When Xuanyuan became the Human Emperor, the fate of the entire human race instantly condensed into the image of a sword!

And on top of this sword, there is a human figure.

That's Xuanyuan's figure!

There has never been a human emperor who has been so recognized by the fate of the human race. Not to mention that he changed his shape when he first ascended the throne. Even if it takes a long time, he will not become a fierce man who has a foot on the fate of the human race like Xuanyuan. .

It can be said that since the fate of the human race has recognized Xuanyuan, no matter who comes to rebel, there is only one way in the end, and that is death!

"I carry the destiny of heaven and should rule the human race, establish an undying foundation, and make the human race stand on the top of the ancient world forever and ever!"

Xuanyuan's eyes were like swords, his tone was extremely arrogant, and he slowly scanned the audience. He did not take the innate saints who were watching the ceremony seriously at all, which directly exposed his ambition.

Sure enough, when the surrounding innate saints heard Xuanyuan's words, they all instantly understood that this Human Emperor was no longer as gentle and reasonable as the previous two Human Emperors.

This time the Human Emperor seems to be a tyrant who only knows how to conquer?

This news is not a good thing for them!

However, Di Jun smiled slightly and did not blame Xuanyuan at all. On the contrary, he was eager for all this to happen. He was eager for Xuanyuan to reach his current state and fight with him!

He felt the world in his body, the world carried by his Dao Fruit.

It has begun to gradually develop inside. Although the speed is not as fast as Pangu, it is far from comparable to other Hunyuan powerhouses!

"I'm waiting for you!"

Di Jun stared at Xuanyuan in front of him, his words full of joy.

This was the second time he said something to Xuanyuan. It was different from the previous one that was a bit serious, but he directly exposed his thoughts to the other party without reservation.

When everyone heard the news, they all looked at Di Jun in disbelief. They didn't know why Di Jun didn't punish Xuanyuan, why he could tolerate this, and why he said he would wait for him?

Could it be that Di Jun is also eager for this battle?

When Xuanyuan heard this, his expression was neither sad nor happy. He looked straight at Di Jun in front of him, smiled slightly, and said softly: "I'm waiting too!"


Suddenly, the innate saint couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

There are very few people who dare to call me me in front of Emperor Jun.

It can be said that this is no different from open rebellion.

This can be regarded as disloyalty and rebellion!

If Emperor Jun takes action to kill Xuanyuan now, even the Emperor Suiren who is standing by will not be able to say anything.

But what surprised many immortals even more was that Di Jun didn't say a word. Instead, he acquiesced and disappeared directly.

"What does it mean?!"

"Who knows!"

"Your Majesty, this is..."

"Why don't you take action to capture the Human Emperor?!"

Suddenly, many saints began to communicate with each other crazily. Although the entire temple was still calm on the surface, it was actually a mess on another level.

"The late Emperor Shennong made great contributions to the human race. The whole grains and Shen Nong's herbs are the source of the prosperity of the human race! He made the human race extremely strong and passed on the prosperous age to me.

With the dignity of the human emperor, I hereby decree that the Shennong family shall be the earth emperor of the human race. He shall enjoy the incense of the human race forever. For generations to come, in endless time and space, the Shennong family shall be the earth emperor forever! ! ! "

Human Emperor Xuanyuan shouted, and an imperial edict appeared out of thin air.

With a casual move, the human emperor's seal appeared in his hand, and the void was covered.

Immediately, the edict came into effect.

Wow! ! !

The Shennong clan, who originally lost the luck of the Human Emperor, instantly enjoyed the luck of the Human Race belonging to the Earth Emperor again!

Nuwa has one percent of the destiny of the human race, Taishang, the master of the human clan, has one point, the Emperor Suiren has eight points, and the Earth Emperor Shennong has another six points.

Together, these four people account for 25% of the luck of the human race, which has the greatest luck in the world! !

But at this moment, the Human Emperor Xuanyuan has one and a half percent of his luck! !

He is the one with the most luck among the human race!

When the Suiren clan was in power in the past, they only occupied 10% of the human race's destiny, and the Shennong clan only occupied 9%.

This was the time when both of them were at their peak, so they had such great luck.

Hundreds of human beings became human kings, and they occupied 10% of the human race's luck!

As a result, 50% of the human race's luck is in the hands of these few people.

The remaining five achievements have become the luck bonus of the entire human race, divided according to each person's contribution to the human race plus his or her position.

But no matter who it is, even the prince of the Shen Dynasty is far from reaching one point!

Because the human race is not a prince succession system, but a concession system!

The so-called prince is just a fake prince like the heaven!

Of course, the prince in heaven is the real prince, because Di Jun can really pass on the title of emperor of heaven to one of the ten princes, but he will not abdicate.

Therefore, the heavenly prince has good luck, while the human prince has very little luck, very little, but it is not comparable to other people.

"Kowtow to His Majesty the Earth Emperor!!!"

Suddenly, many human kings knelt down again.

Outside he is the supreme human king, but in the temple he only has the qualification to kneel.

Except for this time, even if they were attending court or holding a grand ceremony, they did not need to kneel.

But in the ancestral land of the human race, they were nothing, just the most ordinary human race, just because there was no need to find all the human race.

So, they were the representatives of the human race.

After all, the so-called human king was just a system established by Suiren, which has been passed down to this day, which made the human king have a higher self-system, which in a sense divided the fate of the human emperor.

"Stand up!"

Shennong, who had just looked relaxed, was instantly put on the imperial robe. He looked at this scene in a bit of astonishment, but there was no other way. The decree had been issued, and his position as the emperor of the earth was also recognized.

Since those human kings had all knelt, he naturally had to let them stand up.

Xuanyuan hurt me! Why is this!!!

You are hurting me!!!

Why is this!!!

Shennong showed a bitter smile on his face. He couldn't get angry at Xuanyuan. He could only do this.

He had finally taken off the imperial robe and thought he could relax, but in the blink of an eye, he was wearing the imperial robe again...


Shennong sighed in his heart. There was no way. Since it was like this, he would not care about anything in the future. Just let it go.


With the end of the Human Emperor's succession ceremony, many innate saints who watched the ceremony also left after a few days of banquets.

And Xuanyuan officially became a generation of human emperor.

From then on, Shennong's dynasty also withdrew from the stage of history, Qishan City was no longer the capital of the human race, and Xuanyuan's dynasty would take over the stage of history. As for the capital, it has not appeared yet.

Because Xuanyuan didn't decide at all.

Youxiong Kingdom.

"This is the capital of Youxiong Kingdom, which cannot carry the destiny of the entire human race."

After hearing Feng Hou's suggestion, Xuanyuan refused without hesitation.


Feng Hou was a little surprised that she would refuse to use the capital of her country as the capital of the human race.

"Your Majesty, where should the city be built?" Da Hong asked immediately.

Xuan Yuan smiled slightly and said, "I want to build a capital that has never appeared before, the most magnificent capital in the world, comparable to the heaven, and build it into a capital of the human race, a human court! After becoming a human race, no matter how many generations of human emperors there are, they will all move into this city! I want it to be the capital of all ages!!!"


Feng Hou and Da Hong were shocked by Xuan Yuan's ambitions.

"Not only that, I will also let half of the world's Hun Yuan strongmen help me build this capital! I want to complete it within ten thousand years!!!"

Xuan Yuan obviously had an idea about the construction of the new imperial city, otherwise he would not have said these words.

This is indeed the case. He has found a perfect place.

There is abundant spiritual energy there, and the mountains and rivers are beautiful. As long as he wants, he can build a capital there.

"Your Majesty, in this case, it is inevitable that some Hunyuan strongmen will be dissatisfied, and thus be used by those human kings with ill intentions!" Dahong persuaded.

He could understand the mind of a strong man the most. If Xuanyuan asked them to go to war, almost all the Hunyuan strongmen of the human race would go without hesitation.

But if they were asked to help build the imperial city, most people would be fine, but there would always be some people who would be dissatisfied and think it was disrespectful to themselves.

"Yes, and such a large-scale use of the power of the Hunyuan realm will also cause dissatisfaction among many people. I am afraid that some disloyal people will take the opportunity to bring out the words of His Majesty the Emperor to pacify the rebellion..."

Fenghou also said with some concern.

They did not object to Xuanyuan building the imperial city, but if half of the Hunyuan were to build it, then there would be a big problem.

Those Hunyuan strongmen were originally stationed in the major territories of the human race on a large scale, just to prevent someone from taking advantage of the emptiness of the human race.

But if half of them were mobilized at once, most places would fall into a situation where there were no Hunyuan strongmen in charge.

It would be fine if nothing happened in this situation. If something happened, it would be a big deal. There would be no one who could stop it...

"What I want is dissatisfaction! What I want is those kings with two minds to attack me with the words of the emperor! If I don't give them an excuse, how can they willingly jump out?"

Xuanyuan stood on Hengshan with his hands behind his back, looking into the distance, and said confidently.

Hengshan is one of the Five Sacred Mountains. It is the highest mountain in terms of status besides Kunlun Mountain, Buzhou Mountain and Dongyue Taishan Mountain.

All things are originally headed by the middle, followed by the east. However, Donghuang in the prehistoric world is too strong, and he suppressed Zhongyue Songshan Mountain. Therefore, Taishan Mountain became the highest mountain in terms of status among the Five Sacred Mountains. In addition, Donghuang is also the first of the Six Imperial Lords in the world and the leader of all emperors. Therefore, Taishan Mountain has become the highest mountain in terms of status besides Kunlun Mountain and Buzhou Mountain.

A mountain is just a mountain, and it is precious because of people.

Therefore, apart from Mount Tai, the highest-ranking of the Five Mountains is Mount Heng in the south, followed by Mount Hua in the west, then Mount Song in the middle, and finally Mount Heng in the north.

The Five Mountains were formed by Pangu's five palms, falling in the four directions of the prehistoric world and becoming five peaks.


Fenghou and Dahong didn't say anything for a while, they looked at each other with admiration for Xuanyuan.

Although they admired them, they were still a little worried, worried about whether Xuanyuan could handle all this...

If it was a one-on-one fight, then they would naturally not hesitate, but if it was such a large-scale battle, this was not something that one person could do.

"No worries, just trust me!"

Xuanyuan said with confidence.

The capital he wanted to build was next to the Luoshui River. The Luoshui River was a water system that flowed from the eastern part of the ancient times to the western part of the ancient times. This river ran through the east and west and divided the north and the south.

It is extremely close to the Kunlun Mountains, the ancestor of all mountains, which means it is already in the middle of the prehistoric times!

Xuanyuan wanted to build the capital here, obviously because he wanted to completely control the world. This location was also the best location for the capital.

Almost all are directly below the heaven...

after a while.

The Human Emperor has an edict to order half of the powerful Hunyuan warriors in the world to build an immortal imperial city next to the Luoshui River. It will be comparable to the Heavenly Palace and should be the capital of the human race for eternity. Because they live next to the Luoshui River, it is named Luoyang!

Luoyang Luoyang, that is Luoyang!

What is Yang? That's the sun! That’s the big day! That's Di Jun! ! ! That is the Emperor of Heaven! ! !

It can be said that Xuanyuan's move is already Xuanyuan's heart, and everyone on the road knows it.

However, the strange thing is that this move did not usher in the sanction of heaven, as if it was deliberately indulging the human race!

This scene made them all extremely shocked, but after the shock, they became even more horrified.

Heavenly Court is so forbearing, they don't believe that it is because Heavenly Court is old or Emperor Jun is old. It is 80% that a bigger war will break out in the future.

For a time, the atmosphere between heaven and earth once again changed from peaceful to murderous.

All races and spirits have gone through a long and peaceful period of the Lich Tribulation, and will soon be heading towards the previous Long-Han Tribulation and Ferocious Beast Tribulation.

As long as the previous era was, this era may be just as long.

"Heaven and earth have begun to change..."

Star Ancestor in the boundless starry sky sighed and said helplessly.

But it has always been like this, and this is the general trend of the world. Although he has already reached the realm of Hunyuan, there is nothing he can do about this situation...

"Perhaps, this is a good thing. Maybe Xuanyuan is more suitable for the Emperor of Heaven than me."

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of Xing Zu.

The person who came was none other than Di Jun.

"It is you……"

After Xingzu saw Emperor Jun, he smiled slightly, then shook his head, and said: "Xuanyuan is very sharp. To the human race, he is a good human emperor, but to all the races in the wild, he is neither a good human emperor nor a good heavenly emperor. , a person like him is not suitable for the emperor of heaven."

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