Youxiong Country.

"What? This is absolutely not allowed!!" Shaodian was so scared after hearing his child's words that he shook his head.

How could he do such a thing? If he did it, the human race would be in endless trouble in the future.

The human race will definitely start to quarrel in the future. Everyone will quarrel constantly and want to become the emperor of the human race. If they only rely on force at that time, it will be the beginning of chaos for the human race.

Xuanyuan's eyes were as hard as iron, and he said firmly: "Father, the human race today is like a pile of loose sand. The countries are no longer the same as those of the human sages in the past."

"Now if we want to strengthen the human race, we must first conquer all countries, eliminate those with different intentions, and then use the power of the entire human race to expand the territory and unify the four seas and eight wastelands!"

"What?! You want to unify the four seas and eight wastelands?!"

Xuanyuan's words shocked Shaodian, and he looked at his child with horror in his eyes.

He knew that his child wanted to achieve great things, and he had no objection to that, but at this moment he actually said that he wanted to unify the prehistoric world.

For countless years, those who wanted to unify the four seas and eight wastelands were all eliminated by the times. Even the current Emperor Di Jun of the Heavenly Court was only unifying the prehistoric world on the surface!

Where has there ever been a real unification of the four seas and eight wastelands!

Seeing this, Xuanyuan chuckled and comforted him: "Father, that's not what I meant. I want the human race to become the apparent ruler of the prehistoric world, the real protagonist of the prehistoric world, the real number one in the prehistoric world! Rather than the human race that is now under the Heavenly Court and needs to look at the face of the Emperor of Heaven."

After hearing what Xuanyuan meant, Shaodian was relieved a lot. So that's the case. It wasn't him who said that this kid actually wanted to dominate the prehistoric world.

But it's just a fight for the title of the first, that is to say, to change the current situation where the Heavenly Court dominates the prehistoric world to the human race dominating the prehistoric world, this can still be done.

In this way, it is nothing more than challenging the authority of the Heavenly Court. For other major forces, this is still a good thing. Not to mention helping the human race, at least they will not help the Heavenly Court to deal with the human race.

"In this case, my son can do it!"

Shaodian's heart slowly calmed down and said with a smile.

Xuanyuan also smiled when he heard it, but only he knew in his heart that what he just said was just the first step. He must make the human race the strongest force in the prehistoric world and occupy the most territory. If possible, he must truly dominate the prehistoric world!

When he just entered the realm of Hunyuan, he had already understood his past and present lives. He knew that the reason why he failed in his previous life was because he lacked real power.

And now, the human race is so strong, and the human emperor has left him such a strong human race. If he does not take the opportunity to attack other races, it would be a pity.

The first to be attacked is the dragon race, and the dragon race must be subjugated to the human race and used by the human race.

Then, with the help of the dragon clan, we can fight against the two clans of witches and liches!

If it is possible, we will surely achieve great success!

If it is not possible, we will shrink and protect ourselves, and only attack the dragon clan!

The human race that swallows up the dragon clan will spread its power all over the world. At that time, we can aim for the throne of the emperor!

"However, we must not fight against each other." Shaodian shook his head and said.

In his opinion, it is understandable to want to achieve hegemony, and it is also possible to expand the power of the human race, but he will never let Xuanyuan do the title of fighting against each other.

At least, it cannot be provoked by Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan frowned and tried to persuade him: "Father, now there are many sects among the human race, and many human races have different thoughts. They are no longer all human races. There are many people from the immortal sects, the demon sects, the Buddhist sects, and even the Chan sect and Jie sect. There are also various small sects and families, and there are gaps between the kingdoms. They wish there was no human emperor to suppress them."

He said a lot in one breath, and finally sighed and said: "The hearts of the human race are changing."

These words, like thunder, hit Shaodian's heart directly.

Shaodian was speechless for a long time, and finally sighed silently, saying: "Yes, the hearts of the human race are changing..."

In the past, the human race had the heart of the gods, and the inheritance from generation to generation did not make them lose various excellent qualities such as struggle and self-reliance, and the human race also became extremely united under the cohesion of the first generation of the human race.

However, as the generations passed and the first generation of human races withdrew, gradually, gaps began to appear among the human race. Although they still obeyed the orders of the Human Emperor, their minds had changed a long time ago.

They were no longer as pure as the human race at the beginning, but had become a human race full of intrigues.

Of course, when facing bullying by foreign races, they would still unite as usual, but in the current era of peace, their minds began to change gradually.

As the minds of the human race changed, the power of the Chan Sect, the Jie Sect, or the immortals, Buddhas, and demons in the human race expanded rapidly.

The human races of various sects attacked each other. Although nothing happened among the human race, once they left the human territory and encountered each other outside, they began to fight vaguely.

"But even so, you must not start such a large-scale internal fight among the human race!" Shaodian looked at his child with complicated eyes. He also knew that this was the reincarnation of Huang Tian in the past three days, and he also knew that this kid was going to succeed the position of the Human Emperor.

However, no matter what, Shaodian, who knows the righteousness of the human race, will not let Xuanyuan start this era of internal strife.

Xuanyuan was puzzled, and his eyes were full of doubts. He didn't know why his father knew all this, but still wanted to stop him. Using force to unify the human race is the fastest way and the best way at this stage.

In the prehistoric world, strength is respected.

Shaodian said with a complicated expression: "My son, your father knows your ambition and your ability, but you can't act lightly in the matter of war, especially for your family members."

"When you succeed to the throne in the future, you can do it vigorously. If those people really have any dissent, you can go to quell the rebellion after they rebel, but remember not to take the initiative to provoke a war."

As a monarch for so many years, he knows that for the people of the human race, the most hated are those who take the initiative to provoke trouble.

If someone takes the initiative to provoke trouble, even if the latter kills him, even if the crime is not punishable by death, it is still easier to accept psychologically, not to mention those who have committed capital crimes.

Most creatures desire stability, and only a few creatures think about the king's ambition.

Of course, not wanting to be bullied is the common cognition of almost all creatures.

Xuanyuan nodded as if he understood, and agreed: "The child will remember the father's teachings."

Shaodian nodded with satisfaction and smiled: "In this case, the throne of Youxiong Kingdom will be passed on to you. Three years later, the ceremony of passing on the throne will be held. In these three years, you will follow me to learn how to govern the country. This way is not much worse than the way of swordsmanship."

"The child is willing to learn from his father."

Xuanyuan nodded, and also knew that the time was different. The human race today is not like the myriad races before. The way to rule the people still needs to be learned more.

What's more, we must make the human race strong and unite the hearts of the human race to achieve success in one fell swoop.

Each generation does its own thing. The ancestors have led the human race to be so strong. If he does not do something in this life, he will be ashamed of the two emperors and many sages.

Three years passed in a blink of an eye.

Xuanyuan soon held the coronation ceremony and ascended the throne of Youxiong State.

On this day, he also discovered that there was a breath from the sky above the clouds that had been locking on him. It had been locking on him since the coronation. Although it was harmless, he didn't like it.

After enduring the completion of the ceremony, Xuanyuan, wearing a royal robe, rushed straight into the sky.

He saw an old man in white clothes, looking at him kindly.

"May I ask who the old man is, why are you here, and why are you staring at me?" Xuanyuan said with a sharp edge and no mercy.

He could only see that the man in front of him was a human. If not, he would have slashed him with a sword.

In the prehistoric world, no non-human creatures are allowed to stare at him like this, even if they are human creatures!

The old man heard this, and his turbid eyes instantly became clear, with an expression of appreciation on his face, and he smiled and nodded, saying: "Not bad, not bad!"

"Please answer my question, old man, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless." Xuanyuan was like a peerless sword, impartial, and clear about good and evil.


The old man laughed loudly, and then his figure disappeared, as if he had never been there, without a trace.

Xuanyuan's pupils shrank, and he looked at the old man who disappeared in front of him in surprise, and he was a little shocked.

According to his cultivation, it stands to reason that there should not be many people in the prehistoric world who can come and go so freely in front of him.

But now, an old man of the human race can do this.

"Among the human race, there are only a few who can surely defeat me. If this person is not one of the seventeen kings of ancient times, it is His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven or His Majesty the current Human Emperor."

Xuanyuan's eyes condensed, thinking in his heart.

"This person is most likely His Majesty the current Human Emperor, and this time he came to observe me."

Xuanyuan quickly guessed who this person was.

Although Shennong did not reveal his true face, Xuanyuan still guessed him.

But Xuanyuan did not care too much. He knew his destiny. He was born to be the Human Emperor, and his mission was to lead the human race through this disaster.

Of course, if he succeeded, the human race would dominate the prehistoric world, and if he failed, he would be doomed.

So, he just felt that he was in a hurry, and he should quickly integrate the human race's current thoughts together, and then make efforts.

But his father said so, and he also gave up this idea, thinking about how to break out of the situation.

Although the human race carries the destiny, it does not mean that there is no threat.

After that, Xuanyuan began to govern his own country, Youxiong. Gradually, Youxiong became stronger and stronger under Xuanyuan's governance, and the number of Hunyuan in the country increased day by day.

Soon, Shennong, the emperor of the human race, announced a major event.

That was the time of abdication and the successor of the next emperor.

In an instant, the entire human race exploded.

The emperors of countless countries were dissatisfied, but they had no choice. After all, this was the choice of the next emperor chosen by the current emperor.

And in name, it was very acceptable. Xuanyuan, the king of Youxiong, succeeded to the throne for only a thousand years, and Youxiong had hundreds of Hunyuan strongmen. If he became the emperor, the human race would be immeasurably stronger.

The most important thing was that Shennong listed a series of Xuanyuan's policies and praised his character. Anyway, there was nothing wrong with him in all aspects, and finally decided to give Xuanyuan the position of emperor.

The kings of the surrounding countries were quite convinced. After all, the Youxiong Kingdom governed by Xuanyuan was indeed becoming stronger day by day.

But those kings who were far away didn't care about it. What was powerful or not? It was just a matter of a word.

If you say it's powerful, it's powerful. If he says it's not powerful, it's not powerful.

What's the Hunyuan Realm? It's nothing more than good luck. Where can anyone cultivate so many Hunyuan in large quantities?

However, although they were dissatisfied with Shennong's edict of succession, they didn't dare to disobey it openly.

After all, Shennong had been the emperor of the human race for a long time, and had long been convinced by the human race. It was not something they could resist just because they said they would. If they dared to oppose Shennong, the entire human race would not tolerate them.

So, although these people were not happy, they had no choice but to endure it silently.

After Xuanyuan knew this, he was neither sad nor happy. He had known the result long ago.


Witch Clan

"The human race is becoming more and more outspoken now. Unlike the perverse ones before, most of the human race people are now arrogant and domineering, quite like the style of the three tribes of dragon and phoenix in the past..."

Di Jiang found Zhu Jiuyin and said meaningfully.

In fact, he was not wrong. The younger the generation, the more they have a strong sense of pride, and thus despise all the races and spirits in the world.

Because the human race has indeed stood up, except that the top combat power is slightly weaker than the heaven, all other aspects are also the strongest in the prehistoric world.

The older generation of the human race, because they are still stuck in the impression of the past, inevitably have some awe of the witch and monster tribes, but the new generation can fully recognize the facts, so they act more arrogantly.

This is also something that cannot be avoided in development. If the human race really becomes the strongest in the future, I am afraid that those people will be even more presumptuous.


Human race, Qishan

"The human race is in turmoil. Your Majesty, do you want to calm it down?"

The Prime Minister of the human race, Chi Ji, looked melancholy, as if he was hurt by this matter.

Shennong waved his hand slightly and said, "It doesn't matter. This is the effect I want."

"Oh? What does your Majesty mean?"

Chi Ji frowned and asked in confusion.

He really didn't know what Shennong meant by this.

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