"Why didn't Emperor Jun kill me, but instead sent me to human territory?"

Luo Hu hid in the mid-air, quietly looking down at the human race Hunyuan strongman who came because he felt his aura, and he was even more confused.

Logically speaking, even if you don't kill yourself, you won't beat yourself here on purpose.

"Could it be that the human race can be bewitched now? That's why Emperor Jun specially asked me to come over to bewitch the human race and divide the human race?!"

Luo Hu's eyes lit up, and his heart was filled with shock, thinking of this.

"Yes! That's it! If not, there's no way to explain why he didn't kill me, but instead sent me to the hands of the human race!"

Thinking of this, Luo Hu became more certain.

He also felt that the human race below was a little different from the people he came to the human race to confuse in the past!

His eyes were full of joy, and he quickly used his magical powers to test people's minds.

The devilish sound fills the ears, the overwhelming sound.

A sound wave passed through his body invisibly, and a wave of fluctuations instantly penetrated the strong human being.

As soon as Chiyou came here to investigate, he found that the demonic aura disappeared instantly.

"Could it be that Demon Ancestor Rahu came here?"

When he was confused and thinking about whether to report to the king, a demonic sound suddenly reached his ears.

In an instant, an illusion appeared in front of him, and inside was a supreme picture.

That was the stage when the Shennong clan summoned the kings to discuss the future policy of the human race!

This scene shocked Chiyou so much that it remains to this day.

In that scene, the Shennong clan is supreme and full of majesty. Only this one person can subdue countless Hunyuan in the human race!

And when he looked carefully, the face of Shennong actually turned into his own!


For a moment, Chiyou's breathing became rapid, and his eyes were full of longing.

"The Human Emperor..."

"Why did I become the Human Emperor? Am I the natural human emperor?!"

Chiyou was fantasizing crazily in his mind, imagining that he was the supreme and only emperor!

He is the emperor who leads the human race to prosperity!

He is the only true emperor of the human race!

The next throne must be yours!

"I want to be a human emperor!!!"

The desire in Chiyou's heart was magnified to infinity. No one in the human race said that he did not want to be the Human Emperor at all. There may be many people who can resist the temptation of the Human Emperor, but the vast majority of people cannot resist this. Such a temptation!

This is the attraction of the Emperor of the Human Race and the temptation of the Emperor of the Human Race!

For a moment, Chiyou's heart was in chaos, his thoughts were constantly conflicting, and he began to fantasize crazily.

The next moment, the picture changed to him becoming the Human King, and then defeating various Human Kings, successfully arousing the recognition of the Human Emperor Shennong, and finally he was recognized as the next Human Emperor!

Xuanyuan was dissatisfied, so Shennong abdicated and passed the throne to him. Just after he succeeded, the Xiong Kingdom Xuanyuan launched a rebellion, and some nearby kingdoms surrendered and followed.

Among the human race, the kings of various kingdoms were watching, neither taking action to help him put down the rebellion, nor taking action to stop Xuanyuan. They all chose to wait and see to see if he had the ability to put down the rebellion!

Chiyou knew that if he did not show absolute strength to suppress the rebellion, these people might follow in the rebellion, causing war to break out, the world to be in chaos, and his position as the Human Emperor to be unstable.

After that, he personally led the army, holding the Human Emperor Sword, and led the human army to the Bear Country, where they experienced a great battle.

But he was actually losing ground. This scene made him start to panic.

So, he began to mobilize his troops, hoping to get help from other human kings.

However, he discovered that there were only eighty-one kings in the world who obeyed his orders, while there were nearly a thousand kings in the human race! ! !

For a moment, he felt so filled with hatred that he wanted to kill all the kings who did not obey his orders!

But he knew that the biggest threat at this time was not the kings who were watching, but Xuanyuan, the king of the Bear Kingdom, who was fighting with him in front of him!

Xuanyuan's power was beyond his imagination. He held the Human Emperor Sword and possessed peerless power, but he could not defeat Xuanyuan, that natural talent!

Xuanyuan's sword can slay gods and immortals and split the sky, and his sword can flatten seas, move mountains and open the gates of heaven.

This is the power of Xuanyuan! So powerful that it suffocated him!

However, those humans who were originally waiting and watching saw that he was at a disadvantage and could not defeat Xuanyuan at all, so they began to join Xuanyuan's camp one after another.

Ever since, Xuanyuan's strength has become stronger and stronger, and his power has become larger and larger.

Gradually, his camp gradually weakened. At this time, Xuanyuan had received the support of more than a hundred human kings, but he still only had the support of more than 80 kings.

The rest of the kings are all waiting and watching, and they are gradually tending to join Xuanyuan's camp.

As a result, he became more and more disadvantaged, until eighty-one of his brothers gradually died in battle, and those kingdoms gradually began to weaken.

"No! This can never be my ending!!!"

"I am the emperor! The only true emperor!!!"

Chiyou was in a frenzy and started yelling crazily with disheveled hair.

At this moment, a figure appeared in front of him.

That was a figure full of demonic aura, the Demon Ancestor Rahu dressed in black!

Luo Hu smiled, looking at Chi You in front of him, feeling full of accomplishment. If nothing else, this was the first human race he had controlled, and he was also a powerful Hunyuan warrior!

"Who are you? Why do you appear here!" Chiyou's eyes were red at this time, and he looked at Luo Hu in front of him angrily.

This kind of hatred is not for Luo Hu, but because his position as Human Emperor is about to be taken away, so he is so resentful and unwilling.

Luo Hu looked calm, smiled slightly, and said with charm: "I am the Supreme Demon Ancestor, the Demon Ancestor of all heavens, and the source of all demons; I can help you regain your position as the Human Emperor, help you defeat Xuanyuan, and regain what you deserve. everything of!"

The words were full of bewitching power, making Chiyou's heart jump suddenly.

Yes, that is the position of Human Emperor that I deserve!

Why give it to others?

But he also knows that no one will help him for no reason, so he needs to pay a certain price.

So, he hesitated for a moment, made up his mind instantly, and asked, "What's the price?"

Luo Hu showed an expression of appreciation and praised: "The price is very simple, that is, you need to surrender to me. If you are dispatched in the future, you must be able to do everything to your advantage, and I will make you a true human emperor! "

When Chi You heard this, his heart suddenly trembled, and he looked at Luo Hu warily.

At this moment, he already knew in his heart that the guy in front of him was here just to seduce him.

Although he knew this, when he thought about the position of Human Emperor, his eyes gradually became firmer.

"Okay! Okay! I am willing to surrender to you!!" Chiyou said with a hard heart and made up his mind.

In fact, in his opinion, if he becomes the Human Emperor in the future, he can completely control Luo Hu in front of him. As for what method he uses to control it, it doesn't matter. He is a strong Hunyuan warrior and will definitely be able to untie it when the time comes!

He firmly believes in this!

As for why he believed that Luo Hu could help him win, he never questioned this point, nor did he have any such thoughts.

The reason is that this is an illusion cast by Luo Hu, so everything in it is controlled by Luo Hu. This means that Chi You believes in Luo Hu from the subconscious, so there is no doubt.

When Luo Hu heard this, the smile on his face became even brighter, so he said as if he were striking while the iron was hot: "Next, don't resist, let me plant a demon seed on your soul. Only in this way can I help you."

Hearing this, Chi You quickly put down his guard and allowed Luo Hu to do what he did.


A ray of demonic avenue appeared, turning into a blooming lotus and appeared in front of Chiyou.

"The black lotus in the soul!" Luo Hu whispered.

The blooming lotus instantly penetrated into Chiyou's soul and sat on top of it.

At this point, the demon seed has been established.

A look of great joy appeared on Luo Hu's face, and he laughed wildly: "Thieves hahahaha..."

As if he was a traitor who succeeded in his evil plan, he started laughing unbridled.

Chiyou felt vaguely uneasy when he heard this, and immediately bowed his hands and said: "Please help me, Demon Ancestor!"

Luo Hu then stopped laughing, nodded slightly, his eyes full of joking, and said with a smile: "Of course it is!"

Then, he waved his sleeves.

Suddenly, the pattern of heaven and earth changed drastically, and the human kings of the human race who were still waiting to see came to Chiyou's camp with their own forces.

Hundreds of human kings outside all knelt on the ground, wanting to ask to see the human king.

Chiyou was overjoyed when he saw this. When he looked at Luo Hu again to thank him, he found that Luo Hu had disappeared.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Later, Chiyou met the kings and couldn't help laughing when he knew that they were all here to help.

Finally, hundreds of people came together to help Chiyou and launched the final battle. Once the war broke out, it showed an overwhelming advantage, instantly knocking back all the forces that Xuanyuan had expanded over the years.

It took him three years to finally kill Xuanyuan on the hill of Xuanyuan, thereby consolidating his position as the Human Emperor.

Seeing this, all the kings in the world took the initiative to enter the capital and kowtowed to themselves, all showing their loyalty.

And Xuanyuan was divided into six sections and suppressed in the four extremes of heaven and earth as well as in the heaven and the underworld.

The other human kings who helped Xuanyuan were also suppressed by him in various places all over the world.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Chiyou couldn't help but burst into loud laughter. The laughter spread around, and there was a hint of domineering in the rhyme of the avenue.

But in this dream, although he was planted with a demon seed by Luo Hu, he really realized the true meaning of domineering and understood the avenue of domination!

However, just when Chiyou was overjoyed, he found that the scene in front of him was constantly changing.

Soon, the pleasure of winning and becoming the Human Emperor was gone in an instant before I had time to enjoy it.

When he looked back, the scene in front of him turned into the place he had explored so many years ago.

"It's just a dream..."

Chiyou sighed, thinking with some pity.

Apparently he had become the Human Emperor, but just when he was about to realize his ambition, he discovered that all of this was actually a dream.

Ever since, he felt a huge sense of disparity in his heart.

This feeling of disparity made his heart feel extremely empty and uncomfortable.

Then, his expression suddenly changed, remembering the demon seed that Luo Hu had planted in his heart, and then he quickly began to explore his soul.


I saw that there was a black lotus in his soul, which was the demon seed planted by Rahu in the illusion.

At this point, he still didn't know that he was under the influence of Demon Ancestor Rahu!

"Rahu!!" Chiyou lowered his voice and said with anger.

However, at this time, a message suddenly came from the black lotus in his soul.

It made him want to go somewhere involuntarily.

So, he started to set off.

When Luo Hu, who was in the sky, saw this, the smile on his face could not be reduced, and then his figure flashed and disappeared from here.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Luo Hu looked at Chi You who had arrived in front of him and burst out laughing.

Chi You looked at Luo Hu in front of him with an extremely ugly face. He wanted to take action, but found that he could not take action against Luo Hu at all!

He asked in a cold voice: "What on earth do you want to do!"

A scornful smile appeared on Luo Hu's face, and he said disdainfully: "I advise you to speak in a nicer tone when talking to me. Your life is in my hands now! If you don't obey me, I will make you fall into despair." In the devil's way!"

Chiyou's face turned even uglier when he heard this, he snorted coldly and said no more.

After seeing what he did, the smile on Luo Hu's face became a little brighter, and then he nodded and said: "Haha, don't worry, although your position as Human Emperor is fake and in an illusion, the reality is Zhongbenzuo will still help you ascend to the position of human emperor!"

This sentence instantly made Chiyou's eyes widen and his whole body was shocked.

Immediately, he asked: "Is this true?!"

Luo Hu smiled and nodded, saying, "If not, why would I come to find you?"

Chi You was overjoyed when he heard this. He was about to say something, but his expression suddenly changed. He thought of the current power of the Demon Sect, and then snorted coldly: "Just you? Although the Demon Ancestor is famous, no matter in terms of strength or It seems that no power can help me ascend to the throne of Human Emperor!"

After experiencing the scene in the fantasy, Chiyou's desire for him did not diminish at all, but instead expanded a bit.

Not only that, after a person has gained power and tasted the taste of power, if he loses it again, he will undoubtedly feel more uncomfortable and desire power even more!

No emperor really wants to delegate power actively!

This kind of thing is really difficult for those ambitious people who aspire to become human emperors.

The Suiren clan and the Shennong clan's natural human emperors are all to lead the human race to become stronger and to make the human race better.

They are different from those careerists. They are idealists, pioneers and leaders.

This is the human emperor! This is the natural emperor!

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