartbeat.

"By the way, it's not like another monster has appeared..."

Ye Xuan suddenly thought, and then his face suddenly changed. If a monster's heart can beat so loudly, what does that mean...

That means this monster might be an extremely terrifying existence...

Sure enough, an extremely huge monster, ten times larger than the previous Blood Moon Wolf King, quietly appeared behind Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan's figure stagnated slightly, and he looked back with a pale face, only to see a huge white bear standing behind him like a human being.

The pair of extremely scarlet eyes were the only unusual color on its body. Apart from that, even its palms and claws were completely white.

"Half step six steps..."

Ye Xuan couldn't help but tremble, and his expression suddenly changed. He looked at the giant bear in front of him and did not move forcefully.

At the entrance to this continent, a girl in Tsing Yi costume appeared here.

Liu Qingliu frowned slightly, looking down at the world below her, she couldn't help but shudder, and said: "Is this the ruins of the legendary civilization...

There is such a powerful scent of monster inside..."

Immediately afterwards, her figure flashed and entered the continent.

Ever since the civilization was destroyed, the Eternal Continent has been casually sealed by the high-level creation gods, and is as unknown as a speck of dust in history.

She is a graduate of Daqin College. She used to study at Daqin College. After reaching the fifth level of cultivation, she joined the branch of Daqin College in her hometown star field as a teacher.

Now, Liu Qing works as an assistant teacher in the main campus of Daqin College in Chuangshi Continent.

The assistant teacher assists the serious teacher. On weekdays, students come to the assistant teacher for any problems. If they cannot handle it, they will be transferred to the teacher.

Whether they are teachers or students, they will basically go out and kill some monsters in their free time. After all, doing so may reveal a lot of valuable items, which can be exchanged for divine sources. Good, or you can use it yourself, it’s always a good thing.

This is also one of the best ways of entertainment for her in daily life. Only by always being in a battle can she understand the true meaning of battle, or understand the laws of the great road.

Although Liu Qing looks young, he is actually not young at all. Otherwise, he would not have the cultivation level of a mid-level fifth-level creation god.

Of course, among the fifth-level creation gods, she is still considered young, but even so, her actual age has already exceeded Long Live.

Although she is not as good as Ye Xuan, she is already an outstanding person among her peers. Not to mention those in the same class, even if we look at the five hundred classes, she is the one with the highest talent. Those who reach the fifth level of Creation God in the entire Creation Continent and the Three Thousand Star Territory are like rare beings.

Liu Qing knew that the reason why he broke through so quickly was not only because of his outstanding talent, but also because he dared to fight and fight hard. Only in the crisis of life and death could he quickly break through his own cultivation.

After careful selection, she finally found such a void scale that could meet her needs.

That was the Eternal Continent, a continent that had been sealed for thousands of years. It had countless fifth-level monsters, and the most powerful ones even reached the terrifying existence of half-step sixth level!

This was the purpose of her trip, which was to eliminate those fifth-level monsters, and even kill the one that reached half-step sixth level.

Among so many monsters of the same level, even the God of Creation could not guarantee his safety, not to mention that he had a half-step sixth level monster.

As soon as Liu Qing entered the Eternal Continent, he discovered the difference in this world.

"What's going on? Isn't it said that this place has been desolate for a long time, without any life, and only some monsters are left..."

I saw that the whole continent began to emit bursts of extremely rich life breath, as if this continent had never fallen into desolation at all.

The rich breath of life permeated the entire continent, as if this continent had been like this from the beginning.

"No matter what, I'm here to find monsters. If there's life, there's life..."

Liu Qing was just a little surprised, and these surprises were just due to the inaccuracy of the information.


A powerful and extremely violent aura swept across the entire continent, causing Liu Qing, who was looking for monsters, to stagnate.

"This... This is a half-step sixth-level!!!"

A bright light flashed in his dual mode, and in addition to shock, the light also contained desire, a kind of ecstatic desire!

She longed to have a life-and-death duel with the half-step sixth-level monster, so that she could take off the other's head with her own hands! This would give her an incomparable sense of honor!!!

Liu Qing didn't even think about it, her body flashed continuously between the riots, crossing one region after another, equivalent to passing through one planet after another.

She was full of divine power, and she rushed towards the half-step sixth-level monster at the fastest speed.

She was afraid that if she rushed over too late, the other party would disappear! !

I saw a huge giant appeared behind Ye Xuan, holding a giant axe.

The divine body in the center of his eyebrows flashed with dazzling light, and three thousand avenues appeared around the divine body, gradually merging into one avenue.

That was the avenue of power! It was Pangu's avenue of power!!!

The next moment.

The avenue of power suddenly erupted, like a great emperor who had reached the highest level of sublimation, emitting the most powerful force in his life.

It was a power that could destroy the world.

The giant swung the axe in his hand, and the power to destroy the world was overwhelmed.


A huge and powerful force appeared and went towards the white bear.

The terrifying white bear showed an extremely terrified look in his eyes, and his whole body was full of power, trying to block something.

But the next moment, a white light passed by.

Liu Qing, who had just arrived, saw that the half-step sixth-level white bear was slowly dissipating in the white light that was so strong that he could not look directly at it.

She looked at this scene with horror, and wanted to stop it from happening, but she found that she didn't dare to take that step.

She knew that once she took that step, she would die!

The white light slowly dissipated, and a figure in white appeared inside.

The white clothes moved with the wind, and the divine power drifted between heaven and earth, like a majestic atmosphere like a sea of ​​divine power. The young man in white looked sideways slightly, and the godhead between his eyebrows exuded a great and powerful aura.

The divine body was not revealed, but just a breath of the divine body, which was already so powerful.

The incomparable powerful pressure frightened her and she didn't dare to take a step forward. She realized at this time that it was not the white light that frightened her, but the young man in white with a terrifying huge phantom behind him.

"Which terrifying senior is this..."

Looking at the young man in white who was like a god king descending to the world, Liu Qing admired him very much, and his eyes were full of worship.

How could she not know what kind of great power the man in front of her possessed!

If she were to fight against that half-step sixth-level white bear, she would definitely not win so easily. I'm afraid it would take a lot of time to defeat the opponent.

And she would definitely not be as relaxed and carefree as the white-clothed God King in front of her...

At this time, Ye Xuan also noticed Liu Qing. He frowned slightly and thought to himself: "Did he appear so quickly now? He is actually in human form..."

"No! This guy is really a human, and there is no breath of monsters on him..."

The next moment, Ye Xuan immediately discovered that the girl in front of him was just a human, not one of those monsters. He was relieved and took another look.

"Well, the cultivation level is only that of the fifth-level Creation God, so it's not the next monster..."

When Liu Qing was looked at by Ye Xuan, he suddenly felt uneasy. Although he met such a powerful fellow, in the vast universe, this is not necessarily a good thing, it may also be a bad thing.

Just as she was about to ask, Ye Xuan had already collected all the aura on his body and asked calmly: "Who are you?"

"I... I am Liu Qing, an assistant teacher at Daqin College. May I ask you, senior..." Liu Qing quickly replied after hearing this.

From the moment she revealed her name, she felt a little more relaxed. After all, not many people would dare to take action after knowing that she was from Daqin College.

When Ye Xuan heard this, his expression instantly softened, he smiled, cupped his hands and said, "It turns out you are a teacher from Daqin College! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"


Liu Qing was stunned when he heard this, then looked at Ye Xuan, looked up and down, his eyes suddenly widened, and his chest suddenly surged.

She couldn't help but point at Ye Xuan and said with trembling hands: "You...you...you are actually the fourth-level Creation God?!"

After saying that, she screamed: "How is this possible!!!"

Ye Xuan couldn't help but feel a little happy when he heard this. After all, this reaction fully proved his strength. Then he nodded, with a kind smile on his face, and said: "Teacher, I am a sophomore at Daming College. Student Ye Xuan, I also joined the five colleges at the same time when I was in Zuxing, so it’s not too much to call you teacher..."

Liu Qing was shocked when he heard this, and quickly waved his hands and said: "It's not too much, not too much. I didn't expect that today's students are so good..."

She had also heard of Ye Xuan's name, so she naturally knew that this student was very strong.

But she didn't expect that he could be so strong. Now after seeing the other party destroy the half-step sixth-level monster in person, she finally understood why the deans of the five major colleges in the past would start a fierce fight for this student. .

Ye Xuan smiled and was about to say something.

Suddenly, a terrifying aura slowly appeared.

That was not the monster that suddenly appeared behind Ye Xuan, but the monster that slowly revived in the underground!

Ye Xuan's expression suddenly changed and he shouted: "Teacher, run quickly! Sixth-level monster!!!"

After saying that, he poured his divine power into the record pointer.

In an instant, a portal appeared in front of him.

Boom! ! !

At this moment, a huge arm suddenly stretched out from the ground, carrying supreme power and grabbing Ye Xuan and Liu Qing.

Ye Xuan couldn't care less about Liu Qing and plunged directly into the portal.

The portal slowly began to close, and the palm covering the sky behind him had also blocked all light.

Upon seeing this, Liu Qing did not dare to neglect, and quickly jumped into the door the moment before it closed.

Just as she jumped into it, the huge arm suddenly tightened her grip, only to find that the portal had disappeared.


There was a roaring sound from the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a huge figure slowly crawled out from the ground. It made a low roar. Everywhere it went, life withered. In less than a moment, the originally vibrant Eternal Continent once again Falling into desolation, just like Ye Xuan had just arrived before...

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