Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 401 Ziwei ascends to the throne, Taiyi fights gods and demons

Hearing this, the Yin-Yang Patriarch smiled calmly, nodded slightly, and said: "The Buddha Dharma is Tathagata, Tathagata is silent, so it should be like this."

After saying this, his figure flashed and disappeared.

At this point, the three most fundamental Buddhas of the Three Buddhas of Buddhism have all disappeared.

The Yin-Yang Patriarch didn't even think about taking any responsibility. When he heard someone asking him, he directly pushed the responsibility to Yang Mei. As he said, Buddhism respects Yang Mei, and Yang Mei is hiding like he is dead, so they just need to follow suit.

Jie Yin smiled bitterly, shook his head slightly, and said with a sad face: "Junior brother, you and I have a miserable life!"


Zunti sighed and nodded silently when he heard this.

Thinking of the two brothers, they followed the wrong person in the past, were manipulated by Hongjun, and now they are being pitted by these guys.

Although the fortune of Buddhism is stronger than that of Western religion, they didn't have so many enemies in Western religion in the past.

Now, not only have they made so many enemies, but there may also be a super-powerful god or demon who will come and kill them.

"How about you and I concentrate on practicing Buddhism and stay indoors?"

After a long time, Jie Yin thought of a solution that was not a solution.

Zhunti was stunned, then smiled and nodded, saying: "As my senior brother said, our cultivation and character are low, and we cannot understand the true meaning of Buddhism. We should concentrate on practicing Buddhism and stay indoors!"

After that, the two smiled at each other, went to the Bodhi tree, opened the barrier, and put the restrictions together, as if nothing had anything to do with them.


Above the ancient starry sky, many Hunyuan sat cross-legged, with the light of infinite years in their eyes, as if stars were falling in them.

Their figures were extremely powerful, and their existence illuminated the past and the present.

In it, surrounded by the Star Ancestor.

The Star Patriarch was surrounded by a group of disciples, all of whom were powerful creatures transformed from stars. The most outstanding among them was Ziwei Taoist. As Ziwei Taoist's cultivation became more profound, the Taoist charm he exuded became stronger.

Along with it came a great majesty, and his joy and anger could trigger the movement of the Zhoutian stars, and then trigger the change of the throne of the prehistoric world.

In a sense, this terrifying ability was not as good as Emperor Jun, because Emperor Jun could not do this, but Emperor Jun could more directly decide the world with one word.

The former relied on his own avenue and belonged to the noble family, while the latter relied on his own power and belonged to a transcendent status.

"After eternity, he finally became an emperor!"

The Star Patriarch suddenly opened his eyes and looked at his eldest disciple Ziwei Taoist with a smile.

Ziwei Taoist was the leader of the stars in the sky and the most noble star.

Ziwei Star is also called Ziwei Emperor Star. It is supposed to be the most noble existence and the most noble star in countless time and space worlds.

However, in the prehistoric world, because Da Ri was transformed by Pangu Shenyun's left eye, it was higher than the sky and should be the head of all stars.

Da Ri's status was transcendent, and a Heavenly Emperor appeared, shining on the prehistoric years, which made the glory of Da Ri shine on the world, spanning the heavens, and becoming the most noble star in endless time and space.

Even, it transcended the name of the star and became a symbol, a symbol of power.

Nowadays, although Ziwei Star is still the head of all stars, it has actually been surpassed by Da Ri.

If there is no Da Ri, Huang Huang Tian Di should be Ziwei Taoist!

However, there is no two masters in the sky, and Di Jun has become the eternal Heavenly Emperor, so Ziwei Emperor Star has been suppressed and has not yet produced the aura of an emperor.

Now, Taoist Ziwei finally has the spirit of an emperor, and he should be the Northern Emperor.

The vast universe, the four poles of heaven and earth; the vast wilderness, there should be four emperors.

There are also the two emperors of heaven and earth who dominate the world, so the heaven should have the six emperors.

In the past, there was the Lord of the Underworld, Hou Tu, who was perfect in merit and virtue, covering the creation of heaven and earth, and enjoying the honor of the Emperor of the Earth.

Then Taiyi of the demon clan, the brother of the Emperor of Heaven, became the great sun, shining the world of the underworld, and enjoying the honor of the Eastern Emperor.

There is also Shennong of the human race, who participated in the creation, bestowed the grace of all races, obtained the luck of heaven and earth, and enjoyed the honor of the Emperor of Man.

Think of Suiren of the human race, who supported the collapsing building, saved the human race from water and fire, established the five constants of human relations, drew the three principles of heaven and earth, raised the human race to the Lord of the wilderness, and enjoyed the extreme position of the Southern Emperor.

The one who was born as the Western Emperor Gou Chen previously had no great merit, but he was a noble and got the position of the Western Emperor.

Now, although the Taoist Ziwei is a noble, he did not rely on the destiny of heaven and earth, and although he did not have the merit of saving the world and preserving his dignity, he regained the position determined by heaven with his own strength, and he should be the Northern Emperor!

The Northern Emperor is in charge of the northern wilderness. Although the place is remote, he has high power and position, and is responsible for the transfer of the throne of all races in the world.

Although he cannot determine the throne of the human race, he can also determine the throne of the human kingdom.

This is the Purple Star Emperor Star! He is also the Northern Emperor!

"Congratulations, Senior Brother! Congratulations, Senior Brother!"

All the Taoist Star Lords stood up at this time, bowed to the Taoist Ziwei, and said.

They all worshipped under the Star Patriarch. If the Star Patriarch appeared after them, he would most likely be their offspring, but before them, so he was like their father.

The Star Ancestor gathered the origins of all the stars in the world and combined them with the thoughts of the stars and demons in the chaos of the past, so he is the ancestor of all the stars.

"Thank you, teacher! Thank you, fellow disciples!"

Ziwei Taoist laughed loudly upon hearing this, stood up, and bowed to all directions.

This time, Tiangan Beidi's position can be regarded as a complete success.

In the dark, after Di Jun felt this, a divine thought came out.

"Fellow Daoist Ziwei should be the Northern Emperor of Heaven, but now I have something to do and cannot get away. When I am free, I will enthrone you."

This divine thought appeared above the ancient starry sky and turned into a piece of golden text.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Seeing this, Taoist Ziwei hurriedly bowed and bowed to the text.


In the chaos, in Zixiao Palace.

Taiyi looked calmly, quietly looking at Hongjun and Xianzu opposite him, and behind him was a vague figure.

Hongjun took a closer look and found that the figure was the Emperor of Heaven, Dijun! For a moment, he couldn't help but look a little uncertain.

"Your Majesty, the man in front of you is called Taiyi, the leader of the six emperors of the prehistoric world, Donghuang Taiyi, with unparalleled combat power. Please be careful."

The Immortal Gods and Demons became interested after hearing this, and looked at Taiyi with a little curiosity, and then asked: "How does he compare to you?"

Hongjun's face darkened after hearing this, and he said with a little embarrassment: "A little stronger."

The Immortal Gods and Demons originally thought that he was very strong, after all, Hongjun said that he was unparalleled, but now he is only slightly stronger than him, so the interest he had just raised fell instantly.

He shook his head in a somewhat bland manner and said, "If that's the case, why dare I come here."

Taiyi heard this, looked at him sideways with pride, and shouted in a cold voice: "You are just a god and demon, how dare you be so presumptuous. I heard that you took people's bodies without caring about your face, and you are much stronger than other gods and demons. That's why I came here to ask for advice, but I didn't expect you to dare to speak nonsense here, you are really looking for death!"


The gods and demons of immortals laughed when they heard this, and said angrily: "How dare you! A mere mortal dares to ascend to heaven!"

There was a bit of disdain and anger in those white and bright eyes.

The gods and demons of immortals, the supreme and supreme, the body of heaven, dominate the world.

His existence symbolizes the existence of a great way, and his existence is the manifestation of immortals. If there is Him, there is the great way of immortals, and if there is the great way of immortals, there is Him.

All the immortal beings, whether they are Hunyuan or not, all the immortal gods and demons sit down.

Even the immortal ancestor Hongjun is no exception.

Taiyi heard the words and glanced at the other party with cold eyes. Wherever those eyes passed, Hongjun was a little afraid to look directly, so he had to lower his head.



Hongjun only felt that his heartbeat seemed to be inspired by someone, and he wanted to fight with him.

He instantly understood that this was the great way of war that reached a very high level, which made people feel the will to fight, and made people unconsciously want to fight with him.

This was Taiyi's extremely powerful Dao rhyme that wanted to arouse the will to fight the immortal gods and demons, and fight with them.

This feeling was so strong that the immortal gods and demons couldn't help but admire it: "Not bad will to fight, the younger generation in the prehistoric world can actually have this level, not bad, not bad."

Admiring, he stood up slightly, and the majestic immortal way came from all directions like the water of the four seas.

"What a pity..."

"What a pity you are not the God of War in the chaos of the past. If he were here, I would still be a little afraid of him, but you are just a junior after all..."

Boom! ! !

This sentence exploded in the Zixiao Palace like a thunder of destruction. The Zixiao Palace, which had just been rebuilt, was broken through again in an instant and turned into ruins.

The eyes of the immortal gods and demons looked at Taiyi at this moment, as if looking at a dead person.

Taiyi chuckled, and the panic sun appeared from behind him, constantly emitting terrifying light.

The endless power was reflected on Taiyi's body, making him powerful and powerful!

"For the gods and demons, the sun is just a small path."

However, this did not make the immortal gods and demons feel afraid.

Instead, he chuckled and said disdainfully: "For the gods and demons, the existence of the prehistoric world is meaningless, let alone this so-called Great Sun!"

"I am the master, the Great Dao itself, the ruler of the Great Dao, and the master of all living things. All things are under the Great Dao."

The Immortal God and Demon shook his head slightly, with a slightly disdainful smile on his lips, as if he was laughing at Taiyi's ignorance.

Hua La La! !

The Great Dao of the Immortals floated out, and then infinite immortal power flowed.

At this moment, Taiyi gradually became weak and ridiculous in his eyes.

Taiyi's face changed, and his heart suddenly jumped. He thought that this Immortal God and Demon was indeed powerful and unparalleled. Just a trace of great power made him feel great pressure in his heart.

"Chaos Bell! Set!!!"

With a loud shout, the Chaos Bell floated over and fell into his palm.

Suddenly, it suddenly became larger, kept spinning, and fell on the head of the Immortal God and Demon.


A wave of suppressive force floated down and fell on the immortal god and devil.

Suddenly, the immortal god and devil's face changed, and his body suddenly fell, as if he was really suppressed by it.


The immortal god and devil shouted loudly and pointed out with one finger.

Countless immortal energy suddenly gathered together, turned into a beam of immortal light, and shot out.


The immortal light shot on the Chaos Bell, making a vibration sound.

The Nine Heavens Vibration Force ravaged the Chaos. In an instant, the Chaos that was rioting because of the battle between the two people turned into calmness, and no more chaotic forces appeared.

However, the Chaos Bell was not knocked away by this blow, but continued to exert suppressive force.

The Chaos Bell can suppress chaos.

Now, it can suppress the gods and demons!

The Immortal God and Demon felt this extremely powerful aura of suppression, and felt an extremely uncomfortable feeling from beginning to end.

He wanted to break free, but it was difficult to get rid of it.

"Damn it!!!"

At this time, he finally understood why Hongjun was so afraid of the guy in front of him.

This kid's own strength is higher than Hongjun. Now that he has such a treasure, how can Hongjun not be afraid.

The Immortal God and Demon couldn't help but curse secretly. This damn Hongjun actually said that the other party was only a little stronger than him, but he didn't even mention such a treasure.

He could clearly feel that there was the breath of Pangu Axe in the treasure.

When thinking of Pangu Axe, the Immortal God and Demon couldn't help but tremble, and remembered the fear of being dominated by Pangu during that period of time.

When Pangu was born, he was able to fight against three thousand gods and demons. Although he was a little defeated, fortunately he could also hold on.

But after he obtains two companion treasures, he will be able to kill three thousand Dao gods and demons in seconds when he fights again.

Although Pangu's growth is a factor in this, the Dao treasure can be seen from this.

The power of Pangu's axe is frightening.

"I don't believe you can have the power of Pangu in the past!!!"

The immortal gods and demons roared, and the Dao rhyme of the immortal Dao came out, and even the origin of the Dao emerged.



The endless origin of the Dao washed over the Chaos Bell.


The Chaos Bell was instantly washed away, making a mournful cry, and tremblingly flew into Taiyi's hands.

Taiyi's face turned red, and he suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood in front of him, and his face turned pale in an instant.

"Good tricks!"

Taiyi snorted coldly and praised.

He was born with this kind of face, extremely cold.

"Hahahaha, you are not bad, no wonder you are loved by the Chaos Bell." The Immortal God and Demon laughed loudly upon hearing this, and looked at Taiyi with great admiration.

When the origin appeared just now, he saw clearly how majestic the figure behind Taiyi was.

He also knew that it was impossible for him to kill Taiyi, and that figure would not allow it. And now when he faced Di Jun, he felt that it was like facing the mighty power of heaven, which was unfathomable.

Therefore, he no longer wanted to put Taiyi to death as before.

"The difference between you and me is not small. I will come to your house to apologize for disturbing you this time. Let's stop today's matter for now. Goodbye!"

After knowing the difference between him and the other party, Taiyi immediately said a word, and without waiting for the other party's reaction, he went directly to the prehistoric world openly.

The Immortal God and Demon looked at Taiyi's departing back and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

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