After Shi Hao left his own understanding of the Great Dao, he left Youxiong Country and headed for the East China Sea.

"Is that person the sage of the human race, the Stone King Shi Hao among the seventeen kings of the ancient times..." After Xuanyuan received the understanding of the Great Dao, he instantly felt the understanding contained in the understanding of the Great Dao.

And he immediately knew who that person was. Among the human race, only Shi Hao had such a deep attainment in the Great Dao of Reincarnation and the Great Dao of Invincibility.

Then, he closed his eyes and quietly comprehended.

Since there were so many ancient kings to help him, he naturally could not waste this opportunity, but had to seize the opportunity and become stronger and stronger.

Time passed so quickly, and the sacred eyes of the heavens began to focus on the human race at this time.

The human race had already begun to undercurrent, and even those human kings who originally recognized Xuanyuan as the next human emperor were bewitched by those rebellious human kings and joined their camp.

Yes, due to the deliberate indulgence of the Human Emperor Shennong, those Human Kings who were extremely dissatisfied in their hearts gradually became more and more indignant, and then naturally developed to the next step.

That is, they have made up their minds to wait for the Human Emperor Shennong to pass on the throne, and then they will rebel one after another, pointing their spearheads directly at Xuanyuan, forcing Xuanyuan to abdicate, and then they will jointly elect a person to be the Human Emperor.

The Human Emperor cannot be decided by whoever the previous Human Emperor said, that would be unfair!

What's more, the one chosen is a young man that they are not satisfied with!

Not to mention that it was decided by Shennong, even when Suiren decided on Shennong, there were many Human Kings who were dissatisfied in their hearts, but at that time they were not strong enough, so they did not dare to attack and had to endure it.

Later, when Shennong's prestige became increasingly grand, they dared not jump out even more.

But this time, Xuanyuan was just a kid who had just been born for less than a hundred years, and he was directly decided as the next Human Emperor. Even if his cultivation talent was extremely high, he could not be so careless!

Although thousands of years have passed and Xuanyuan is even more powerful, they still have no intention of compromising.

Everyone is a strong man in the realm of Hunyuan, and no one can kill anyone. You Xuanyuan is powerful, but you are just a Hunyuan. Are they afraid of you?

Therefore, everyone has discussed it secretly. As long as Xuanyuan succeeds to the throne, they will directly launch a rebellion. The coalition of countries will directly take the capital and swallow up Youxiong State. In this way, Xuanyuan will have to abdicate.

The throne of the emperor should not be passed down from generation to generation by the previous emperor, but should be occupied by a wise man!

This is the unified idea they discussed. Whoever is strong will be the emperor in the future. As for those who are not strong, forget it. They must have enough seniority and cannot be those new generations.

When the first generation of human race retired, they became more unscrupulous.

If it doesn't work, the worst thing is to turn against each other!

What are the seventeen kings of ancient times? What emperor? The previous emperor?

As long as he is not the current emperor, he has no right to give orders to them!

As for the current emperor? We don't recognize him! That means he doesn't exist!

When we nominate him, he will be the real emperor!!!


During the period when the human race was madly strife, the heavenly court did not rest.

Although there was no internal strife like the human race, they were also arguing for the interests of the heavens.

The world has been peaceful for a long time, and those people have long forgotten what it means to be prepared for danger in times of peace, and have long forgotten the hardships of the initial entrepreneurial period, and only think about fighting for power and profit.

This is also something that all forces cannot avoid after they grow stronger, even the witch clan is the same.

If you want to gather people's hearts and unite as one, you must always suffer the danger of extinction. Only that kind of war can make them stick together and not think about fighting for power and profit.

The situation of the Heavenly Court and the Dragon Clan is better, because both Heavenly Court and the Dragon Clan adopt the lifelong throne system. Whether it is the Heavenly Emperor or the Dragon Emperor, they have been sitting on the throne since the beginning and have not changed.

In this way, at least those below will not think of asking the emperor to give up the throne and let them come out to sit.

No one is blind enough to ask Di Jun to give up the throne of the Heavenly Emperor and let them come to sit.

Because everyone knows that whoever dares to do so will be suppressed.

Heavenly Court, Lingxiao Palace.

"Your Majesty, the human race is rampant, wantonly attacking weak races, bullying the weak, and we must be careful!"

"Your Majesty, the human race is arrogant and increasingly disregards us, the immortals and gods of the Heavenly Court. Most of the things are also lip service, which is really against the way of heaven!"

"Your Majesty, you should quickly send troops to suppress the rebellion of the human race and make the human race surrender again!"

One by one, the immortals and gods came out and constantly participated in the human race.

Some immortals said that the human race must truly submit, some said that it only needs to be intimidated, and some said that the human race is a disaster and must not be left alive. The human race should be slaughtered and the Hunyuan should be sealed to make the human race truly exterminated.

However, facing all this, Di Jun frowned slightly, feeling helpless. Most of these people ran to the human race to act arrogantly and were ignored by the human race, so they came up one by one to complain.

Some of them really said this because the human race became rampant and they no longer took the human race seriously.

But no matter what, it was obviously impossible for him to really send a large army to destroy the human race.

"Let's not discuss the affairs of the human race for now."

Emperor Jun's eyes were full of majesty. As his words fell, everyone shut up and did not dare to say more about the affairs of the human race.

Even some immortals who wanted to continue talking calmed down and did not dare to say more.

The Emperor of Heaven has an order, and the gods must obey it.

And this is the absolute crushing and control of strength.

Emperor Jun's strength is intimidating to the prehistoric world, and it is almost impossible for the number of people to pile up and die.

What's more, he has now successfully opened up the world, found Nuwa, and opened up a fire domain.

That is a world of fire elemental spirits. In the fire domain, all creatures are fire cultivators.

And in that fire domain world, there is also a big sun, high above, burning everything.

The breath emitted by the big sun is the source of strength in that world.

The sun symbolizes the supreme and everything. No one can reach above the sun.

This world also brought a small increase in his strength. Although it is not obvious, it is really an increase.

When the creatures in this world become stronger, he can step into the realm of Hunyuan Wuji Jinxian.

At that time, Di Jun can kill the creatures in the Hunyuan realm with a flick of his finger.

The so-called Hunyuan is immortal because the self in countless time and space has brought countless creatures.

However, Hunyuan Wuji Jinxian has achieved Wuji in countless time and space. The so-called Wuji is infinite. One thought can destroy all the clones of this Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the endless time and space.

Even if they are in the same realm, it is only difficult to kill the other party completely, but they can still kill the other party.

At that time, a bloody storm will be set off in the prehistoric world.

Emperor Jun's eyes were like torches, and his cold face swept over the immortals on the field, causing many immortals to shudder uncontrollably.

"Let's talk about the war between you first! Where are the Tiger King and the Lion King?"

The Tiger King and the Lion King were trembling in their hearts when they heard this, and hurriedly walked out of the queue, bowed to Emperor Jun above, and said in unison.

"Your Majesty!"

Emperor Jun nodded slightly, and asked indifferently: "Why are you fighting?"

He really looked down on such people in his heart. They would always cause internal strife. If they had the ability, they would go to trouble other tribes!

Although the war between the Tiger Tribe and the Lion Tribe was not strictly speaking an internal war, they were both races in the demon tribe, so from the perspective of the demon tribe, it was naturally an internal war.

What's more, he was the Emperor of Heaven, ruling the universe, so he could naturally ask about this matter.

Upon hearing this, the Tiger King was furious. He pointed at the Lion King's nose and cursed: "My people were originally fighting in a certain world, but this guy actually sent the Lion people to that world, and a Hunyuan took action to kill all my people.

Such a great hatred, how can I not avenge it!"

The Lion King was even more furious when he heard this, and said: "Tiger King! You are so unreasonable! Previously, my people were killed by the Tiger people outside, and you didn't mention it at all! Now I'm back to kill them, and you still dare to blame me?!"

Originally, the two tribes have always been in the water and don't interfere with each other. They each conquered other worlds and let those young people hone their skills.

After all, the world in the prehistoric world is almost infinite, with countless worlds, allowing them to do whatever they want.

In addition, there is no war in the prehistoric world now, and it is not easy to take the initiative to provoke, so the training of fighting falls on those low-end worlds.

Let the young people of each tribe enter the lower world one after another, and then start to experience.

The human race was even more cruel. They had a mortal world, and they directly sent their young people to the mortal world for training.

Jehovah, the Lord of the Mortal World, was miserable. The creatures he created with great difficulty had to be killed again, but under the pressure of the human race, he dared not say much.

"Nonsense! How could my tiger tribe have ever done such a thing!"

The Tiger King was furious when he heard this, thinking that this was a slander against him by the Lion King, and he shouted immediately.

Emperor Jun, who was sitting above, frowned slightly and waved his hand.

A picture slowly appeared in the air, in which there was a man in black, who turned into a tiger tribe Hunyuan strongman, and then went to the world of the lion tribe and killed all the lion tribes.

"How courageous!"

Emperor Jun shouted softly, and then looked there, and his mind moved.

All the past deeds of the man in black appeared in the eyes of many immortals and gods in the heavenly court.

"Asshole! It turns out that this guy is the one who killed my people!"

"Damn it! Who is this?!"

"Find him, don't erase him from the infinite time and space!!!"

All of a sudden, all the immortals and gods in the heaven were in an uproar.

It turned out that the one who provoked the conflicts among the immortals and gods was the man in black in front of them, which means that most of them were played by this man.

"The cause of the Dragon Han catastrophe in the past was this."

There was a hint of anger in Emperor Jun's eyes, and he already knew who this person was.

Except for Luo Hou, who was crazy about provoking the Ten Thousand Races, there was no one else.

"Your Majesty, are you talking about the Demon Ancestor Luo Hou?!"

The Tiger King asked immediately after hearing this.

The rest of the immortals and gods also looked at Emperor Jun, waiting for his answer.

Emperor Jun nodded slightly, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, saying: "It is the Demon Ancestor Luo Hou!"

After saying that, he stretched out a hand, spanning infinite time and space, and directly reached the outer demon realm.

Outer demon realm.

"No! I've been discovered!!"

Luo Hou's face suddenly changed, and he hurriedly wanted to escape.

However, at this time, a big hand in the sky spanned infinite time and space, spanned endless chaos, and directly reached the outer demon realm, and captured him.

"Your Majesty, spare my life!!!"

Luo Hou was shocked and shouted for mercy.

The reason why he did this before, in addition to provoking conflicts within the demon clan and thinking about dividing the power of the demon clan, was to plant his own evil thoughts again, in the hope of resurrecting again in the future.

But he didn't expect that he would be discovered by Di Jun so soon.

In order to avoid being discovered by him, he deliberately went to the heavens to find those demons.

"How dare you deceive me?"

A majestic voice came from the sky, resounding throughout the universe.

In the Demon Realm, all the creatures were lying on the ground, fearing that they would be implicated and destroyed by the Emperor of Heaven.

"Don't dare! Don't dare!! Your Majesty, spare my life!!!"

Luohou crawled on the ground, trembling, and said hurriedly.

He felt endless anger and great power from Di Jun's voice.

He knew that he could not compete with Di Jun at all, and he was also terrified at this time.

Damn, all the Honghuang are so powerful, why am I so miserable? !

Those who are as powerful as Di Jun are not inferior to any gods and demons, and the weak ones are also protected by powerful forces!

Even Hongjun has found a big thigh to hold on to!

Why can I only run and be bullied wherever I go?

For a while, Luohou was extremely worried and angry.

The style of the Demon Ancestor in the past had been thrown away by him. After all, he only has this one life now. If Di Jun really makes up his mind to kill him, he will definitely die.

"This is just a warning. If it happens again, don't blame me for killing you."

Di Jun snorted coldly, waved his hand, and threw Luo Hou from the outer demonic realm into the human race.


After a dizzy spell, Luo Hou found himself in the human race.

"Why didn't the Emperor of Heaven kill me, but threw me into the human race?"

He was filled with the aura of the devil, and disappeared in an instant.

Just as he disappeared, some powerful human beings who had reached the realm of Hunyuan appeared again in the place where he was originally.


The human race strongman frowned and said.

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