Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 407 The future of the human race, Hou Tu's plan

"The four images have been completed, and it's time to send out the five spirit messengers."

Ye Xuan looked at the four sacred beasts below, feeling very happy in his heart.

When the Four Elephant Sacred Beasts appeared, Ye Xuan could clearly feel that the prehistoric background had increased a lot, but it had not yet reached the level of qualitative change.

If the Five Spirit Envoys appear, this foundation will surely bring about earth-shaking changes in the ancient world!

Ye Xuan waved his hand, and Three Thousand Avenues emerged, floating in front of him like a bright star.

After pulling out the Five Elements Avenue inside, he waved his hand and the rest of the avenues retreated and disappeared.

What was taken this time was the lower avenue of the Five Elements Avenue, metal, wood, water, fire and earth, rather than the complete Five Elements Avenue.

Among the avenues, there are the Five Elements Avenue that combines the five elements into one, and there are also the Five Elements Avenue that belong to the Five Elements.

The former is one avenue and the latter is five avenues.

Ye Xuan stretched out his finger and tapped it lightly on the avenue, and then the avenue began to vibrate softly, and gradually the five elements of breath slowly floated out.

That is the origin of the Great Dao, an existence similar to the gods and demons of the Great Dao.

Parallel to the Great Dao Gods and Demons, but not the Great Dao Gods and Demons.

The Five Spirit Messengers will have the same roots as the Dao Gods and Demons, but after all, they are not transformed from the Dao itself, so they can be regarded as the younger brothers of the Dao Gods and Demons. Their background is still much different, but that is enough.

"Go ahead..."

Ye Xuan looked at the origin of the five groups, and then said softly.

The five groups of origins were instantly covered with a layer of dust, shrouding them like ordinary true spirits in the ancient world, ordinary and unremarkable.

Then he slowly fell into reincarnation, and not even the Empress Houtu and the gods and demons of reincarnation were able to find any clues.

Ye Xuan took action personally, and no one else in the world except Pangu could see through his methods.

Therefore, under the control of Ye Xuan, the five spirit messengers entered reincarnation, waiting for the opportunity to come and reincarnate.

"Human race Xuanyuan, five spirits help each other."

The corner of Ye Xuan's mouth raised slightly. He planned to let the origins of these five groups be reincarnated to help Emperor Xuanyuan determine the overall situation of the Cauldron, and achieve the position of Five Spirits with great merit.

The innate five elements transform into the acquired five elements, and they dominate the innate and acquired five elements and become the messengers of the five spirits.

This is Ye Xuan's purpose.

Southern Wilderness, human race.

The human race has grown vigorously since the Suiren clan became the protagonist of Dingding World. Now its power has surpassed that of other races. It is just that it lacks the most powerful ones.

Countries named after the country stand on the Southern Wilderness Continent. When they are united, they are the human race, and when they are divided, they are countries.

Although the cohesion is not as strong as that of the entire human race, it is conducive to the human race's rule over various places.

If you have to ask the Human Emperor for advice on everything, it will take years and months to deal with it, especially for those humans who live far away.

In addition, in the past, the human race did not have strong men in the realm of Hunyuan. It was extremely difficult and almost impossible to cross such a huge wilderness.

That's why they adopted this method. On weekdays, they each govern their own country. If the emperor has an order, then they must all gather together.

For that era, this was the best way.

Even now, there are endless Hunyuan strongmen among the human race, but today's prehistoric world has also grown countless times. It would take several days for the Hunyuan strongmen to fly directly to the capital, let alone non-Hunyuan strongmen. or.

And this also requires that those who are in charge of a city must be Hunyuan strongmen, but the number of cities in the human race is almost infinite, where do so many Hunyuan strongmen come from.

What's more, not all Hunyuan strongmen are willing to serve as city lords. Most of them want to practice in seclusion and don't want to be entangled in mundane affairs.

The Suiren clan hid in the Nanhuang Heavenly Palace. He did not care about worldly affairs and concentrated on practicing. His cultivation became more and more advanced, and he had already touched the realm of the late Hunyuan period.

And those ancient kings have long since retreated to the second line and cannot hide.

Nowadays, the important people in various places of the human race are almost all the later generations of the human race. The first generation of human race could not hide themselves, practiced deeply, and allowed the human race to grow wildly. Only in this way can the human race become more powerful.

After the human race became the protagonist of the world, their strength was greatly enhanced, and all races surrendered, forcing the Phoenix clan to huddle in the Antarctic immortal volcano.

Even the northern wasteland that Phoenix wants to go to has been developed and occupied by the human race.

Most of the Northern Wasteland fell into the hands of the Human Race and the Witch Race.

Only in a very small number of places where the miasma is difficult to survive, the human race will let go, and the witch race is mostly rough-skinned and thick-skinned, completely ignoring them and occupying them.

So in this way, the Human Race and the Witch Race almost completely divided the Northern Wilderness.

Later, the human race and the Wu race exchanged territories, and the territories of both sides were considered to have a clear dividing line.

The other races either go to extremely remote places, or they have to rely on the two races to survive.

This was the case in prehistoric times. The strong decided everything, and the weak had no say.

Gradually, the territory of the human race began to be called the human world, just like the three talents, corresponding to the heaven and the underworld.

When the human race has reached its current state, there are no more gods who dare to spy on it.

What the saints are spying on is not the status of the human race, but the power of the human race.

The gods hope to draw powerful disciples from the human race to strengthen their power, just like the Immortal Sect and the Buddhist Sect.

Ye Xuan couldn't help but feel a bit of satisfaction flashing in his eyes when he looked at the now powerful human race.

"Such a human race, we should treat it as a human race! Then let's expand the momentum..."

Su State, Su City, Taishang Palace.

Su Mingshi looked at the formation in front of him, with a hint of worry flashing in his eyes.

The sudden fluctuation just now made him realize that the destiny of the human race was vaguely unstable. Then he looked at the destiny of the human race, but it was calm again.

"What I am cultivating is destiny. The road of destiny will never rise without wind and waves."

A trace of certainty flashed in Su Ming's eyes, and then he set up a formation diagram. The formation diagram contains the path of fate, which can be inferred from the path of destiny.

And when he took a test, he found that the human race was actually in great danger and also a great opportunity.

"Human race, there will be a big disaster in the future!!"

Su Mingshi's eyes flashed with panic, and then he frowned and began to watch again.

However, after a long time.

He still found nothing and couldn't help but sigh.

In fact, it can't be regarded as nothing. After all, he just found out through his calculations that the human race is really in chaos. It is a crisis that envelopes the entire human race. It seems that if it cannot be overcome, it will be destroyed.

And if it goes through, I am afraid that the human race will replace the demon race and dominate the world...

"No matter what crisis it is, once it occurs, the human race will definitely survive it! It's nothing more than soldiers coming to block it and water coming to cover it up!" Su Mingshi showed a ruthless look in his eyes and waved his hands and snorted coldly.

What kind of crisis can the human race face now?

It’s nothing more than the two Lich clans!

If the human race is in danger of being exterminated, then the two Lich clans must be fully involved in this matter. Otherwise, no clan in the ancient world can exterminate the human race!

Then, Su Ming's whole body glowed with golden light, and he took one step forward, spanning infinite time and space.

Nanhuang Tiangong.

Suiren's eyes shone brightly, and then he looked forward, and in a flash, he left the Heavenly Palace and landed in front of the door.

"Su Ming, why are you here?"

Hearing this, a figure in white clothes in the distance immediately bowed and said, "Your Majesty, this is a great event for the human race!"

"come in."

Suiren sighed leisurely. He didn't want to have too much contact with the outside world, but these old people just liked to come to them when trouble happened.

It is clear that there is a human emperor among the human race, but they insist on coming to find him.

I wanted to stop the other party outside, but I didn't know that opening one's mouth would be a major event for the human race, and it would be impossible not to notice.

Then, the figure flashed and sat in the main hall.

After hearing this, Su Ming stood up and took one step forward to the main hall of the palace.

"Your Majesty, this disturbance is for the important events of the human race. I suddenly realized something was wrong while I was enlightening the road. Although the fate of the human race is magnificent, there is a trace of instability in the foundation, which seems to be a false trend."

Su Mingshi did not dare to delay too much and said directly.

Suiren frowned when he heard this, is his foundation unstable? False power?


The foundation of the human race is moving steadily step by step. How could such a situation occur?

Then, he frowned and closed his eyes to observe.

I saw that the luck of the human race was like a dragon, extremely prosperous, and vaguely even higher than that of the heavens. How could such a situation occur?

for a long time.

Suiren shook his head slowly, looked at Su Ming, and said, "I have not seen such a scene, but were you wrong before?"

When Su Ming heard this, his face was heavy, and he solemnly assured: "I am absolutely not wrong, and the previous deductions have confirmed this statement."

Suiren nodded slightly, already understanding in his heart that this was probably a scene that Su Ming could only see if he used his own power. In other words, the general trend was really coming.

And to be able to put the human race in such a situation, and even a scenario where their fate may be overturned, it shows one thing. I am afraid that the human race is about to encounter a disaster for the whole world.

Suiren's mood was a bit inexplicable. He seemed to be thinking of Ye Xuan's handiwork, and then he sighed quietly and said: "There is no need to worry too much, it is just that we are enemies of the world. The human race will definitely be able to shoulder this important task!"

Since the development of the prehistoric times, not only must we always face the alien creatures that may appear at any time, but we must also always be wary of those who are also creatures of the prehistoric world.

Just like Di Jun and others, although they have never taken action against the human race, now that this disaster is a catastrophe for the human race, those people may also take action one after another.

"Since the beginning of the prehistoric era, all big clans will inevitably suffer disasters. In the battle between Long and Han, the dragon clan stood out, and the Phoenix clan and the Qilin clan withered."

"The Lich measured the calamity, but the two Lich clans were able to escape unscathed. This is really inconsistent with what the Lich did."

"And when our human race faces a catastrophe, I'm afraid there will be no reckoning of casualties in the wilderness..."

"By that time, there must be Hunyuan Wuji Golden Immortal. The frequent visions in heaven before must be the work of the Emperor of Heaven. If the predictions are correct now, the Emperor of Heaven should create the world."

"The human race also needs to hurry up..."

Suiren kept thinking in his mind, and kept these words in his heart without saying them. On the surface, he must not panic, but he still had to worry a bit in his heart.

If you don't pay attention to the other party, you really don't even know how to die.

When Su Ming heard this, he nodded and said nothing more. Since Suiren didn't panic, then they didn't panic either.

After all, the so-called catastrophe is just a battle, and it all depends on hard power. Instead of worrying, it is better to practice hard after knowing this and strive to break through that realm.

After reporting to Suirenshi, Su Mingshi also planned to report the situation to Shennongshi, the emperor of mankind. Such a major event must be observed.

After Su Mingshi left, Suirenshi's eyes were dim, and he secretly said that the great catastrophe of the human race was finally coming.

It is inevitable to avoid it, but now it is just a warning. There is still some time before the real catastrophe comes.


In the underworld.

Houtu suddenly had a surge of thoughts, and then looked at the land of reincarnation.

I saw that Huangtian's true spirit, who had been staying in the underworld in the past, was actually voluntarily queuing towards the land of reincarnation. It has immeasurable merits. This reincarnation should fall into the way of heaven.

"Three days came to the world, the former fell into the human race and became the supreme emperor of mankind. This time, is it..."

Houtu muttered to himself, with a faint sense of emptiness in his eyes.

As expected, when it was Huang Tian's turn, the true spirit flew directly to the human world, but was born into the human race.

The six reincarnations, the heavenly world is the descendants of the immortals and gods who were born in the heavens, which includes all races and spirits, most of which are demons.

The human world is to fall into the human race and become the human bloodline.

The Shura world is to fall into the Asura race, which is a good race. Although it is not as good as the first two, it is much better than the latter.

Not to mention the animal world, it is a low-level prehistoric race. After awakening the soul, you can become a member of the tribe.

As for the hungry ghost world and the hell world, they are completely suffering, not reincarnation.

"If it really falls into the human world, another emperor will appear in the human race. Suiren will come out to lead the human race to become stronger, and then Shennong will come out to make the human race stable and prosperous. Now the human race is far more powerful than the witch and monster races..."

"And what will happen when this emperor comes to the world..."

Hou Tu looked at the wheel of reincarnation, with a lot of thoughts in her mind.

Every time a emperor appears, it will undoubtedly make the human race stronger. Now that the human race has become stronger, then the next thing is...

"The next thing is that the human race will conquer all races and dominate the prehistoric world!!!"

Hou Tu's eyes showed a trace of horror. According to the development of things, one rises, one becomes stronger, and one will conquer!!!

"No, we can't let the human race do this. We should quickly inform the brothers and discuss this matter together!!!"

Hou Tu thought of this in an instant.

Just as she was about to leave, her eyes turned to the last day, the true spirit of Qingtian in the three days. If Huangtian conquered all races, what would Qingtian's final mission be...

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