Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 425: Luoyang People's Court, Smoke Rising

"Brother, did that old thief do what he did through the aura of heaven? If so, wouldn't we be completely controlled by him from now on?" Zhunti said with a look of shock and anger.

He was both angry and frightened at the moment. How much he loved Na Hongjun before, he now hated him so much.

I also regretted taking the lead. Yes, how could the old thief easily hand over such a good thing to the two of them? You must know that they had betrayed Hongjun once.

Although Hongjun said that he was the one who set him up and wiped it out, deep down in his heart he must have wanted to kill both of them.

The two of them had specially checked the aura of heaven, but they didn't find anything. Unexpectedly, they still couldn't escape this bad fate.

Now it seems that the other party has really been planning for a long time and is waiting for it to explode today.

"That should be it!" Jieyin nodded, and after calming down his mood, he finally sighed.

The foundation of Buddhism has been carried by the aura of heaven, and it has been supplemented by heaven. It has been helped by heaven, so it has gained such a huge fortune.

Therefore, they have no way to stop Hongjun. They can only become Hongjun's pawns and be swallowed up by him.

"Senior brother, is there really nothing you can do?"

Zhunti still refused to give up and said with gritted teeth.

Jie Yin nodded slightly, but then shook his head slightly.


“It’s not that there are no ways, but it’s simply impossible to achieve.”

"Senior brother, please tell me quickly, I'm almost dying of anxiety!" Zhunti was overjoyed when he heard this and asked hurriedly.

"That is to obtain another breath of heaven, be able to reach the heaven, engrave the seals of the past on it again, complete the heaven, and finally transfer the Buddhist energy to it, and finally destroy the heaven Breath can solve this problem.”

When Jie Yin said this, he shook his head slightly.

This is simply impossible, because they have no aura of heaven at all. In the entire prehistoric era, only Hongjun, who used to be in the heaven, had this thing.

And if they didn't have this kind of thing, they wouldn't have been able to successfully seize power, let alone become the masters of Buddhism today.

"This..." Zhunti was also prevaricating a little.

Then his eyes lit up, and then dimmed suddenly.

He thought that he could also cooperate with the way of heaven to get this thing out, but then he thought about it and realized that this was almost impossible, because the way of heaven no longer needed people to cooperate with the way.

Even Hongjun, who was originally in harmony with the Dao, was rejected by the Dao of Heaven, let alone people like them.

Moreover, without the Jade Disc of Creation, it would be impossible to achieve harmony at all.

Therefore, this road is impossible.

Could it be that from now on, all the luck of the Buddhist sect will be used as a wedding dress for the immortal sect? !

When he thought of this, Zhunti's expression suddenly became painful again, and Jie Yin's expression was not much better.

"Life is miserable..."

Jie Yin sighed and said helplessly.

The country of Jiuli.

The King of Jiuli has long since become Chiyou, and the Witch Clan and the Demon Sect have joined forces to deal with the human race.

The condition is that Chiyou will be the human king.

To this, the Wu Clan also agreed.

Facing such a huge top force like the human race, it is obvious that it is not something that one ethnic group can resist.

The path of soldiers slowly appeared on Chiyou's body. The soldier was unknown, but he was a demon.

Before this, there had never been a way of fighting. Even if two armies faced each other, it was just a simple attack on each other.

And when the Avenue of Soldiers appears, after the two confront each other, they will form a more powerful battle formation. This formation is different from ordinary formations.

The general formation requires a magic weapon as the formation eye, and it cannot be moved. If it is broken, it is broken.

But the way of battle formation is not like this. It belongs to the avenue of soldiers and forms a battle formation to greatly enhance the strength of the army. If a powerful formation is used, it can even make a group of non-Hunyuan people defeat Hunyuan.

This is the horror of the Avenue of Soldiers!

Suddenly, waves of demonic thoughts appeared on Chiyou's body. The soldier's way of killing is also the devil's way!

Chiyou's ability to successfully understand the way to send troops is inseparable from the fact that he has fallen into the devil's way.

Among the human race, various talents began to emerge.

Thousands of acquired avenues begin to emerge and be understood.

There are even some geniuses who understand the thunder method as soon as they are born, and there are also those who know yin and yang from birth.

More and more geniuses from the human race appear, as if they are the first human race, able to quickly comprehend the innate way.

All of this fell into the eyes of many innate saints who paid attention to the human race.

Heavenly Guard Realm.

Fuxi and Nuwa sat in front of the case. He looked at the ancient human race with a smile on his face.

"The future of the human race has been completely messed up. Even I can't see anything. As for what it will become in the end, I'm afraid only that existence knows..."

"My little sister doesn't care about the future of the human race, because they can't be destroyed. At most, they will fail in the struggle for hegemony and continue to live in a corner. The Human Emperor is still the Human Emperor, and the human race is still the human race."

Nuwa smiled lightly and said nonchalantly.

Now her cultivation level has reached the late stage of Hunyuan, an existence that even Fuxi cannot catch up with, and all this is because she can get a share of the strong destiny of the human race.

And Fuxi only has a share of the luck of the heaven.

"Haha, my little sister is so open-minded, it's really amazing." Fuxi laughed loudly. He thought Nuwa would be a little worried, but he didn't expect Nuwa to have such strong confidence in the human race.

But it is also true that the human race is the largest race in the prehistoric world. Now there is a peerless human emperor who can be on par with the emperor of heaven. Such an existence will naturally not let the human race face the disaster of destruction.

What's more, there are still many geniuses in the human race, which will undoubtedly greatly enhance the strength of the human race.

"The human race has done well enough, and I am naturally very relieved about them." Nuwa smiled slightly, with a gleam in her eyes.

Fuxi nodded slightly and agreed: "Indeed, the human race is so strong that it has never been seen before."

It can be said that the human race is the most outstanding race in the prehistoric world.

You have talent and talent.

Over the years, the human race has created countless kinds of innate and unpredictable ways.

This race is extremely creative.

"The human race is self-reliant and virtuous. If we help them, it will inevitably affect the human race's fortune and make them suffer losses. I can only be an outsider and watch the ups and downs of the human race."

Nuwa saw it very clearly and knew that the human race should always be self-reliant. She could only be an outsider.

Besides, if the human race really encounters any danger now, it is far beyond the help of Nuwa.

In the past, Nuwa was the Hunyuan, dominating everything, and with Di Jun's support, naturally no one dared to provoke her.

Now, there are many people in the Hunyuan realm, and Di Jun no longer stands behind her to support her, so naturally he can't help the human race now.

All destiny depends on the human race itself.

Nuwa's words made Fuxi a little stunned.

Are outsiders the best?

This reminded him of the man in white, who seemed to be an outsider...

When he thought of Ye Xuan again, he couldn't help but feel a little more awed.

In this case, the other party has really been protecting Honghuang and hoping that Honghuang will grow.

Then, the stars flowed in Fuxi's eyes, and lines formed a chessboard. The chessboard was broad and speechless, as if it contained the world.

A white piece slowly fell on it, and another black piece fell on it.

He wanted to use this to peek outside the game and peek at the truth hidden at the end of time.

In an instant, the whole chessboard was filled with them.

"In this way, the game can be broken!"

When Fuxi followed the chessboard of heaven and earth to peek outside the world, he suddenly found a brilliant light that forced his vision back.

This chessboard could actually attract Ye Xuan and make his fingers move slightly.

In the void, a chessboard slowly appeared, and Fuxi kept placing his chess pieces on that chessboard.

With each chess piece falling, the visible range of the chessboard increased by one point.

When the chessboard was full, it was possible to glimpse outside the chaos.

"Interesting, really interesting, have you come this far?"

"But it's still a long way off..."

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, and with a casual cover, the chessboard disappeared, and no one could see the outside world.

Although Fuxi's cultivation level was not the farthest in the prehistoric world, he was almost able to glimpse outside the chaos. This ability was indeed the best in the prehistoric world.

"All the spirits in the prehistoric world thought that the strongest was Di Jun. I really didn't know that this Fuxi was really hidden. Maybe even Nuwa just thought that Fuxi's cultivation was not as good as the late Hunyuan..."

Ye Xuan shook his head and smiled slightly. Fuxi's cultivation had already entered the late Hunyuan, and he even had a vague idea of ​​touching Wuji.

You know, Fuxi did not take Pangu's method.

He regarded the chessboard as the world and the chess pieces as all living beings, and wanted to play a game of chess that would shock the world.

Fuxi was originally very proud, but in an instant, his breath was extremely weak, and his face instantly lost color.

He wanted to spy on the outside, but was suddenly attacked by it.


Nuwa was anxious when she saw this. She didn't know why the brother who was still talking and laughing in the previous second was directly weak in the next second.

However, at this moment.

Among the human race, Luoyang has also been completely built. The generation of human court built according to the layout of the heaven is extremely magnificent and should be the capital of the human race for all eternity.

This is not the work of heaven, but the work of human power!

The heaven has thirty-six heavens, and the human court also has thirty-six realms.

The heaven has jade buildings, and the human court also has jade buildings.

All formats are reproduced one-to-one according to the heaven!

Luoyang has 36 realms, each of which corresponds to a heaven. The scope is extremely vast and boundless, floating between heaven and earth, and built on the foundation of the Ten Thousand Worlds.

Each realm is just a small palace from the outside, but when surrounded together, there are 36 palaces in total, and the most central place is the 33rd heaven.

However, in Luoyang, this is the 36th realm, also known as the Forbidden City. Purple is the Purple Star, symbolizing the residence of the emperor, and forbidden is a place that ordinary people cannot enter.

The most important thing in the Forbidden City is the Palace of the Emperor, which is the place where major government affairs are handled, and its status is equivalent to the Lingxiao Palace in the heavenly court.

When Luoyang was successfully built, this prosperous era was also completely known to the gods.

And this moment was the most proud moment for Xuanyuan, and it was also the day when all the kings in the world rebelled!

In the northwest, the Jiuli Kingdom was the most extreme. Led by the Jiuli King Chiyou, the surrounding 81 countries all followed the footsteps of the Jiuli King and rebelled, instantly sweeping across the entire northwest of the Southern Wasteland, which was closest to the human imperial capital Luoyang.

In the southeast, led by Jade King Gun, 72 countries including the Gentleman Kingdom, Rain Kingdom, and Nine Snake Kingdom rebelled one after another, and in an instant, they swept across the entire southeastern part of the Southern Wasteland.

In the southwest, led by Barbarian King Meng, 36 countries including Baiyue and Nanyue followed, and also completely stirred up the situation in the southwest of the Southern Wasteland.

In the northeast, because the two countries left by the former Suiren and Shennong were nearby, those who participated in the rebellion were blocked alive without causing too much trouble.

Despite this, the unrest still gradually rose, and more and more countries began to join the other side's rebels.

For a time, the human race was in chaos! !

Countless human races rebelled, and the entire human race was caught in a war.

Even many human kings who had not thought of rebellion at the beginning joined the uprising army at this time.

As human kings, how many people are unwilling to become human emperors?


Luoyang, Forbidden City, Human Emperor Palace.

"Your Majesty, now the whole world is in rebellion, and the smoke of war is everywhere. We should use the power of the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Sui to completely pacify the northeast, and then use the power of the northeastern countries to quell the rebellion of other countries. In this way, the world can be settled!"

After Xuanyuan ascended the throne, Fenghou became the prime minister of Xuanyuan.

And Dahong became the general who was in charge of the world's troops, and there were many human kings holding some positions in the court.

These are all concurrent positions, which also shows that they are different from other human kings.

Xuanyuan, who was sitting high up, was not in a hurry. He shook his head slightly and said, "Why bother so much? There is only one enemy of mine!"

"Who is it? I will lead the troops to destroy him now!"

Dahong was alerted by the words and said hurriedly.

"The king of Jiuli, Chiyou."

Xuanyuan said softly, his eyes spanning infinite time and space, as if he could reach Jiuli directly.

Except for the king of Jiuli, all other places belong to the rule of the emperor of man. He can decide with one word. As the emperor of man, he should command the world. He only needs to directly seize the position of the king of man from those people, and those people will have no righteousness, and then he can suppress the rebellion.

What is the clearing of the court, what is the obedience of heaven to quell the rebellion, who can't see it from what they do?

As long as they have no status, those ambitious people will be abandoned by the human race in an instant.

The real threat is Chiyou, the king of Jiuli. Jiuli has been excluded by the human race from the beginning, and gradually it is more inclined to the side of the witch race. It is no longer something that Xuanyuan can decide with one word.

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