Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 415: Change of ownership of Buddhism

A retreat.

His raised eyebrows turned blue and white alternately.

"Zhunti, Jieyin...two wolves with ambition..."

Do these two people really think he is blind or deaf? !

Everything just now was collected in Yangmei's eyes.

Originally, he was sure that Ti Mian had a displeased look on his face, and was afraid that this guy would go against his will, but then he actually saw him complaining about himself, and he even successfully deflected the invitation.


Finally, he raised his eyebrows and snorted, closing his eyes.

They all use each other, and if they talk about emotions, it would be too contrary to their wishes.

Since he has used these two people to accomplish what he needs, now even if the other party turns against him, there is actually no loss.

What's more, Zhunti and Jieyin would never fall out with him.

Because the two of them have been firmly tied to the big cart of Buddhism, he really doesn't believe that those two guys can give up and not fly away.

the other side.

After Zhunti summoned Yangmei's decree from the Great Leiyin Temple, he also succeeded in getting many Bodhisattvas and Arhats to go to the Southern Wilderness human race to preach and preach the Dharma.

Looking at these people leaving, Zhunti nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Brother, the teacher's decree is really useful!"

Jie Yin was stunned when he heard the words, and then understood what Zhunti meant.

Zhunti probably meant that he wanted to make the decision in Buddhism, so he said it like this.

As expected, a message came from Zhunti: "Senior Brother, when will our words be truly useful in Buddhism!"

"I don't know, I may never know this moment."

Jie Yin shook his head slightly and sighed.

A fierce look flashed in Zhunti's eyes, and he winked at Jie Yin.

Immediately, he left the Great Leiyin Temple in a flash and headed towards the chaos.

Jie Yin also hurriedly followed.

After a while, the two arrived in the chaos.

Jie Yin looked at his junior brother who had stopped and couldn't help but asked curiously: "Junior brother, what can I say that I have to run into this chaos to say?"

He was very puzzled. This guy dared to scold each other at the door of Yangmei Retreat, so why did he have to come into the chaos now.

Could it be that he wants to rebel against Buddhism?

No, on this point, if this is really the case, he must stop his junior brother.

Just when there were thousands of thoughts in his mind, Zhunti smiled slightly and said: "That old guy controls the avenue of space, and he can be found anywhere. But in this chaos, there is no space, so he can't eavesdrop on me." Waiting words.”

Jie Yin frowned and wanted to urge Zhunti to see if he was rebelling against Buddhism.

Seeing Jie Yin's anxious look, Zhunti said quickly: "Senior brother, don't worry, junior brother, I am not trying to rebel against Buddhism, but I want to seize power!"

Zhunti seemed to be able to see through Jie Yin's thoughts. One sentence made Jie Yin feel relieved, but the next sentence immediately made Jie Yin feel excited again.

"Junior brother, why did you say this? If something happens, wouldn't it be suppressed by them? Moreover, they are three sacred gods. How can you and I win?" Jie Yin was so frightened that he quickly tried to persuade him.

Although this seizure of power is better than rebellion, in the eyes of Yangmei and others, it is not enough to permanently suppress the two of them. No matter what, they can't stand up, otherwise it would be okay.

Zhun knew this in advance, smiled slightly, and said: "Senior brother, no, those three people are not of the same mind. At least the future ancestor will not collude with the teacher and the past ancestor."

"Even so, he will never come to help us. Two against two, we still can't beat them." Jie Yin shook his head and sighed.

There is no way, if you can't beat it, you just can't beat it.

Although his Cause and Effect Avenue is very powerful in calculating people, it is still inferior to this kind of head-on battle.

What's more, the two guys he faced were among the top sacred ones in the world. The reason why Yangmei seemed like he couldn't beat anyone was because he played all high-end rounds, either Hongjun or Tianting.

Only those who have beaten him can become a ghost, but if it were someone else, it would not be comparable to the average Hunyuan.

Zhunti smiled mysteriously and said softly: "So, we are going to ask someone for help."


Jie Yin asked.

"Our previous teacher." Zhunti said with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Immediately after receiving the offer, his expression changed drastically, and he continued: "No! Absolutely no!"

Ask Hongjun for help?

Isn't that seeking death? According to Hongjun's character, they had betrayed him before. If they went to ask for help again, wouldn't they be falling into a trap?

Zhunti shook his head slightly and sighed: "Senior Brother, why can't you understand? Previously, the teacher took the lead in an attempt to destroy the Immortal Ancestor. As a result, the deadly feud between the two has been forged.

Although we also participated, we were not the leader after all, and we did not really do anything to him.

Now, when we go, the Immortal Ancestor will probably help us. With the help of the Immortal Ancestor, when the time comes, we will be able to pull Yangmei off his horse, expel him from Buddhism, or appoint him to another position. Then, Senior Brother, you will be Tathagata, isn’t it wonderful? ! "

Jie Yin nodded when he heard this. It seemed to make sense. If it was in the past, Hongjun would obviously choose to use them to suppress Yangmei first. After all, no matter how much they betrayed, it was Hongjun who did something wrong to them first, not to mention that they had not really hurt each other.

Finally, Jie Yin nodded and agreed: "Then it's up to you, but at that time, the position of Tathagata in Buddhism will still be held by you, my brother. I have no intention of power, I just want to cultivate."

"Brother, you must not..." Zhunti said hurriedly when he heard this.

In his heart, he has always admired Jie Yin very much, because before he grew up, it was Jie Yin who always protected him and preached to him.

"I have made up my mind, don't say anything more."

Jie Yin said very firmly.

In his heart, the one who can really lead Buddhism forward is still Zhunti.


In Zixiao Palace.

Immortal Ancestor Hongjun sat at the top and sighed slightly.

What was supposed to come came, and what was not supposed to come also came.

Then, he waved his hand.

The palace gate opened wide.

When Zhunti and Jieyin arrived at Zixiao Palace, they were overjoyed and hurried inside.

They knelt on the ground and cried with a bit of tears: "Thank you teacher for your mercy..."

"I already know the purpose of your visit, please go back. After all, I was the first to feel guilty about the previous matter. Now the grudges are over. There is no relationship between you and me anymore. Don't call each other teacher and student anymore."

Hongjun, who was sitting at the top, raised his hands slightly and lifted the two up.

Then he closed his eyes tightly and said no more.

Zhunti saw that he did not really drive him away, so he knelt down again and shouted: "Please, teacher, please have mercy on the sentient beings of Buddhism. I, Zhunti, am willing to swear to the Great Dao to honor the immortal gate forever!!!"

When Hongjun heard this, his eyes opened instantly, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes, but he did not show it. Instead, he sighed leisurely, with a look of pity in his eyes, and said: "Well, you and I are a master and apprentice. Although we are no longer a master and a student, we still have a master and apprentice relationship. In this way, I will help you one last time."

As he said, he took out a sacred breath in his hand.

That breath seemed to be invisible and tangible, like real and fake.

Zhunti and Jieyin saw this, their eyes widened, looking at this thing in disbelief.

Until the breath fell into Zhunti's hands, the two turned around and shouted: "Thank you for your love, teacher!!!"

Hongjun nodded slightly, and then closed his eyes indifferently.

Zhunti quickly collected the supreme aura and nourished it in his soul.

"Teacher, we bid farewell..."

Zunti and Jieyin quickly stood up and went outside.

There was no teacher-student relationship between them, they just used each other.

Although it is said that you have to pay a little face and dignity, but how much is that kind of thing per pound?


"Brother! Buddhism should flourish, and you and I should flourish!!!" Zhunti forcibly suppressed the shock and excitement in his heart, but still couldn't help shouting.


Jieyin couldn't help laughing.

Originally, the two of them came here to want Hongjun to suppress Yangmei, but they didn't expect Hongjun to directly give them a little heavenly aura.


Inside Zixiao Palace.

When Zhunti and Jieyin left, a figure drifted over.

"Would you be so kind?" The ethereal voice floated in Zixiao Palace.

"Haha, how could it be? I wish I could get rid of these two people as soon as possible."

Hongjun's words were indifferent, and there was no hatred in them.

"Since the game has been set, we must make sure it is watertight and completely control Buddhism in our own hands..."

The Immortal God and Demon looked at Hongjun meaningfully, and after he finished speaking, his figure disappeared.

"Buddha is originally an immortal~"

Hongjun said leisurely with a smile on his face.

The words echoed in the hall, endlessly.


Western, Buddhism.

When the three ancestors of Buddhism were recovering from their injuries.

Zhunti and Jieyin used the breath of heaven in their hands as a guide to continuously improve the teachings and foundations of Buddhism.

Jieyin mainly practiced the cause and effect. Originally, cause and effect was just a means in Buddhism, and the main doctrine was the Buddha's way provided by the old ancestor Yangmei.

But with the strengthening of these two people, Buddhism began to gradually change.

No longer emphasizing Buddha or Bodhisattva, but gradually began to become cause and effect.

Taking the birth, aging, sickness, death, greed, anger, ignorance, seven emotions and six desires of all races as the starting point, it widely promotes cause and effect and faith.

You can not believe in Buddhism, but you cannot not believe in the cause and effect of Buddhism.

Under this doctrine, it is important to eliminate desires and suppress nature, so as to pursue the great way and seek spiritual freedom.

Don't fight, don't grab.

What is yours is yours, and it is useless to fight for what is not yours.

This is the current doctrine of Buddhism.

With the modification of these two people, Buddhism has changed from the original pursuit of Buddha and Bodhisattva to not fighting, not fighting for anything, and you will get everything in the next life.

The more you fight for something, the less you will get.

Everything is destined by God, and if you want to change the fate of your next life, then believe in Buddhism, believe in cause and effect, and do more good deeds, so that you can live a good life in the next life.

In addition, in the present-day prehistoric world, those who do not enter the Primordial World are all ants.

The strength of all living beings is very different, and many weak creatures have begun to believe in the cause and effect of Buddhism. They should lie down and enjoy themselves. Anyway, they will not be punished by heaven if they do not do evil, and they can still live comfortably.

Therefore, under the promotion of Buddhism, the theory of cause and effect fatalism began to become popular, and the prehistoric world began to gradually become peaceful.

This effectively alleviated the situation that a civil strife was about to break out among the human race, but many human kings immediately refused to allow Buddhists to enter the human territory.

Because of this propaganda, their future rebellion will not be able to progress at all.

If Shennong abdicated and passed the throne to Xuanyuan, if all those tribesmen believed in this bullshit cause and effect fate, how could they resist Xuanyuan?

When your own people began to not believe in your words, what's the point of rebelling!

This became the first time in the history of the human race that they started the campaign to destroy Buddhism, and they resolutely did not allow any Buddhists to appear in their territory, otherwise they would be killed.

Although the Three Buddhas of Buddhism knew all this, they could do nothing about it.

Because the doctrines written by Zhunti and Jie Yin used the breath of heaven, once they were engraved, the Buddhist doctrines changed immediately.

Buddhist believers also changed from believing in the Buddha to believing in cause and effect.

From then on, all Buddhists believed in Jie Yin and Zhunti.

Because the cause and effect of Buddhism was proposed by Jie Yin and Zhunti.

And the strength of these two people is also increasing day by day, growing rapidly.

Compared with the violent seizure of power at the beginning, this silent seizure of power is obviously better.

From then on, Buddhism also changed from obeying the Three Buddhas to obeying Jie Yin and Zhunti.

Among the human race.

It is not only those human kings who have two hearts who prohibit the implementation of Buddhist doctrines, but even other human kings have begun to ban Buddhist doctrines.

The reason is very simple. The cause and effect fatalism of Buddhism has caused many human race members to fall into an endless cycle.

Without practicing, they indulge in low-level enjoyment all day long.

There is no more motivation in their minds. They only think about not doing bad things in this life, doing more good things, and being able to achieve Hunyuan in the next life.

Even Xuanyuan was promoted by Buddhism. Everyone said that he had done something that was beneficial to the prehistoric world in his previous life, so he would directly enter Hunyuan in this life for a hundred years and succeed the position of the next emperor of the human race.

But they did not think that Xuanyuan's merits in his previous life were in the prehistoric world, so there would be heaven to make up for it.

And the good deeds they did were only from their own perspective.

For example, when a sheep was about to be bitten to death by a wolf, they rescued it. This was a good thing for the sheep, but a bad thing for the wolf.

This kind of thing is not called good.

The way of heaven does not care about the distinction between good and evil. The way of heaven cares about the good and evil of heaven and earth.

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