"Brother, is this your first time on this platform?"

A man over three meters tall walked over with a smile on his face and said very friendly.

Many of the creation gods on the side also noticed this scene, and there was a strange look on their faces.

"This guy is here to trick people again..."

"Yes, yes, I was tricked by him once before."

"Forget it, the newcomers will be tricked sooner or later anyway, and they will grow up after being tricked once..."

The people around began to whisper, and these words naturally fell into the ears of the tall and sturdy man, and also fell into the ears of Ye Xuan.

The tall and muscular man turned around and stared at them fiercely, as if to advise them not to mind their own business.

Ye Xuan frowned slightly when he heard this, then became calm and relaxed, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Is this guy specifically trying to trick people? That means the guy in front of him is very strong.

When the burly man turned around, both of them had smiles on their faces.

"Little brother, although this is said to be a communication platform, it is actually a battle platform. You should know this, right?" the strong man said with sincerity.

Ye Xuan nodded slightly and said softly: "Of course."

"Then do you want to familiarize yourself with the battle content on this platform? I can be your sparring partner, and we two brothers can give it a try. Both individual battles and Kingdom of God battles are optional, how about it?"

The corners of the burly man's mouth raised slightly, showing a proud look.

Ye Xuan pretended not to understand, and said with a harmless expression, "Okay."

"Hehe, another victim..."

"Never mind them, don't ruin other people's good things. Just go, let's go. Then they might also ruin your good things."

The people around them kept showing expressions of gloating as they looked at these two people.

Although there are not as many people in this communication platform as there are in the outside world, there are still a lot of people among the five most important cities.

There are also a lot of people online every day, so there are a lot of people watching.

Everyone wants to find a weak person to compete with.

"Every battle will have a gambling fee. The minimum is one million divine sources. I wonder if you have any, little brother?" The strong man directly launched a duel towards Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan accepted it without hesitation and said with a smile: "Of course."

Then it was decided that it would be a personal battle.

Personal battles are the best way to solve troublesome matters very quickly. Although one million divine sources are not a lot for him now, they are still a lot.

If you don’t make money, you won’t make anything.

He could tell that the sturdy man was at the late fourth level, otherwise he wouldn't be staring at the newly added God of Creation to pluck wool all day long.

In fact, the battles here do not really require betting money. Some people are really engaged in discussions and exchanges, without any other extras.

But most people don't want to fight for no reason, but want to get some benefits while training troops.

And almost all fourth-order people bet on the source of the gods, because they are very short of sources, and few people have them.

Even if they have it, they are reluctant to use it as gambling capital, so most of the fourth-level creation gods use their divine source for gambling.

Once you agree, the divine source in your account will be automatically deducted and used as gambling capital in the gambling battle.

The divine source in the virtual platform is bound to the divine source in the Tongtian Ranking, and can be directly converted through authorization without any handling fees.


The strong man laughed with great joy.

Then, the two people disappeared from the original square in an instant.

"Hahahaha, someone actually wants to compete with Ye Xuan, this guy really makes me laugh..."

Suddenly, a laughing voice came.

"Ye Xuan? Is it Ye Xuan from the chaotic world?"

Suddenly, the expressions of some people on the field changed and they asked.

"Who else but him?"

A guy who obviously knew Ye Xuan said.

"I go……"

"There's something good to watch..."

"That guy is finally going to be in bad luck..."

While Ye Xuan was fighting with the strong man.

In the wilderness.

Human race.

"The human race is so magnificent. Thousands of great nations have jointly built a generation of divine dynasty. How come such a human race was harmed by a few Qingqiu fox girls, causing great harm?"

Xuanyuan stood on the high mountain, overlooking the human city, and sighed quietly.

Behind him is Feng Hou, who is the king of the Feng Kingdom and is called the Feng Queen because she is a woman.

Fenghou is powerful and has profound cultivation. Fengguo is also quite powerful under her leadership. Now she is on Xuanyuan's side and is impressed by Xuanyuan.

"This is the shortcoming of all races and spirits. Qingqiu Fox Girl is famous all over the world. Who doesn't know that the fox girl is so charming that people who lack concentration will naturally be bewitched by her."

There was no expression on Feng Hou's face, and he said calmly.

For these later generations of humans, although their strength and talent are still as strong as before, they have long lost the self-esteem and self-love of those humans.

Today's human race is just a group of people with outstanding talents. Compared with those martyrs and ancestors, they are undoubtedly more corrupt now.

Xuanyuan nodded when he heard this, and then asked a burly man behind him: "Dahong, what do you think?"

When Dahong heard the words, he also said frankly: "What Fenghou said is what I think. Although there are many people in the human race who are dedicated to the human race, there are more people who are selfish.

I don’t know why, but it’s like this after all…”

He couldn't tell why the human race became like this, but he was not stupid, and he also knew the most basic things about the human race today.

"Because of comfort."

Xuanyuan raised the corners of his mouth slightly and smiled.

"An Yi?" Dahong was extremely puzzled.

Isn’t it good to be comfortable? Their life now is much better than before.

I heard from the ancestors that the human race was precarious back then. If it were not for the protection of heaven, it would have been eaten by those innate saints and raised as food in captivity.

And what about the human race today? Who dares to think that way?

"Yes, it's comfort." Xuanyuan nodded again and affirmed.

There was a trace of reminiscence in his eyes, and he said slowly: "At the beginning of the prehistoric era, ferocious beasts were raging in the wilderness, and the survival of all races and spirits was seriously endangered. Finally, under the leadership of three days, all races and spirits were in danger. All the spirits were twisted into a hemp rope. It was the first and last time that all races united.

After the ferocious beasts were exterminated, the true nature of each race was revealed, or in other words, they did not have the strength or the idea to think about this back then. After they became comfortable and the race was no longer threatened, all races and spirits began to fight endlessly. .

Three days later, the leader of the three tribes died tragically, which ushered in the era of the three tribes of dragon, phoenix and unicorn fighting for hegemony.

These were the three tribes back then, and they are also the human race today. "

Dahong and Fenghou had also heard of this matter, and naturally knew about it.

Now after hearing Xuanyuan speak with An Yi, he suddenly understood and everyone nodded.

"Dahong already understands the King's intention. The King's intention is that if we want the human race to stop falling, we must let the human race return to the original aquatic and fiery era!"

Dahong said with joy on his face.

Hearing the words, instantly.

The expressions of Xuanyuan and Fenghou suddenly changed and became gloomy.


Fenghou couldn't help but scolded.

Xuanyuan shook his head slightly and said: "What you said is indeed a solution, but obviously it cannot be done this way, but soon, the human race will also face an era of water and fire..."

"Your Majesty, what does this mean?"

Fenghou was shocked when he heard this, thinking that Xuanyuan really wanted to let the human race return to that era.

If that's the case, even if she has surrendered to Xuanyuan, she must stop Xuanyuan.

The human race must never be bullied by other races again!

The corner of Xuanyuan's mouth raised slightly, and he said: "Aren't you aware of the general trend of heaven? It's not that I want the human race to face the hot water, but that the increasingly powerful human race has violated the interests of certain existences. They are not willing to let the human race surpass them or even... Crush them..."

As he spoke, he looked up at the sky, as if a peerless sword was sharply pointed and soaring straight into the sky.

In heaven.

A shocking sword light shot through the light and shot directly from the first heaven to the thirty-sixth heaven, piercing through the entire thirty-sixth heaven.

However, this is just a sword light that does not contain any magical charm, and has no power at all.

Di Jun, who was smiling broadly, lowered his head to look at the sword energy, then looked at the human world again, and saw the sharp-edged Xuanyuan at a glance.

"I'm waiting for you!"

Emperor Jun spoke softly, his majesty overwhelming the heavens, and then with his gaze, the sword light disappeared.

The two of them seemed to be having a conversation through the thirty-sixth heaven.

Xuanyuan, who was on the ground, raised the corners of his mouth slightly and burst into laughter: "Hahahaha..."

The words of the Emperor of Heaven just now resounded throughout the sky.

Behind them, Dahong and Fenghou immediately understood who the enemy of the human race was. It seemed to be the aloof Emperor of Heaven.

The two looked at each other, with a hint of horror in their eyes.

Will the human race face heaven?

Xuanyuan will face the Emperor of Heaven?

Just like this, can he still laugh?

At this time, the competition from the outside world has also begun.

[Battle direction confirmed, individual battle. 】

As an electronic virtual prompt sounded, Ye Xuan and the burly man successfully met.

This battle has also been announced, and everyone can see the battle they want to see through the large light screen.

Even with the same light screen, two people can see different scenes at the same time.

"Look, the battle between Ye Xuan and Liu Mang has begun!"

As one person exclaimed, a group of people instantly looked at the large light screen.

Although many people don't know Ye Xuan, many people have heard of this name and know that he is the latest peerless genius and the most outstanding genius among these generations.

Liu Mang is also a minor celebrity here. He is considered a strong person in the fourth level. He loves to bully newcomers, and many newcomers have been tricked by him.

Whoever steps into the fourth level of the Creation God is not a proud and arrogant person. The purpose of entering is very simple, just to earn divine resources from fighting. This kid has grasped this weakness, has tried and tested successfully, and rarely stumbles.

"Boy, it's your bad luck to meet me! Accept your fate!"

The corners of Liu Mang's mouth raised slightly, and then his whole body became full of charm.

A pitch-black dragon entangled and rose up, with scales forming a complete road.

The dragon raised its head and groaned.

Boom! ! !

Waves of terrifying destructive auras continued to come.

It seemed that the world was about to fall into destruction.

"It's moving, Liu Mang, this trick is still tried and tested..."

"He only knows this one trick..."

Many people said disdainfully.

"I don't know if the legendary genius can survive this trick..." Someone said disdainfully.

"It's probably difficult..."

"If it were me now, I'm afraid it would be difficult to take this blow head-on."

However, facing all this.

Ye Xuan's face was calm, watching the black dragon flying towards him.



Ye Xuan smiled contemptuously, and laughed loudly: "Let me show you what a real dragon is!!!"

Buzz! ! !

Suddenly, a nine-clawed golden dragon flew out from behind him.


The breath of the nine-clawed golden dragon made the black dragon suddenly stop moving.

As the roar came.

The black dragon exuding the breath of destruction actually slowly lowered its head, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed to the nine-clawed golden dragon.

"How is this possible?!!"

Liu Mang said with horror in his eyes.

He looked at this scene in disbelief.


Ye Xuan spit out lightly, and the black dragon instantly banged and disappeared.

At this time, Liu Mang seemed to feel that there was a great terror that tightly enveloped him.


When Liu Mang turned around, he found that he had died once in it.

"Lost? I just lost like this?"

Liu Mang looked at Ye Xuan, who took away his one million divine sources, with a dull look in his eyes, and he couldn't believe it.

He didn't even notice how he lost!


"It's Ye Xuan, a genius that only appears once in billions of years!!!"

It wasn't until he heard the voices of people around him that he came back to his senses.

"Ye Xuan? He is Ye Xuan?"

Liu Mang muttered to himself. He had certainly heard of Ye Xuan's name, but he didn't know him.

It turned out to be him!

If so, it wouldn't be unfair for him to lose...

But, how did he lose...

When he was thinking about this, he saw another battle on the big screen.


Liu Mang couldn't help but take a breath. It showed Ye Xuan fighting against the fifth-level Creation God Li Ke!

Every fifth-level and above Creation God is actually remembered by everyone, in order to avoid hitting a wall.

And now, Ye Xuan actually challenged the fifth-level Creation God? !

"He is a fourth-level Creation God. Why would he challenge the fifth-level Creation God!?"

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