Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 410: Thousands of Great Daos in One Body

Shennong's face was calm, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he said with a smile: "The next Human Emperor is brave and martial, and he will be the leader of the human race to expand its territory. The mission of my generation has been completed, but you also know the price of stability and prosperity. That is the gap between countries, which is no longer what it used to be.”

This is something no one can control.

Because no one can control the hearts of the world!

Chi Ji also nodded with great emotion when he heard this, and said with a sense of regret: "Yes, the stability and prosperity of the human race are no longer in danger of annihilation in the past. Under such a general situation, it is also quite helpless."

The time for unity has long passed, because that was a time when the human race was in danger, and it was a day when the human race could be wiped out by the two Lich clans at any time.

However, as time passed, each generation of the human race became better than the last, and then the Shennong clan accelerated the arrival of this prosperous period. Although the Shennong’s Materia Medica was not an innate treasure, it had the power of an innate treasure in the hands of the Shennong clan. It is the ultimate treasure of acquired merit.

The Shen Nong's Herbal Classic has greatly prevented human beings from dying from accidentally ingesting various elixirs, and it has also allowed these human beings to obtain systematic elixir effects, greatly increasing the powerful foundation of the human race.

Even the greatest alchemist in the prehistoric era, the Supreme Master, learned a lot from the systematic elixirs of the human race and highly praised the Shennong clan.

After all, the Shen Nong's Herbal Classic has recorded all the herbs, so that everyone can check their effects at any time, and what possible effects they can have when combined with each other.

This greatly reduces the cost and time of trial and error, and also greatly increases the success of trial and error.

To put it simply, Shennong's Herbal Classic promoted the speed of low-level cultivation in the entire prehistoric world, so that all races and spirits in the prehistoric era did not have to stay in the low-level realm for too long.

"So, the emergence of such a warlike monarch in the human race is not necessarily a bad thing for the upcoming catastrophe of the human race."

The smile on Suiren's lips never diminished, and his wise eyes seemed to penetrate infinite time and space, reaching the last shore.

He knew that it was not Xuanyuan who would create a world full of strife, but that in a world of great strife, Xuanyuan must come out.

Even if he didn't choose Xuanyuan, the human race himself would still choose Xuanyuan or someone of the same type.

Because in an age of great strife, not fighting is a sin. If you don't fight, only decline will be waiting for you.

Cut off one city today, and another city tomorrow.

When will the human city be considered complete?

In a time of great strife, only when great talents emerge to compete with people, the earth, heaven, and all races and spirits can the interests of the human race be guaranteed.

Although the prehistoric period has been at peace for a long time, it is just an illusion.

It's just that the two Lich clans are powerful, and the Emperor of Heaven himself is extremely benefited, so there is no need to start a war, and the Wu clan doesn't care too much about who is the boss, as long as other clans do not endanger the world.

This extremely special situation is about to be broken now because of the human race.

The destiny of the human race has been revealed. As the Human Emperor, although he was informed by Su Ming, the Shennong clan would still know about it even if he was not informed by Su Ming clan.

Chi Ji nodded when he heard this, and a big stone in his heart was relieved.

Since His Majesty the Human Emperor has said this, it means that the other party has considered all this.

"Don't worry, the human race has gone through many vicissitudes of life, and we will not fall down easily during these years..."

Nanhuang Tiangong.

Shi Hao rushed in here with an anxious look on his face, looked at Suiren who looked calm, and felt extremely anxious in his heart. He quickly said: "Your Majesty, the human race is in danger, please ask your Majesty to help."

"If the human race relies on you to know about this, even if it is someone else, it will hit you in the face!"

Suiren's face was calm and he said without any hesitation.


Shi Hao was stunned when he heard this, then scratched the back of his head, smiled, and said: "Your Majesty must have known about this for a long time, so there must have been countermeasures..."

"Don't worry, the next Emperor will definitely resolve this matter properly, don't worry."

Suiren's face softened a lot, and then he nodded and said.

He has really surrendered to these people. One or two of them run here when something happens. It is really the same as being the current emperor.

It just so happens that these people are all the great contributors to the rise of the human race in the past, that is, the seventeen ancient kings. Each of these people is an indispensable existence in the human race.

But from a certain point of view, I really don’t blame these people. After all, they used to be second only to themselves, and they were not weaker than the Shennong family in terms of qualifications and strength. In this case, let them go It was indeed a bit uncomfortable to report to Shennong.

Of course, they would not disobey the Emperor's orders. They just said they would not look for each other if they could. Anyway, it was the same with the Emperor Suiren.

Although Suiren has abdicated, his authority among the human race is no weaker than that of the current Human Emperor. In the hearts of those powerful Hunyuan people, Suiren is undoubtedly the person with the highest real prestige.

"Okay, I understand."

Shi Hao nodded, then clasped his fists and bowed, saying: "Excuse me, Your Majesty, I will take my leave now."

After saying that, he turned around and left.


Suiren suddenly shouted and stopped Shi Hao.

"You can pass on your insights to the next Emperor."

Shi Hao was stunned when he heard this, then nodded and said: "I follow your Majesty's order."

After saying that, he left here in a flash.

"It's just right. I also plan to go and see the next emperor of the human race to see what ability he has to lead the human race out of the possible predicament."

Then, Shi Hao raised his mouth and went to Youxiong Country.


Youxiong Country.

Xuanyuan Jian had a bright eyebrow and a sword on his waist at all times.

This sword is actually just an acquired spiritual treasure, but the strength of a treasure is never just about the strength of itself, but more importantly, the user is strong.

If the user is strong, even if it is an ordinary sword, it can still kill through the entire heaven.

Just like Taiyi, the Chaos Bell in his hand is indeed powerful, but if it is used by someone else, it will not have such a powerful power.

Just like Pangu Banner and Taiji Diagram, they fell into the hands of Yuanshi Tianzun and Yinyang Patriarch, and they did not shock the entire prehistoric world like the Chaos Bell.

Among the prehistoric creatures, how many people can hear the sound of the Chaos Bell without being frightened.

The Pangu Banner and Taiji Diagram, both innate treasures and one of the three treasures of the Creation of Heaven, are not as famous as the Chaos Bell.

This is certainly because of the power of the Chaos Bell itself, but also because of the power of its user Taiyi. The two complement each other, not relying on one alone.

Just like now, Xuanyuan's swordsmanship has long been the strongest in the prehistoric world. Not to mention the Pure Yang Sword Immortal Lu Chunyang, even the leader of the Jiemen Sect Tongtian is not as good as Xuanyuan in swordsmanship.

Of course, if they really fight, it is hard to say who will win or lose, but in terms of swordsmanship, Xuanyuan is already the number one in the prehistoric world.

Therefore, even if he only has an acquired spiritual treasure in his hand, his combat power is still extremely terrifying.

At this time, not only is Xuanyuan's swordsmanship extremely prosperous, like a dragon and a fantasy, but what is more terrifying is the thousands of avenues built on the swordsmanship! ! !

Ye Xuan stared at Xuanyuan, looking at Xuanyuan below in amazement.

He couldn't help but sigh: "As expected of the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan, he is truly the best among men. I'm afraid that there will never be such a great emperor in the future. He is truly unprecedented and unparalleled!"

Ye Xuan could clearly see that in the Dao rhyme of Xuanyuan's Dao, he could see a peerless sword standing in it, which was transformed by the Dao rhyme of his sword.

Not only that, on the blade of the peerless sword, countless branches spread out faintly, and they were one after another innate Dao! ! !

Ye Xuan looked at it and saw that the number of those innate Daos was actually more than 1,800!

This is the creature who has mastered the most innate Daos among all creatures in the human race and even in the prehistoric world!

No one can surpass him!

The best among all the races and spirits in the prehistoric world!

Not only that, it is far more than that!

On the branches transformed by more than 1,800 innate Daos, one after another densely packed acquired Daos covered them.

"Wow, this is Suiren teaching me everything he has learned..."

Ye Xuan was so shocked that he didn't know what to say.

He had never seen a prehistoric creature that could master so many acquired and innate avenues.

There were more than 16,700 acquired avenues!!!

This was an extremely terrifying number, and this was only the avenues that Xuanyuan mastered now, far from the limit of what he could master in his lifetime.

There were so many acquired avenues, if a war really broke out, his combat power would probably reach the peak.

"No, how could he master it completely in such a short time..."

Soon, Ye Xuan found that this situation was not right.

Strictly speaking, Xuanyuan did not absolutely master it, but used a tricky way, that is, taking the sword as the main body and carrying thousands of avenues!

In other words, Xuanyuan is just like the Chaos Gods and Demons and the Infinite Gods and Demons in the Chaos. It is a trick to control other avenues, and it is not like Pangu, who truly integrates all the innate avenues into one.

To be precise, Xuanyuan is a variant of Suiren's Xinhuo Dao, which can carry thousands of avenues, just like the Chaos Gods and Demons and the Infinite Gods and Demons in the past.

It must be said that even if Xuanyuan has only achieved this, he is extremely great.

Because whether it is the Chaos Dao or the Infinite Dao in the Innate Dao or the Xinhuo Dao in the Acquired Dao, it is because of the characteristics of the Dao that it is so special, so it can carry thousands of avenues.

But the sword does not have this characteristic, so it can forcibly imprint thousands of avenues on the sword, which also shows that Xuanyuan is extremely talented.

"No one in the prehistoric world has higher talent than Xuanyuan!"

"Even if we look at the entire chaotic world, his talent can occupy a place; looking at the entire chaos, apart from Pangu and fate, the most talented person should be Xuanyuan!"

Ye Xuan did not hesitate to praise him, and looked at Xuanyuan below with great admiration.

It can be said that Xuanyuan's talent can be ranked in the top three in the entire chaotic world, and he is the best in the prehistoric world. No matter the amazing Di Jun or the extremely talented Suiren, they can't compare with him.


Shi Hao looked down at Xuanyuan, and saw that Xuanyuan had a very special aura. He looked at him carefully.


Suddenly, his face changed suddenly. Good man, did he see it right?

Then, he looked over again seriously.

"Who dares to spy on me!"

Xuanyuan's eyes suddenly opened, and a sharp sword energy rushed into the sky and slashed towards Shi Hao.

Boom! ! !

Shi Hao waved casually and blocked the attack. Then a smile appeared on his face. Looking at Xuanyuan who was looking at him from a distance, he smiled and said, "I am Shi Hao. I leave a great enlightenment here. You must understand it well."

After that, a white light shot out from his body and shot towards Xuanyuan below.

Then, his figure disappeared.

Billions of miles away.

"Good fellow, is this the next Human Emperor? This is much more ferocious than the current Human Emperor, this momentum..."

Shi Hao thought with lingering fear that the Dao rhyme in the attack he just faced was endless. If he had not mastered the Great Dao of Reincarnation and forcibly offset it with the power of Reincarnation, that sword would not be so easy to block.

Although this kid can't beat me now, I'm afraid I won't be his opponent when he ascends the throne.

"By the way, there is also the terrifying Human Emperor Sword..."

Shi Hao thought of the Human Emperor Sword, and suddenly an incredible idea came to his mind.

"No... no no..."

"How is this possible... It doesn't make sense, it must not be..."

"Not necessarily, the Human Emperor's token is a sword, and neither the Heavenly Emperor nor the Human Emperor seems to be good at using swords..."

"And that sword is still growing, transformed by the luck of the human race, and now such a powerful Human Emperor has been born. As the saying goes, three gives birth to all things, and three is generally the most prosperous, so that means the next Human Emperor will be the strongest Human Emperor?"

"So, the Human Emperor's sword is really transformed by him?!"

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was the truth, and his face gradually became shocked. If this is true, then how powerful will Xuanyuan be in the future?

But it is also true that if it is not strong, then who will deal with the extremely powerful Heavenly Emperor?

"The next Human Emperor Xuanyuan will face the Heavenly Emperor Dijun, the Heavenly Emperor and the current Human Emperor will face the Dragon Emperor and the Earth Queen, and I will take on the responsibility of the future Donghuang Taiyi!"

A great sense of mission slowly appeared in Shi Hao's eyes.

"But my current strength is not enough, I have to become stronger!!!"

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