Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 420 Xuanyuan ascends the throne, the Human Emperor's scabbard

In the middle of the prehistoric world, Kunlun Mountains, under Buzhou Mountain, the ancestral land of the human race.

The human race temple seemed to have become an infinitely huge world again. It accommodated hundreds of human kings, but it was not crowded, just like before.

As the saying goes, a mustard seed can contain the Sumeru Mountain. It can be as big as you want it to be. It mainly depends on how many people there are.

In addition, many innate saints who are friendly with the human race came to visit this event.

Just like Zhen Yuanzi of Wuzhuang Temple and Hongyun of Huoyun Cave, as well as various innate saints, are also the same.

In the heavenly court.

Emperor Jun overlooked what was happening in the human race temple, his face solemn, muttering to himself, "Is it finally going to succeed to the throne? I want to see how strong you can be!"

"Your Majesty, why don't you join forces with other forces to besiege and annihilate the human race before it grows stronger..."

Xihe asked puzzledly. She didn't know why Emperor Jun had to wait until that time to take action.

In that case, wouldn't it be letting the human race become stronger?

Since we have to fight anyway, why not take the initiative to attack and let the human race suffer first?

In this way, it will be easier to deal with the human race!

Di Jun was a little stunned, but then shook his head slightly and said: "I am the Emperor of Heaven, and the human race is the master of the world and one of the six emperors. If the human race does not rebel, how can I punish the traitors?"

As he said, if he took the initiative to attack the human race, what would happen?

Then he would not get the support of the righteousness, and it would also cause other forces in the prehistoric world to be in danger.

Today the human race is strong and you fight against it, and tomorrow other races are strong? You punish them again?

As the Emperor of Heaven, you should have the bearing of the Emperor of Heaven.

"But if this is the case, the human race will grow stronger, and I am afraid that by then..." Xihe still wanted to persuade him. Although the overall strength of the human race now exceeds that of the Heavenly Court, fortunately, the top strength has not exceeded that of the Heavenly Court.

As long as the Heavenly Court joins forces with another major force, it will be easy to defeat the human race!

But Emperor Jun didn't seem to want this, and had to wait for the human race to take action first.

And now the human race is in a period of frequent internal strife. Under Shennong's deliberate indulgence, the internal strife of the human race is extremely serious, and it will break out completely as soon as Xuanyuan ascends the throne.

Once it breaks out, it will inevitably fall into internal strife and cannot extricate itself.

At this time, the Heavenly Court can even take down the human race in one fell swoop without relying on other forces.

No matter how strong Xuanyuan is, his current combat power is only at the level of Taiyi, and there is no comparison with Emperor Jun.

As long as Emperor Jun takes action to defeat Xuanyuan, then whether he supports another person to be a puppet emperor who submits to the Heavenly Court, or directly brings the human race under the direct jurisdiction of the Heavenly Court.

In the end, it is a choice, but if Xuanyuan is allowed to rectify the human race, then the human race will return to the human race of the past with one heart and one mind.

If that time comes, it will be difficult for the Heavenly Court to defeat the human race again!

In this case, even the position of the demon clan in the heaven may be lost!

"Xihe, don't worry about me. All along, don't you still believe in me? Whatever I do, it will be successful, and this time will be no exception. No matter how strong the emperor is, he will never be stronger than me!"

Di Jun smiled, obviously very confident.

That kind of temperament that looked down on the world and did not take everyone in his eyes instantly suppressed Xihe's restless heart.

Looking at Di Jun, who was as confident as usual, Xihe nodded slightly, and asked with a spring face: "Your Majesty, do you want to watch the ceremony?"

"Go, of course I will go, but it's just a thought."

Di Jun nodded slightly, with absolute wisdom and confidence flashing in his eyes.

In the past, when the emperor passed on the throne, he was there, and this time he would naturally go as well.

Last time, he gave face to Suiren, and this time he wanted to take a good look at the person who would compete with him in the future.

How could he not understand what Xihe said?

But if he was afraid of failure and tried to kill it in advance, he would be smart, but he would be inferior. With this state of mind, he would never be able to reach the top in his life, until he could match that man.

Therefore, Di Jun chose to meet the challenge, no matter how difficult it was, but if he succeeded, his state of mind and strength would always be at a higher level.

Only by constantly fighting with the strong can one become stronger!

In the past, he became the Hunyuan Emperor by competing with Hongjun. Today, he also needs to use Xuanyuan to let himself completely enter the Wuji Hunyuan realm! ! !

In his eyes, Xuanyuan is also a whetstone for him!

He accepts his failure, but never accepts his fear of failure!

If he didn't have this state of mind, Di Jun would not be able to achieve the current position of the Emperor of Heaven!

I am invincible, why should I be afraid of others?

Even if the other party is a genius who has never changed in the ages, he should crawl under my feet and surrender!

In the human temple.

The emperor Shennong, who was sitting on the main seat, saw that most people had arrived, and many kings had also arrived.

Even the emperor Suiren and the seventeen kings of the ancient times had come.

In this situation, even if the hundreds of kings below were resentful, they did not dare to be presumptuous at this time!

Because the emperor was here, who else dared to express dissatisfaction in front of him?


As the formation of the temple was activated, the ceremony of the replacement of the emperor of the human race was completely opened.

This era did not have such a complicated ceremony. It was just like the past. They paid tribute to the many sages who died for the human race, and began to pray to the human race's mother, Nuwa, and then began the human race's human emperor handover ceremony.

The human race does not respect heaven and earth, does not worship ghosts and gods, only respects the mother, and only looks up to the sages!

"Now Xuanyuan was born when the human race was in danger. He entered the mixed origin after a hundred years. Although he has no achievements, he has the human race in his heart and was born at the right time. He should be the next human emperor!"

Shennong stood up slowly, wearing a human emperor robe, and declared loudly.

"Xuanyuan will definitely benefit the human race and make the human race the overlord of the world!!"

At this time, Xuanyuan also bowed to Shennong and shouted.


Shennong said with a smile, and then a thunderous sound rang out.

The human emperor robe on Shennong also flew to Xuanyuan automatically, and Xuanyuan wore the human emperor robe, the human crown on his head, and the human emperor boots on his feet.

Another great fortune came from the dark, causing Xuanyuan to tremble and his cultivation to advance by leaps and bounds.

He advanced by leaps and bounds, and his cultivation actually broke into the middle stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!!

Although Xuanyuan at this time was still not as good as Di Jun, he was confident that he could defeat Taiyi!

Suddenly, a golden sword fell from the sky and landed in Xuanyuan's hand.



The sound of a sword resounded throughout the temple, until it reached the nine heavens and then the nine underworlds.

In the prehistoric world, it cleansed everything.

This sound of a sword moved the nine heavens and the nine underworlds, and the heavens, the earth, and the underworld all resounded.


Countless innate gods watched this ceremony, and they were all horrified.

When Xuanyuan Sword first came out, it didn't have this kind of power...

Whether in the hands of Suiren or Shennong, this sword was more like a symbol of the emperor, not a real treasure.

But now it fell into Xuanyuan's hands, it seemed to instantly turn into a holy king's sword, a real killing treasure carrying the power of the supreme emperor!

When Xuanyuan Sword was revealed, countless human kings were instantly palpitating.

They had a premonition that holding this sword could really kill them!

No matter how many clones they had, as long as they were really cut by this sword, they would probably really fall into death! !

Just when everyone thought the ceremony was over, suddenly, the Emperor Suiren, who was sitting high up, stood up and shouted:

"As the Emperor of the Human Race, I issue an edict: Emperor Xuanyuan is the heir of the human race's heavy military affairs, and we must pay attention to it. If Emperor Xuanyuan is deceived and causes chaos to the human race, the kings of heaven and man should obey the will of heaven and eliminate the traitors. If Xuanyuan still does not repent, you can replace him as the Emperor of Man, and you don't need to ask!"


There was an uproar, and everyone looked at Suiren in disbelief.

This is a sword hanging over Xuanyuan's head!

With this sentence, even if Xuanyuan became the Emperor of Man, he could not do whatever he wanted.

Because once it caused dissatisfaction among the kings, they could legitimately attack Xuanyuan under the pretext of Suiren's will.

The many human kings who were kneeling on the ground had originally suppressed their desire to rebel because of the murderous aura of the Xuanyuan Sword, but they were instantly aroused by the words of Suirenshi and were ready to move again.

"Xuanyuan will keep it in mind. Please rest assured, Emperor, and please supervise the human kings."

Xuanyuan said calmly without any sadness or joy.

After saying this, his sword-like eyebrows and star-like eyes slowly swept over the many human kings who were kneeling on the ground.

When the human kings who were ready to move met these eyes full of murderous and ruthless eyes, they were instantly palpitating and hurriedly lowered their heads and dared not look any more.

However, although they were a little scared this time, they were not as scared as before and dared not have any ideas.

This time, they began to constantly calculate in their hearts, waiting for Xuanyuan to issue a new decree casually, and they would say that it was harmful to the human race, and then obey the will of heaven to quell the rebellion.

Honestly does not mean according to the instructions of God, but according to the instructions of the emperor.

No matter how the Human Emperor changes, the Heavenly Emperor is naturally the most respected in the hearts of many human races at this moment! The second is the current Human Emperor!

"So, very good!"

Suirenshi's serious face also showed a smile, and he nodded at Xuanyuan.

He didn't really want to hang a sword over Xuanyuan's head, but to let Xuanyuan carry out his plan better.

Those human races with two minds will be a hidden danger sooner or later if they are not eliminated.

And the reason why he said this is to provide those human kings with two minds with a name to rebel. After they have a legitimate reason, they will definitely not be able to suppress their desires.

You can say it's to stimulate their desires or fishing for law enforcement.

In any case, it's about the human race's orthodoxy. If these human kings who are easy to rebel are not eliminated, then it will not only be a few human kings who will suffer, but the entire human race!

Xuanyuan obviously knew this, so he didn't really blame Suirenshi.

People at their level can easily figure out what's going on, but those human kings are so overwhelmed by their desire for power that they don't have the ability to think.

They all wish they could turn into human emperors!

"I am here with hundreds of millions of peaches and tens of thousands of peaches to congratulate the emperor on his succession to the throne."

Suddenly, a figure appeared in the temple.

With a wave of his hand, tens of thousands of peaches appeared directly in the temple.

The plump peaches full of Taoism were like a young woman's treasure, making people salivate.

Although they could not enhance their cultivation, they could still satisfy their cravings!

"Your Majesty!"

With the arrival of the Emperor of Heaven, except for the Emperor of Heaven Xuanyuan and the Southern Emperor Suiren, who bowed their heads slightly, all the people bowed to the Emperor of Heaven.

Even Shennong, who had just stepped down and was free from work, had to bow.

This is the fruit position of the godhood, which must be respected.

"The succession ceremony of the emperor of heaven, no need for courtesy, please stand up quickly, I am just here to congratulate the new emperor of heaven." Emperor Jun smiled and said.

Xuanyuan looked at Di Jun fearlessly, with a sharp gaze. He knew at a glance that this was just an incarnation of the mind, and the real body was not here.

Then, he was too lazy to pay attention to the other party.

Long before he ascended the throne, they had looked at each other from a distance across the thirty-six heavens.

That time, he also tested the Heavenly Court.

Rather than testing, it was more like a provocation.

But even so, the Emperor of Heaven still did not make a move.

He wanted to see how big the gap was between him and the guy in front of him, but it was obviously not the right time today.

Xuanyuan clenched the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, then smiled softly and shouted: "There is only a sword, but no scabbard. It is so sharp, how can it be the sword of the emperor?"

As the words fell.


Bursts of human luck condensed crazily and hovered over the temple.

Everyone looked at Xuanyuan in surprise, looking at him in disbelief, what exactly did he want to do.

It was also a little unbelievable that just one sentence could stir up the luck of the human race?

This is something that no one has ever been able to do!


There was a burst of explosions, and the luck of the human race once again condensed into the scabbard of the Human Emperor Sword. The scabbard was also golden, without any carvings on it, just an ordinary scabbard.

But no one underestimated this scabbard, because it was transformed by the luck of the human race, and it was a scabbard that could hold the Human Emperor Sword!


Xuanyuan laughed up to the sky, waved the scabbard with one hand, and pushed the scabbard with his right hand, and the Human Emperor Sword automatically entered the scabbard.


The murderous aura in the entire temple disappeared instantly, but the sharp killing intent of the Human Emperor Sword was all taken back into the scabbard.

The Human Emperor Sword is a killing treasure that cannot be easily taken out. How can such a treasure be without a scabbard?

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