Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 405: Yaochi Strange Vision, Luohou Resurrects

"I have gained a lot from this trip. I want to open up the world. Please protect me."

Emperor Jun smiled at Taiyi, Xihe, and Madam Yuanmu.

"Brother (husband), just go."

The three said so.

Emperor Jun nodded slightly, his figure flashed, and he began to comprehend in the retreat.

Outside, Taiyi, Xihe, and Madam Yuanmu began to arrange various means in the Yaochi fairyland to prevent someone from breaking the restrictions of the outside world.

Of course, although this is unlikely, it is always good to prevent it.

The world moved with a thought of Hunyuan.

In the secret room, Emperor Jun was full of Tao rhyme.

The most terrifying thing is that his authority is supreme and has become substantial, shocking the sky and causing strange phenomena.

The entire Yaochi fairyland was now covered with dark clouds.

In the dark clouds, various strange phenomena arose.

The moon rises above the sea, a bright moon hangs in the sky among the dark clouds, illuminating one side and shedding holy light.

The stars shine in the blue sky, and the sky is full of stars in the dark clouds. Each star is even larger than the moon, full of ocean-like terror, as if it contains the power of the earth breaking apart. The earth is breaking apart, and each star is about to enlarge, as heavy as a mountain, dazzling, and illuminating the entire sky! It no longer looks like a star, but like a round of scorching sun.

Ten suns are across the sky, ten big suns are high above, above the endless stars, and the same nine days, the glory of the entire heaven is now covered by these ten suns, shedding sacred light. Each big sun is shocking, shining, and dazzling!

"This... is the vision condensed by the Tao rhyme of my elder brother..."

Taiyi said in great surprise.

He had not thought that his elder brother actually possessed such great power, and could actually make the Dao Yun transform into such magnificent visions.

This was not a vision transformed by supernatural powers, which could be done at will.

This was a vision transformed by the true Dao Yun, which was the embodiment of the Dao realm.

Even Taiyi, with his current Dao Yun, could not reach such a realm.

"Your Majesty actually has such great power, the Heavenly Court should be extremely prosperous, and after countless years, the Heavenly Court should be eternal and immortal." Xihe's smile remained on his face, looking at Taiyi and said slowly.

Taiyi nodded slightly, but there was still a trace of worry in his eyes.

As the saying goes, if a person does not think about the future, he will have immediate worries, and vice versa.

He thought of the immortal gods and demons in the Zixiao Palace that day, and he was indeed no match for them.

If they really fought, he would definitely lose, it was just a matter of time.

And this is just the immortal gods and demons who have occupied the body of the Heavenly Dao. If they really have the body of the Great Dao, it is simply unimaginable.

If the body of the Great Dao is perfect, I am afraid that even Di Jun cannot defeat the immortal gods and demons.

And there are as many as three thousand gods and demons like the immortal gods and demons! ! !

Although Pangu is on the side to punish, these great gods and demons dare not do anything wrong to the prehistoric world, but this does not mean that Pangu will intervene in the disputes within the prehistoric world.

Just like the witch-lich decisive battle in the past, Pangu did not intervene.

In the future, when the great gods and demons revive, just like the death gods and demons today, they occupy one side and do not harm the prehistoric world. In this case, Pangu will not take action.

If they are no longer targeting the wild land, but the Heavenly Court, how will they deal with it at that time?

As for the realm of cultivation to throw away the great gods and demons? This is even more impossible.

The great gods and demons are born strong and cannot be thrown away.

At least they have to fight in the same realm, at most they are in a lower realm than them.

But for the gods and demons of the Great Dao, fighting across levels is just a common occurrence, so this is just a vain thing. What's more, the gods and demons of the Great Dao have extraordinary talents and the strongest foundation, and they can quickly reach the highest level of this realm.

And these concerns, Taiyi did not intend to tell others, he knew that it was enough for Di Jun to know about this matter.

For a time, strange phenomena appeared in the fairyland of Yaochi.

The moon, stars, and sun, these lofty existences shined on each other and illuminated the entire heaven.

All the creatures in the thirty-six heavens knew that this was a strange phenomenon caused by the Emperor of Heaven, and they all took this opportunity to comprehend the Great Dao.

For a time, all the creatures in the Heavenly Court were intoxicated and immersed in the Great Dao.


However, when Di Jun was opening up a new world.

In the outer demon realm, thousands of demons were rampant.

Countless creatures have realized the way of the devil from the prehistoric times, fallen into the way of the devil, and then returned to the demon realm outside the domain.

Demons are disasters, and the ancestor of demons is the source of disasters.

The demon sect slaughters and seduces all living beings, which is world-famous in the prehistoric times.

And the authentic demons are happy and angry as they like, good and evil as they like, whether they do good or evil is entirely up to themselves.

It's a pity that the ancestor of demons thought too superficially, only seeing the disaster but not the good, and not seeing that behind good and evil is the heart.

So, now all the demons in the demon sect are evildoers.

Thousands of demonic energy continued to surge out from those new demons, and thousands of demonic energy gave rise to one after another demonic thoughts.

Thousands of demonic thoughts gathered together and gradually condensed into a dark lotus platform.

The twelfth-grade world-destroying black lotus slowly turned, and gradually a shadow gradually solidified in it.

Thousands of demonic thoughts outlined that figure, and demonic thoughts were everywhere.

The demons in the demon world all looked up to the sky, and the black lotus moved faintly.

"It's the breath of the Demon Ancestor..."

"The Demon Ancestor is back..."

The Heavenly Demon King was trembling with fear. He thought that he and others had finally escaped from the sea of ​​suffering. He didn't expect that it had only been a short time, and Luohou had returned again...

The hearts of the four demon kings and thirteen demon generals in the demon world were also full of complicated feelings at this time. If Luohou was really dead, they would no longer be controlled by others and could play whatever they wanted.

There was no need to kneel beside Luohou like before, not daring to have the slightest resistance.

Just like the Earth Demon King, he was directly reshaped by Luohou, shocking the other demon kings and demon generals.

But even if he was reshaped, the newly born Earth Demon King was still unwilling to live under others for a long time.

A real man was born between heaven and earth, how could he live under others for a long time!

I thought that the immortal gods and demons had taken action, and this was stable, and I didn't feel any breath from Luohou anymore, but something unexpected happened.

At this time, in the blood sea of ​​the demon world, the figure of the Styx ancestor slowly appeared. He stared at the black lotus in the sky with his eyes, and murmured: "I knew you wouldn't fall like this! You are worthy of being the demon ancestor! Hahahaha..."

Laughing loudly, he flew forward and protected the black lotus, fearing that someone would break this situation and make Luohou unable to recover.

Unlike other demon creatures, he was the blood sea ancestor and was not controlled by Luohou at all. It was just a little trick, and he could remove it at any time, but he didn't.

Because he felt that Luohou was a very good partner, even if he wanted to call him a teacher now, it was harmless.

"Should we do it..."

"No... The matter of the Earth Demon King is right in front of us..."

"Even the gods and demons of the immortals can't kill him, let alone us..."

"Also, the Styx Patriarch is watching covetously. That guy is not easy to deal with. He won't die unless the blood sea is cleaned up. He even cultivated a blood sea in the demon world..."

Many demon kings were talking to each other. This time, they avoided the Heavenly Demon King as usual.

After experiencing the last incident, everyone thought that the Heavenly Demon King was a lackey standing on Luohou's side.

However, when the Heavenly Demon King saw these people whispering and looking at each other, he already understood that these dogs were planning to do it again, and they didn't take him with them.

But then again, let them do it. Anyway, whether they succeed or not, they will not be in trouble. At most, they can just leave the demon world.

While many demon kings and demon generals were discussing with each other, the figure in the black lotus had already completely solidified.

The Demon Ancestor Luohou, dressed in a black robe, sat on the twelfth-grade world-destroying black lotus, looking down at the Demon Realm.

His body was full of demonic thoughts, and every thought of his could give birth to countless demons.

He had just recovered at this moment, and looking into the distance, he saw that the prehistoric Heaven was full of strange visions, and he couldn't help but smile slightly.

"Heaven, Emperor of Heaven, are you ahead again..."

Then, he retracted his gaze, not daring to spy on the Heaven again, and looked at the demon kings and demon generals who were ready to move below, not caring at all, and waved slightly.

The four demon kings and thirteen demon generals instantly understood his meaning and came to the sky one after another.


"Disciple is here, teacher, just give orders."

After hearing Luohou calling him, the ancestor of Styx leaned forward slightly and replied.

Luo Hou nodded slightly, looked at him with appreciation, and said with a smile: "You are very good, and I am very satisfied."

The eyes of the Styx Patriarch showed a trace of joy, and he stood up and smiled: "Thank you for the compliment, teacher!"

Then, Luo Hou looked at the Hunyuan of the demon clan and snorted coldly.

The demon kings and demon generals trembled, fearing that they would encounter an accident.

Luo Hou's face did not change, and his lips gently opened: "During the days when I fell, has there been any major events in the prehistoric world?"

The Heavenly Demon King was the smartest, and he quickly bowed and said: "Reporting to the ancestor, the Taoist had preached in the chaos before, preaching to all the Hunyuan in the prehistoric world."

Luo Hou's face jumped when he heard this. Good guy, he missed an opportunity with his death.

Then he asked: "What did you preach?"

The Styx Patriarch also smiled and said: "It is a higher realm!"

"What should be above Hunyuan?" Luo Hou asked puzzled.

"Above Hunyuan, there is still Hunyuan, which is called Wuji Jinxian."


"Those who have cultivated to the late stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can open up a world in the Dao fruit, evolve the world, and borrow the power of the world's sentient beings to enter Wuji Jinxian."

The two asked and answered, and smiled at each other.

After hearing this, Luohou nodded slightly and a smile appeared on his face.

Although he missed this sermon, he still knew the method. Although he didn't listen to Pangu's preaching in person, fortunately, the main thing was not left behind, which was enough.

The Heavenly Demon King on the side was very dissatisfied with the Styx Patriarch, and his back teeth were almost broken.

It was obviously what he said first, but now it was snatched away by the Styx Patriarch, and it made Luohou so happy.

He didn't know that what made Luohou so happy was not the answer to this matter, but the Styx just talked around the black lotus, which made Luohou very happy.

That one was already Luo Hu's last backup plan. All his seals in infinite time and space were destroyed by the immortal gods and demons.

If it weren't for the demonic seeds planted in all the spirits of the prehistoric times coming together to resurrect him, he would have been dead long ago.

And at that moment, when he was not fully resurrected, if someone destroyed it, then he would really fall.

Therefore, he naturally highly recognized the protector Styx, and although he, the Demon King, had performed well before, he actually ignored all this happening below and allowed other rebellious officials and traitors to plot against him.

How can this matter pass easily?

Luo Hu saw that they did not take action after all and were afraid of him, so he did not kill them. If they were reshaped, although these people's personalities would be gone, the newcomers might not be so afraid of him.

Therefore, keeping these people around is not necessarily all bad.


Luo Hu's voice contained a hint of hatred. He kindly ran over to help Hongjun, but was killed by those damn immortal gods and demons!

From that moment on, the alliance between him and Hongjun was destined to be torn apart.

Even if Rahu starved to death without any faith, even if he was hammered to death, he would never be able to ally with the Immortals again! ! !

"Whether it's Hongjun, or immortals, gods and demons, I will definitely kill you all!!!"

Luo Hu's eyes were filled with hatred, endless demonic thoughts, surging through the world, and endless aura rolling crazily.


He suddenly slapped the faces of the four demon kings and thirteen demon generals in front of him, sending them flying away instantly.

"Don't think that I don't know what's going on in your minds!!! You should be glad that you didn't do it, otherwise today would be the end of you!!!"

Boom! !

In the heaven, an extremely powerful aura rose into the sky.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

A figure soared out of the fairyland of Yaochi and stood on the top of the heaven, making a burst of laughter.

"Congratulations, brother! (husband)"

Taiyi, Mrs. Yuanmu, and Xihe immediately came to Dijun's side and congratulated him.

"Haha, we are very happy today! We should hold a banquet and invite all the gods in heaven to congratulate us together!"

Di Jun laughed loudly and looked at the world in his Dao Fruit, full of joy.

His Dao Fruit has opened up a world. Although he only has the most basic world, at least it is set up.

As for which world will evolve in the future, Di Jun needs to make a final decision after careful consideration.

Opening up this world means that Di Jun has the qualifications to become the Hunyuan Wuji Golden Immortal, and the rest is just a matter of time.

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