Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 417: Immortal Ancestor’s Plan, Virtual Communication Platform

"Buddhism is divided into small and big Buddhism, great, great Zhunti and Jieyin, you really didn't disappoint me!"

Hongjun's mouth corners slightly raised, and his whole body was shrouded in the aura of immortals. He had long blocked this side of Zixiao Palace from the outside. As long as he didn't take the initiative to see him, no one could find his existence in the boundless chaos.

"Although Buddhism is divided, Zhunti and Jieyin still almost monopolize the luck of Buddhism, and even the Three Buddhas of Hinayana Buddhism still have the previous luck of Buddhism. No matter how I look at it, this is not a good thing."

The immortal gods and demons suddenly appeared in front of Hongjun. He used to be everywhere in the prehistoric world. In addition to discovering several former chaotic Taoist friends who were still hiding, he felt that the prehistoric world was very boring.

Even the Taoist friends who could talk were gone.

The level of the bright gods and demons is too low now, and they are not at the same level as him. A god and demon that even Hongjun can't beat has the face to call himself a god and demon.

Ashamed to be associated with him, this is the true portrayal of the Immortal Gods and Demons to the Light Gods and Demons now.

"Immortal Lord."

Hongjun lowered his head, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, but he did not show it to the Immortal Gods and Demons.

He raised his head slightly and smiled, explaining: "The luck of Buddhism has risen greatly. This is the trend of heaven. I just made it happen a little earlier, so that Buddhism can be split.

Even though they are still Buddhism and have not really separated, no matter whether our Immortal Sect fights Mahayana Buddhism or Hinayana Buddhism, they will just watch from the sidelines and will not help.

What's more, the luck for a while is nothing but delusion. If you really want it to last long, how can you follow their wishes?"

Hearing this, the Immortal Gods and Demons looked at Hongjun deeply.

The guy in front of him was too scheming. He felt that this guy was more than just this trick.

So, He continued to ask: "You mean, now is a good time for you to divide and destroy it?"

Hongjun smiled again and shook his head slightly, saying: "Buddhism cannot be destroyed. The trend of heaven is the rise of all ways. No school can fall, so Buddhism is impossible.

What's more, I have a better way to make Buddhism work for my immortal sect!"

The gods and demons of the immortal sect became interested and said quickly: "Oh? What do you mean?"

He didn't want to destroy Buddhism. After all, it was the Taoism of the Buddha and the gods and demons. They were brothers in the chaos. How could He exterminate each other's Taoism?

But this does not mean that He does not want the immortal sect to grow stronger. The stronger the immortal sect is, the more benefits He can get.

"The previous Heavenly Dao Secret Treasure, that was tampered by me. That was the Heavenly Dao Secret Treasure that I refined, which carried the foundation of Buddhism. After that, Buddhism should be used by me and by the Immortal Lord!"

Hongjun raised his mouth, a smug look appeared in his eyes, and he bowed his head slightly to the Immortal Gods and Demons and said.

This is his self-protection method!

This is the method he used to threaten the Immortal Gods and Demons to save his life!

Want to let Buddhism be used by the Immortal Sect?

It's very simple, then let him live! If he lives, Buddhism will always be a dog of the Immortal Sect!

Because Zhunti and Jieyin dare not disobey his orders, as long as he makes a move, the foundation of Buddhism will be shaken. If he wants to destroy Buddhism, why does he need to attack so hard? Just destroy the Heavenly Dao Secret Treasure that carries the foundation of Buddhism.

At that time, the foundation of Mahayana Buddhism will be gone, and the luck will dissipate in an instant. Under the huge backlash of luck, there will be no way for Zhunti and Jie Yin to survive.

In other words, no matter what, these two guys will be his playthings in the future.

No, to be precise, whoever is the Buddha of Mahayana Buddhism will be his plaything.

This is Hongjun, this is the Immortal Ancestor!

As expected, when the Immortal God and Demon heard this, the smile on his face immediately stopped, and his face changed, staring at Hongjun in front of him.

"Good! What a Hongjun! He is worthy of being a guy who stands out from the myriad races and spirits of the prehistoric world!"

The Immortal God and Demon first laughed angrily, and then a playful look appeared on his face, and he jokingly said: "Are you so sure that I will hold on to Buddhism?"


Suddenly, Hongjun's face changed and sank in an instant.

Yes, if this guy is really willing to sacrifice himself, his life is still in the hands of the other party.

He smiled bitterly and said, "As expected of the Immortal Lord, I am ashamed of myself. The Immortal Lord's methods are far better than mine."


The Immortal God and Demon laughed loudly when he heard this, and stopped only after he almost cried. Then he said with emotion: "You are wrong, I am not good at methods, on the contrary, it is you who are good at methods. Whether it is the previous calculation of the three clans, or the later calculation of the world and sentient beings, or the current calculation of Buddhism, your methods have always been top-notch in the prehistoric world."

The sudden praise made Hongjun slightly stunned, a little surprised, he did not expect this guy to praise himself.

What a proud existence, the Great Dao God and Demon, actually praised others? !

"Do you know where you lost?"

The Immortal God and Demon asked back.

Hongjun shook his head slightly, recalled the past, sighed, and said with a sense of loss: "I don't know..."

"You have lost in terms of strength. Whether it is opportunity, perseverance, wisdom, etc., you are above all living beings in the wild, but you are not strong enough. Your strength is not enough to support you to reach the highest level, so you will do it once Another failure.

Although you were not strong enough when you planned the three tribes at the beginning, the requirements for strength were not high at that time, so you succeeded and won very easily.

But in the ensuing battle between Tao and demons, you were plotted by Rahu.

This drag will drag you down from the strongest throne.

But why can Rahu hold you back? Because the final battle for Tao and Fruit relies on strength. Although you defeated Luo Hu, you still lost miserably, so you were taken advantage of.

You plotted against all sentient beings in the world, why were you surpassed by others? The reason is that you are not strong enough to kill the creatures in the world who know the thoughts of Hunyuan. In addition, coupled with the consequences of the previous dispute between Dao and Fruit, you were completely surpassed by the later Emperor Jun.

Now, you are plotting against Buddhism, trying to use Buddhism's luck to suppress me and save your own life. You think that with such majestic luck, no one will give up. So you are complacent, but you have forgotten that I am originally a great god and demon. Although the so-called destiny of heaven is of some use to me, it is nothing more than useless.

When I don't care about this, you lose again because of your strength. This time you lose, and you will no longer have any chance of survival. "

A smile appeared on the face of the immortal god and demon, and he summed up Hongjun's magnificent life sentence by sentence.

In his eyes, Hongjun is undoubtedly a loser.

At most, they can be regarded as extremely outstanding losers, but they are still losers, just like when they faced Pangu.

Hongjun showed a learned look on his face, smiled bitterly, and then said: "Listening to the words of the Immortal Lord, a poor Taoist is like hearing the voice of the Great Dao. He regrets that he did not meet the Immortal Lord earlier. Now he is defeated, completely defeated. Hongjun died with no regrets."

After saying that, he really withdrew the aura of greatness from his whole body, closed his eyes and waited for death.

The Immortal God and Demon looked at all this with great satisfaction, and his heart was full of a sense of accomplishment. He enjoyed this sense of accomplishment of breaking other people's conspiracy plans.

"Hahahaha, I won't kill you. You are a good little guy. Given time, I will definitely regain what you deserve. I am not afraid of your rebellion, because in this world, strength is the eternal passport. And I am confident that I can always be stronger than you!"

He left, leaving behind these words before he left.

When Hongjun felt the breath of the immortal gods and demons go away, his closed eyes slowly opened, and the bitter smile on his face instantly turned into a full smile.

"It's really easy to lie..."

"You really think you are a fool. How could you not know this..."

"If I don't play this scene with you, how can you trust me, and how can I really be out of danger..."

Hongjun murmured to himself, but he did not dare to say these words, let alone show the slightest hint of joy in front of the immortal gods and demons.

"From now on, Buddhism will be a poor one! Hahahaha..."

Hongjun laughed loudly, without any concern for Haotian and Yaochi who were looking at him dumbfounded.

How could he not know that his repeated failures were due to issues with his strength?

But it is precisely because of repeated failures that his strength is never enough!

If he succeeds once, he will be the one standing at the top of the world today! ! !

Heaven is unfair, God is just unfair!

But so what?

How can I, Hongjun, follow their wishes?

"Damn, this Hongjun is really scheming. Fortunately, I have been keeping an eye on you, otherwise Honghuang will be messed up by you sooner or later..."

Looking at Hongjun, who was so evil-minded, Ye Xuan couldn't help but cursed loudly.

This Hongjun is really awesome. After so many years, he has always had this idea, and it still remains the same now.

That strong desire went straight to the avenue, making Ye Xuan instantly aware of the desire in Hongjun's heart.

At this moment, the other party's desire is stronger than before.

Because of the blessing of Buddhism's huge luck, Hongjun can do so many things.

Suddenly, Ye Xuan felt someone outside calling him.

Even though the consciousness gradually faded away.

Then, he suddenly discovered that a person appeared in his villa.

"Dean, why are you here?"

The person who appeared was none other than Zhu Yuanzhang, the dean of Daming Academy.

"I came here this time to give you something. After I give it to you, I will go to the meeting." Zhu Yuanzhang said, and a small space platform appeared in his hand.

"Is this?" Ye Xuan instantly felt the space fluctuation inside and asked.

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled slightly and said: "This is the Kingdom of God link device. It is the top creation god communication platform among all the creation gods in the universe. You can choose whether it is a personal battle or a battle with the Kingdom of God.

As long as you reach the fourth level of the Creation God, you can enter it. Generally, you need to buy it at your own expense. I think you don't know this, so I got one for you. "

Hearing this, Ye Xuan took over the Kingdom of God link device, nodded, and said, "Okay, thank you, Dean."

"Well, by the way, one thing you need to pay attention to is that the currency of the battle inside is no longer the ordinary divine source, but the source."

After saying that, Zhu Yuanzhang disappeared.

Source is a kind of resource that is necessary for the cultivation of high-level kingdoms of God. This resource is extremely rare and cannot be exchanged for the source of God.

When the fourth-level kingdom of God is promoted to the fifth-level kingdom of God, ten sources are needed as the foundation to carry the heritage of this kingdom of God.

Ye Xuan naturally knew what the source was. When he heard that the gambling here was all about the source, his face changed instantly.

Ordinary people can't get this thing at all. Those who can get it are all fifth-level and above.

Only a very small number of fourth-level creation gods can have this kind of thing. They have been planning for many years with great difficulty. Some of them are rich and easy to get.

But no matter which one it is, it is not so easy to get.

The market price is that one source is equal to 100 million god sources.

With Ye Xuan's wealth accumulated for so long and so many rewards, the current god source is only more than 183 million in storage.

In other words, he only has 1.8 god sources.

This is the case when someone is willing to exchange. In fact, no one would exchange one source for 100 million divine sources.

It might take more to make someone willing to exchange.

"No matter what, find a cheap fourth-level creator god to fight him. As long as you win, you will get the source..."

Ye Xuan's mouth slightly raised, and for his fifth-level cause, he immediately clicked to start.

The platform slowly opened, and a blue virtual light screen appeared in front of him.

[Welcome to the Universe Tianjiao Communication Platform. ]

[Scanning information, the identity is Ye Xuan, a sophomore student of Daming College in Daxia Kingdom... The name of the kingdom of God: Chaos World...]

[Ding, the information was entered successfully, I wish you a successful communication. ]

"This thing..."

Ye Xuan was a little dumbfounded. Just by scanning him, all the information was reported.

"This should be made by the creator god of the advanced technological kingdom of God, otherwise he should not have this ability..."

Then, his consciousness was immersed in it.

Suddenly, a world like reality appeared in front of him, except that there were no planets in this world, only a continent.

That is...

Creation Continent? !

Everything here is reproduced from reality. There are five sky arenas, each of which corresponds to the battles between players from different regions, and there is an endless battle space.

You can also choose to fight across regions, but in that case you will need to pay some extra fees.

This is also the benefit of developing and promoting the creator of this platform. Just relying on the handling fees collected from the daily cross-regional battles, you don’t know how much God Source you can get.

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