Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 396: Buddhism destroys the immortals, Hongjun's wrath!

Ye Xuan, who returned to the dormitory, looked at the girlish assistant teacher of Daqin College in front of him, and became a little silent. Previously, he only wanted to save the other person's life, so he shouted, but now he did not expect that the other person actually followed him in. In his own bedroom.

Liu Qing also came to a student's home for the first time and looked around unnaturally.

In the end, Ye Xuan broke the silence and said: "Teacher, this is Daming College, it shouldn't be very far from Daqin College..."

"Well, thank you, Mr. Ye. If it weren't for you this time, I would have been poisoned by that monster. My name is Liu Qing. If you need help with anything in the future, you can come to Daqin College to find me."

With that said, Liu Qing found Ye Xuan on the Tongtian list and clicked on adding friends.

At this moment, a majestic voice suddenly spread throughout the entire academy.

"After careful consideration, sophomore Ye Xuan is now awarded the title of professor of Daming College, and he enjoys all the benefits and treatment that a professor deserves."

Ye Xuan's eyes widened when he heard this, and he murmured: "Whatever the dean did, just award it. Everyone in the hospital knows about it..."

Liu Qing on the side looked at Ye Xuan dumbfounded, feeling extremely shocked.

Good guy, this...

After struggling for so long, I just got a place as an assistant teacher, but the sophomore student in front of me, whose cultivation level is not as good as mine, actually got a professorship that is worse than an ordinary teacher? !

Is this justified?

Is there any royal law for this? !

"It turns out to be Professor Ye. Thank you very much. I'll go back first..." Liu Qing was filled with grief and anger, but she could only show joy on the surface, grateful for the other person's life-saving grace.

Of course, although she felt a little unhappy for a while, she still knew that she was saved by Ye Xuan and still owed him a favor.

This was a life-saving grace. Of course, one thing was another thing, and she would inevitably have some uncomfortable feelings about this matter in her heart.

After all, I have been struggling for so many years but I am not as good as others just after I arrived. This is a bit of a psychological gap for everyone. It is normal for me to be unable to accept it for a while.

Ye Xuan nodded, but didn't say much. Saving the other party was just a casual thing, but he never really thought about what he wanted the other party to do to him.

Even the matter of this professional title, Ye Xuan quickly put it behind him and did not take it too seriously.

"There are sixth-level monsters in that place. It's not something I can deal with yet. Let's leave it alone for now. Let's talk about it later when we are strong enough..."

Ye Xuan thought for a while and buried the matter in that place in his heart.

His intuition told him that there must be some secret buried in that place, and the reason why the dean gave him the void scale in that place was because there was something different there.

Then, his thoughts moved slightly.

In the wilderness.

Although the catastrophes between heaven and earth have been eliminated, one catastrophe disappears and another catastrophe arises again.

Although it is not such a huge and majestic disaster, for those involved, it is no less difficult than a calamity.

Western Paradise.

With the end of the last battle in which the Gods and Demons of Light attempted to suppress Immortal Ancestor Hongjun, both the Gods and Demons of Light and Immortal Ancestor Hongjun suffered damage to their Tao Yun, which can be regarded as a lose-lose situation.

That battle was shocking, but Ye Xuan was disturbed by the Fusang assassin midway. Looking back, the battle had already come to an end.

On the way, the Human Emperor Shennong came forward and personally, along with hundreds of monks from the Hunyuan Realm, politely sent the two head-mounted gods, demons and saints to fight in the chaos.

Although the two of them were disturbed, they had nothing to do. After all, they were in the territory of the human race.

Immediately, the two fought in the chaos.

In the end, both sides suffered losses, with the light escaping to the west and Hongjun hiding in the chaos.

Immortals were influenced by Hongjun, so most of them were hermits.

After recuperating.

"Great Tathagata of Light, the thief escaped by chance before, but this time we Buddhas will help you, and you will definitely succeed." Sakyamuni Buddha raised his eyebrows and opened his eyes slightly.

Under him, there are hundreds of Bodhisattvas chanting true sutras.

After so many years of development in Buddhism, a powerful intermediate force has finally emerged.

Daleiyin Temple cannot be entered except by Bodhisattvas, and Arhats cannot enter except by edicts.

In other words, if you want to enter the Great Thunder Sound Temple, you must at least be in the realm of Arhat, that is, the realm of the Great Golden Immortal, but that's just it.

If you want to truly have freedom of entry and exit, you must reach the realm of Bodhisattva, which is the half-step Hunyuan and Hunyuan true self realm.

And the one who can become the ancestor is the Buddha, and he must enter the Hunyuan.

Buddhist believers are not very intelligent. After such a long time, the only ones who truly became Buddhas were Jie Yin and Zhunti.

The remaining ten or so disciples have only achieved the status of Bodhisattva.

And that Kinnara who was willing to suffer in the past is still suffering in the Buddha's kingdom, hoping to become a Buddha in one step.

Although he has not yet become a Buddha, his cultivation has reached the perfection of Daluo Jinxian, and he only needs to understand the true meaning of Hunyuan to exist in the realm of Hunyuan True Self.


The God of Light snorted coldly when he heard this, and then said: "The last time it was just a lucky break for the thief. This time, he must be crushed to ashes and suppressed forever at the foot of Mount Xumi, so that he will never be reincarnated!"

"Praise the Great Tathagata of Light, I am willing to serve the Great Tathagata with my life!"

Yang Mei's expression remained unchanged, and the smile on his lips remained.

Although he was speaking of serving the Gods and Demons of Light, he was actually serving himself.

After all, the Gods and Demons of Light could do without Buddhism, but Yang Mei could not leave Buddhism.

Yang Mei, who had lost Buddhism, was destined to have a very difficult path of cultivation. He could only rely on his own accumulation year after year like other Hunyuan to break through the realm.

Yang Mei recalled that battle, when Hongjun came, the immortal way was infinite, and he showed an extremely terrifying strength. Obviously, everyone was in the Hunyuan realm, but Hongjun was far beyond them.

The magnificent immortal power seemed to be endless, and a space-time was annihilated and a space-time was born at will.

It seemed that the great power of the Heavenly Dao was just like this.

The terrifying immortal Dao rhyme made Yang Mei, a guy watching from a distance, feel lingering fear.

If it wasn't for the Bright Demon fighting Hongjun that day, if it was him, I'm afraid that Buddhism would have long been gone and disappeared.

Hongjun's destruction of Buddhism is not just talk, he really has that strength!

"The Immortal Ancestor wants to destroy Buddhism, but Buddhism is in danger. Now Buddhism is destroying the immortals, so Hongjun should be killed!!!"

Shichen also stood up at this time, with a pair of Buddha eyes full of compassion and grief.

It was as if Buddhism had experienced something unforgivable, and could only learn from the pain and destroy the Immortal Sect.

In fact, it was just that Hongjun wanted to destroy them but failed, and now they were retaliating.

After the battle between the Bright Demon and Hongjun, everyone in Buddhism knew that it was almost impossible to get along with Hongjun, and one of the two sides would definitely disappear.

And now that the Immortal Sect is weak, it is a good time for them to take action.

For so many years, the Immortal Sect has only had seven Hunyuan, and even if Hongjun is included, there are only eight Hunyuan.

But Buddhism is different. Buddhism has bright gods and demons, and five extremely powerful innate gods, Yangmei, Shichen, Yinyang, Jieyin, and Zhunti.

You know, there are different levels of strength in the realm of Hunyuan.

Hongjun's seven disciples are just acquired human beings, and their real strength is far inferior to theirs in their opinion.

Just like there is a big gap between them and Hongjun, they are confident that they are not something that Hongjun's disciples can deal with.

What's more, they are not just these people, they also plan to find some accomplices to kill Hongjun together.


Above the Western Wilderness, in the Gou Chen Palace.

A golden Buddha is located in the Gou Chen Palace, leaning over to look at the Gou Chen Emperor.

At this time, Yangmei is sitting cross-legged on the lotus platform, with Buddha light rising all over his body, holding flowers in his hands and placing them on his knees, as if he is an infinite and supreme Buddha, shining on the past, present, and future, with infinite compassion.

He raised his eyebrows and whispered, but his voice was like thunder: "If Your Majesty is willing to join me in killing the Immortal Ancestor, I will help Your Majesty control the Western Wilds in the future."

"Are you serious?"

When Emperor Gou Chen heard this, he became interested all of a sudden, and looked at Yang Mei with interest in his eyes and asked.

Although he was born as the Western Emperor, and Emperor Jun also appointed him as the Western Emperor, in theory he should be in charge of all affairs in the Western Wilds, but in reality it was not the case.

The land of the Western Wilds is almost entirely the territory of the Wu Clan.

The prosperous land is all the land of the Wu Clan.

There are only some places left for other races to survive, and the Buddhist sect is also surviving in the cracks, but the actual control is very little.

In such a Western Wilds, how can Emperor Gou Chen, who is just an empty frame, have a say.

He has an empty title, although he has some strength, but there are too many Hunyuan realms in this huge prehistoric world, which is far from being controlled by a stronger Hunyuan.

Therefore, Emperor Gou Chen was immediately interested in Yang Mei's straightforward statement.

Yang Mei looked at Emperor Gou Chen in front of him with a smile in his eyes, and nodded slightly: "Of course!"

What a bullshit control of the Western Wilderness, if they have such a great ability, why would they be afraid of Hongjun? Why would they kill Hongjun to find you?

Of course, these words cannot be said, and what they promised is also true, but they don't know when they will have that ability.

Maybe they can't wait until the destruction of the wildness...

Emperor Gou Chen's eyes are neither sad nor happy, but his face shows great joy, saying: "In this way, it can be settled!"


In the dark, there is a great Dao contract.

For a cultivation realm like theirs, as long as both parties are willing to reach a consensus, they can directly sense the Dao and make a contract.

This is often one of the means to judge whether the other party's sincerity is true or false, and it is the most real and effective.

Yang Mei naturally knew that there was such a magical power, so he would not think of deceiving the other party. He was telling the truth, but if he wanted to complete it, he didn't know when it would happen.

Anyway, if the Buddhist sect wanted to surpass the Wu clan in strength, it would be impossible to do it in this period of time.

Even if the Buddhist sect's strength caught up with and surpassed the Wu clan in the future, whether to arrange an accident to kill Emperor Gou Chen or really train the other party to take over the Western Wasteland, that would be a matter for the future.

Anyway, whether to help Emperor Gou Chen or not, it would not be a loss.

"The Buddhist sect must be reborn, and the celestial sect must be destroyed!"

He spoke slowly and indifferently with his eyebrows raised, and his voice spread to the entire prehistoric world.

All living beings heard this sound, and all living beings also knew that there would be a war between the Immortal Sect and the Buddhist Sect.

In the chaos, inside the Zixiao Palace.

Hongjun looked at what was happening in the prehistoric world with cold eyes.

Many calculations slowly emerged in his eyes, and then a ray of cruelty flashed across.

"Buddhism is so good!"

"Western Emperor? Hehe, it's just an empty post, why should we be afraid of it?"

"Since you are planning to attack Pindao, don't blame Pindao for being rude."

A trace of cruelty appeared in Hongjun's eyes, and then he said calmly: "Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, Yaoguang, come to the chaos quickly."


A word carried by the divine thoughts spans infinite time and space and reaches directly into the seven-star divine thoughts of the Immortal Sect.

"Disciple, obey the order!"

After Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, and Yaoguang heard this, they immediately stood up, jumped across countless mountains and seas, and came towards the outside of the chaos.

"If he had not lost the power of heaven, he would have suppressed the gods and demons of light in one fell swoop that day!" There was a trace of pity in Hongjun's eyes.

If he had not lost the power of heaven, he would have been able to suppress the gods and demons of light that day, and there would be no crisis like today.

The main reason is that he first joined the Heavenly Dao to supplement his Dao Fruit, and then withdrew to avoid being assimilated by the Heavenly Dao, and he didn't bother to join the Heavenly Dao again. After all, he was a powerful practitioner in the realm of Hunyuan.

But now, who would have known that there would be an epic level of strengthening in the prehistoric world, and even the prehistoric heavenly realm would be greatly strengthened.

Tiandao is still that high and untouchable being, not an ant that they can play with at will.

"And that damn Yangmei. I thought that letting him live would give up, but who knew that the thief actually called the God of Light and the Demon! This is simply unreasonable!"

A look of regret flashed across Hongjun's eyes. If he had known earlier, he should have suppressed those damn raised eyebrows on the spot!

If this happens, if nothing else, at least the Buddhists will lose two helpers if they want to kill him!

But since everything has been missed, now we have to deal with the Buddhist battle.

Therefore, he recalled his seven disciples from the Hunyuan Realm, in order to bring trouble to the Buddhist sect, and at least let the Buddhist sect know what the power of the Immortal Sect was.

A camel is bigger than a horse even if it dies of starvation!

The Immortal Sect is not something that mere Buddhism can touch! ! !

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