Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 404: Preaching and answering questions

This is the truth. Although this method is very good, there is actually nothing much to say. It is nothing more than creating the world and using the power of all living beings to help oneself.

What is really worth explaining is the evolution process from creating the world to using the power of all living beings.

This is something that many sacred beings cannot know, after all, they have no experience at all.

"As the saying goes, the way of world development is to focus on oneself. As the creator god, we can only give some pointers behind the scenes."

"Before the world evolves, the general trend of the world is determined first, and then the power of heaven and earth is gathered in one body to cultivate a creature that can transcend all the rules of the world."

"Usually, this kind of creature is called the protagonist of heaven and earth. It is born with great luck, great opportunity, and great perseverance. There is nothing that cannot be done in the world."

"But it cannot be too smooth sailing. It needs to be tempered to make it go further."

"Therefore, the protagonist of heaven and earth cannot appear too early. After the world evolves and perfects, it will be like the human race in the prehistoric times, and strike back."

"This is what I learned from observing the prehistoric human race getting the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth."

At this point, everyone suddenly realized and looked at the place where the human race was.

And among the human race, Suirenshi had a dim look in his eyes. As Pangu said, everything about them was arranged.

Just like Pangu arranged the protagonists of heaven and earth in Panlong Realm, it is exactly like this.

And the human race is like Hongmeng in Panlong Realm, and everything is arranged by Ye Xuan.

Suddenly, a melodious voice came into Suirenshi's mind.

"This is determined by heaven, and it is also determined by me. You don't have to be like this. Everything in the world is in the law. If I don't decide, the way of heaven will decide it. Your practice is to transcend the way of heaven and the way of the great way, not to other things.

One day, after the human race transcends the myriad worlds, it can prove itself supreme.

Everything in the world is shackled, even I am no exception. You should have known this long ago. How can you worry about this thing secretly?"

Ye Xuan's words fell into Suirenshi's mind, and only Suirenshi could hear these words.

After hearing this, Suirenshi was full of shock, and then the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this made sense.

Just like all the things in the world in the prehistoric times, it is nothing more than this.

There are countless worlds in the prehistoric world, three thousand great worlds, countless small worlds, caves and blessed lands, and other worlds.

And why aren't those worlds controlled by the unknown like them?

Pangu noticed something strange in Suiren's heart, and he looked sideways. He knew that he must have some insights, and then he said:

"Look at Hongmeng in the Panlong Realm again. It's just like this. Every step he takes is tempered, and every step he takes has its own reason, as if the whole world is targeting him.

But he can always turn danger into fortune, become stronger step by step, and finally become the most powerful existence in the Panlong Realm.

But this is not the end, this is just the beginning..."

After Pangu finished speaking, he smiled slightly, hoping that these Hunyuan strongmen can cultivate the world in the future according to the method he promoted.

In this way, the prehistoric creatures will surely reach a higher level.

And by that time, the prehistoric world will be several times more powerful than it is now.

It is impossible for Honghuang to achieve transcendence by himself. If he wants to make Honghuang a transcendent world, that is, the eternal true world, it requires the joint efforts of all the spirits in Honghuang to achieve this.

This is also Pangu's lifelong wish. Honghuang is like a father and son to Pangu. This is the world he created, and naturally hopes that this world will develop strongly.

"Thank you for the teachings of Daozun!"

Many Hunyuan bowed again after hearing this.

This can be said to be taught to them step by step. If they still can't learn it, then there is a problem.

According to Pangu's steps, it must be very easy to deduce that a powerful creature can transcend.

Di Jun stood up slightly, bowed, and asked: "May I ask Daozun, in this way, it is easier to transcend a creature, but how can everyone in the world be Hunyuan or even transcend the world?"

In his opinion, this method is good enough, which can help them break through the realm and enhance the combat power of a world, but it also has defects.

In this way, gathering the power of the world, it seems that only one transcendental creature can be cultivated. Whether more Hunyuan can appear in the future is another matter, not to mention transcendence.

In fact, this is to cultivate a son of luck through the luck of the whole world, and then use the power of the world to send him to transcendence.

This method is indeed exquisite, but it undoubtedly overdraws the potential of the world. How can the creatures of the world in the future transcend?

Pangu heard this and looked at Di Jun with admiration. He is worthy of being the master of prehistoric creatures. He can see the clues at a glance.

He smiled and said calmly: "This method is already the best way I can think of. According to the deduction of the Great Dao, even if I break through to the Hunyuan Wuji Jinxian, I can't change this dilemma.

Panlong Panlong, it is impossible to become a world where everyone is like a dragon, at least it cannot be done in the Hunyuan realm.

And I have a hunch that this kind of drawback can be solved when the cultivation level is higher in the future."

"What Tao Zun means is that in the future, after he has advanced in cultivation, he can feed the world back, make up for the potential consumed by the world, and even be better than before?" Emperor Jun heard this and immediately replied.

Pangu nodded slightly and said with a smile: "That's right. This realm is the realm of Tao and Fruit. It exists on its own. If we break through in the future, we will feed back to the world. What's more, this method is originally designed to break through the realm. In the future, If there is no definite outcome, then what’s the harm in giving up?”

This is indeed true. The purpose of creating this world is to improve strength. If we really can't find a better way in the future, then nothing will happen if we abandon it.

In the chaotic wilderness, there is endless space, enough for all worlds to be parasitic.

"That's right!"

Di Jun smiled slightly when he heard this and said.

As for the creatures in that world, will there be no way to ascend as a result?

It can only be said that it is too much of a Virgin thought. No one here would have such thoughts.

Because the creatures in that world can themselves reach the realm of Hunyuan, this is enough, and there is no telling how many worlds transcend this infinite space and time.

What's more, instead of feeling sorry for the creatures in the created world, it would be better to feel sorry for all the races in the prehistoric times.

"Dare to ask, Venerable Master, if there is no way to life, how can we evolve life?"

Suddenly, Nuwa stood up slightly, bowed, and asked.

This question is not asked for myself, but for other powerful Hunyuan people who have never understood the path of life.

This question made many Hunyuan think about it and cast grateful glances at Nuwa.

"Nature cannot evolve life, but it does not need to evolve on its own. It can find other creatures who have mastered the path of life to help it."

Pangu shook his head slightly and said slowly.

Without the Avenue of Life, it is definitely impossible to evolve life in the world. This is why the Avenue of Life ranks so high. It is not because of its high combat power, but because the world cannot do without the Avenue of Life.


As soon as these words came out, the eyes of many Hunyuan looked at Nuwa became even more intense.

Good guy, you can only turn to the sacred creatures who know the path of life for help.

Among the prehistoric times, there is no doubt that Nuwa's life path is the most noble.

But fortunately, there is such a figure in the Wu Clan, Shen Tu, the head of the five ghost emperors in the underworld.

Therefore, whether it is the twelve ancestral witches, the great witches, or the many ghosts and gods in the underworld, they all look at Shen Tu.

Shen Tu stood up slightly, patted his chest and promised: "When the time comes, brothers come to the underworld to find me. We are all brothers of the Wu clan, so we can talk easily! And all my colleagues in the underworld are all from my own family!"

"Hahahaha!! Thank you Ghost Emperor!!"

"Brother, you are so generous!!"

Suddenly, everyone in the Wu Clan and the Underworld burst into laughter. The Wu Clan was so casual.

Even the Twelve Ancestral Witches couldn't help but smile a little, but Shen Tu was suffering because he didn't know how many people he had to help...

Among the human race, Shen Nong smiled slightly and said: "Those who have cultivated the path of life among the human race stand up."

The human race is the spiritual leader of all races, created by heaven and earth alone.

They are born with the ability to carry three thousand avenues, so there are not a few who have cultivated the avenue of life.

There are hundreds of thousands of powerful Hunyuan warriors, and more than 400 of them have risen.

Shennong nodded and said with a smile: "After returning to the clan, Te Feng'er and others will become the human race's law-breaking elders. They should obey the orders and sit in the major divine cities to contribute to the human race's Hunyuan."

"We will obey your Majesty's order!!!"

These more than 400 powerful Hunyuan warriors all bowed and paid their respects.

"In the capital of the human race, I shall personally take action and work with you to help the human race's Hunyuan reach the next level!"

Shennong smiled.

This is the foundation of the human race, this is the power of the human race!

"Thank you, Your Majesty!!!"

All the Hunyuan people were overjoyed. This human elder was able to enjoy his luck, which was naturally a very happy thing.

Monster clan.

Emperor Jun looked back and saw who had cultivated the Dao of Life. He was delighted. Although there were not as many as the human race, there were still more than seventy Hunyuan cultivators.

"Those who practice Hunyuan will be granted the title of heavenly helper and have the same status as the divine king."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!!!"

In an instant, more than seventy Hunyuan statues stood up one after another and worshiped with great joy.

This sealing means that in addition to the position you already have, you can also get another position.

Heavenly positions have a heavenly luck bonus. Just like the elders of the human race, they can also benefit from luck.

In addition to some treasures of heaven and earth that are available every year, there are also luck bonuses that are available all the time to assist in practice. How can they not be happy about this.

Upon seeing this, the Dragon Clan's Ancestor Dragon also followed the example of the Human and Demon Clan, stood up and shouted: "Is there anyone in the Dragon Clan who can cultivate the Dao of Life?"

"His Majesty!"

I saw Qinglong, the Dragon King of the West Sea, standing up and cupping his hands slightly.

Zulong's face suddenly dropped. Qinglong was the Dragon King of the West Sea and majored in the Avenue of Life. He knew this, but he didn't expect that there was no other dragon guild except Qinglong.

These things are fun to play with on weekdays, but they are gone when they are needed.

"Dragon King of the West Sea, I have to do this for you!"

Zulong nodded slightly and said to Qinglong.

Qinglong majored in the Avenue of Life and was supposed to become the Dragon King of the East China Sea. However, he was born in the West Sea, and the East China Sea has the Ancestral Dragon Supreme.

So he has been the Dragon King of the West Sea, while the Dragon King of the East Sea was replaced by the Azure Dragon.

"We should do our best for our duties." Azure Dragon smiled and bowed.

Zulong nodded, and then shouted to the dragon clan: "Everyone, after returning, you must comprehend the Great Dao of Life!"

"We will obey your majesty's order!!!"

The dragon clan hurriedly bowed after hearing this.

There is no way, who knows that they will need the Great Dao of Life one day, they are all eager to practice those fighting ways.

If Azure Dragon is not born with it, he will not practice it.

But fortunately, the dragon clan always has it, so there is no need to ask others for help.

After all, if this thing is not available, then you must ask others for help, and then you don’t know how much resources and treasures will be lost.

Anyway, if you want to create a world, you also need to cultivate the late stage of Hunyuan. There is no one in the late stage of Hunyuan in the dragon clan so far, so there is no need to rush.

When everyone opens up the world, there will be more people in the dragon clan who will know the Great Dao of Life.

As for the other casual cultivators, they can only look for casual cultivators who know the Way of Life.

Or those who are friendly with the human race will also look for human cultivators, and those who are friendly with the demon race will also look for demon cultivators.

This kind of thing doesn't matter. As long as the gifts are prepared, most people will not refuse.

The prehistoric world is not about fighting and killing, but about human relationships.

Of course, the relationship between the human race and the relationship between the other ten thousand races has gradually become subtle, and the friendship of the past is gradually disappearing.

It is most obvious with the witch clan, because the two territories conflict with each other, and there is also a conflict with the Jiuli clan.

After Pangu saw that everyone knew it, he said: "If you have any questions, you can ask them one by one. If not, please go back first!"

Although this is the depths of chaos and does not belong to anyone, he still prefers to stay here alone and enjoy the beauty of chaos.

He was born in chaos, so he naturally feels more comfortable in chaos.

The scenery of the prehistoric world is thousands of times better than that of the Primordial Chaos, but He still feels that there is a unique charm in the depths of the Primordial Chaos.

As soon as these words came out, many powerful Hunyuan warriors began to bow and leave.

Unlike the neatness when they came, they left in a scattered manner.

There were also some Hunyuan warriors who raised questions that they did not understand.

And more of them were eager to go back and improve their cultivation, reach the late stage of Hunyuan, and then peek at the demeanor of the supreme realm.

In the Heavenly Palace.

After Emperor Jun returned to the 36th Heaven, he sealed off the Yaochi Fairyland. Except for Taiyi, Xihe, and Madam Yuanmu, there were no other sacred creatures. As for the ten golden crows, they had already run to the sun to play.

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