"Oh? Xingzu thinks so too." Di Jun said softly with a smile on his lips.

Just as Xing Zu said, he also thinks so.

The ancestor of Xingchen nodded slightly: "As the Emperor of Heaven, he should tolerate all races and must not be limited to the gains and losses of one clan; otherwise I would not have given up the position of Emperor of Heaven to my fellow Taoists."

In heaven, they can be regarded as kings and ministers, but in the starry sky, they are both teachers and friends.

If the ancestor of Xingchen hadn't preached in the ancient times, where would the current Emperor Jun come from.

"How big of a storm does Xingzu think Xuanyuan can cause?" Di Jun then asked.

This has nothing to do with the level of cultivation, nor does it have to do with vision.

It's just asking for another person's opinion.

Looking at it alone, it is always a bit blind.

After hearing this, the ancestor of Xingchen looked up to the sky, thought for a moment, and then said: "This son should not be taken lightly. I think that although this son is not suitable to be the emperor of heaven, he is not an ordinary person. His son is so sharp that he may really overthrow the heaven." possible.”

He could tell at a glance that this boy Xuanyuan was different from ordinary people. Maybe the human race really needed such a great emperor, or maybe it was because Huang Tian and others had been friends with others in his previous life but ended up in such an end that his temperament in this life was changed. Big changes.

Anyway, in this life, Xuanyuan showed his sharpness.

The Human Emperor Sword has a scabbard, but Xuanyuan has no scabbard.

It was so sharp that it shot straight into the thirty-sixth heaven. The scene of that day is still vivid in my mind.

Coupled with the high level of cultivation, excellent talent, and skyrocketing cultivation, this is a sign of good fortune.

If there was no luck, there would not be such a fast speed.

"A great man, born between heaven and earth, has the ambition to conquer the universe, how can he be afraid of the next generation?" Di Jun said slowly with a smile on his face.

As the Emperor of Heaven, how can he be afraid of this?

Even if Xuanyuan had the possibility to overthrow him, it would only be an overthrow.

He was confident that, except for Ye Xuan and Pangu, no one in the world could kill him, even the immortal gods and demons who had obtained the body. If he wanted to, he could even kill him.

With the body of the future, I will be able to defeat the gods and demons of the Great Dao!

"That's right!"

Ancestor Xingchen smiled slightly. He liked to see such a confident Emperor Jun, and such an Emperor Jun was the Emperor of Heaven.

"Luoyang? Hehe... I want to see if you can let this sunset that will shine forever!!!"

Thinking of the name of the capital city built by Xuanyuan, Emperor Jun chuckled disdainfully. He was the only person in the world who wanted to let him down.

But to this day, he is still the Emperor of Heaven who shines for eternity!

As for the Suiren family's previous promise to Emperor Jun not to attack Heaven as long as Emperor Jun did not abdicate and Nuwa was still in Heaven, this was not taken seriously by him.

The one who is in charge now is not the Suiren clan. It has even gone through the changes in the middle dynasty, and now it is Xuanyuan who is in charge. At this time, it is okay even if the human race is cheating.

Of course, the person who made the oath was not Xuanyuan, but Suiren.

Among the human race.

Tian Guo.

"Tian Wang, your majesty has summoned half of the Hunyuan people in the world. All those on the list must give up all their affairs and go to Luoshui to build the eternal capital."

Jun Zixian, the human king in the Junzi Kingdom, raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said with a hint of ridicule.

Obviously, he did not take the newly appointed Human Emperor seriously.

The Emperor Suiren has given such a decree. Although the Human Emperor is on the throne in the human race, from the perspective of destiny, one must obey the Emperor, but if it is really for the sake of righteousness, the world will still obey the Emperor Suiren. More.

First, Xuanyuan had just succeeded to the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, and he did not have many supporters.

The second reason is that the Emperor Suiren's status among the human race is too special.

Naturally, these human kings were not among the signs. Xuanyuan gave them enough time and opportunity to unite, so he did not summon them.

As for whether they are worried that they will intentionally leave some tricks behind in the capital, that is not the case. After all, the most indispensable thing among the human race is the existence of high-level cultivation.

So they couldn't really leave any tricks in the capital under Xuanyuan's nose.

Of course, this is the capital of the human race, and they will not really be so crazy and crazy. What they want is the position of human emperor, not a human race that is riddled with holes.

Tian Wang Tian Wan looked indifferent, looked at Jun Zixian who was encouraging him in front of him, smiled slightly, and said: "Oh? What's the matter?"

He is not the kind of person who would be fooled into taking out his pants just by saying something casually.

Jun Zixian looked at the other party strangely and thought to himself, "You're just pretending to be a little bit like me. Who is King Tian?" You are the one who loves me, and now you are pretending to be with me.

"Does King Tian really not know what I mean by this, or is he pretending not to know..."

Jun Zixian said with profound meaning.

He didn't say it too straightforwardly. After all, if the other party really took advantage of him in this matter, then he wouldn't be the one standing upright.

The purpose can be to overthrow Xuanyuan, but the slogan must not say that it is a rebellion.

"Oh? What does the King of Gentlemen mean by this? I don't quite understand..." Tian Wan continued to pretend to be dumbfounded, pretending that he didn't understand.

At this time, Jun Zixian was also a little speechless. He came all the way here not just to do Tai Chi with Tian Wan here.

So, he was just about to speak.

But on the other side, he saw the King of the Jade Kingdom with whom he had already reached a consensus. Jade King Gun said impatiently: "When did I say that King Tian became so mentally retarded? Can't you even understand such obvious words?"

Tian Wan's face darkened when he heard this. What this guy said was really ugly. How could anyone talk like that?

Jun Zixian on the side also looked dumbfounded, "Good guy, I asked you to come here to advise me, not to cause trouble."

When the two of them looked ugly, they saw Jade King Gun speaking bluntly: "I have become an ally with King Junzi, and I am prepared to offer peace to the heavens in order to get the disobedience! Does King Tian want to join us?!"

Tian Wan: "..."

What a fool!

Where did this reckless man come from? !

If such a reckless man participates in a grand event with him, he will definitely fail miserably!

Immediately, his face changed drastically, and he pretended to be furious and refused: "Jade King! The current emperor has just ascended the throne, and you are using the name of Fengtian Jingnan? What on earth do you want! If you are using the name of Fengtian Jingnan, If you actually want to be the human emperor, I will definitely report it to Your Majesty and ask you to plead guilty and be executed!"


Suddenly, Gun's expression changed, he stared at the other person fiercely, looked at the other person with great fear and said: "Tian Wan! I respect you as a man, but now you turn your back and want to report us!"

He really wanted to seal Tian Wan in front of him, but he also knew that this was their territory and they simply couldn't do it.

Gun has always been so impulsive. If strength was not the king in the ancient world, how could he take on the position of king.

"Jade King, stop talking nonsense!" Jun Zixian's face changed drastically and he scolded him quickly.

Then he looked at Tian Wan and said with an apologetic smile: "Prince Tian, ​​please forgive me. Prince Jade has always been like this, and it was not intentional."

When Tian Wan heard this, his face turned green and white. Finally, he waved his hand and said slowly, "That's all. Just pretend I didn't hear what happened today. You can go away. I'm too lazy to argue with you."

Jun Zixian's face became brighter after hearing this. Although he failed to persuade King Tian, ​​he still didn't hit on him.

Then, he smiled slightly and said: "If there is a change in King Tian in the future, you can come to Junzi Kingdom to find me."

After that, he took Gun, who was filled with indignation and had a fierce look on his face, and left here.

After the two left, Tian Wan's originally ugly face suddenly became interesting, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"How can you trust others with such a big deal..."

"Besides, even if I follow you in rebellion, I won't be the Human Emperor when the time comes. It's enough for me to just keep my position..."

Tian Wan's eyes flashed with light. He wanted to see how many people were willing to rebel against Xuanyuan.

He will not rebel easily until he is sure of victory.

Being dissatisfied with Xuanyuan's becoming the Human Emperor does not mean that he will follow them to launch a rebellion. These are two different things.

If you don't rebel, you will still be the king of men, but if you rebel, the consequences will be much more serious if you fail.

Therefore, he wants to see if the other party will succeed. If he succeeds, it won't be a big deal if he turns to the other party at that time.


Jade King Gun, who had just left the palace, thought of what had happened before and became angry. He shook Jun Zixian's hand away and angrily said, "Why did you leave like this before? He already knew what happened to us." , if we let him go again, if he reports the matter, then we will be waiting to die! "

Major events such as rebellion cannot be ignored.

The reason why he said it directly before was because he thought King Tian was the same as them, but there were other factors that prevented him from being directly exposed.

Jun Zixian was not angry, and smiled slightly, as if he was in control, and said: "Don't worry, he won't say it. He knows that this is what many people think, but he doesn't dare to make a decision lightly. He People like this will definitely wait and see from behind, and when the trend comes, they will naturally join us.”

He has seen a lot of people like Tian Wan, weighs the pros and cons, and never knows how to take risks, and in this way he will never get real benefits.

"Is this so..." Gun touched his head and said with some uncertainty.

He was still extremely convinced of Jun Zixian.

"Then, go to the next one, Chiyou. This guy will definitely agree to join forces with us." Jun Zixian said with a smile on his lips.

"Oh? How can you be so sure?" Gun said with some doubts.

"Since Chiyou became the human king, what was the first thing he did?" Jun Zixian did not say directly, but asked.

Gun frowned and then said: "Building relationships?"

"Yes! That's right, he just builds relationships, lobbies everywhere, and doesn't pay much attention to other things. His purpose is obvious, that is to become the human emperor, not the human king."

Jun Zixian nodded, and then a confident smile appeared on his face.

As for Chiyou's guess, he knew that his guess was pretty accurate.

In Nantian Palace.

"He is stronger than I thought..."

Suiren looked at Xuanyuan who had just ascended to the throne of Human Emperor and smiled happily.

On the other side of Luoshui, although Luoyang has not yet taken shape, the bases of various large formations are already being arranged.

All the formations that the human race can obtain are perfectly integrated together to form a super large defensive formation.

This formation combines attack, attack, trapping, defense, etc. Each killing formation has a trapping formation, one by one, becoming stronger and stronger.

Above Luoshui, Human Emperor Xuanyuan, who was in the sky and carefully arranged everything, suddenly raised his head and looked towards the heaven.

"I! I must drag Heaven down!!!"

"Ancestors of the human race, just watch! All the gods and Buddhas in the sky must surrender at the feet of the human race!"

"Among all races and spirits, only man is supreme and only man is the strongest!"

He murmured to himself in a low voice, and then in the endless river of time, this thought was slowly imprinted on him.

When the human race completely dominates the ancient world, this concept will become a real existence, shining on everything in the sky.

"Your Majesty, this divine city is really magnificent!"

Dahong, who was supervising the construction, also ran over happily at this time.

The Divine City naturally has the casting methods of the Divine City. The materials are secondary, and the most important thing is the formation.

As long as the formation is done well, then basically nothing will happen.

For existences of their level, it is of course impossible to really think that one city can withstand many gods.

"Oh? The foundation of the divine city has not been laid yet, but you can already see the grandeur?" Xuanyuan raised the corner of his mouth slightly and looked at Dahong meaningfully.

Dahong chuckled and said: "Such a majestic formation must be a peerless city!"

Xuanyuan nodded slightly and said: "I want to use the destiny of the human race as the foundation to build a truly immortal city!"

Divine dynasties can be changed, but capitals cannot be changed.

Otherwise, it would be too turbulent. In the future, the human race will move to the capital in various ways, and then the capital will really be everywhere.

It is most appropriate to completely establish the capital in one place in the future, so that the human race can manage this place for generations and build it into a real city that will never be destroyed.

Maybe, this is the last seed of the human race...

When the human race was beginning to be in turmoil, the demon race in the wilds all over the world gradually began to make moves.

These are not the demons and immortals in Heaven. These are the demons who were not qualified to enter Heaven or who took the initiative to stay on the mainland.

These demon clans gradually began to unite, and eventually, led by the Qingqiu Fox Kingdom from Heaven, they established a human branch of the demon clan named Qingqiu Demon Kingdom that specifically suppressed the human race.

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