Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 400: Destroy Luohou with one thought, Taiyi is ready to fight

Hongjun's eyes showed horror, and his body seemed to be fixed, unable to move or escape.

For a moment, he, the world and the immortal fruit were all fixed, unable to break free.

However, a pair of big hands appeared out of thin air and took the heavenly body condensed by Hongjun from the world.

That wisp of majestic consciousness and immortal breath burst out and were added to the real body.

Soon, the incarnation of Hongjun became the majestic body.

"Hey, demon boy..."

After the immortal god and demon obtained the body, he looked at Luohou who was horrified and wanted to escape and exclaimed, and gently waved his sleeves, and a magical power imprisoned Luohou in place.

Seeing this, he slowly shook his head and sighed: "No, how can I entrust the mantle of that person like this."

Can't help but reveal a touch of reminiscence in his eyes.

Thinking back to the chaos, the gods and demons of the devils would come to fight him and the gods and demons of the Buddha whenever they had nothing to do.

That was not just ordinary bullying, it was bullying to death.

Because the great way was against them, they bullied them repeatedly, and sometimes even the gods and demons of the gods suffered.

However, since he joined forces with the gods and demons of the Buddha, he was almost never bullied by the gods and demons of the devils.

Because the gods and demons of the devils could suppress one of them by themselves, but could not deal with both of them at the same time.

This allowed them to stay in the chaos decently, otherwise...

"The sins committed by the gods and demons in the past, then you will bear them!"

Behind the gods and demons of the immortals, a rhyme of the great way of the immortals appeared, evolving at will behind them.

All kinds of magical powers seemed to be infinite wonders, and they were born and died at the palm of their hands.

The gods and demons with flesh bodies had a combat power that was more than several times greater, which was a world of difference compared to the gods and demons without flesh bodies.

Just like now, the immortal gods and demons who have just awakened and only have the cultivation of the initial stage of Hunyuan can arbitrarily grasp Luohou, who is in the middle stage of Hunyuan.

And the light gods and demons have the cultivation of the middle stage of Hunyuan, but they can only fight Hongjun to a draw.

The reason why the immortal gods and demons can capture Hongjun in an instant is that they are unexpected, secondly, they suppress Hongjun, and thirdly, they are because Hongjun has been injured in the fight with the light.

Hongjun mainly cultivates the immortal way. Although he has some experience in the way of creation and other great ways, he mainly cultivates the immortal way, so he can be captured by the immortal gods and demons in an instant.

Then he took his heavenly clone and got his creation, so he was powerful and unparalleled, and captured Luohou in an instant.

This is the god and demon with a physical body. At this time, it is no longer just a consciousness, but a god and demon with a body and evolved into a primordial spirit.

In a sense, this is the real great god and demon.

It's just that the body of the Great Dao has become the body of the Heavenly Dao, and countless versions have been castrated.

However, they are also the bodies of the Immortal Dao, which are extremely suitable for the bodies of the Immortal Gods and Demons, so the Yuanshen was born in an instant, becoming a castrated version of the Great Dao Gods and Demons.

Although it is not a POR version, it is still a version that can be shown off.

Boom! ! !

The Immortal Gods and Demons thought, and Luo Hou gradually disintegrated.

"Senior, spare my life!!! Gods and Demons, spare my life!!!"

Luo Hou was shocked when he saw this. He had never seen such a powerful Great Dao God and Demon, except Pangu.

He didn't want to die. He knew that those Great Dao Gods and Demons could easily erase them from infinite time and space.

This comes from the characteristics of the Great Dao Gods and Demons. Because where time and space are, the Great Dao is there. Where the Great Dao is, it means that infinite time and space are there, so it can use the power of the origin to erase it from countless time and space at the same time.

Ignoring the constraints of time and space, a single thought can reach the sky and destroy the earth.

This is the real Dao God and Demon!

It is definitely not the castrated version of the Light God and Demon. Except for having a consciousness, the rest cannot be called Dao God and Demon.

This is why those innate sacred beings in the prehistoric world can oppress their existence!

You must know that the real gods and demons are definitely the existence that stands on the top of the world forever, because they themselves are the Dao!

This is innate and cannot be changed! It is the absolute advantage above everything brought by the innate!

"Spare my life?"

The immortal god and demon chuckled and wiped it casually.


Luo Hou's body then collapsed and disintegrated. In an instant, he disappeared, died, and fell.


"The extremely powerful Demon Ancestor who has been in the prehistoric world for many years has fallen like this?!"

"Why is this god and demon so powerful!!!"

"Is this the real power of gods and demons?"

For a moment, this scene shocked everyone who had not left.

The Styx Patriarch watched his master fall, but he had no way to do anything. He could only curl up and dare not speak.

Even if he spoke, he would not be able to change anything, and would only sacrifice himself for no reason.

Of course, he would not think that his master really died like this.

If we talk about who is the most powerful in the prehistoric world from ancient times to the present, we can only say that there are different strongest people in different periods.

But if we talk about who can save his life the most in the prehistoric world, the Styx Patriarch knows that it must be Luohou!

Even if he has an infinite sea of ​​blood as his clone, the blood sea will not die, and the Styx will not be destroyed.

But compared with Luohou, it is probably a little bit of a big witch compared to a small witch.

In the battle between immortals and demons in the past, Luo Hou obviously lost everything, whether it was his physical body, his soul or his true spirit, all of which dissipated, but he was still able to make a comeback.

This ability is not something that everyone can possess.

And such a powerful Luo Hou was also killed instantly by the immortal gods and demons.

This also shows that the real gods and demons are extremely powerful.

Unfortunately, that was an immortal god and demon, not a demon god and demon, nor a blood god and demon...

The great way of immortality bloomed and manifested at this moment, suppressing the three thousand great ways, second only to the five supreme ones.

Congratulations to the immortal gods and demons.

The stronger the immortal way is, the stronger the immortal way is, and the stronger the immortal gods and demons are.

Conversely, the awakening of the immortal gods and demons also reflects that the immortal way becomes stronger, and the immortals who practice the immortal way also become stronger.

Now, among the three thousand great ways, only the immortal gods and demons have truly awakened. Except for the lack of the body of the great way gods and demons, everything else is available.

The consciousness fell into the body and turned into a spirit, the primordial spirit appeared, and the true spirit manifested.

It was just like a real living being, but the physical body was much worse than the perfect body of the Great Dao.

But compared with other bodies, it was still countless times stronger.

The Great Dao Gods and Demons did not look at any body. Strictly speaking, they looked down on everything except the Great Dao body.

This is why the Gods and Demons of Light, the Gods and Demons of Reincarnation, and other gods and demons have not found a body to make do with.

Even though they knew that they would be countless times stronger with a body, they did not look for it.

"I am Hongjun, I meet your majesty!"

Hongjun was a smart guy. When he saw that he could move, he bowed and shouted.

He looked like he had given up the dignity of an immortal ancestor and was a flatterer.

Upon hearing this, the Immortal God and Demon glanced at him, nodded, and said, "Are you the master of this immortal way?"

"In the prehistoric world, the ultimate immortal."

Hongjun nodded and said truthfully.

"You dare to call yourself the ancestor of immortals?" The Immortal God and Demon said with disdain, with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"I dare not, they are just some people who stir up trouble. In front of you, who dares to call yourself the ancestor, let alone the ancestor of immortals."

Hongjun shook his head and waved his hands, refusing to admit it.

Even if it was obviously true, he would not admit it in person.

The one in front of him was the root of the immortal way, this was the real ancestor, the source, he dared not say much.

If it was the kind of God and Demon of Light, it would be fine, he would not be inferior to the other party, but this was not only his own position, but also a great god and demon with a body.


The Immortal God and Demon chuckled, then leaned over to look at Hongjun and said, "I took your Heavenly Dao body, you won't hate me, right?"

"Your Excellency is the origin of the immortals, and it is reasonable for you to get the body of the immortals. I dare not have the slightest resentment." Although Hongjun was furious in his heart, he still had a flattering smile on his face and said slightly.

This is the bearing, this is the ability to endure what ordinary people cannot endure.

If it were someone else, even if he didn't dare to get angry, his face would definitely not be very good at this time.

But after he seized the power of the Heavenly Dao, I don't know how many years it took to create such a Heavenly Dao body.

The Heavenly Dao itself is countless inferior to the Great Dao, so the body of the Heavenly Dao is naturally countless inferior to the body of the Great Dao.

However, this can also make the Immortal God and Demon look favorably and settle in it.

"Don't worry, I'm just borrowing your body for a while. I'll return it to you after my body of the Great Dao condenses." The Immortal God and Demon nodded and laughed.

He won't really stay here forever, it's just to relieve the emergency for the time being.

Hongjun was overjoyed when he heard this, and hurriedly bowed and said: "Thank you, Your Majesty, thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Get lost!"

The Immortal God and Demon nodded slightly, then looked aside and shouted softly.

Everyone fled as fast as birds and beasts, not daring to stay here.

The appearance of the Immortal God and Demon will surely make the Immortal Sect prosperous.

At this moment, whether it is the Buddhist Sect or the Demon Sect, it is probably not going to be too good.



"The Immortal Path is so powerful that it suppresses many great ways, while the Demon Path is sluggish, and there is only a trace of Luohou's breath left. I guess the Immortal God and Demon have revived."

There were stars in Emperor Jun's eyes, and he guessed everything almost exactly.

Just as he expected, the current world structure may have to change again.

"It's just a god or demon, it can't cause any trouble!"

Taiyi smiled softly after hearing this.

In his opinion, even if it is revived, what can it do to the Heavenly Court?

The Heavenly Court is so powerful, there are more than 100,000 Hunyuan strongmen, let alone one god or demon, even if there are ten or a hundred, they are not afraid.

If one can't deal with gods and demons, what about ten? What about a hundred? What about a thousand? Can't deal with them?

In the same realm, there is no absolute strength, and quantity can always cause qualitative changes!

Of course, except for the bug like Pangu.

But except Pangu, the rest of the people seem to have nothing that can completely ignore quantity.

Seeing his second brother so contemptuously, Di Jun could not help but slowly shook his head and said, "No, this god and demon is much more powerful than before. I can feel the power of the immortal way. It must be a complete god and demon with a physical body and a primordial spirit."

"Humph! So what? Even if I am not his opponent, I still have my elder brother! As long as the elder brother is in the heaven, no one can overthrow it!"

Taiyi still said disapprovingly, and there was already some fighting spirit in his body.

He has never experienced the power of a complete god and demon. This time, he doesn't want to let it go.

Di Jun felt Tai Yi's fighting spirit, smiled slightly, and said: "If you want to fight, second brother, then go ahead, I will hold the battle for you!"

These words were said in an extremely grand manner, without any fear of the complete gods and demons.

If it were before, maybe he really wouldn't dare to collide with the complete gods and demons of the Great Dao, but now, having gained the complete authority of the Great Sun, he is not afraid of the gods and demons at all.

The dark gods and demons were destroyed by one move of his. With a snap of his fingers, he destroyed the gods and demons with a single thought.

The power of the Great Sun is not weaker than those of gods and demons, and this is the result of Pangu's charm.

Taiyi was overjoyed when he heard this and quickly shouted: "Brother, please help me plunder the formation!"

After saying that, he used the technique of turning the golden house into a rainbow and flew towards the clouds.

Here we go, for the God of War and the Demon!

Sumeru Mountain, Buddhist Dayei Temple.

"The immortal gods and demons have revived. In the past, the immortal gods and demons were close friends with the Buddha's gods and demons. I think they will not destroy this Taoist lineage, but there is no guarantee that they will not stand up for the immortal sect and kill you. You can take care of yourself. , I have been injured and need to recuperate urgently."

After the light god and demon said a word, he disappeared.

"Immortal gods and demons?"

He raised his eyebrows and muttered softly, but he didn't take it too seriously. After all, he was just a god and demon.

Although they couldn't beat them, with so many people gathered together, they weren't necessarily any worse than the other party.

What's more, there is still a thin layer of noodles.

Although those are Buddhas, gods and demons, they are still better than nothing.

"Fellow Taoist, what should we do?" Shi Chen was shocked when he heard this and asked hurriedly.

He raised his eyebrows and shook his head slightly, holding flowers in both hands, and said: "Don't worry, just recover as soon as you recover, He won't come to your door."

"Why do you see it?"

Ancestor Yin Yang also frowned and asked.

"We just have a grudge against Hongjun, not an immortal god or demon. How could such a majestic being take action because of a traitor like Hongjun?" He raised his eyebrows and smiled disdainfully.

Although his words were full of disdain, he was actually very panicked in his heart. He just needed to stabilize the morale of the army, so he said this.

Without waiting for anyone to refute, he continued: "Amitabha, the previous battle has already injured Tao Yun. This poor monk still needs to recover from his injuries, so I will leave first."

"Amitabha, poor monk takes his leave."

When Shi Chen heard this, he quickly put on a Buddhist tone and then disappeared.

In the huge Dayeiyin Temple, there are now only three people left, Yin Yang Patriarch, Jie Yin, and Zhunti.

"I, Buddha Glazed Tathagata, what should we do?"

Zhunti bowed slightly and asked.

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