Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 416 Mahayana Buddhism, Ksitigarbha Cicada

The underworld is also in charge of good and evil during life. At most, it only affects the type of reincarnation and does not affect anything else. And this is just a set of rules created by Hou Tu. In fact, if Hou Tu intends to destroy the prehistoric world, it will be the other way around. That's fine, this is man-made.

This kind of cause and effect is the teaching preached by Buddhism.

The cause and effect of the Great Spiritual Guan is the real cause and effect. If you do something bad to me, then there is hatred between the two of us, which must be resolved. Otherwise, if the Taoist heart is not perfect, it will be difficult to break through the realm of cultivation.

Therefore, what all races and spirits in the prehistoric past seek is the Tao, rather than truly believing in cause and effect.

"Interesting, what a Buddhist, what a quasi-titi guide! The Avenue of Cause and Effect has directly taken away the foundation of Buddhism! From now on, most living beings in the prehistoric times will no longer believe in Buddha, and will only believe in cause and effect!!!"

At this time, even Ye Xuan couldn't help but smile.

After the fundamental changes in Buddhism, it was not just the third-generation ancestors who lost their power. In the future, even many believers would no longer respect them as before.

Previously, everyone practiced Buddhism for the purpose of seeking Buddha and becoming a Buddha.

But when the idea of ​​cause and effect became the foundation of Buddhism, it became even more out of control. It was no longer just the Buddhist believers who believed in this thing, everyone even began to believe in the theory of cause and effect.

The Buddhist theory of cause and effect is far more publicized than the Buddhist theory of becoming a Buddha.

And this kind of Buddhism is more interesting, it is no longer the previous Buddhism that only confuses people.

"It will be fun when the gods and demons of Buddha wake up..."

The corners of Ye Xuan's mouth raised slightly as he thought of this.

In the past Buddhism, as long as the gods and demons of the Buddha were revived, there was no doubt that he would be the master of Buddhism, because he was the source of the Buddha, and all those who practiced Buddhism were cultivating him.

But now if the Buddha's God and Demon revives, unless he takes it away by force, otherwise, under the guidance of Jie Yin and Zhunti, everyone will not recognize him.

Because what Zhunti and Jieyin propose is the Supreme Way of Heaven. You will not get any benefits just because you worship the Buddha in your heart, nor will you get any disadvantages just because you slander the Buddha.

Everything the way of heaven does is caused by cause and effect, and everything is determined by cause and effect.

As long as you have good causes, you will get good results.

On the contrary, there will be negative consequences.

And all final retribution also depends on previous cause and effect.

Therefore, you don’t have to respect Buddha and still get a good afterlife.

A real Buddha will not be angry or happy because you respect him or not. The Buddha in Buddhism is an external image, and is not necessarily a real Buddha. People do not need to seek it, nor do they need to escape into Buddhism. As long as they have a heart to A kind heart will bear good fruits sooner or later.

As long as you are dedicated to good deeds and the opportunity comes, you will become a true Buddha.

The real Buddha here is no longer the golden Buddha, but a state, a state of mind.

With the spread of this doctrine, Buddhism has changed from being opposed by everyone at the beginning to being tolerated by all races.

Because the pattern of Buddhism has been completely opened up, the spread of Buddhism has expanded dozens of times.

I don’t know how many people want to escape into Buddhism and worship under the two men Jieying and Zhunti to practice Buddhism, hoping to understand everything and become a true Buddha.

Therefore, the power under Jie Yin and Zhunti instantly expanded, far exceeding that of the three ancestors of Buddhism in the past.

Those who rely on the path of bewitchment to travel through the heavens will naturally not be recognized by those people, but it is different now. Buddhism has changed drastically, and it is almost no longer the same Buddhism.

Buddhism, Daleiyin Temple.

Zhunti sat on the main seat, with Yin Ying beside him. Below him were many Bodhisattvas, Arhats, Vajra, Bhikkhus, and Bhikkhunis.

The previous three Buddhas have long since disappeared, and they are all unable to retreat.

However, they have not left Buddhism, because the luck of Buddhism is so high now, and there is a god and demon suppressing it, so they do not dare to leave wantonly.

"Senior brother, the time has come to kick those three people out of the game completely."

Zhunti's eyes flashed, and a message was transmitted to Jie Yin's mind.

Jie Yin nodded slightly and smiled but said nothing.

Seeing this, Zhunti spoke slowly and said: "The teachings of Buddhism today are far different from the Buddhism of the past. The general trend of heaven has determined that Buddhism should be divided into Mahayana and Hinayana. In the past, Buddhism was narrow and only sought to become a Buddha for itself, forgetting to teach all races and all races." Spirit, today Buddhism is vast and should be able to save people in the world.

Therefore, from today onwards, my senior fellow apprentices and I shall be followers of Mahayana Buddhism, and the sects of our ancestors in the past three generations shall be followers of Hinayana Buddhism. Together they are one, and we shall be followers of Buddhism! ! ! "

“This is a great word!!!”

Jie Yin smiled and nodded.

Buzz! ! !

As the words of Zhunti and Jieyin fell, the destiny of Buddhism between heaven and earth was suddenly divided into two parts, but they were connected with each other.

The destiny of Buddhism, which had prospered dozens of times due to the preaching of Zhunti and Jie Ying, suddenly split into two parts. Mahayana Buddhism occupied 95% of the destiny of Buddhism, while Theravada Buddhism only occupied a mere half. Good luck!


The eyebrows raised in seclusion were raised momentarily, and then the fingers kept counting.

"What a good introduction and accurate mention!!! Wolf ambition!!! Wolf ambition!!!"

Raising his eyebrows, his face suddenly changed, and he cursed angrily, without any concern that his words would be felt by Zhunti and Jieyin at this time.

For him, these are no longer things!

The Buddhist luck that had skyrocketed dozens of times was torn apart again. Naturally, it was already torn apart!

It was originally difficult for Buddhism to recruit disciples. Apart from those disciples who were initially enlightened, there have not been many disciples added in recent years.

But with the actions of Zhunti and Jieyin, although their power was taken away, fortunately they had dozens of times more luck, which allowed their injuries to recover very quickly, and their cultivation levels improved. The speed suddenly increased dozens of times, because they no longer felt that it was so obscure when they realized the avenue.

But what the hell happened, now these two guys kicked them away, leaving them with nothing but their previous Buddhist luck.

Although he had more luck than before, he could not be angry after enjoying the speed of comprehending the great road and then returning to the previous level of obscurity.

the other side.

"Thieves!!! Thieves!!! Rebellious ministers and thieves!! Anyone who can find them will be punished!!"

Shi Shi, who had always been unable to calm down, became even more furious when he saw this, and even wanted to kill Jieying and Zhunti in front of so many people in Buddhism.

But then he still held back, because if he really dared to take action against Jieyin and Zhunti, the gods and demons of light above would be the first to refuse.


After the Yin-Yang Patriarch, who had always been very evil-minded, noticed this, his eyes became extremely cold. Faced with all this happening, he rationally said nothing.

But this does not mean that he can let go of this matter in his heart.

"You can't stay in Buddhism for long, you have to find a place to escape as soon as possible..."

Ancestor Yin Yang had mixed feelings in his heart. He had the intention to cause division and make Yangmei and Shi Chen uncomfortable, but he did not dare to do it due to the light gods and demons.

But now Zhunti and Jieyin are doing it openly and openly in front of the God of Light, and the other party doesn't even say a word, and maybe they even agree with it.

The luck of Buddhism will definitely be occupied by the gods and demons of light, because Jie Yin and Zhunti dare not classify him as Theravada Buddhism.

In this case, he can still take advantage of his luck, and the chess piece of Buddhism is indeed more powerful and easier to use in the hands of those two people.

To a certain extent, Jie Yin and Zhunti also helped Patriarch Yin Yang take revenge for the past, but after all, this was not his own doing, and it also damaged his luck, so how could he not hate it? Woolen cloth.

Both Zhunti and Jie Yin felt the abuse coming from Yangmei, but they didn't care about it. Instead, they looked at each other and smiled.

Insults are nothing but the last resort of the weak.

"From today onwards, the Tathagata of Mahayana Buddhism will be seated by Zhunti."

Jieyin Youyou opened his mouth and clasped his hands to Zhunti beside him.

Zhunti quickly lowered his head and clasped his hands in return.

"From now on, the Tathagata of Mahayana Buddhism shall be the Tathagata of Buddhism, and the Tathagata of Hinayana Buddhism shall not be the Tathagata of Buddhism." Zhunti raised the corners of his mouth slightly, stimulating the luck of Buddhism, and easily grabbed the position of Buddhism Tathagata in his hands.

For a moment, he clearly felt that his luck had increased a lot.

"Praise to the Tathagata for his great compassion, great wisdom, and great perseverance. We all respect and worship him!!!"

The many Bodhisattvas, Arhats, Vajras, monks, and bhikkhunis below all bowed down and bowed to Chunti, clasping their hands together.

Zhunti smiled compassionately and nodded slightly.

Then, he spoke again: "Today, Mahayana Buddhism was first established. The leading Buddha should be the ancient Buddha of Mahayana Buddhism. He is the ancient Buddha of Buddhism and enjoys the blessing of Buddhism."

the other side.

Unable to bear it, Patriarch Shi went directly to Patriarch Yangmei's door. After entering, he said directly: "Fellow Taoist, those two juniors actually dared to kick us out!"

Yangmei had already calmed down and replied calmly: "What else can we do? Also, he didn't kick two of us, but three of us."

Shi Chen's face was stunned, and then he said impatiently: "Fellow Taoist, don't worry about how many people he kicked. What should we do now? Leave Buddhism and leave?"

He raised his eyebrows and shook his head slightly, saying: "So, doesn't this Buddhism's luck all belong to them? No way."

"Then what should we do..." Ancestor Shi sighed and said.

At this moment, he discovered that the only ancient Buddhas in Buddhism who could enjoy some luck from Mahayana Buddhism had also been deprived of him. In an instant, his luck dissipated, and he could only enjoy a little bit from Hinayana Buddhism.

"Thief!!! Thief!!!"

Ancestor Shi was so angry that he was itching his teeth. If it weren't for the gods and demons of light on the other side, he would really have crushed those two guys to ashes.

Jie Yin nodded slightly, clasped his hands together, lowered his head and said, "Please obey my Buddhist teachings."

Zhunti smiled, clasped his hands together, and accepted the gift uprightly.

This was also the only time he received the greeting salute.

Because this is a canonization, no matter how respectful he is in his heart, he must not bow his head.

And his Buddha status was passed down from Jie Yin, from which we can also know Jie Yin's status.

"Praise the ancient Buddha for my great compassion, great perseverance, and great wisdom!"

Everyone below also saluted Jie Yin once again.

Reciprocate gifts.

Later, Zhunti shouted again: "In the past, those who had great supernatural powers and great wisdom in Buddhism were called the Great Bright Tathagata. Now they are called the Great Bright Tathagata of Mahayana Buddhism. They are located above the Tathagata and should enjoy the fate of Buddhism."

After that, he and Jie Yin stood up together, clasped their hands and bowed in the direction of the Great Tathagata of Light.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared in Daleiyin Temple and turned into a big character.


"Praise to the Great Tathagata of Light!!"

Everyone bowed their heads, including Zhunti and Jieyin.

When the two bowed their heads and bowed, they looked slightly sideways and saw the smile in each other's eyes.

Then, he stood up slowly, turned around and looked at the many Buddhist disciples below, with a smile on his face.

At this point, Buddhism has legitimately become the Buddhism of the two of them, and the so-called Third World Buddha has been directly kicked out by the two of them.

And today's Buddhism has become a Buddhism under the control of the two of them.

"In this way, your status will remain unchanged. You will be canonized when you become a Buddha in the future." Zhunti said with a slight smile.

It is also impossible to rush over and make them a Buddha just because the other party has experienced a change of dynasty. This is not acceptable.

If their strength does not reach the realm of Hunyuan, it is impossible for them to become Buddhas.

It is worth mentioning that Jieyin took on a good disciple named Ksitigarbha.

Zhunti also took in a good disciple named Jin Chan, which was a cicada that appeared on his bodhi tree. During that time, he listened to them deducing the Buddhist ways every day and finally realized the way and transformed into another form.

Therefore, he was admitted as a disciple by Zhunti.

Both of these people were trained as Buddhist successors, and Zhunti did not intend to be a Tathagata for the rest of his life. He wanted to imitate the Human Emperor of the human race and retire with success.

One generation has its own affairs, otherwise it will be easy to relax.

When the time comes, whichever of these two guys is better will be chosen as the Buddha.

Ksitigarbha knew from birth that his talent and intelligence were formed from the treasures of heaven and earth. The many essences of heaven and earth in his body were of a different species.

There are five immortals in the Zhoutian, which are the gods, humans and ghosts of heaven and earth; there are five insects, which are scales, feathers and insects. This fellow is neither heaven nor earth, nor a god, nor a man, nor a ghost, nor a scale, nor hair, nor feathers, nor a feather.

Ksitigarbha is not one of these. He can be regarded as a heterogeneous species even if he does not belong to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, so he is extremely talented.

Today's cultivation has reached the level of Da Luo Jinxian, far behind Jin Chan who is in the realm of Heavenly Immortal.

Because Ksitigarbha already possessed the realm of the Golden Immortal from the moment he was conceived to the moment he emerged, which is unmatched by the Golden Cicada.

Ksitigarbha was born with a big mind, tolerance for all, a compassionate heart, full knowledge of Buddhism, and a very gentle and welcoming heart, so he was accepted as a disciple.

But Jin Chan is different. Although he has the same compassionate heart, he has some scheming and has some palaces, so he is valued by Zhunti.

Beyond chaos.

In Zixiao Palace.

Just as the Buddhist sect was splitting apart, Hongjun's mouth was already smiling so hard that he couldn't close it.

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