Deep in the chaos.

Pangu realized the truth in the morning and preached in the evening.

He should be a saint!

"After preaching this time, Honghuang will surely be able to make rapid progress!"

Pangu thought with a hint of joy on his face.

The stronger Honghuang is, the happier he, the founder, will feel.

If Honghuang is strong, both Ye Xuan and Pangu will be extremely happy.

At this time, no one has appeared in front of Pangu. There is a vast chaos, like an infinite whirlpool that will eventually swallow up all existence.

Ye Xuan's figure appeared, facing Pangu, and said with a smile: "Today's preaching will surely benefit all living beings in the prehistoric world. This is what you wish for, and it is also what I wish for."

Facing the sudden appearance of Ye Xuan, Pangu smiled slightly and nodded: "The Dao Zun is like this, it should be a great good."

He has always believed that the chaotic world was opened up by Ye Xuan, and they are just like the creatures in the Daoguo Panlong world opened up by Pangu.

The only difference is the composition method. No matter what, there are always three thousand great ways.

And when the three thousand great ways merge into one, Pangu will always be born.

In addition to wanting to create a world and improve his cultivation realm, Pangu also wants to see if those creatures can transcend the Panlong world and come to the chaotic world.

If they can jump out of the Panlong world and reach the chaotic world directly.

Then Pangu is undoubtedly very excited, which proves that he may also jump out of the chaotic world and go to the world where Ye Xuan is.

It is possible that a world was actually opened up by other great beings, and if you jump out of the limitations of this world, you can go to the world of that great being.

As for the prehistoric world, it is actually a part of the chaotic world, but it has evolved and created another world in the world.

Just like the Panlong world, if it is materialized by Pangu in the chaos or prehistoric world one day, it is also a part of the chaotic world.

No, even if it is not materialized now, it is also a part of the chaotic world.

"In this case, show your holiness in front of people and establish the supreme position."

Ye Xuan's smile did not diminish. He waved his hands, and a green light emerged, turning into a lotus platform under Pangu's feet.

That is the thirty-sixth grade creation green lotus, also known as the thirty-sixth grade creation green lotus.

It is the companion treasure of the creation of gods and demons, and it is also the chaos treasure born from Pangu.

After Pangu felt the breath of the lotus platform under his feet, he hurriedly sat cross-legged, and a look of doubt appeared on his face.

The Creation Green Lotus clearly disintegrated into countless innate spiritual treasures, so how could it appear under his feet again?

As his suspicion grew, he finally discovered that this lotus platform was not the real thirty-six-grade Creation Green Lotus, but just an illusion of that lotus platform.

Even so, this was just an illusion that could emit infinite Dao rhyme of the Great Dao of Creation.

If one majored in life, fortune, and other great ways similar to the Great Dao of Creation, it would undoubtedly greatly improve one's ability, and this kind of improvement might even allow one to comprehend the Great Dao of Creation.

Although it is extremely difficult, it is not impossible.

As the saying goes, everything is possible, the Great Dao is there, and everything depends on human effort.

The Great Dao that could not be comprehended in the prehistoric world on weekdays could be seen in Pangu at this time.

Of course, this was only Pangu's understanding of the Great Dao, not the real Great Dao, but if one studied it further, it might not be impossible to comprehend it.

"Thank you, Daozun."

Although Pangu felt that it made no difference whether he had this thing or not, he also mastered the Three Thousand Great Daos, and he didn't need this thing to preach.

But after all, it was given by someone else, so he still had to thank him.

Ye Xuan waved his hand and smiled, "You preach in the prehistoric world to benefit all living beings. I just did my best, not worth mentioning."

Then, a powerful and overwhelming aura appeared.

"Emperor Jun is here, goodbye."

Ye Xuan smiled and left a sentence, then disappeared, and went to the sky, overlooking everything that happened.

For him, he is more like a passerby, a guide.

He is guiding the direction of the prehistoric world, and he is also looking forward to the ever-increasing prehistoric world to bring him a greater degree of improvement.

In the final analysis, it is because the prehistoric world becomes stronger and can make him stronger, otherwise according to Ye Xuan's temper, he would have played a lot in the prehistoric world.

Anyway, it's just for fun, why not do whatever you want in your own world?

Of course, any guy with powerful pursuits would not think so.

Pangu's eyes were like torches, and he looked into the distance slightly, and saw a Heavenly Emperor like the Nine Heavens God Emperor riding on the Heavenly Emperor's chariot, slowly coming.

The Heavenly Emperor's chariot was like a huge sun, and wherever it went, you could see a radiant light, which was extremely brilliant.

Emperor Jun came on the Heavenly Emperor's chariot, and at the same time, there was also the figure of Xihe on the chariot.

Then Taiyi and Madam Yuanmu came on the Donghuang chariot. Although they were not as magnificent as the Heavenly Emperor's chariot, they also had a panic.

Then, it was the chariots of the emperors of the heavenly court.

For a moment, it seemed like a group of convoys, but because they were dragged by Emperor Jun's great magical power, they did not get separated. Otherwise, they would have been thrown away by the Heavenly Emperor's chariot.

The first group of Hunyuan arrived in the Heavenly Court. They were so huge that they looked like a black cloud.

However, there was a big sun in it, so it was golden and brilliant, like a heavenly soldier. It was very beautiful.

"Meet the Dao Zun."

The Emperor of Heaven, Di Jun, nodded slightly, raised his hands, and shouted.

Although he was the Emperor of Heaven, he was not so noble in front of Pangu, the God of Creation.

"Meet the Dao Zun!"

Then, the emperors and gods of the Heavenly Court behind him bowed to Pangu.

A group of Hunyuan strongmen could actually number hundreds of thousands. This strength was shocking.

Pangu smiled slightly, helped them up, and said with a smile: "Why such a big gift, everything is just a false name, please find a place to listen to the sound of the Tao."

"Thank you, Dao Zun!"

The Emperor of Heaven, Di Jun, nodded slightly and smiled.

The immortals behind him thanked Pangu again, and then sat cross-legged.

In an instant, countless powerful figures appeared in the chaos.

These figures all sat cross-legged, waiting with their eyes closed.

It can be seen that coming early is not necessarily good, at least you still have to wait for other gods.

However, Di Jun, looking at the green lotus figure under Pangu, couldn't help but flash a look of surprise in his eyes. In his past memories, Pangu did not have this green lotus.

This thirty-six-grade creation green lotus is simply a prehistoric treasure, an unprecedented existence.

"It is normal for Pangu the Great God to have such a treasure..."

Di Jun nodded slightly, and then he didn't say much, and then closed his eyes and waited.

There was no way, even as strong as Di Jun could not help but be attracted by the treasure.

As for Nuwa, she had already closed her eyes and quietly comprehended the avenue contained in the creation green lotus.

The majestic and powerful avenue of creation permeated the entire space, as if it was within reach.

Although she might not be able to comprehend it, she could use it to improve her avenue of life and avenue of creation.

Other sacred beings also closed their eyes while waiting, constantly feeling the aura of the various avenues and the auras of Dao coming from Pangu's body.

This was the opportunity to face the three thousand avenues directly, which was also one of the benefits of coming early.

Gradually, as time passed, more and more powerful Hunyuan arrived here.

Whether it was the Wu clan, the human clan, or the dragon clan...

They all arrived at the depths of chaos within a hundred years.

In fact, these people's footwork was not slow, otherwise they would not have been able to arrive here one after another within a hundred years.

The current chaotic world is vast and boundless, even for powerful Hunyuan masters like them, it is impossible to arrive here instantly.

Pangu's mind moved, and he knew that all the powerful Hunyuan masters in the prehistoric world had arrived here.

Among the demon sects, only Luohou did not come. There was no way around it. Who made him meet the immortal gods and demons and be killed by them?

And those gods and demons also came here.

It was just that they were embarrassed and did not show themselves to the world. Little did they know that this was the most embarrassing situation.

Because even if he was hiding behind, there were still a few people present who could sense him.

And the gods and demons of reincarnation and death walked to Pangu openly, talked with him, and then sat cross-legged.

Although, when those people reached a higher realm, they naturally knew the higher realm.

But which great god and demon is willing to lag behind others...

The gods and demons of reincarnation had already guessed in their hearts, thinking that what Pangu said on this trip was probably what he said in the Daoguo world that day.

But in order to ensure that one or two, he still came here. I believe Pangu will also talk about the derivatives of the world this time.

No one knows the world better than Pangu, even the gods and demons of reincarnation agree with this.

Pangu spoke slowly and softly, "This time, I summoned you for no other reason than to reach the supreme realm."

"Above the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, the realm is called the Hunyuan Wuji Jinxian. This realm is essentially still the Hunyuan realm, but it transcends the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian realm, so it is called the Hunyuan Wuji Jinxian."

"May I ask the Taoist, how can I enter this wonderful realm?"

This is what Di Jun cares about most. He has already reached the late stage of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. If he is perfect, he may not be able to go any further.

He wanted to know how to enter the supreme realm, but he couldn't find a way.

As soon as these words came out, countless beings in the Hunyuan realm focused their attention on Pangu.

Pangu smiled and said, "Yi Ye, you only need to open up a world in the Dao Fruit, independent of the prehistoric world, and evolve a world like the prehistoric world, then you can gather the power of all living beings to step into the supreme realm."


"The Dao Fruit can actually open up a world!"

"Incredible! This is too incredible!"

"As expected of Pangu Daozun! He can even think of such a thing!"

"Father God is Father God! Far beyond our ancestors!!!"

Suddenly, a frenzy was set off in the words, and countless Hunyuan strongmen looked sideways, their hearts full of shock.

Di Jun's eyes lit up, and he was already somewhat confident in his heart. It was just opening up a world, but it was just because it was a little dangerous to open up on the Dao Fruit, but he had the River Map and Luoshu, the seal of the Emperor of Heaven, and he could borrow Taiyi's Chaos Bell, so he would not cause the sky to collapse.

It is very simple to fix a part of the universe, but he does not know how to evolve it. This is the real trouble that bothers him.

"Remember, if you do not reach the late stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, you must not try to open up the world. If you are not careful and damage the Hunyuan Dao fruit, I am afraid that your cultivation will fall to the realm of Hunyuan Zhenyou."

Pangu saw the eagerness in everyone's eyes and immediately knew what they meant, and hurriedly warned them.

"We know, thank you Daozun!"

Many Hunyuans, hearing this, their eyes were clear, and the impulse to open up the world in their minds disappeared instantly, and then they bowed to Pangu.

The gods and demons of reincarnation nodded secretly. It was indeed like this. Pangu said in the past that as long as he waited until his cultivation was sufficient, he could open up the world in three quarters of an hour!

He still had this confidence as a great god and demon.

Pangu nodded slightly, and then his mind moved. The world he created appeared beside him. It was the projection of the Daoguo world.

"This is the world I created, called Panlong Realm. In this world, all living beings practice magic, and there are levels of cultivation. The strongest person in the world now is called Hongmeng."

"Hongmeng is the son of destiny, with extraordinary talent. His character, perseverance, and roots are all top-notch. Now his cultivation is equivalent to the Daluo Jinxian of the prehistoric world. Although his cultivation strength is low, he has a bit of transcendent fate."

"When all people become gods, it will be the day when I achieve the supreme."

Pangu smiled. The so-called all people become gods does not mean that all people must achieve Daluo Jinxian, but when there are enough people, He can use the power of all living beings to rush straight to the Hunyuan Wuji realm.

Although he is still Hunyuan, his combat power realm is far beyond Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Just like the difference between Daluo Jinxian and Jinxian, although they are both Jinxian, the difference is not measurable.

"Congratulations, Daozun! Congratulations, Daozun!"

Everyone bowed again and congratulated him.

This is congratulations from the heart, because this is Pangu Daozun.

If someone else achieved this realm first, some of the prehistoric beings would inevitably have some grudges in their hearts, just like Di Jun, who was the first to achieve the Dao, which made Hongjun's three corpse gods so angry.

Now Pangu is walking in front of everyone, which is the most appropriate and normal thing. In other words, this is a matter of course.

What's more, Pangu has taught them this way of breakthrough, which is even more respectable.

"Although this method is exquisite and can help us break into the supreme realm, it is not worth mentioning. Next, I will teach you how the world develops." Pangu said softly with a smile on his face.

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