Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 397: Demon Sect helps, Immortals and Buddhas fight

"The immortals and Buddhas fight for the destiny of heaven and earth. Immortals and Buddhas are close to each other in the chaos, not contradictory."

"But now in the prehistoric world, Luohou and I have formed an alliance, immortals and demons are one, and Buddha wants to destroy immortals. It is really time and fate!"

Hongjun murmured in a low voice. He has learned countless things in the great way of immortals, and no one in the prehistoric world can surpass him.

Naturally, he knew about the opposition between immortals and demons in the chaos. He was also like this before, but he walked on the road with Luohou.

Although so, Hongjun was not afraid of these. Any secular reputation and opinions were like clouds to him.

He didn't care about these. He only knew that no matter how the world changed, even if the sun, moon and sky reversed, he would still stand firm!

Then, Hongjun smiled lightly, stretched out his hand and gently grasped it, as if this grasp would hold the entire prehistoric world in his hand.


Hongjun waved his sleeves lightly, and the door of Zixiao Palace opened wide.

The seven disciples Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, and Yaoguang have already arrived in front of Zixiao Palace. Seeing the palace gate open, they immediately stopped being polite and quickly walked in.

An old man sat on the futon. After seeing the seven brothers enter, the two boys hurriedly closed the palace gate to prevent the sound of Tao from being leaked.

These two boys are named Yaochi and Haotian, one yin and one yang. They were originally Hongjun's plan for the world, but now the world has changed drastically, and there is nothing they can do for a while.

Therefore, they are not well-known, and they have been with Hongjun for a long time, and they will not easily reveal their true bodies.

Therefore, few people in the prehistoric world know about it, and even if they know, they will not take these two boys seriously.

But what no one knows is that these two boys, because they have been with the Taoist for many years, have long been stained with a trace of immortal Taoism, so they have entered the realm of Hunyuan and are Hunyuan strongmen.

The name of the Immortal Ancestor is well-deserved.

The two boys are both powerful warriors in the Hunyuan realm, which shows how strong they are.

In fact, this is exactly the case. Hongjun has already entered the middle stage of Hunyuan. Apart from those great gods and demons and Di Jun, there are only a handful of people in the prehistoric world who can defeat him.

Taiyi is one, Luohou is also one, except for these two, no one can definitely defeat him.

Buzz! !

Seven immortals came together, with the aura of immortals all over their bodies.

Among the countless immortals, a lone boat floated over. On the lone boat, a man holding a sword, with a vast and infinite thought.

It is really a wonderful scene of the immortals.

And this kind of immortal scene is exactly what Tianshu Zhenren realized, which is the first and the beginning.

The immortal way is vast, and I stand alone on the lone boat, holding a sword and waiting for the sky!

"Good! Tianshu has already stepped into the wonderful realm of the immortals!"

Even Hongjun couldn't help but admire after seeing this scene.

Although these disciples are all in the Hunyuan realm, only Tianshu can truly rival the innate sacredness. The rest of the disciples may not even be able to resist.

"Thank you for the compliment, Master!"

Tianshu smiled slightly and said calmly.

Those who cultivate immortals should first cultivate their state of mind.

Therefore, Tianshu's state of mind has long reached the state of not being shocked by things and not changing his face when everything collapses.

"Disciple greets Master!"

Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, and Yaoguang bowed and said.

"Sit down."

Hongjun nodded slightly and smiled.

Then he said: "Buddhism intends to destroy the immortal sect and replace it. You all understand this, right?"

"Master, please rest assured that disciples and others will never let Buddhism succeed!!!"

Yaoguang heard the words, and the sword stood up. If he hadn't restrained himself, he would have drawn the sword and beheaded those Buddhist monks!

He was the most violent, but he also respected his teacher.

"Don't be impatient, don't be impatient."

Hongjun shook his head slightly. This little disciple's character was a little worse. It would be better if he could have half the character of his elder disciple.

Speaking of character, he couldn't help but think of Tai Qing Tai Shang. Tai Shang was an excellent seedling for cultivating immortals. If he could cultivate immortals, he would have reached the middle stage of Hun Yuan by now.

Hongjun never saw that kind of excellent character in another person.

Even himself, in terms of character, he was not as compatible with the immortal way as Tai Shang.

It was a pity that he was not able to accept Tai Shang as a disciple that day.

Although it was said that at that time, even if he accepted Tai Shang, it would only ruin Tai Shang.

The immortal way does not allow such a powerful person to appear...

Accepting him would ruin him, but not accepting him would be a pity.

This contradictory mood made Hongjun's mood change a little at this time.

Then, he shook his head and looked at the seven disciples he had accepted from humans in front of him.

Although they all fit the immortal path, they are inevitably inferior to the Supreme, but fortunately, the eldest disciple Tianshu is not inferior to ordinary saints.

Although the human race is not inferior to the innate saints, it takes several generations of human race.

How could those with real strong talents enter the immortal gate? They have already comprehended the great way by themselves.

As the saying goes, the great way walks alone, and the strong always walk in the forefront alone and comprehend everything alone.

People like Hongjun and Luohou are the kind who walk in the forefront of the world and walk alone, while those who worship others as their teachers are inferior, at least not as good as those who comprehend alone.

At least, their existence itself proves that they are the most profound existence walking on this great way.

Of course, except for the gods and demons of the avenue, no matter what depth the avenue has, it is an interpretation of themselves, and they also have a breadth that ordinary people do not have. This is the power of the gods and demons of the avenue.

The Immortal Sect is vast and vast.

"This is the Immortal Seven Stars Array. It was determined by my master's understanding of the arrangement of the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper. It can enable you to exert seven times your own strength."

Hongjun waved his sleeves lightly, and the Big Dipper embroidered on an array diagram moved and floated down.

Tianshu stretched out his hands and waited for the formation diagram to fall into his hands. He lowered his head slightly and said, "Thank you, Master, for the formation."

Hongjun stroked his beard and smiled, nodded and said: "This formation, combined with your swords, should be the first-class formation in the world. Although it is not as powerful as the Zhoutian Star Formation, the Dutian Shensha Formation and the Zhuxian Sword Formation, it is not as powerful. There are no other formations.

Remember, using this formation requires the concerted efforts of all seven of you brothers. You must not have different intentions, otherwise the formation will be broken. Those who come are not only those from the Buddhist sect, but there are also countless people who hate our teacher in the past. Generations, this time it is possible that they will come together. "

"Hey, this guy's positioning of himself is quite accurate..."

After Ye Xuan saw it, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and for a while, he no longer disliked Hongjun as much as before.

Because he could clearly sense that Hongjun's thoughts had gradually begun to change. Although he was not aware of it, Ye Xuan could really feel it.

In the past, Hongjun only wanted to trample everything in this world under his feet. Although he still has this idea now, he knows that this idea is basically impossible.

Therefore, he also began to slowly change.

Although this change is subtle, it is real.

"Disciple knows that, Master, please rest assured that our brothers and sisters will work together to fight against foreign enemies!"

The seven disciples Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, and Yaoguang said in unison. At this moment, it was as if these seven people were born from the same mother.

Seeing this, Hongjun smiled and nodded.


Buzz! ! !

An extremely terrifying demonic aura suddenly erupted.

Countless demonic thoughts suddenly appeared in Zixiao Palace, which was originally filled with ethereal fairy spirit. The original bright fairy light gradually faded away at this time.

Hongjun's expression suddenly changed, the immortal energy dissipated, and the devilish energy filled the air.

Tianshu and the other seven disciples suddenly lost their immortal aura, and evil thoughts arose in their hearts.

A black-clothed Taoist stood on a lonely boat amid endless demonic thoughts.

These disciples suddenly had some crazy thoughts in their hearts, wanting to pay homage to the Taoist in black.


Hongjun's eyes suddenly shrank, he raised his hand and a stream of immortal energy was divided into seven and submerged into the bodies of the seven disciples respectively.

Immediately, the disciple's eyes gradually became clear, and those evil thoughts gradually dissipated.


A burst of wild laughter accompanied the black-clothed Taoist.

"Luo Hu!" Hongjun's eyes flashed with anger. He actually dared to run into his Zixiao Palace to seduce his disciples. Does he still have half of him in his eyes?

Although the two have formed an alliance, it does not mean that the other party can be so unscrupulous.

"Well, well, well, don't be angry, even if you just make a joke..."

Luo Hu's eyes were full of amusement, he put his hands behind his back and said with a smile.

"Why are you here?"

Hongjun stood upright and suddenly waved his sleeves, sending a stream of immortal energy towards Luo Hui.

Luo Hu patted it casually, and the immortal energy disappeared. Then he slowly shook his head and said: "Hongjun, Hongjun, your Qi-nurturing skills are really going backwards. I remember that you were extremely insidious back then. You're sanctimonious, but you won't explode like today..."

"Shut up!"

Anger appeared in Hongjun's eyes, as if he was just one step away from killing Luo Hu with his sword.

When Luo Hu saw this, he stopped teasing and said in a deep voice: "I heard that there are many saints in the ancient world led by Buddhism who want to kill you. I came here specially to rescue my fellow Taoist. Instead of being grateful, my fellow Taoist treated me like this." Poor Taoist, it really makes me miserable.”

Then, he pretended to be a pity and sighed: "In that case, I'll just leave here, that's all..."

After saying that, the evil thoughts slowly dissipated.

Hongjun snorted coldly when he heard this, and then said: "Fellow Taoist, please stay for now. I am not ungrateful!"

How could he be willing to bow his head if he didn't have full confidence in dealing with those Buddhists and their helpers.

"Hahahaha, poor Taoist knows that fellow Taoist is not a stingy person..." Luo Hu jumped out immediately after hearing this, laughing and saying.

Although the two of them laughed and laughed, they also knew each other's thoughts deep down. They were just afraid that after the other was destroyed, they would be unable to survive alone.

But there is no other way, we still need to unite.

Therefore, Hongjun also regarded Luohu as a guest in Zixiao Palace.

This is the first time since the beginning of the world that two sworn enemies live in such harmony in Zixiao Palace. If the creatures in the ancient world saw it, they would definitely feel incredible.

"Master is the legendary Immortal Ancestor, and the person in front of me must be the legendary Demon Ancestor. Aren't the legendary Immortal Ancestor and the Demon Ancestor the same force... Why is this so..."

Tianshu frowned as he looked down. He didn't dare to look too much at Demon Ancestor Luo Hu, because Luo Hu had a different kind of aura about him, as if he could lead himself into boundless depravity.

Boom! ! !

In the endless river of time and space, suddenly the Buddha Dharma came to the world, and the boundless Buddha light crossed the endless river of time and space and reached the Zixiao Palace.

The next moment.

In the Zixiao Palace, the Great Tathagata of Light, the Raised Eyebrow Sakyamuni Buddha, the Yin-Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha, the Hour Amitabha Buddha, the Namo Treasure Banner Light King Buddha, the Zhunti Buddha Mother, and the Western Emperor Gou Chen Emperor, as well as more than 30 Hunyuan strongmen who were harmed by Hongjun in the Zixiao Palace in the past, have appeared.

"Hongjun, you should be killed!"

The light flashed in the eyes of the bright gods and demons. He is the light, and the light is him.

Instantly, the light in the Zixiao Palace was shining.

The infinite fairy light and the demon light suddenly dimmed, and the brilliance was all illuminated by the supreme light of the bright gods and demons.

The place where the light is universal is the Buddhist gate! !

"Yohu? The gods and demons are here?"

The corners of Luohou's mouth rose slightly, and then the devil surged out unscrupulously.

Buzz! !

Instantly, infinite demons emerged, and figures emerged from the demons.

The four demon kings and the thirteen demons of the seven emotions and six desires all ran out of the outer demon domain.

"Meet the Demon Ancestor!!!"

The four demon kings, the Heavenly Demon King, the Ancestor Demon King, the Evil Demon King, and the Earth Demon King bowed slightly and said.

"Meet the Demon Ancestor!!!"

The thirteen demons of the seven emotions and six desires bowed to the ground, kowtowed and shouted.

"Stand up." Luo Hou said calmly.

Then, the seventeen Hunyuan strongmen all came behind Luo Hou, staring at each other.

This is only the most superficial power of the Demon Sect, and the real backbone power buried in the major forces has not been exposed at all.

Those hidden pieces will not be used easily unless they want to raise their arms and call for action.

Then, another sea of ​​blood appeared quietly from under the Zixiao Palace.


A burst of crazy laughter came, and the old man Minghe stood holding the two swords Yuantu and Abi, staring at the Buddhists fiercely.

"Buddhism, what a grand show!"

The old man Minghe shouted, and the Asura King Zizaitian Poxun and the three Asura guardians Brahma, Desire and Shiva appeared in the sea of ​​blood.

The four Asura masters are all in the realm of Hunyuan, and are also the subordinates of the old man Minghe.

Although the old man Minghe hated Hongjun very much, he had to come to support him at this moment when he was summoned by his master, the demon ancestor Luohou.

As for the hatred with Hongjun, he knew that he could not deal with it alone. When the cooperation between the demon sect and the immortal sect was broken, it would be time to kill Hongjun.

"Minghe! Have you forgotten the old hatred? You actually come here to protect the immortal sect!!!"

A former guest in Zixiao Palace cursed when he saw this.

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