Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 398 Fellow Taoists, please sink here!

"Hmph! You filthy little fellow, how dare you lie here! I am a congenitally sacred being, and you are a postnatal being. How dare you blame me?"

The Styx Patriarch ignored him at all, just glanced at him and said with disdain.

He was not wrong. After all, although the other party was also a congenitally sacred in his previous life, he was reincarnated after all, so he could spy on Hunyuan in this life.

In this case, the other party's status was indeed downgraded, and he was speechless when being mocked by the Styx Patriarch.

The man opened his mouth, and finally just snorted coldly, his eyes full of anger, staring at the Styx.

As if he was going to stare at the Styx to death when the battle started, the Styx didn't have this guy in his eyes at all, just glanced at everyone coldly.

The murderous aura was released, and in an instant, the battle was about to break out.

"The Immortal Sect is a traitor, colluding with the Demon Sect, intending to overthrow the prehistoric world and restore the past."

"Now, the Buddhist Sect has stepped forward, and I ask all Taoist friends to lend a helping hand to the Buddhist Sect to wipe out the Immortal Sect and the Demon Sect together here!!!"

He raised his eyebrows and looked sacred, and the Buddha's light shone brightly around him, just like a righteous Buddha, who wanted to uphold justice.

However, everyone present knew that all this was just interests and hatred.

"Eliminate the demons and defend the way!!!"

"Eliminate the demons and defend the way!!!"

One by one, the strong men of the Buddhist Sect shouted loudly, with sacred thoughts in their eyes.

Regardless of the purpose, it is not wrong to shout this slogan this time.

The great way of the immortal is similar to the great way of the Buddha, but it is contrary to the great way of the demon.

The contradictory great ways are in opposition, and both want to wipe out the other and dominate it alone.

Therefore, when the Buddha's light was shining and the immortal light was bright, although the two were opposed to each other, they began to show the breath of mutual annihilation when facing the demonic energy of Luohou and others.

Boom! ! !

As the three avenues came out, the avenues on the long river of time collided, fought, and annihilated each other.

The immortal way is sacred and inviolable, the Buddhist way is bewitching and has many believers, and the demon way is strong and unique.

The white immortal energy encountered the golden Buddha light and the black demonic energy, and the three were entangled and collided with each other.

The immortal and the demon were one, and the black and white gradually approached, gradually with a tendency to suppress the golden light.

Powerful energy collided with each other, annihilating countless time and space.

If this place was not chaotic, space and time would also collapse under this collision.

However, these were just collisions of their avenues, and none of the saints had taken action yet.

"The Seven Star Formation of the Immortal Path!"

Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, and Yaoguang, the seven immortals of the immortal path, looked at each other, and then offered the formation diagram, with the sword as the formation center, a total of seven formation centers, and a large formation covered the entire Zixiao Palace.

If you want to get out, you must first break out of the formation.

"Guangming, you can't do anything to me."

"Don't you understand the previous battle?"

"Now is no longer the era of your great Dao gods and demons. The so-called great Dao gods and demons are just like this. The Emperor of Heaven can wipe you out with a thought. Although I am not as strong as the Emperor of Heaven, I am not an existence that you can kill at will!"

Hongjun stood up, and a touch of the great Dao of the immortal appeared behind him. Looking at the Buddhist beings in front of him, and the god and demon in front of him, he said with a slightly disdainful tone.

The Dao fruit emerged, and the supreme immortal path slowly unfolded. For a moment, the sacredness of the immortal family was fully revealed.

"Hahaha! What a joke!"

The Light God and Demon laughed out loud upon hearing this, with a flash of anger in his eyes.

When he was in the underworld, being humiliated by Emperor Jun and Taiyi was fine, after all, they were really powerful. The scene of Emperor Jun destroying the Dark God and Demon with one thought was still in his mind.

Thinking back to that scene, it almost became his nightmare.

A newly born creature was so majestic, almost comparable to Pangu.

This is simply unreasonable! It is totally inconsistent with the Tao!

"I am light, light is immortal, and I will live forever!!!"

The supreme words of the Light God and Demon came out slowly.

Then, infinite light shone on his body.

Hua La La!!!

A terrifying and powerful aura came out, that was infinite light.

"Immortal Gate?"

The God of Light and Demon uttered a sigh, and then said with a mocking expression: "In the past chaos, even the gods of immortals and demons did not dare to speak to me so presumptuously!"

"The immortal path is just a snap of a finger!!!"


As the words of the God of Light and Demon fell, all kinds of light shot out, intertwined and entangled with each other.

A terrifying aura that annihilated everything emerged in the lasers, containing countless terrifying existences.

He went straight to Hongjun.

Hongjun's face condensed, and he did not dare to be arrogant. He offered a jade butterfly with both hands.

Its name: Jade Disc of Creation!

A crystal clear jade plate appeared above his head, and the aura of creation descended, protecting it under his body.

"Today, Buddha destroys immortals! Immortals rise and Buddha destroys!!!"

The reason why Hongjun has been able to sit firmly in the first chair of the prehistoric world, like Taiyi, is mainly because he owns the innate treasure Jade Disc of Creation.

The Jade Butterfly of Creation was once a supreme treasure in the chaos, but now it is broken into pieces. Hongjun obtained a part of it and turned it into an innate treasure, leading the other party to the present point.

The complete Jade Disc of Creation contains the insights of the three thousand avenues of creation, but now it is almost gone and only the avenue of creation is left.

However, just this avenue of creation is also a rare treasure of defense and healing.

It is even more able to help Hongjun conform to the way of heaven. It can be said that Hongjun is grateful for obtaining this jade dish of good fortune.

However, now, Hongjun has sacrificed the jade plate of creation, which is his most powerful treasure.

There was a trace of cruelty in the corners of his eyes. He wanted to wipe out all the Buddhist sects today, and use the power of the demonic sects to exterminate the Buddhist sects that are likely to shine in the future.

Even the gods and demons of light who appeared again and again were sent back to the avenue!

Buzz! ! !

Infinite laser beams crisscross the sky, and the immortal energy is ethereal.

Collide with each other, merge into one, and a huge explosion occurs.

All kinds of terrifying avenues compete in the long river of time and space, evolving into waves of dark clouds.

The avenues collided, and then space and time screamed.

"good fortune!"

Hongjun gave a soft drink and tapped the jade plate of creation with his finger.

Buzz! !

The breath of immortality blends into the jade butterfly of creation, and the creation of creation triggers the roar of countless avenues.

An illusory and majestic world appeared in Hongjun's jade butterfly.

The world unfolded slightly, the Yin-Yang Avenue divided the heaven and earth, and endless breath was added to the world.

This world is the world created by Hongjun in the creation of the jade butterfly. The power of the world enhances the power of the treasure, thereby strengthening its own combat power.

This is the world created by Hongjun after his previous battle with the Gods and Demons of Light.

The purpose is to enhance one's own combat power to prevent him from being as passive as before when facing the gods and demons of light next time.

Then, Hongjun stood on the jade butterfly, as if standing in that world.

Immortal energy is injected into this world, and the immortal energy in the world is blooming.

Hongjun seemed to be a resident of this world, then he raised his palm slightly and slapped it towards the God of Light.

Boom! ! !

With the blessing of the great power of this world, the power of Hongjun's palm was infinitely amplified.

The Taoist charm contained in it exceeds the power of Hongjun in all previous periods.

The fruits of the Tao are manifested, the charm of the Tao is enhanced, and everything under the world can be erased.

This palm faintly exceeded the strength of the middle Hunyuan period.

Facing such a terrifying palm, the face of the God of Light changed slightly, and then his body radiated infinite light. However, in an instant, he transformed himself into light and dodged the palm.

That palm easily destroyed all the rays of light, and its power continued unabated as it headed towards the Buddhas behind it.

He raised his eyebrows and was covered in golden light, not daring to be careless in the slightest.

I saw his palms slightly brought together, and a different-dimensional space appeared.


The power of that palm was swallowed up by the different-dimensional space and disappeared.


He raised his eyebrows and took a breath, relaxing a bit.

"Buddhist Golden Body!!"

He raised his eyebrows and shouted softly, then turned around and killed Luo Hu.


"If you dare to come to me, you are really seeking death..."

Luo Hu chuckled, and then the extremely terrifying Dao Yun broke out instantly.

A spear in his hand trembled slightly, and trembled slightly as Luo Hu caressed it.

"Old man, we haven't fought side by side for a long time..."

Luo Hu chuckled, shook a gun flower with one hand, and then the black lotus of the twelve-level demonic path slowly appeared at his feet.

He raised his eyebrows and raised his eyebrows. He didn't panic and pointed out his hand.

A Buddha light flashed.

Luo Hu raised the spear in his right hand slightly, and the Buddha's light disappeared.

"Today, the Buddha will destroy the devil!"

Boom! ! !

A super strong posture went straight to Yangmei to kill, and the two Buddhas were fighting together physically like a witch clan.

With each punch and palm of Yang Mei's eyebrows, the space was shaken by waves, as if it would collapse at any time.

Range attacks one after another headed towards Luo Hu.

With the slight touch of Luohu's divine spear, the Buddha's blood flowed and his golden body was broken.

With every attack, blood must flow from one side.

Although the cultivation level of the two is not far apart, the power of Luo Hu's spear is extremely powerful. In some respects, it is the ultimate killing treasure in the ancient world.

No one can match him.

The most killing and powerful treasure is the God-killing Spear in this hand, but it has to be touched personally to cause powerful damage.

The God-killing Spear can hurt Hunyuan, whether it is the physical body or the soul.

He raised his eyebrows and blocked left and right, but it was still difficult to resist under the magical power of the Buddhist Golden Body.

As a result, he abandoned the Buddhist Golden Body and instead used the avenue of space to deal with it.

For a time, the two of them were indistinguishable from each other, barely able to maintain a balance between killing and dodging.

Looking back at the ancestor of Minghe, he is holding Yuantu and Abi, two innate spiritual treasures that are not related to cause and effect, and has a twelve-level karma red lotus at his feet, which can be used to attack and defend.

These Hunyuan seem to be fighting in the Zixiao Palace, but in fact they have transcended the constraints of the Zixiao Palace.

The Zixiao Palace has also become infinitely large, and the two are not in the same dimension at all, so there is no damage to the Zixiao Palace.

Jie Yin and Zhunti looked at each other, and then faced the Ancestor Styx. They beat him two against one, but they hammered down the Ancestor Styx.

But how could the king and protector of the Asura Sect helplessly watch all this happen, so Zizaitianboxun, Shiva, and Brahma headed toward Jie Yin and Zhunti with their rare treasures in hand.

Then, the Yin-Yang Patriarch of the Buddhist sect joined the battle.

So, these people fought together.

The Seven Immortal Sect used the Seven Star Formation of the Immortal Dao to improve their strength a lot, and they were able to fight against those Hunyuan strongmen.

So, those former sacred beings who were reincarnated sent more than a dozen people to deal with the Seven Immortal Sect.

The Thirteen Demon Generals and the Four Demon Kings of the Demon Sect also dealt with their opponents one after another.

For a while, the Immortal Sect, the Demon Sect and the Buddhist Sect were evenly matched.

The God of Light suddenly used a magical power, which changed Hongjun's face.

I saw countless rays of light forming mirrors, and the Purple Sky Palace was full of light mirrors.

Then, I saw the God of Light slowly rising, and his whole body became empty and turned into countless yellow lasers.

"Eight-foot Qiong Magatama!!!"

In an instant, the terrifying light filled the entire Purple Sky Palace, and the endless time and space, everything, was filled with light at this moment.

The vast and holy light illuminates the endless time and space.

All the thoughts of the heavens retreated.

Whether it was immortals, demons, or Buddhas, they all seemed so small under the breath of light.

In an instant, Hongjun felt that all his vitality was locked.

His own breath and rhyme were also completely locked. He had a premonition that he would be killed by the other party in the next moment.

He had no way to escape, no place to escape!

Neither this immortal world nor this jade disc of creation could save his life!

However, just when the gods and demons of light thought that things were about to be accomplished.

A cold smile flashed across Hongjun's face.

Then, in countless time and space.

The immortal way suddenly expanded and injected into the jade disc of creation, and the jade disc of creation burst out with a brilliant breath that was far more powerful than before.

Buzz! ! !

"In that case, you will be buried in this Zixiao Palace today!!!"

Instantly, the infinite thoughts of creation and the breath of immortals gradually flowed into Hongjun's body.

At this moment, infinite lasers shot out.

The light was vast and annihilated everything!

The laser went towards Hongjun, and then pierced through Hongjun's body, rebounded on the mirror, and began to rebound!

Ding ding bang bang!

A sound of rebound, the vast light was endless.

Then, the Jade Disc of Creation completely liquidified and merged into Hongjun's body, madly replenishing the damage in his body.

"Today, I ask all Taoist friends to suppress the sinking in Zixiao Palace!!!"

Hongjun's voice became extremely vast, as if it was the avenue that dominated everything.

The countless laser damage could not catch up with the speed of the repair of the breath of creation.

Although Hongjun's body was riddled with holes, it was intact in an instant, as if it had never been hurt.

Then, the Great Dao of Immortality appeared behind Hongjun.

A sacred figure slowly appeared behind him, standing on the Great Dao of Immortality.

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