Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 423 Xuanyuan kills Buddha with one sword!

Western Desert, Buddhism.

"Fellow Daoist, civil strife has already occurred in the human race, and the time for us to intervene has already appeared. Now we should go to the human race to preach, and then support the human king who is willing to agree with our Buddhism, help him unify the human race and become the emperor of the human race. Only then can our Buddhism flourish! Only then will the three of us have the opportunity to regain power!!!"

The Yin-Yang Patriarch ran to the place where the Yangmei Patriarch was in seclusion, where all their three generations of ancestors gathered.

His words were very clear, that is, to take advantage of the civil strife in the human race to fish. Of course, if this is done well, it is really possible to catch fish.

Because if they support a human king to achieve an unparalleled foundation, then their Buddhism will naturally get a chance to flourish, and at that time, they will be the real big bosses of Buddhism.

But obviously, the Yin-Yang Patriarch could not really be thinking about the other two people.

What he mentioned is that it can be done on the surface, and it is indeed possible, but if it cannot be done, the consequences will be serious.

How could the Emperor Xuanyuan, who is in charge of killing, be the kind of person who allows others to bully him?

As long as they dare to interfere in the internal affairs of the human race, as long as Xuanyuan is really free, then these two guys will not think about coming back alive!

The ancestor Yangmei was stunned when he heard this, and then he pondered carefully.

After thinking about it carefully, he nodded and said happily: "Yes, this is a good opportunity for us. The winner will be the king and the loser will be the bandit. Anyway, we have nothing to lose! Even if the Emperor of Humanity attacks Buddhism in anger, we can just hide away. Anyway, most of Buddhism is in the hands of the two traitors Zhunti and Jieyin!"

In his opinion, he did not lose anything. Even if he failed, he would just hide. As long as he did not show his face too ostentatiously, it would not be a big deal.

And no matter how strong Xuanyuan was, he was just a little kid who had just become a Hunyuan realm not long ago.

In terms of escaping, who could be faster than him Yangmei?

The fastest is the magical power of space, which is much more powerful than the magical power of turning the golden house into a rainbow, the golden light flying on the ground, the shrinking the earth into an inch, etc.

As the existence in charge of the avenue of space, the ancestor Yangmei will naturally not be afraid of Xuanyuan.

But he didn't know that Xuanyuan also mastered the avenue of space. He didn't attend the coronation ceremony of the emperor at all, so he naturally didn't know about this matter.

"This is a good saying! Taoist Yin Yang is really a think tank among us!!!" The ancestor Shichen said with a smile, full of joy in his heart.

"Hahahaha, it's true!!"

The ancestor Yangmei also felt that the ancestor Yin Yang in front of him was not pitting them, after all, this matter was related to the three of them regaining power.

According to the current strong fortune of Buddhism, as long as they can regain the dominant position, then they can make a fortune.

It is naturally not okay to rob and rob, after all, this will only make the fortune of Buddhism backfire on them.

But once they gain a foothold in the human race, which is the most suitable for preaching in the world, and even become the ethnic religion of the human race, then their so-called Hinayana Buddhism will become Mahayana Buddhism! ! !

What the hell is Mahayana and Hinayana, it's nothing more than who has more power and who has more say in Buddhism!

If you really want to, getting a kitten or a puppy to be the Buddha is just a matter of Zhunti and Jieyin!


The Yin-Yang Patriarch also laughed loudly, and then all three of them laughed.

The Yangmei Patriarch and the Shichen Patriarch did not realize how sinister the smile of the Yin-Yang Patriarch was, it was a happy laugh.

The Yin-Yang Patriarch seemed to have seen the scene of the destruction of these two people.


Then, the Yangmei Patriarch and the Shichen Patriarch really ran to the human race to connect with those human kings. They were under the guise of Buddhism, and they were really found by them in a short time.

That person was named Chiyou.

Yes, it was Chi You who had long been controlled by the Demon Ancestor Luo Hou.

At the beginning, it was not Chi You who was sought, but Chi You's subordinate, the Human King. Later, under the recommendation of the Human King, Chi You agreed to this matter.

It was not that he really believed in Buddhism, but just wanted to trick Buddhism.

One day.

Chi You smiled and looked at the old ancestors Yang Mei and Shi Chen who were sitting in front of him and said: "The two Buddhas can help me, Chi You is naturally grateful, and I would like to offer a glass to the two Buddhas."

As he said that, he drank the wine in his hand.

"Okay, okay, haha..."

After the old ancestors Yang Mei and Shi Chen also drank the wine in the cup, they set their eyes on Chi You. They always felt that Chi You said this because he had something to ask for.

As expected, Chi You then stood up, bowed to the two of them, and said: "But now the Human Emperor is powerful, please help me, the two Buddhas!"

"Oh? Human King, you don't have to be so polite. Since we are here, we will not sit idly by!"

The Raised Eyebrows Patriarch quickly helped Chi You up.

"Please come on, Human King. If there is anything I can do, I will not refuse!" The Shichen Patriarch also clasped his fists slightly towards Chi You and said with a solemn oath.

Chiyou was overjoyed when he heard the words, and quickly said what he had prepared in his heart: "You two Buddhas don't know something. If you compete with other human kings for the position of human king, it will naturally be an extremely simple matter. I also have We are confident that we can win; but now we are competing with the Human Emperor! He has innately occupied the right position, so no matter what we do, it is difficult. This is why we have not resisted until now.

Therefore, as long as the Human Emperor is here, we have no way to rebel, but the problem comes again, we cannot move the Human Emperor. After all, we are the Human Emperor and his subordinates. "

At this point, Ancestor Yangmei and Ancestor Shi also understood what this guy meant. He probably wanted them and others to kill the Killer Emperor, and then they could rebel, directly wipe out other countries, and then dominate the human race. Climb to the throne of the Emperor!

After a brief summary, the two of them nodded and said: "This matter is left to us, and we will definitely get it done! By the way, how strong is the Human Emperor? Are the two of us enough? And I When they take action to suppress the Human Emperor, will other human races take action to stop it..."

"Two Buddhas, please rest assured! The Human Emperor's strength is only about the same as mine. After all, he is a descendant. How strong can he be even if he enters the Hunyuan? But his talent is amazing, so he must be killed as soon as possible!

Now half of the Hunyuan warriors in the human race have been recruited to build the capital Luoyang next to Luoshui! The remaining Hunyuan strongmen are also stationed in various places. As for the two previous human kings, it will be up to me and the human kings under me to stop them.

Therefore, the two Buddhas only need to go to the Bear Country to kill the Human Emperor. Chiyou swears to God here, if the two Buddhas really kill the Human Emperor, as long as I sit on the throne of the Human Emperor, Well, then Buddhism is the national religion of the human race! ! ! "

Chiyou naturally understood the other party's worries, and after seeing the other party agree, he immediately patted his horse and promised.

At the same time, I didn’t forget to draw some pie for the two of them.

It’s something that’s impossible to happen anyway, so just keep blowing it.


Block your mother's head! Block it!

Just run away. As long as you really dare to assassinate me, I will dare to watch the show. If you succeed, I will kill you. If you fail, I will be the first to rush forward and kill you. Sealed!

The killing mentioned here actually means sealing.

Because it cannot be killed, the idea is to seal it so that it will never be born again.

But obviously, Patriarch Yangmei and Patriarch Shi believed it. They believed Chiyou's lies, especially when Chiyou swore to heaven.

Everyone knows that the oath of heaven cannot be made randomly.

Even the powerful Hunyuan warriors are still like this.

"Okay! Then please ask the Emperor to wait here for good news!!!"

Ancestor Yangmei said with a smile, and then disappeared.

Ancestor Shi also followed.

In an instant, the two of them left this place.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

“Why are these old antiques so easy to deceive!!!”

After sensing the disappearance of the two people's breaths, Chiyou couldn't help but let out a crazy laugh.

"If they were not easy to deceive, how could they have been manipulated by Hongjun in the past..."

Suddenly, Luo Hu's words appeared from the bottom of his heart, instantly killing his smile.

Chiyou said with an indifferent expression, as if he had eaten a fly: "What are you doing here?"

If he hated anyone the most, it would be Luo Hu, the demon ancestor who controlled him.

And his so-called eighty-one brothers, the human kings who were directly controlled by Luo Hu, undoubtedly supported him.

This also made him somewhat gratified. After all, although he was controlled by Luo Hu, there were indeed some benefits to be gained.

"Haha...Whether I come or not, what can you do?"

Luo Hu laughed and then disappeared.


Chiyou's originally good mood was suddenly ruined by Rahu.

Although the task of harming Buddhism was assigned by Luo Hu, it was still very satisfying when it was actually done.

the other side.

There is the capital of the Bear Kingdom.

Two Buddhas covering the sky and the sun suddenly appeared above the capital. Each one was as big as the entire capital, completely blocking the sky above the capital.

The Hunyuan strongman from the Xiong Kingdom had long been sent by Xuanyuan to supervise the construction of the capital, and he temporarily used this capital as the capital of the human race to handle government affairs.

"Within three breaths, disappear before my eyes! Otherwise..."

bass! !

A figure appeared like a sword, with its edge sharply exposed, its eyes fixed on the two Buddhas in front of it, and its mouth was filled with murderous intent:


Boom! ! !

Waves of extremely powerful Dao Yun burst out from Xuanyuan's body!

The countless Daoyuns respect the Dao of the sword and all surrender to the Dao of the sword. The King's Dao, the Overbearing Dao and the Imperial Dao are undoubtedly the brightest pearls above the Dao of the Sword!

The power of the Human Emperor and the majesty of the Human Emperor are fully revealed at this moment! ! !

Ancestor Yangmei and Ancestor Shi looked at each other, both of them were a little surprised that the other party's Tao Yun could be so powerful! This is far more powerful than Chiyou!

It is obviously the middle stage of Hunyuan!

But the two of them did not pay too much attention. Instead, they smiled and said: "Human Emperor Xuanyuan is guilty of the Great Desolation, and he must bow his head and wait for punishment today!"

Because they are both in the middle stage of Hunyuan, and if they work together, there is no way they can't defeat a mere junior!

"court death!!!"

A flash of anger flashed in Xuanyuan's eyes, and then his right hand suddenly opened, and a golden sword fell from the sky and suddenly appeared in his hand.


There was a sound of a sword being unsheathed, and the Human Emperor Sword appeared in his hand, and the scabbard automatically disappeared.

Buzz! ! !

The human emperor's sword is constantly flashing with golden light, and within the golden light, there are countless avenues.

This is the royal road! As a human emperor, you should bear everything! Inclusive of everything! And swing it all! ! !

A violent and murderous thought suddenly appeared from the Human Emperor's sword, and majestic, bright and mighty thoughts emerged one after another.

This is a kind of majestic and bright killing, this is an existence like a scourge from heaven!

Xuanyuan held the Human Emperor Sword in his hand and gently swung it towards Ancestor Yangmei and Ancestor Shi.

Buzz! ! !

A golden ray of light burst out instantly, which was a huge sword energy that spanned nearly the entire distance between heaven and earth! ! !

This is the most common sword!

This is also a sword infused with Xuanyuan Sword Dao’s insights!

This is the first time the Human Emperor Sword has been used against the enemy's sword energy! !

This is not just a sword energy, this is already a rule! It's a rule!

This is the terrifying power of the Emperor’s Avenue! ! !

This is a sword that belongs to the supreme dignity of the Human Emperor!

At the same time, Xuanyuan whispered in a low voice: "If you go here, you have to retreat hundreds of millions of miles! You can still survive by bowing your head and surrendering!"

Facing this terrifying sword, the relaxation in the hearts of Patriarch Yangmei and Patriarch Shi disappeared in an instant!

The huge Buddha had a look of fear on his face!

They were facing this sword as if they were facing Pangu's ax! ! !

The same power is amazing! ! Same thing! ! !

This move reminded them of Pangu! ! !

There was an extremely horrified look in their eyes, and they immediately used the Avenue of Space and the Avenue of Time to wrap themselves up, trying to avoid this move across time and space.

However, just after they jumped into unknown time and space, they thought they had escaped the sword.

Suddenly, a golden light flashed.

Their bodies were cut in half instantly! ! !

Just when the two of them were frightened, the golden light actually went away and came back again! Coming towards the two of them again!

In an instant, the head was chopped off again.

Then there were a few more flashes, and the two of them were chopped into six parts in just an instant! ! !

After that, the golden sword energy disappeared.

"Exiling you is equivalent to hundreds of millions of years in the endless space. After hundreds of millions of years, you will be able to return to the primitive world!"

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