Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 402 Panlong Realm, Pangu preaches!

"Thank you, fellow Taoist."

The phantom possessing Taiyi turned around and bowed slightly to the immortal god and demon.

Seeing this, the immortal gods and demons nodded without saying much.

The reason why Taiyi was let go was also because of Di Jun.

After the two left, Hongjun dared to come out and whispered: "Your Majesty, why don't you leave Taiyi here..."

He knew that the immortals, gods and demons were afraid of each other, but he did not intend to end it like this. At least he had to arouse a sense of disgust among the immortals, gods and demons towards the heaven.

Hearing this, the Immortal God and Demon glanced slightly, and said lightly: "If you are confident that you can kill the Eastern Emperor in the hands of the Heavenly Emperor, then go ahead..."

How could he not see Hongjun's little thoughts? It was too obvious.

But then again, how on earth did that ordinary person cultivate to have such great power?

He had a premonition that even if he had the body of heaven now, he would not be able to defeat the opponent. Unless he obtained the body of a god and demon and returned to the original state, and everything was in its original state, he would be able to steadily defeat the opponent.

But it is a pity that the body of morality is so far behind now.

"Ah... this... Your Majesty is joking, how can the little immortal be so powerful..."

Hongjun hesitated when he heard the words, and then smiled flatteringly.

He lowered his head, a dangerous light flashing in his eyes.

When something goes wrong, there must be a demon. How can a being like him be willing to flatter a god and demon?

It would be fine if it were someone else, but this is the Immortal Ancestor after all. If he had nothing to ask for, he wouldn't be here.


The Immortal God and Demon groaned, and then said leisurely: "I am only in the early stage of Hunyuan. I am not as good as him, but it is normal. When I reach the later stage, it will be difficult to face him. "

"Your Majesty is so mighty that the yellow-mouthed kid will no longer be your match when the time comes!"

Hongjun smiled and bowed with his hands.

In chaos.

Pangu stood alone, his bronze skin standing in the depths of chaos, as if he were a statue. No matter how raging the storm of chaos, it did not move a single bit.

After hundreds of thousands of years of hard work here, in the depths of chaos, I feel the extreme of the Tao, open up the world of Tao and fruit, and evolve.

It condenses countless great wisdom and evolves a whole world in the world of Tao and Fruit.

At this moment, Pangu showed a light and gentle smile on his face, as if he was smiling at the world in the Dao Fruit, and also as if he was smiling at the infinite world of the heavens and the endless time and space.

In the dark, there seems to be an invisible net covering everything.

It seems that everything in that world is being manipulated, and the creatures in the world are like puppets, following the general trend of heaven.

It wasn't until visions arose, flowers fell from the sky, and golden lotuses bloomed that a supreme being broke through the confinement of cultivation and reached the other shore.

Pangu looked at all this with an even bigger smile on his face.

This is the Panlong Realm.

This world is not like the prehistoric times where the immortal way is the standard and the infinite immortal way can be expanded.

In this world, the magical avenue is taken as the basic avenue. The path of cultivation begins with the magical avenue, but one can still transcend the magical avenue, walk out of one's own rules, laws, and even join the avenue.

The prehistoric era used immortality as an appearance, but it was actually an infinite avenue.

The Panlong Realm uses magic as its appearance, flesh and blood, and three thousand avenues as its roots. It is much more difficult to break out of the restrictions of the magic avenue than in the ancient world.

However, most of the sentient beings in the ancient world were transformed by Pangu. Even with such restrictions, they would not really stump the other party.

The reason why Pangu did this was because the inherent talents of these creatures were not as good as those of the prehistoric creatures, so he could only stimulate these creatures in a more severe way, thus cultivating a creature that was no weaker than the prehistoric creatures.

This is Pangu's original intention.

But now, an extremely powerful creature finally appeared in the Panlong Realm. Although its strength is only equivalent to that of the Great Luo Jinxian in the prehistoric times, it is already remarkable.

I saw the existence of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, meditating in the sky above the Panlong Realm.

At this time, Pangu smiled slightly, and a thought shot out, turning into a golden light.

That golden light instantly merged into Daluo Jinxian's body, and then turned into a skyrocketing strength.

"The communication between heaven and earth is successful, the next step is to open up the divine realm! Divide the difference between gods and mortals!!"

The figure murmured to himself, his eyes full of confidence.

Its name is Hongmeng.

Hongmeng was born in the era of Hongmeng's first judgment and was named Hongmeng.

This era of the First Judgment of Hongmeng represents an era when the world has not yet been completely divided into yin and yang, but the world has already appeared, which is completely different from the state of Hongmeng before the world was chaotic.

A burst of golden light flashed across Hongmeng's body, and his strength suddenly increased. That golden light was from Pangu.

Boom! ! !

The huge world began to gradually become layered, the sky became more and more ethereal, and then the magic of the world became more and more intense.

By the time the golden light dissipated, the divine realm had already appeared.

Once the God Realm was born, countless purple energy fell into the sky, merged into the God Realm, and turned into a godhead.

The God Realm can be entered by those who have reached the level of Da Luo Jin Immortal, which is the realm of gods in this world.

The level of this world is after the ninth-level Grand Mage, which is the Holy Domain Magician. The Holy Domain Peak Magician can initially comprehend the mystery of the law, and then break through the realm and need to integrate the godhood with the same attributes as himself, so as to enter the realm of God.

The lower god is the cultivation of the early stage of the Golden Immortal.

Then the lower god is promoted to the middle god, which is the cultivation of the middle stage of the Golden Immortal.

The upper god is the cultivation of the late stage of the Golden Immortal.

After the upper god breaks through, he becomes the main god, which is the peak and perfect realm of the Golden Immortal, and the highest limit is the realm of the Hunyuan True Self.

Above the main god is the Supreme God, which is the realm of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

And above the Supreme God is the realm above the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, which is called the Hongmeng Controller, and in the prehistoric world, it is the Hunyuan Wuji Golden Immortal.

The Hongmeng Controller can transcend the reincarnation of the universe, transcend the outside world, control Hongmeng, and even create the universe. Only by cultivating the Hongmeng Body or the Xuanhuang Immortal Body can one break through the universe.

When Hongmeng finished all this, he looked at the God Realm he created and nodded with great satisfaction and pride.

He knew that he did not create this world alone, but this did not prevent him from feeling that he was great, because it was he who communicated with heaven and earth and created the God Realm.

With the God Realm, people in the world can cultivate to become gods like him!

The reason why Hongmeng was able to become a god was that there was only one piece of godhood between heaven and earth, and the most powerful person should have it, and he was the most powerful existence in this universe.

"This world has finally become one!"

Pangu looked at this world with satisfaction. After so many years of nurturing, it finally became a system.

Like the system world of the prehistoric world, it has infinite ways to ascend.

From the beginning to the end, all the cultivation methods and cultivation realms were derived by him based on the uniqueness of that world.

After all, this universe is a Dao Fruit Universe, with limited potential. At most, it can only cultivate one Hongmeng Controller, but just one is enough.

Because Pangu himself has not reached that realm.

When he deduced that the strongest upper limit of that universe can reach the Hongmeng Controller realm, he was even more delighted. If the Dao Fruit World can be like this, what about the current Chaos World?

The Chaos World is the strongest and highest, and there is no reason why it cannot be better than the world he created.

Therefore, he must be able to use the power of this world to rush into the realm of Hunyuan Wuji Jinxian.

And the realm of Hunyuan Wuji Jinxian is actually equivalent to the realm of the current Tiandao.

Of course, in terms of combat power, Pangu has long surpassed the so-called Heavenly Dao. After all, the Heavenly Dao is just a product of the evolution created by him. It only takes three axes to fight against the Heavenly Dao.

But in terms of realm, Pangu is indeed slightly weaker than Tiandao. With the evolution of the prehistoric world, the realm strength of Tiandao has been continuously improved, and now it is one level higher than Pangu.

This is what Ye Xuan did, and it is also what all the prehistoric beings did.

The stronger the foundation of the prehistoric world, the stronger the upper limit, the stronger the realm of Tiandao and the stronger its strength.

"When all beings become gods, it will be the time for me to break into the supreme realm!"

Pangu's eyes flashed with golden light, and then the Avenue of Time emerged, and the speed of time in the world above the Dao Fruit was constantly accelerating.

The years passed quickly.

Above the chaos, in the void.

"Pangu is like this, he can really open up a way to break through the cultivation!"

Ye Xuan looked at what Pangu did and nodded his head.

How could he not see the potential of Pangu's world!

Now Pangu has created a world with the potential of a strong man with Hunyuan Wuji before he has achieved Hunyuan Wuji. What a great power this is.

It can only be said that Pangu's strength cannot be judged by the realm of cultivation. Just like Ye Xuan, although he is only a fourth-level creator god, even a fifth-level creator god cannot defeat him.

The reason why Ye Xuan is so powerful is inseparable from Pangu. It is precisely because of the existence of such a great existence as Pangu that Ye Xuan is so powerful now.

The Three Thousand Great Daos Gods and Demons have already stacked a layer of Three Thousand Great Daos BUFF for Ye Xuan, and Pangu's Great Dao of Power, which is formed by the fusion of the Three Thousand Great Daos, has stacked another layer of BUFF for Ye Xuan. In addition, there are so many powerful and sacred creatures in the prehistoric world, and there is another layer of BUFF.

The superposition of these three layers of BUFF has led to the fact that Ye Xuan has long surpassed the combat power of the same realm.

Although Pangu only has one layer, his combat power is also far beyond the combat power of the same realm.

The three thousand great Daos added together are not as great as the fusion together!

One plus one is far greater than two!

Not to mention being integrated into it?

The three thousand great ways merged into it, and Pangu, who was born, was invincible from the moment he was born, and he could deal with the three thousand great ways gods and demons with his bare hands.

Although he was slightly inferior to these gods and demons, how terrifying it was to fight against the three thousand gods and demons with his own strength?

Then Pangu, who got his own companion treasure, that is, the complete Pangu VS the complete three thousand great ways gods and demons.

What was the result?

It was a massacre!

It was a crushing!

It was sweeping everything!

One axe smashed more than 2,900 great ways gods and demons, and another axe blew up the remaining dozens of extremely powerful great ways gods and demons!

Two axes solved everything!

This is the horror of the power of the three thousand great ways!

And Ye Xuan has this kind of terrifying BUFF! And it’s double the BUFF! ! !

Ancient times.

A voice suddenly appeared, majestic and full, reflecting in the hearts of all Hunyuan strongmen.


This word caused all the powerful Hunyuan warriors to instantly open their eyes and look up at the sky.

Even Emperor Jun above the heaven couldn't help but look up.

The ancestors of the stars in the ancient starry sky also looked up at the boundless chaos.

"Brother, this is..."

Taiyi said hesitantly.

He couldn't believe it, or he wasn't sure whether this was Pangu's Taoism.

Di Jun nodded and affirmed: "Yes, it is exactly what Taoist Master Pangu said."

At this time, everywhere in the world was full of hesitations like Taiyi.

Immediately afterwards.

Pangu stood in the boundless chaos, and that majestic and unparalleled body was surrounded by three thousand avenues, manifesting in the hearts of all Hunyuan strongmen.

"It is indeed Father God!!!"

"Father God!!!"

"Tao Zun!!!"


Such a scene appeared in the hearts of countless Hunyuan strongmen, and even the Dao gods and demons, and they couldn't help but exclaimed.

The appearance of Pangu made countless Hunyuan strong men excited. Pangu was the creator of the world and the founder of the prehistoric era!

Most of them are also evolved from Pangu. To them, Pangu is naturally an extraordinary Taoist god and demon.

Pangu smiled slightly and said in a gentle tone: "Please go to the depths of chaos. I have discovered the realm above Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal. After countless years, I finally obtained this method."

As soon as the words fell, the figure disappeared.

But at this time, Honghuang had already caused an uproar.

"Really?! Dao Zun has found a way to break through!?"

"It should be true! That's Taoist Master!!!"

Witch clan...

"Father God has an order, go quickly!!!"

The twelve ancestral witches of the Wu Clan gave an order, and hundreds of thousands of Hunyuan strongmen flew up and headed towards the depths of chaos.


"Tao Zun has ordered that all those in the Heavenly Court who have reached the realm of Hunyuan should go and listen to the Dao!"

In order to prevent some people from not listening to Pangu's words, Di Jun issued another order.

In the Heavenly Court, many of them are acquired beings, and their relationship with Pangu is not that close, so the emotional aspect is quite different.

Immediately afterwards, countless forces such as the human race... the dragon race... the underworld... the overseas fairy islands... the great gods and demons... the immortal sect... the Buddhist sect, all had Hunyuan strongmen heading to the depths of chaos.

This time is similar to Hongjun's mission in the past. The same thing is that he is preaching and guiding everyone to a higher realm, but the difference is that Hongjun is here to harm all sentient beings.

But Pangu truly preached for the sentient beings in the wild.

If He wanted to harm all sentient beings in the wild world, how could he take such troublesome measures? With one blow of the ax, the wild world would be shattered into pieces...

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