Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 399 Chaos Retrospection, a Bit of Hongmeng

That sacred being was born extraordinary, with a breath flowing around him.

Those indifferent eyes seemed to be overlooking everything in the world, with a fairy breath rippling, as if he was a nine-day god.

Suddenly, the power of the gods and demons of light was suppressed by that breath.

The endless light in the sky disappeared in an instant, and the dazzling light in the entire Zixiao Palace seemed to be absorbed by that figure.

That sacred figure looked like Hongjun, powerful and ethereal.


A touch of heavenly breath slowly emerged from that figure, and those indifferent eyes also became shining at this time.

Looking at the many mixed elements in front of him, as if looking at all living beings.

He slowly raised his hand, as if he wanted to wipe out the sky.

The way of heaven is ruthless, and the way of the road is clear.

This is the backhand that Hongjun made with the authority of the way of heaven, and it is also his most powerful trump card.

First hidden in the Dao fruit, then hidden in the world of immortals.

The power of the authority of the Heavenly Dao is obvious, and all the magical Dao rhymes are isolated.

"Hmph! This is my back-up plan. If you can withstand this move, Hongjun will have no regrets even if he loses today!!"

"Light Gods and Demons! Nothing special! The Emperor of Heaven in the past could destroy darkness, and I can also kill light!!!"

"I am the ancestor of immortals, suppressing everything in infinite time and space, and achieving the only Hunyuan. Although the overall situation has been broken, it is not something that you villains can resist!"

"Today, I will use the Supreme Heavenly Dao to refine your Hunyuan!"

Hongjun's eyes are cold, and his tone is extremely arrogant, which is different from the past.

The power of the immortals exploded crazily at this moment.

A group of extremely powerful Dao rhymes floated crazily, like a rolling trend, crushing towards the light gods and demons.

Instantly, all the Hunyuan in the Zixiao Palace were surprised by this scene, and for a moment they even lost their minds to fight.

"How is it possible!!!"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Why is Hongjun so powerful!"

"This is the great power of Master! He is worthy of being the former immortal ancestor! This time I can enter the immortal gate, and I really benefit a lot!!!"

"Hongjun is so terrifying!!! If he had practiced this magical power in the past, there would be nothing I can do now!"

This magical power shocked all the Hunyuan strongmen in the Zixiao Palace, including the gods and demons of light.

In the prehistoric times, such a terrifying magical power has never appeared.

Even the Emperor of Heaven has never used such an inhuman magical power in the battle! ! !

"A mere immortal dares to try to suppress my light!!!"

The gods and demons of light sneered, and endless light appeared on their bodies.

The infinite and terrifying Dao rhyme of light appeared, and an extremely powerful shadow slowly appeared behind him.

That was light, that was himself.

That was the Dao body of the bright god and devil in the chaos of the past!!!

At this moment, the bright god and devil used all his life's magical powers to summon that ray of the true body of the Dao!

The body of the god and devil!


A little light is immortal, so the gods and devils will last forever!

Or it can be said that the gods and devils will last forever, so the light is immortal! !

However, at this moment, it is not only the bright god and devil who are immortal, but also Hongjun and all the Hunyuan strongmen present!

With a little immortal true spirit, condense the only true self in the time and space of the world, and achieve the way of immortality, this is Hunyuan!

The world decays but I am immortal, the prehistoric world is destroyed but I am immortal, this is Hunyuan!


The true body of the Buddha Shakyamuni appeared, and several Buddhas showed their true bodies for him.

The music of the music is endless, and the Sanskrit sound is continuous.


Yangmei and other Buddhists joined the confrontation one after another.

The luck of Buddhism suddenly surged, and Buddhas sat on the luck, chanting scriptures, with countless monks chanting scriptures under them.

"Restoration, madness!!"

For a while, the Purple Sky Palace fell into chaos again.

This time, it was a real melee.

The Buddhist, Immortal, and Demon Sects fought together completely, no longer distinguishing between their enemies.

Boom! ! !

Ten thousand Daos roared, and the Dao rhyme was everywhere.

After all, the Purple Sky Palace could not withstand such a great force and began to be annihilated.

Even the rules in the chaos were constantly disintegrating, the Dao collapsed, and time and space fell.

In an instant, all the powerful Hunyuan fell into the collapse of ten thousand Daos.

"Today, there are no more bright gods and demons in the prehistoric world!!!"

Hongjun roared, his face was not surprised but happy, as if he was laughing in anger.

Countless of the purest immortal energy rushed down, and each immortal energy contained a magical power that could destroy time and space.

Boom! ! !

The chaos was shattered, and Zixiao was annihilated.

Endless chaotic winds raged throughout the chaos, and in that wisp of void, there was a faint sense of Hongmeng.

It was as if everything was going to return to the old days when Hongmeng had not yet been judged.

That was an era when nothing existed, not even the Great Dao existed.

Rather than saying that it was a world, it was better to say that it was nothing.

That was not a world, because without the Great Dao, there was no time and space, and nothing...

The three thousand Great Daos did not exist here, and everything was broken.

The Hunyuan people were immortal, but under this blow, it was as if their souls were taken away and they could not escape.

They had a strong premonition that if they were swallowed by the vortex, they would not die, but they would not be reborn, but would always be trapped in a state between life and death.

This will cause other time and space to be unable to give birth to themselves, unable to wake up again, and can only sink into that vortex.

For a time, all the Hunyuan strongmen were in fear.

Rumble! ! !

Crash! ! !

A large road flew across, three thousand large roads exploded here, and infinite light rushed in.

All the dozens of Hunyuan strongmen who were on the front were blown away in an instant.

With the sound of explosions, countless Hunyuan strongmen seemed to be dismembered alive.

They endured tremendous pain and wanted to escape from this place, but there seemed to be an inexplicable attraction there, which attracted them firmly to the spot, unable to escape or break free.

"Hongjun!!! Guangming!!! Are you crazy!!!"

The face of the old ancestor Yangmei suddenly changed at this time. Looking at the two Hongjun and Guangming who were still fighting in the center of the vortex, he couldn't help but curse.

If the battle continues, the vortex will only get bigger and bigger.

He didn't know how big it would be, but he was afraid that he would really die here.

The situation in front of the Buddhist sect was very good, and he didn't want to lose it here.

"Damn it, fight!"

Yang Mei roared in a low voice, and the Dao rhyme on his body burned.

Then a touch of the Great Dao of Space suppressed the heavens. Under the blessing of the Dao Fruit and the burning of the Dao rhyme, this magical power suppressed the three thousand great ways. Whether it was the Great Dao of Light or the Great Dao of Immortality, they were all suppressed by the Great Dao of Space at this time.

The chaotic center of the place seemed to be gradually calming down at this time.

"Yang Mei!!!" Hongjun was furious, watching the burning of his own Dao rhyme to fill the vortex that was finally created.

This scene made him look endlessly hateful.

Yang Mei mainly studied the Great Dao of Space. Although he later studied Buddhism, his attainments in the Great Dao of Space were still very high. When he burned the Dao rhyme desperately to wipe out this space, it was destined that Hongjun could no longer rely on the power of all reshaping to bury them all here.

Although Hongjun wanted to bury everything at this time, he was powerless at this time.

All his back-up plans had been fully exerted, and he could no longer reach the power just now.

On the other hand, the state of Guangming God and Demon was not much better at this time. It didn't matter whether he was sinking or not. As long as the Great Dao was not destroyed, he would eventually get out of trouble.

But the situation at this time was not very good. His consciousness had already been riddled with holes. After this battle, even if he didn't fall, he didn't know how many years he would have to rest before he could make up for it.

"Brother Dao, I'll help you!!!"

Seeing this, Shichen Amitabha also began to burn his own Dao rhyme, which continued to expand, and time surpassed all the heavens and the ten thousand Daos.

Ten thousand Daos rang together, time and space combined, and the chaos gradually stabilized, and the vortex on one side was also slowly shrinking.

In an instant, the ten thousand Daos returned to their original state, and that point of Hongmeng did not expand after all, and everything stopped.

Seeing this, Shichen and Yangmei hurriedly stopped the burning of Daoyun. The two looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

This burning cost at least hundreds of millions of years of practice for the two.

The treasure of Daoyun, I wish I could offer it every day, how could I burn it.

And the two of them also successfully stopped the virtualization of one side. If Hongmeng was allowed to expand, this place would completely turn into a virtual land.

It is more virtual than the void, and virtualization is not real.

Everything is fake, Hongmeng is not a world, but a state.

Chaos is just a state where heaven and earth are not separated, but it has the concept of the world and the three thousand great ways.

However, Hongmeng is not like this. Hongmeng is before chaos, but it is not stronger than chaos. On the contrary, there is nothingness in Hongmeng, and nothing exists.

Neither the Great Dao nor the living beings existed, it was a false state.

Only when the primordial chaos was born, that was the strongest state of the world.

A world where even the Dao did not exist was naturally a false world.

"Congratulations to Daoist Yangmei! Congratulations to Daoist Shichen!"

Those former saints, today's casual cultivators, bowed their hands solemnly to congratulate.

"Congratulations to Daoist Yangmei! Congratulations to Daoist Shichen!"

At this moment, whether it was the Buddhist sect or the Demon Sect, or those casual cultivators, they all congratulated.

These two Buddhas, no matter what, at that moment, had already given up themselves to save them.

Just for this, it was worth their congratulations.

"Hahahaha, fellow Daoists are polite!"

Yangmei laughed loudly, and even Shichen returned the greetings to the four directions.

Only the seven sons of the Immortal Sect were the most embarrassed at this time. Their master almost dragged them to commit suicide together...

But they couldn't congratulate those people, so they pretended not to see or hear.

This war has reached a point where many people can no longer fight.

Including Luohou...

However, at this moment, the two figures are still colliding.

The immortal light of Hongjun's body is extremely dim, as if it will be blown up at any time.

And the consciousness of the bright god and demon is also full of cracks, and it may collapse at any time.

These two extremely powerful beings have already completely lost their eyes.

Yang Mei saw this, and the Tao rhyme on his body appeared. Regardless of the Tao injury he had just suffered, he wanted to rush up and kill Hongjun.

After all, if this kind of disaster is not eliminated, it will definitely backfire on them in the future.

However, at the moment he moved, Luohou's figure appeared in front of him.

Luohou's evil spirit was surging, condensing into flames. He looked at him coldly and said lightly: "Although I have to thank you for what happened just now, I will never let you kill the Immortal Ancestor at this time."

Yangmei frowned and scolded: "Luohou! Hongjun is a disaster in the prehistoric world, and everyone wants to get rid of him as soon as possible! It's okay to stop him before, but do you still want to stop me now?!"

"Daoyou calm down, this is the position, and we have to do it. No matter how despicable Hongjun is, he should not die now. Daoyou has suffered a Taoist injury, please retreat, I Luohou will never take advantage of others."

Luohou sighed and said coldly.

If it were any other time, seeing Yangmei suffering such a Taoist injury, he would have to make Yangmei more uncomfortable.

But today, it was for everyone, including him, so he couldn't do such a thing of repaying kindness with enmity.

However, if they want to kill Hongjun, they still have to block him.


Yangmei snorted coldly upon hearing this, and a mouthful of blood flowed out of the corner of his mouth involuntarily.

He was wounded by the Dao, and he could not bear it after all.

So, he turned around and disappeared.

Seeing this, Shichen also left immediately.

They already knew that they could not do anything to Hongjun in this battle.

Except for the God of Light and Hongjun, it can be said that the other gods did not fight to the point of life and death, and the injuries they suffered were only minor.

But Yangmei and Shichen had taken action to stabilize the chaos before, but they suffered great Dao injuries.

In this case, they urgently need to recuperate, and they must not take action.

However, the opportunity to kill Hongjun was fleeting, and Yangmei was reluctant to leave, so he ignored his own Dao injuries and wanted to kill Hongjun while rescuing everyone just now.

However, Luohou insisted on standing in front of him. Knowing that he could not kill Hongjun, Yangmei had to leave.

Gradually, everyone followed and left.

Everyone knew that Hongjun had escaped again.

There was no way, because their strength was still not enough.

Even the God of Light was almost killed by Hongjun, although Hongjun himself was almost killed.

After seeing everyone leave, the God of Light did not dare to fight anymore. With a thought, he fled thousands of miles away and disappeared.

Therefore, this battle ended in such a whimper.


A long sigh suddenly sounded.

On the ruins of Zixiao Palace, those Hunyuan who had not left yet were all shocked.

Looking back, they saw that the phantom behind Hongjun suddenly changed his face and turned into an indescribable figure.

"This body is great, I want it..."

A light laugh sounded again, and Hongjun's body seemed to be frozen, unable to move for a moment.

Seeing this, Luohou's eyes widened with horror, and he hurriedly tried to escape.

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