Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 408 Xuanyuan is born, a hundred years of chaos

So, Hou Tu looked quietly at the true spirit of the last day of the three days in the past.

"If Huang Tian reincarnates and becomes the emperor of man, and can really conquer all races, then what is the mission of this last day..."

Hou Tu was a little confused. If he really conquered all races, then the human race would have dominated the world in the prehistoric world!

It should not happen, but she couldn't think of what would happen for a while.

There was no way. In the end, she shook her head and chose to go to Pangu Hall to summon the ancestors to discuss the matter.


In Pangu Hall.

As Hou Tu's magical power activated the statue in Pangu Hall, a mysterious blood force ignored time and space and crossed all obstacles to reach the minds of the twelve ancestors.

Then, the twelve ancestors came to Pangu Hall one after another.

Those who are not great witches of the witch clan are not qualified to enter Pangu Hall. Not only are there great witches guarding outside the hall, but even the hall itself has extremely strong restrictions.

If you are not a member of the witch clan, it is absolutely impossible to enter.

The Pangu Palace is regarded as the ancestral land by the witches, and it is impossible for other races to enter.

A few days later, the twelve ancestor witches arrived here one after another.

Hou Tu looked at the many ancestor witches and slowly said: "This time, I summoned all the brothers and sisters to come here for the affairs of the human race."

"Human race?"

Zhu Jiuyin heard the words and said in a low voice.

In recent years, if we talk about the ancestor witch who has the best relationship with the human race, it must be Zhu Jiuyin. Zhu Jiuyin basically communicates with the human race.

"How is the human race? Little sister, please tell me!"

Zhu Rong felt itchy in his heart and was extremely uncomfortable.

What he hated most was to say half of the words. If there was anything to say, why not just say it directly!

"Yes, yes, little sister, please tell me quickly!"

Gonggong and other ancestor witches were also impatient and spoke one after another.

Seeing this, Hou Tu also hurriedly said: "The three ancient days, I believe you brothers still remember them?"

"Remember, didn't they fall a long time ago? Didn't Cang Tian also become the emperor of the human race? Why do you suddenly mention these three people?" Zhu Jiuyin nodded and frowned.

However, Di Jiang at the side was shocked by the words and asked: "Could it be that the remaining two days have also been reincarnated?"

Hou Tu glanced at Di Jiang, nodded, and said: "Yes! Just as you said, Huang Tian has also been reincarnated..."

"Reincarnation is reincarnation, what's this..." Zhu Rong leaned back in his chair and said disdainfully.

What did he think it was? It turned out to be this. Isn't it just Huang Tian's reincarnation? Do you really think that they were all weak creatures in ancient times?

In this situation, even if the other party has reached the Hunyuan realm, he is not afraid of the other party at all.

Hou Tu looked at Zhu Rong in silence, and said helplessly: "Huang Tian's reincarnation is the human race. San Tian fell in the past, and the Heavenly Dao owed him, so a trace of his true spirit has not been extinguished. Now he has reincarnated into the human race, which is the right position for the Human Emperor."


Zhu Rong was speechless for a moment. Yes, if he became the Human Emperor like Cang Tian, ​​it would not be a good thing.

If it was just a Hun Yuan, it would not be a big deal for the Wu clan, but if it was the Human Emperor of the human race, the meaning would be different.

"But the human race will eventually have a new Human Emperor. What does it matter if it is Huang Tian?" Zhu Jiuyin asked puzzledly.

If it was just this one thing, they were gathered together. Was Hou Tu too sensitive?

It was not them who killed Huang Tian. Even if they wanted revenge, they should not find the Wu clan. The direct murderer Zulong was not retaliated by the Human Emperor of the human race!

What's more, Huang Tian has been reincarnated. Even if he becomes the emperor of mankind, he should focus on the development of the human race like Shennong now, instead of seeking revenge on Zulong.

Besides, seeking revenge on Zulong has nothing to do with them!

Hou Tu was speechless, holding his forehead and sighing, and then said directly: "Any race starts from weak to rise, and then from rise to strong, and finally should want to conquer and dominate the prehistoric world. Isn't it the same for the dragon, phoenix, and unicorn in the past, and the two tribes of witches and liches in the past?"

"It's just that the two tribes of witches and liches stopped at the brink of death, and finally did not really cause too much loss, but at the beginning, didn't they have this idea?"

"The rise of the current Southern Emperor has been done, and the current emperor of mankind has also done the strong thing. Now there is a new emperor of mankind, isn't it to conquer all races and dominate the prehistoric world!"

Hou Tu As soon as the voice fell, Zhu Rong instantly roared: "How dare the human race! My Wu clan still exists, how can we watch the human race dominate the prehistoric world!"

"That's right! The prehistoric world left by the Father God should not be dominated by any race. In the prehistoric world, it should be balanced!"

"The human race can't do it! If you want to dominate the human race, you must first pass the Wu clan, not to mention the monster clan and the dragon clan. How can you stand idly by?!"

"Although the human race is strong, it can't deal with so many forces after all. Their idea will definitely fail!"

Suddenly, the entire Pangu Hall was in chaos, and each ancestor witch was venting his dissatisfaction.

No one wants to see the human race dominate the prehistoric world, whether it is the Wu clan or other clans.

A hundred schools of thought are the best era.

No clan will agree to the human race's dominance.

And if you want to dominate the prehistoric world, you have to step over their corpses!

Hou Tu looked at her brothers and sighed in her heart. How could she do whatever she wanted?

If the human race is really what she thinks, then the number of people with strong cultivation levels will definitely increase significantly in a short period of time. Otherwise, even the Heavenly Court level alone will not be able to pass.

She couldn't help but start to feel a little worried. She was worried about the future of the Wu clan. Her elder brothers seemed to have been at the top for so long that they had forgotten that every clan had an era of strength.

The human race has not ushered in a prosperous era, because the last era was called Lich!

This era is the era that belongs to the human race.

If you have achieved such a powerful reputation in an era that does not belong to your own, then when your own era comes, how strong will the human race be...

"Fortunately, I still have the land of reincarnation in the underworld. No matter how powerful the human race is, they dare not touch this place. Even if the Wu tribe is defeated, I will be able to preserve the fire of the Wu tribe and not become like the Phoenix and Qilin tribes..."

The worry in Hou Tu's eyes did not decrease but increased, and he was thinking silently in his heart.

In her opinion, this time is not a disaster for the human race, on the contrary, it is a disaster for all races...


After seeing Hou Tu being silent for a long time, Di Jiang finally spoke out to calm down the ancestral witches.

He knew that the most intelligent among these ancestral witches was Hou Tu, and he had always relied on Hou Tu's ideas.

"Listen to what my little sister has to say! Don't interrupt any more!" Di Jiang's eyes scanned the ancestral witches, and finally landed on Hou Tu, his eyes softening a lot.

The ancestral witches really didn't say a word and looked at Hou Tu quietly, waiting for Hou Tu to have any clever ideas.

Hou Tu sighed quietly and said helplessly: "My little sister has no clever plan this time. We can't kill the future human emperor of the human race just because of a guess. What's more, we can't do this either."

"If we really do this, the human race will be furious and attack us. The Wu clan will still be unreasonable. What's more, if we inform Father God about this matter, I'm afraid Father God will not agree to this."

After hearing what Hou Tu said, all the ancestral witches were silent.

Di Jiang's eyes slowly scanned the many ancestral witches, and after seeing the silence in their expressions, he said: "What's the fear? This time, the human race is afraid of it, the human race is afraid of it! The human race wants to annex the whole world, then It means going against all ethnic groups in the wilderness, which is far beyond the reach of the human race!"

"Therefore, this is not a disaster for our witch clan, but a disaster for the human race! If the human race is confident that it can defeat all races, then let's come here!"

A wave of power swept across the entire place, passing by leisurely, shocking the spirits of many ancestral shamans.

Yes, it should be the human race that is unlucky this time, not them!

In the ancient world, even if the Lich and Lich clans are fine now, the calamity still happened. They did indeed fall at that time. Even if they are back now, they were truly fallen at the time.

There may be some differences in their fighting power, but no matter what, the Witch Clan will not be afraid of any disaster. If they can't fight, it's just a fight, and it's nothing more than death!

Back when the Wu Clan had not achieved the Hunyuan realm, no one in the Wu Clan was afraid of death, let alone today?

Southern Wilderness, human race.

There is Xiong Country, Jishui.

The king of the Xiong Kingdom is named Shaodian, Shaodian is his given name, and Xiong is his surname. With the development of the human race, the first name and surname have gradually been separated, and one more surname has been added.

In the beginning, both men and women in the human race were called XX. However, with the development of the times, men gradually continued to be called surnames while women were called surnames.

After a while, the human race found that the given name was not enough, so they began to separate the surname and the given name, and the women's surname and given name also began to be separated.

As a result, now it is formed that men are called surnames and women are called surnames, such as Shaodian, whose name is Shaodian, and the Xiong family is his surname. If Shaodian is called, Xiong Shaodian should be called Xiong Shaodian.

And if Shaodian is a female, then she should be called Ji Shaodian, because Ji is Shaodian's surname. Originally, the surname of the Xiong family was Gongsun. Later, because he often lived near Jishui, his surname was changed to Ji.

This day was the day when Mrs. Shaodian, the king of the Xiong Kingdom, gave birth.

Suddenly, a yellow light flashed in the sky, the auspicious aura continued, and the black and yellow color was overwhelming, dyeing the entire Jishui into yellow.

A cry appeared, and then the baby fell to the ground.

The auspicious air is rolling in from the sky, and the overwhelming black and yellow air is also gathering in the baby's body.

Seeing this, Shaodian sighed: "My son is born extraordinary, and he will definitely prove the Hunyuan in the future."

Then, there was great joy in his eyes, and he kept calculating his fortune.

However, he was surprised to find that he couldn't figure it out.

With his Hunyuan status, he was actually unable to calculate the fate of this child in the future, which showed that this child would achieve great things in the future.

Time flies by.

Many years passed in the blink of an eye.

The son of Youxiong Shaodian was named Xuanyuan, also known as Youxiong Xuanyuan, also known as Ji Xuanyuan.

However, in today's era, it is still called Xiong Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan showed his talent as soon as he was born. Ten thousand swords screamed in sorrow when he was born, as if he was the king of swords.

When he held the sword for the first time, an extremely sharp aura appeared on him.

His indifferent sword was able to cut off the flow of rivers and cut off Jishui.

However, he did not have the slightest level of cultivation.

This scene made Shaodian marvel and secretly thought that he had given birth to a genius.

There are many people who are good at swordsmanship in the human race. The disciple of the great ancestor of the human race, Chunyang Zhenren, also came here to visit Xuanyuan. When he first met, he burst into tears and said frankly that he had no face to be his teacher, so he left in a hurry after leaving his swordsmanship enlightenment.

Xuanyuan was silent, and he wielded the sword for ten years. He had no cultivation and no magical powers. He only had a wisp of pure Yang swordsmanship to guide him.

However, why did Xuanyuan's talent need to be pointed out by others?

Xuanyuan has only been ten years, and although he has not cultivated an inch, he can destroy the golden immortal with one sword and fall the morning sun with one sword.

Gradually, his swordsmanship is no longer the pure Yang way, but a kind of open and dignified hegemony, and there is also a kingly way. The kingly and hegemonic ways intersect and combine to comprehend the supreme emperor way.

At this time, the sword can already dominate everything and cut down time and space.

A hundred years passed quickly, and Youxiong Xuanyuan suddenly realized one day and entered the mixed origin, carrying the destiny, and showing the supreme edge!

Breaking all ways with the sword! The sword gives birth to thousands of ways!

Whether it is yin and yang or destiny, light or darkness, it seems that the three thousand ways can be evolved from the sword.

At this time, Xuanyuan's cultivation is amazing and his realm is extremely high.

On the Xuanyuan Hill, Xuanyuan stands alone here, feeling his cultivation breakthrough, and his heart is filled with joy.

"My son is so talented! I am not as good as him!!"

When Shaodian saw Xuanyuan's swordsmanship, breaking through the realm with the sword, entering the primordial chaos, condensing the sword heart fruit, and carrying the three thousand ways, he knew that his child must be the Supreme Human Emperor in the future.

This child surprised him so much that many people in Youxiong Country were curious at first, why Xuanyuan only practiced sword every day but his cultivation did not increase.

Even his wife thought so, but fortunately Shaodian knew that this child was beyond the reach of ordinary people, so he turned the tide and let him practice sword.

A hundred years have passed, and he has ascended to heaven in one step.

With such talent, who else can do it in the entire prehistoric world?

Inheriting the destiny of the human race, understanding the great way of sword, the three thousand innate great ways are just for my use!

At this moment, although Xuanyuan had just entered the Hunyuan, Shaodian felt that if a real battle broke out, he might not be able to beat the son in front of him who had practiced for a hundred years.

"Father, today Xuanyuan has become Hunyuan, and he should act for the human race..."

Xuanyuan looked at the direction of the human race's capital with a sharp look in his eyes, without any fear.


Qishan City.

Imperial Palace.

Shennong's eyes, which had been closed for a long time, finally suddenly expanded, and then his face showed joy, and then he laughed up to the sky.

"The human race finally has another emperor! Hahahaha..."

He laughed because the human race could finally start to dominate, but before dominating, they should first clear the world. There is a saying that those who come must first settle the country before fighting against foreign enemies.

He laughed because the throne of the emperor of the human race finally found a suitable candidate to hand over.

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