Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 424 Your Majesty, the Emperor of Mankind must be executed!

Ancestor Yangmei and Ancestor Shichen were horrified to find that the parts they had been cut off could not be put together, let alone regenerated, and all their previous great powers could not be used.

It was as if they were sealed and suppressed, and this piece of time and space turbulence was where they were sealed.

If no one came to rescue them, even if the two of them cultivated the Great Dao of Time and the Great Dao of Space, they still could not escape from this piece of time and space turbulence.

It can only be said that they deserved it.

The two thought that Xuanyuan's strength was just like that, at most it was about the same as their single fight, and when the two attacked at the same time, they would definitely be in a good position.

But they didn't expect that they couldn't even take a sword, and were directly cut and sealed.

The sword energy contained an extremely strong killing Dao rhyme, and there was also a wisp of sealing and suppressing Dao rhyme, which could not only easily cut through the two's defenses, but also suppress and seal them, making them unable to escape.

It can be said that the power of Xuanyuan's sword has reached the pinnacle.

However, to outsiders, this seemed to be just an ordinary sword.

As the saying goes, the great way is simple, there are not so many fancy things, just a sword, even if it goes to the end of time and space, it will still cut the opponent.

Just like Pangu's axe in the past, one axe passed, all the gods and demons of the great way were killed and injured, and another axe passed, and all returned to the great way.

Xuanyuan in the sky above Youxiong Kingdom looked at all this indifferently.

A mere Buddha dared to come in front of him and be presumptuous!

And this scene also let the gods of the heavens know the horror of Xuanyuan!

No one dared to provoke Xuanyuan again, even Taiyi, who has always been famous in the name of the God of War, did not dare to provoke Xuanyuan at this time.

Because he knew clearly that his move was far from reaching this level.

One sword sealed Yangmei and Shichen. Although these two have never been the top streamers in the prehistoric world, they are also the best ones.

Xuanyuan looked around, as if he saw a sacred being watching this place.

His eyes were indifferent, as if he was looking at an ant.

"If anyone dares to interfere in the affairs of the human race, I don't mind staining my sword with more blood!!!"


A domineering power of the human emperor swept across the whole place, shocking the gods and demons in the sky and the human kings who were watching. Their consciousness was instantly wiped out, and they instantly lost the sense of touch to explore this place.


"The power of the human emperor is so terrifying!!!"

Zhunti slowly opened his tightly closed eyes, smiled slightly, and said.

He did not feel humiliated for the loss of two Hunyuan for Buddhism. On the contrary, he felt that it was a very pleasant thing.

Although the power of the human emperor was also exposed, it was indeed not something they could resist.

But so what? He did not intend to interfere in the internal affairs of the human race, nor did he intend to go against Xuanyuan.

Moreover, Emperor Xuanyuan also removed the two old antiques, Yangmei and Shichen, for them.

"Junior brother, there are no more hidden dangers in Buddhism!"

Jie Yin smiled slightly, and the old pain was no longer seen.

Instead, he was full of joy, and it was a time of pride.

Buddhism was strong, and the two of them got its luck and became the masters of Buddhism, dominating everything in Buddhism.

Two of the three Buddhas of the past have been killed, and only one is left.

It's just a Hunyuan God and Buddha. If they dare to rebel, they can easily solve it.

So, Jie Yin said there are no more hidden dangers.

"The cancer of Buddhism has been cleared, and it will be more prosperous in the future!"

Zhunti looked at Jin Chan, who was vaguely in contact with the Hunyuan realm, and Dizang, who had condensed the only true self, and his heart was full of joy.

When the disciples they accepted achieved Hunyuan, their power would be further consolidated.

Just when the two were imagining the future,

Suddenly, the luck of Buddhism shook, and then it began to shake wildly.

Zhunti and Jieyin were horrified, and hurriedly checked the luck of Buddhism.

The Eight Treasures Merit Pool, the Twelve Golden Lotuses, the Blue Lotus Treasure Flag, and the Blessing Divine Pestle that guarded the luck of Buddhism were vaguely unable to suppress the magnificent luck of Buddhism.

"Brother, how could this be?!"

"Brother, I don't know either!"

"Now, what should we do?"

"Suppress the luck with all our strength, and never let it leak away!!!"

Jieyin and Zhunti were in a panic for a while, using their cultivation to suppress the luck of Buddhism that was constantly shaking and leaking away.



When the Yin-Yang Patriarch saw that the two guys were really sealed, he laughed wildly.

Originally, according to his idea, either the two of them succeeded, and he would regain power and gain a lot of luck.

Or it would be the current result, and he could accept either of these two results.

This time, he has avenged himself for almost being sold out by them!

In the Heavenly Palace, the Lingxiao Palace.

“Xuanyuan is so strong that I can no longer deal with him.”

Taiyi sighed slightly and said with some envy.

I thought that he was the descendant of the sun, the incarnation of Pangu’s charm.

And now he has been surpassed by a younger generation! It is really his shame!

In his opinion, except for Pangu and his elder brother, no one in the world can be stronger than him.

The previous immortal gods and demons were fine, after all, they were the gods and demons of the past, so it was understandable that they were stronger than him.

But now there is another human emperor, and from now on, his combat power can only be ranked fifth.

In this way, how can he be called the God of War in the Great Desolation?

"With great luck and the support of the great trend, it should be like this."

Emperor Jun smiled slightly and said indifferently.

In terms of Xuanyuan's combat power, it is still a little worse than his.

If he took action, those two guys would not be suppressed and exiled, but would have died, the kind of complete death.

All traces of the existence of these two people would be erased in the time and space of the Ten Thousand Worlds, and from then on, no one except him would know.

Just like Kunpeng in the past...

"Your Majesty!! Xuanyuan of the human race has grown so terrifyingly. If we don't take action, I'm afraid the Heavenly Court will be in danger of destruction!!!"

Bai Ze stepped out at this time, bowed to Emperor Jun who was sitting high above, and advised.

"Your Majesty!!! The human race should be destroyed!!! The Human Emperor should be killed!!!"

"Your Majesty!!! Please send troops to destroy the human race and kill the Human Emperor!!!"

In the Lingxiao Palace, dozens of sacred figures stepped out and bowed to Emperor Jun.

They were full of anger in their words, but they were more afraid in their hearts.

They were afraid that everything they had would be lost, and that their own luck might not exist.

They didn't want to see a super-strong human race appear!!!

Although Xuanyuan's sword slashed on the bodies of the ancestors Yangmei and Shichen, and on the faces of the Buddhist sect, it slashed on the hearts of the Heavenly Court!!!

"Please, Your Majesty, take action to kill Xuanyuan and annihilate the human race!!!"

The ten great demon commanders and many demon kings and emperors all came out to advise Emperor Jun.

Emperor Jun's expression remained unchanged. He raised his hand slightly, helped all these people up, and said lightly: "If you are afraid of the strong, how can you become a strong person?"

"You all enjoy the great luck of the Heavenly Court, but your cultivation is slow. Do you know why?"

"In the past, when the Heavenly Court was not established and I had not yet achieved the Hunyuan, your cultivation was advancing by leaps and bounds. Have you ever thought about why this is?"

Emperor Jun asked three questions in a row, making the sacred people in the sky look confused.

Yes, the speed of their cultivation improvement before was not like this now!

Is it because the Hunyuan realm is getting deeper and deeper, so their cultivation improvement is relatively slow?

No! The luck they have now is dozens or even hundreds of times more than before! ! !

But what about now?

The speed of cultivation is getting slower and slower!

Yes, why is that?

"In the final analysis, it is because your mentality has changed. You think that now that you have mastered such a huge fortune and have achieved the status of heaven, you should be able to dominate the heavens and make the fastest progress in cultivation.

But you have never thought that it is often in the most difficult times that the speed of cultivation increases the fastest!

You have obtained everything, but you have not been prepared for danger; you only know how to enjoy the benefits brought by this status, but have never thought about what will happen after losing it!

No! It's not that you haven't thought about it! You are afraid! You are afraid! You are unwilling! Therefore, when a peerless strong man appears, you want to kill him while he is weak!

Over the years, my cultivation has been improving rapidly. There is no rival in the prehistoric world. Even in the entire chaos, no one can be my opponent except Pangu the Father God!

I look down on the four seas and eight wildernesses, and even long for an opponent to appear! !

Now, Xuanyuan has appeared, and I wish he could attack the heaven immediately, but I know that he is not my opponent yet, far from it!

So, I have to give him time, give him enough time, let him prepare everything, let him attack the heaven!

I regard Xuanyuan as a whetstone, and you should also regard the human race as a whetstone! ! ! "

Di Jun's words are full of domineering and majestic feeling.

This is the Emperor of Heaven!!!

This is Di Jun!!!

Like the mighty sun, never afraid of darkness! Instead, use your own greatness to drive away darkness! ! Bring light!!!

"As expected of the Heavenly Emperor I cultivated, he is worthy of being called peerless!!!"

Above the prehistoric world, Ye Xuan looked down at everything that happened below, smiled slightly, and said.

This prehistoric world is very different from the prehistoric world he remembered before, but it is no surprise that this prehistoric world also gave him some very special surprises.

And Di Jun is obviously this big surprise.

The Hunyuan prehistoric world is always different, and the one who leads all this rolling forward is not him, the God of Creation, nor Pangu, the God of Creation of the prehistoric world, but the creatures in the prehistoric world.

There is no doubt that Di Jun has been leading all this rolling forward for a long time before.

And from now on, it will be the Human Emperor who will lead all this!

Di Jun's words instantly stunned many immortals and gods, and they looked at the peerless Heavenly Emperor sitting at the top with admiration.

They seemed to be looking at an ancient Heavenly Emperor imagining the future, and they looked at that Heavenly Emperor with great awe!

That is a peak that is destined to be recorded in the history of the prehistoric world and become a peak in the infinite years and space of the prehistoric world in the future!

This peak does not necessarily have to be unsurpassed, but it must be the most majestic and outstanding peak!

This is the first true emperor of heaven in the prehistoric world! He is also the most outstanding emperor of heaven in the prehistoric world!

Even if future generations can surpass him in terms of strength, they will find it difficult to surpass him in terms of heart and position as Emperor of Heaven! !

"Your Majesty's heart is so great that we cannot match it! Your Majesty's words make me bow to you!!!"

Immediately, the saints all bowed to Emperor Jun again.

Di Jun's words completely woke them up. That's what happened. They had gradually forgotten the enterprising spirit of the past as they gained wealth and power.

Entrepreneurship is naturally an extremely important thing.

And Di Jun just nodded slightly and left the Lingxiao Palace.

He hoped that this time he could really wake up these people and not make the same mistakes again.

Let humanity become a whetstone for heaven. If the sword of heaven is really rotten and worn out, then that's it.

If it is not broken, the gods in the heaven will definitely reach a higher level again.

Chaos, in Zixiao Palace.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Immortal Ancestor Hongjun used his means to transport Buddhism's luck towards Xianmen in a steady stream. Although it may be damaged on the way, it is Buddhism's luck anyway. If it is damaged, it will be damaged, let alone a very powerful one. After getting six copies, even if he could only get one, Hongjun would do it without hesitation.

Why not benefit yourself at the expense of others?

What's more, the luck of Buddhism is so majestic, how could Hongjun let go of this opportunity.

The luck of the Immortal Sect is constantly swallowing up the luck of the Buddhist Sect, truly making the Buddha disappear and the immortal rise.

In a short time, the luck of the Buddhist sect had been lost by 1/20, while the luck of the Immortal sect had increased several times.

Hongjun looked at this scene with satisfaction, and then stopped moving.

"The water flows slowly, wait until the luck of Buddhism recovers, and then pull away..."

The corners of Hongjun's mouth raised slightly, and he was obviously very happy when he saw the majestic immortal sect's luck.

Zhunti and Jieyin, who were far away in the Western Wilderness, also noticed that while the luck of the Buddhist sect was greatly reduced, the luck of the Immortal sect was increasing crazily.

"Senior brother, it seems that the Immortal Sect is stealing the luck of Buddhism!"

Zhunti frowned, and an unknown fire surged up in his heart. He had some vague guesses in his heart, but he was not sure.

"Yes, it's that old thief!!!"

At this moment, Jie Yin also lost his usual demeanor, and his eyes turned red and became extremely violent.

If it had nothing to do with Buddhism's luck, how could he have such an expression?

The luck of Buddhism has been reduced by more than one tenth! Close to two out of ten! ! !

More than 10% of the luck just disappeared like this. The luck of Buddhism is so majestic. The luck of more than 10% is dozens or even hundreds or thousands of times that of most forces.

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