Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 413 My name is Xuanyuan, and I come for the great cause of the human race!

Luo Hu's face did not change when he heard this, with a smile on his face, and he asked: "Whether you believe me or not, you can only believe me in the end, right?"

The kid in front of me didn't seem to understand the situation, and he actually dared to refute him.

Believe it or not, from the moment he planted the demon seed, Chiyou's future path was not up to him!


Immediately, Rahu moved slightly, and the demonic seeds in Chiyou's body began to cause trouble, always conveying the belief of surrendering to Luohu, and at the same time, it continued to spread the demonic thoughts.

Wisps of demonic thoughts drifted away, causing his entire aura to change drastically, as if he had truly become a member of the demon sect.

Thousands of demonic thoughts rose out of thin air, constantly eroding his soul and trying to change his path.

Chi You's expression changed, and he quickly said: "Stop! I just listen to you! Don't lead me into the devil's way!"

When Luo Hu heard this, he smiled and nodded. With a wave of his hand, the demon seeds in his body calmed down, and there was no longer any crazy moments of demon thoughts.


After feeling that the demonic seed in his body finally subsided, Chiyou breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he looked at Luo Hu with some fear. He wanted to escape from Luo Hu's control, but he also wanted to become the Human Emperor. For a moment, he didn't know what he should do.

Fortunately, Luo Hu did not force him to do anything against the interests of the human race, but let him go back.

Wait until Chiyou leaves.


"Thief hahahaha..."

Luo Hu started laughing crazily. He knew that Chi You was just the first human race to be bewitched by him, and there would be second ones... third ones... and endless ones! !

The sense of accomplishment of conquering all races is not as satisfying as conquering the human race!

Back then, he spread demons across the ancient world, and all the tribes in the ancient world suffered. Even the Witch Clan was infiltrated by him.

But the weird thing is that this damn human race has no one at all. With such a large population, there is no one who can let him infiltrate! No human race was bewitched by him!

But now, the human race can actually be bewitched by him!

This is undoubtedly the pinnacle of Luo Hu's career in creating demons, and it is also a new beginning...

Kunlun Mountains, at the foot of Buzhou Mountain, is the ancestral land of the human race.

All the seventeen ancient kings sit here. This is not their long-term residence on weekdays, but at this moment, these most ancient pillars of the human race have gathered here again.

This time, there was no figure of the Human Emperor Shennong and the Emperor Suiren, nor were there any other human kings.

Although they had long since resigned from their position as human kings, the Shennong clan still named them the Seventeen Ancient Wise Kings of the human race.

"What do you think of Xuanyuan?"

Su Ming was the first to speak, and his eyes were the first to look at Shi Hao.

Shi Hao has always been the strongest among them, and is also a super fierce man second only to the Emperor Suiren.

Now, we have to add another Shennong clan.

However, the Shennong clan is at best on par with the Shi Hao clan, because the Shennong clan itself is not a person who is good at fighting.

After everyone heard this, they all turned their attention to Shi Hao.

Seeing this, Shi Hao also began to express his opinions leisurely.

"I think this kid will become a great person in the future! Born to be a human emperor, he is the best candidate to lead the human race through the future calamity!"

"Oh? Is this person really so brave?"

Ye Fan became interested after hearing this. He had never been to Xiong Country to see Xuanyuan before, and all he knew about Xuanyuan was what he heard from others.

But now I learned this from Shi Hao's mouth. What's more important is that Shi Hao personally went over to take a look at Xuanyuan. What he said is definitely correct.

Shi Hao nodded, with a hint of admiration in his eyes, and continued: "It is said that this boy has not cultivated for a hundred years, but he can kill gods with one sword. After one day of enlightenment, he went straight to Hunyuan, and a thousand years later, when I When His Majesty the Emperor asked him to personally teach him about the Dao, he discovered that he was actually able to list tens of thousands of acquired Dao and thousands of innate Dao based on the way of swordsmanship!"

Then, after a pause, he said with great admiration: "There is no greater genius than this in the human race!"


Shi Hao's words instantly shocked the other sixteen kings.

"How can it be?!"

"Why would anyone be so weird?!!"

"Heavenly talent! Unparalleled genius!"

Ye Fan, Wang Lin, Han Li and other wise kings all spoke in admiration.

This kind of genius is simply a peerless genius.

The human race has never had such a gifted person.

At most, it was just heard, but it was not true. Maybe Xuanyuan was really talented, but he might not be able to cross the mortal world and directly enter the immortal Hunyuan realm in one step.

But judging from what Shi Hao said, Xuanyuan really does have this ability.

Because he has mastered many avenues that the human race has never mastered so far! !

The human race is born with the ability to carry three thousand avenues and can learn countless acquired avenues, but no one has ever really been able to cultivate so many avenues!

The acquired road is just that, there is another Suiren family who has found another way.

But it is true that no one can master more than 1,800 innate avenues!

Not to mention more than 1,800, that is, there is not even one that can be calculated with two digits!

No one doubts the reliability of Shi Hao's words.

"Then we should do our best to support this boy, so that he can help the human race survive this disaster!" Su Ming's eyes flickered, and divine light burst out.

It is unknown whether his Great Dao of Life can be passed on to Xuanyuan, so that he can be more capable of surviving the disaster of the human race.

The Great Dao of Life has an innate advantage in divination and calculation, and it is far superior to other great Daos in layout, and it is also exactly the same in battle, and it is weird and unpredictable.

After all, it is a branch of the Great Dao of the Supreme Dao, and it is naturally one of the most powerful great Daos besides the five supreme ones.

"It should be so!"

Many wise kings also nodded in agreement, and they agreed.

As children of the human race, they will help if they can.

However, just as everyone was discussing.

On the other side.

Emperor Suiren waved his hand, and a decree crossed an infinite distance and reached Xuanyuan of Youxiong State.

"The seventeen kings of the ancient times are discussing the future catastrophe of the human race in the ancestral land of the human race. You can go and ask them for the great Dao perception."

Xuanyuan immediately stood up and bowed to the void after hearing this.

The great Dao perception that Shi Hao brought to him before was naturally extremely important, because it contained the great Dao perception that he had not comprehended, such as the invincible Dao, such as the reincarnation Dao, which were all things he did not have.

During this period, he also successfully turned those perceptions into his own perceptions, extracted what he thought was possible from them, and integrated them into the sword path.

In a sense, he is not really a pure sword cultivator, unlike the pure Yang sword fairy.

The sword path is just a means for him to display powerful killing magic, and the real power is still those details, that is, those thousands of great Daos.


The ancestral land of the human race.

"My ancestors! My name is Xuanyuan, and I came for the great cause of the human race. I also ask the wise kings to help me!"

Xuanyuan walked over and bowed in front of the hall of the ancestral land of the human race.

Then he stood up slightly, his eyes full of admiration.

He respected the ancestors of the human race, who forgot themselves for the great cause of the human race and made great contributions.

Respecting the ancestors is to respect his future self.

Even if he really became the emperor of the human race, there would always be a day when he would abdicate.

This is the tradition of the human race. There is no emperor who lives forever, only emperors with different missions.

The temple bell, which has never been heard in countless Yuanhui, also rang at this moment.




"Come in..."

An indifferent voice came from inside.

The door of the temple was opened.

Xuanyuan bowed again, and then strode into it.

In the temple.

Seventeen of the most ancient beings of the human race sat cross-legged on the ground, forming a circle.

As long as the human race does not have a strong man who can defeat Di Jun, it will not be the strongest existence after all, and it will not be able to truly stand on the top of the prehistoric world after all.

Su Ming raised his eyes slightly and looked at Xuanyuan who was walking inside. He could see through the Dao contained in Xuanyuan's body at a glance.

He nodded slightly and smiled: "Sit in the middle."

Xuanyuan bowed to these people again after hearing this, then walked into the middle and sat cross-legged.

Shi Hao stood up slowly and said: "My Dao has been passed on, so I will protect you!"

After saying this, his whole body was full of aura, and an invincible intention enveloped the entire temple in an instant.

The terrifying aura spread in all directions, and powerful deterrence continued to spread outside.

In the temple, sixteen peak human race Hunyuan strongmen showed their own Dao perceptions to Xuanyuan.

Clouds of celebration floated in the air, collided and squeezed together, and various Daos were connected at this moment.

For a moment, the light shone brightly, and the Dao rhyme turned into afterglow and reflected each other.


Many major forces were touched by the changes in the human race, and began to use their own methods to compete with the human race.

They were not fighting for the position of the prehistoric overlord, but to stop the human race from trying to become the prehistoric overlord.

The Heavenly Court sent the fox tribe to try to seduce the hearts of the kings of the human race and subvert the most basic rule of the human race.

Therefore, the nine-tailed fox tribe walked out of the Heavenly Court and returned to their hometown Qingqiu to establish the Qingqiu Fox Kingdom.

The Qingqiu Fox Kingdom is naturally under the Heavenly Court demon tribe, not completely independent, but they are asked to seduce the human race with a mission, so that the human race will start various internal struggles and be tired of external conquests.

This is also one of the best means, which is a strategy contributed by Bai Ze, one of the ten demon generals.

In this way, the demon race can plunge the human race into chaos without spending a single soldier, just using some fox girls.

This is an excellent means.

In fact, this is also true. The human race gradually began to be attracted by the Qingqiu fox girl.

The witches did not choose to stand by and watch, but instead instigated Jiuli to abandon the human race, and wanted to use Jiuli as a base to cause chaos to the human race.

They secretly supported Jiuli, allowing Jiuli to do things that were actually not beneficial to the human race in the name of the human race, and even wanted Jiuli to become the suzerain state among the human race, that is, to make the Jiuli monarch a legitimate human emperor!

It can be said that the witch clan's plan is even more ruthless than the demon clan!

Because the witch clan intends to use the human blood of the Jiuli clan to allow their monarch to become the human emperor legitimately.

However, the human race will not allow this to happen. Although Jiuli is a human country, it has been impossible for that place to become the emperor since its birth.

This is the consensus among the human race. The position of the emperor cannot fall into the hands of people with impure blood.

Even if it is really the emperor of destiny, there will be countless rebels. Almost all human races are racial radicals, which is also innate.

The real situation is that most of the ethnic groups in the prehistoric world are racial radicals.

So don’t look at the huge and complicated forces of the demon race. Nothing has happened yet.

That’s just on the surface. With the suppression of the Emperor of Heaven, it will naturally not be too fierce.

But secretly, they are madly hostile to each other. If something really happens to the Emperor of Heaven, the scene will instantly start to be different. If there is no strong person to support the overall situation, it will fall apart in an instant!

Even if there are such powerful people to support the overall situation, at most it will not fall apart immediately, but its internal fighting will definitely be exposed. At that time, the demon race seems to have not disbanded, but in fact it has become a pile of loose sand.

This is the disadvantage of the demon race. Of course, the advantage of the demon race is that it does not have to hope that the strength of its own race will become stronger like the witch race, the human race, and the dragon race. This is why the demon race has been able to stand on the top of the prehistoric world for so many years.

In addition to having the extremely powerful peak sacredness among Emperor Jun, the huge power is also an inseparable part.

Otherwise, no matter how strong Emperor Jun is, he is just a bare commander, with no one to use, and no one listens to him.

Is it possible that Emperor Jun has to do everything himself?

In this way, above the prehistoric world, outside the chaos.

Ye Xuan looked at everything that happened in the prehistoric world with satisfaction and smiled slightly.

This situation in front of him is exactly what he wants.

The human race can become the first in the prehistoric world, but the human race must not become the existence that crushes other forces in the prehistoric world.

If there were no enemies, the human race would be even more out of control.

What does the human race bring now that it is so strong?

It is not unity, but all kinds of desires.

Ye Xuan has always wanted to establish a world where the human race is the main race and the myriad races are the auxiliary races. Just like raising a Gu, he always keeps fighting, so that he can continue to become stronger.

"Xuanyuan's strength is a bit beyond my imagination. I didn't expect Huang Tian to be so strong in this life. But this is a good thing for the human race. Only such a Xuanyuan can quickly improve his cultivation in a short period of time and surpass Di Jun!"

"If Qingtian reincarnates in the future, what kind of style will he have..." Ye Xuan's mouth corners slightly raised, and then his eyes looked to the west.

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