Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 414: The third level of evil, Zhunti standing up

The ancestral land of the human race, in the temple.

Su Ming and other wise kings looked at Xuanyuan who had returned after completing his studies. His mouth corners slightly raised, and he smiled: "The great trend has risen. Whether the human race can survive this catastrophe and stand on the top of the prehistoric world depends on this boy!"

Looking at Xuanyuan who was leaving, Ye Fan had some yearning in his eyes.

He also wanted to be like Xuanyuan, walking with a sword, rising for the human race, and making all the races in the heavens submit to the human race.

What Xuanyuan wanted to do was what he had always wanted to do but had not done.

Shi Hao's eyes were also full of complexity. For these people, no one did not want to be like Xuanyuan and plan a great cause for the human race.

However, the destiny was like this, and there was nothing the disciples could do.

They could only do their best to protect the human race, and now they also tried their best to pass on the Taoist magic to future generations.

As for how much future generations can understand and whether they can succeed, it depends on the future generations themselves.

"After all, the human race does not have the strongest existence. Now I hope Xuanyuan can become the strongest!" Shi Hao sighed slowly, and a breeze blew past, blowing up the corners of his clothes slightly.

He was walking on the invincible road, which should have been invincible in the world, but he could not be truly invincible in the world after all.

He could not even become the strongest.

He made rapid progress, but those top-level innate saints also made rapid progress. In comparison, he seemed to be standing still and did not catch up much.

On the contrary, compared with the outrageous saint like Di Jun, the gap was getting bigger and bigger.

The human race at the moment is already strong enough.

There is the Suiren clan who stands tall and upright, the Shennong clan who created a prosperous era, the Shihao clan who swallows the world like a tiger, the Ye Fan clan whose magnificent power is inviolable, and the mysterious Su Ming clan.

There are powerful Hunyuan one after another, and each of them is the most powerful group of Hunyuan strongmen in the prehistoric world.

But the prehistoric world is so huge that there are always several monsters.

There are two in the Heavenly Palace, one is Taiyi and the other is Dijun, each one is more monster than the other.

There is one in the Underworld, Houtu, who seems to be the smallest, but her realm is deep. This does not mean that her combat power can be compared with Taiyi and Dijun, but that her cultivation can be compared with Dijun.

Of course, she has only cultivation but is not good at fighting, and this kind of cultivation is also a bit superficial, so her actual combat power is not as good as Taiyi, but it is also stronger than the ancestor witches such as Zhu Jiuyin and Dijiang.

There is no dragon clan on the surface, but in fact no one can say for sure, no one can say for sure how strong Zulong is.

Because Zulong has never expressed his inferiority to Dijun to anyone else, and he also looks arrogant and does not take anyone seriously. Referring to his previous battle record, this guy is probably also a monster.

In addition to the three major forces, even the immortal gate has extremely abnormal existences like Hongjun, who can fight against gods and demons! Not weaker than anyone except Emperor Jun.

Although the fighting power of the demon ancestor Luo Hou cannot match that of gods and demons, he can almost be compared with Hou Tu in terms of saving his life.

In the long history of the prehistoric world, if Luo Hou had experienced something that happened to someone else, he would have died countless times, but he survived again and again strangely.

Just like an indestructible cockroach, although not strong, it is disgusting enough.

The human race does not have such an extremely outstanding figure, and there is no real strong man who can rank among the top of the prehistoric world.

To be precise, the five people above are divided into three levels.

The real monster among monsters is Emperor Jun, who is the only one in the world. He can kill darkness with one hand and his figure can shake the immortal way!

The second level is monsters like Taiyi and Hongjun. Originally, Taiyi's fighting power is similar to Hongjun, but because of the perfect fit of the Chaos Bell, his strength is stronger than Hongjun, but the gap is not wide.

Although this level cannot kill gods and demons in one second like Di Jun, it can also fight against gods and demons to the extent that the outcome is unknown.

Although Hongjun was killed in one second when facing the immortal gods and demons, it was because he was restrained. If it was the gods and demons of light, it would be different, not to mention that the immortal gods and demons are still gods and demons with flesh...

The third level is Hou Tu and Luo Hou, this kind of pseudo-monsters. If you say they are monsters, they are very weak compared to gods and demons. No matter who they are, they can't match the fighting power of gods and demons, and they are all bloody.

Say they are not monsters, hey, there are really few other Hunyuan strongmen in the prehistoric world who can beat them.

In addition, the ability of these two guys to save their lives is too strong, so they can barely be regarded as monsters.

Hou Tu is naturally stronger than Luo Hou. She has the support of reincarnation and is almost immortal, unless someone destroys reincarnation.

But if you really want to destroy the reincarnation, the first thing you have to face is the reincarnation gods and demons, and the second is to face the punishment of heaven!

Although Hunyuan is not affected by cause and effect, it is only not affected by the cause and effect between living beings, not the cause and effect of heaven and earth.

Those who have committed great sins in heaven and earth, be prepared to accept the punishment of heaven!

As for the realm of heaven, that is Hunyuan Wuji Jinxian.

At present, no one in the prehistoric world can bear it.

As for Luohou, that is a pseudo-monster among pseudo-monsters. His resurrection is limited, not infinite.

So, if someone really waits for him to kill every day, this guy will die sooner or later.

But he still has the final say on where and when to resurrect.

As for Zulong, that is an unknown number. No one knows how strong he is. He may be in the same level as Taiyi and Hongjun, or in the same level as Houtu and Luohou, or he may not be a demon at all.

Since the Longhan Calamity, no one has seen Zulong take action.

Although the human race does not have such a demon, and has not even reached the level of a pseudo-monster, there is a demon among demons among demons in front of them!

Let me ask, who in the world can be like Xuanyuan, who has been a mortal for a hundred years, stepped into the immortal in one step, and reached the top of Hunyuan?

This is not the most exaggerated. The most exaggerated is that Xuanyuan now has more than 1,900 kinds of innate avenues. When he goes back to digest the insights of this trip, he may reach the terrifying level of 2,000 kinds of innate avenues!

The acquired avenues are as numerous as cattle hairs, countless, and there are tens of thousands of them.

And these are just icing on the cake, which is the sword way and the way of the ten thousand ways.

What is really powerful is the addition of the innate avenues, which are truly terrifying.

In addition, the sword cultivators are inherently unparalleled in attack!

If it is really against an enemy, then I don’t know how terrifying Xuanyuan’s sword is!

In the temple.

Su Ming looked up at the sky and murmured to himself: "The people of the past generations who died for the human race, you should take a good look! See how the new emperor leads the human race to the strongest!"

"When Xuanyuan is perfect, it is the time for us to come out of the mountain."

Shi Hao’s eyes were shining brightly, and he seemed to be eager for that day to come!

For that day, Shi Hao has been fighting against himself who was transformed by his own self-transformation method every day these days!


Shi Hao, who wanted to quickly improve his combat power, found that it was most reliable to find a way to enhance his combat power from the magical power than the obscure avenue.

So, after countless days and nights of meditation, he finally succeeded in improving this method.

Let his Hua Zi Da Fa be able to perfectly replicate the clone of his original body with all its combat power!

But this also has disadvantages, that is, through his own divine power, he can communicate with himself in another time and space in the dark, and then replicate his combat power on that clone of his own body.

In this way, he can only replicate one clone with all his combat power, because it is extremely difficult to transmit himself in another time and space across the limitations of infinite time and space.

This is because he has comprehended the Great Dao of Time and the Great Dao of Space again!

Or he can only replicate countless clones that are one level lower than himself.

And that is not as good as Hun Yuan. In a real battle, it is just a chicken rib and a meaningless existence.

Moreover, this Hua Zi Da Fa can only be used by himself.

It is still far from being spread to the entire human race...

But for him, it also greatly improves his combat power.

In the past, he could not fight Taiyi. In the future, even if he cannot defeat Taiyi, he should be able to hold Taiyi back!

Of course, when fighting against opponents of the same realm and combat power, the effect of his clone is naturally one plus one is much greater than two.

But if he fights against those who are much more powerful than himself, then the effect of this clone is definitely one plus one is much less than two.

If it is equal to two, then Taiyi can be beaten...

Unfortunately, it can't.

The general degree is like Taiyi is 1.5 times Shi Hao's combat power, and two Shi Haos are only 1.4 times their own combat power when facing Taiyi.

But if he faces someone with the same combat power as Shi Hao, then the combat power of two Shi Haos facing him is more than two times.

The effect fluctuates, but even so, it is a great improvement.

Because for those whose strength is not much different from Shi Hao, they can't beat Shi Hao.

And for those who are much stronger than Shi Hao, as long as the gap is not too big, they can also contain the opponent.


West, Buddhism.

"Zunti, Jieyin, greet the teacher!"

Zunti and Jieyin bowed to the ancestor Yangmei and said.

"What's the matter?"

Yangmei opened his eyes and asked softly.

"Teacher, when the human race is in turmoil, should we continue to promote the Taoism? Even seduce them!" Zhunti said shamelessly, not feeling ashamed of his words at all.

Yangmei frowned when he heard this, and quickly counted with his fingers.

After a long time.

Yangmei's eyes showed great joy, and he smiled and said: "Let the Buddhist disciples go to save all living beings, and the practice can be stopped for the time being."

"Yes, the disciple will obey the teacher's order." Zhunti lowered his eyebrows and agreed, with a smile on his lips.

He knew that Yangmei would definitely agree to this matter.

Because only a fool would not agree.

But if you want all the Buddhists to go out, you must ask for Yangmei's order.

Except for Kinnara, all the Buddhist disciples seemed to be bewitched by Yangmei and obeyed Yangmei's words.

Only Kinnara had his own persistence, and it was this persistence that made him disliked by Yangmei.

After seeing Zhunti's smile, Yangmei immediately warned: "Remember, don't bewitch the human race, otherwise there may be disasters."

Zhunti's smile froze for a moment, but then he still performed a Buddhist ceremony and said: "Follow the command of the Tathagata."

This call of Tathagata also made Yangmei hear some dissatisfaction in Zhunti's heart, but he didn't care about it. As long as he was doing things for Buddhism and for himself, it didn't matter if he was a little dissatisfied.

Then, Zhunti and Jieyin left and left the place where Yangmei was in seclusion.

As soon as he walked out, Zhunti's face showed an unhappy expression, and he complained: "Brother, the teacher is too timid! At this time, if we don't seize the turmoil of the human race to bewitch them, when will we be able to bewitch them!"

Jie Yin was horrified when he heard this, and quickly stretched out his hand to cover Zhunti's mouth, and warned: "Brother! How can you say that? If he knows, you will burn yourself!"

Zhunti took Jie Yin's hand down nonchalantly, and said with a smile: "Brother, the two of us are now in the realm of Hunyuan, and the teacher is also in the realm of Hunyuan. Hunyuan cannot wipe out Hunyuan. In this case, why should I be afraid of him?"

Jie Yin frowned when he heard this, and after thinking about it carefully, it seemed to be true, and his face eased a lot immediately.

As if Zhunti had not said enough, he continued, "What's more, Buddhism is not prosperous nowadays, and there are only a few people who have achieved Hunyuan. He has to use us two brothers."

Jie Yin nodded slightly and said with a smile, "Although that's the case, you can't say it in front of him. If he knows it, he will probably be unhappy."

Zhunti nodded, smiled at Jie Yin, and everything was said without words.

If you can't say it in front of Yangmei, then where can you say it?

Of course not in front of Yangmei!

Zhunti and Jie Yin also stood up completely.

In fact, they are the real founders of Buddhism and the ones who really made great efforts for the prosperity of Buddhism.

They are the ones who spread Buddhism, and they arranged people to spread Buddhism.

Yangmei, Yinyang, and Shichen were like hands-off shopkeepers. They established a Buddhist sect and threw almost all affairs to these two people.

And they would only come forward if they couldn't handle the matter.

If Yangmei occasionally makes decisions on important Buddhist matters, then the other two are completely Buddhist.

But then again, if Yangmei and the other two hadn't gone to the West to convert Western religions, Buddhism would probably not exist until now, and Zhunti and Jieyin would not know when they would be able to achieve the state of Hunyuan.

In the final analysis, they are all mutually beneficial, and if they work together, both sides will win, but if they separate, both sides will lose.

This is also why Zhunti is sure that Yangmei will not touch him.

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