"Chiyou? This thief dares to stir up trouble in the northwest, and he is too close to Luoyang. If he really pacifies the northwest, it will be a big threat to us..."

Dahong frowned and said worriedly.

This is indeed the case. The thief Chiyou is in the northwest, not far from Luoyang.

Although the Jiuli Kingdom is not loved by the human race, it is indeed very powerful. After so many years of human-witch hybrids, it has accumulated a large number of backbone forces.

Although the human-witch hybrids are not as strong as the pure human race, after so many generations, there are very few human races with the same talent as before, so they are still stronger than some ordinary human races.

"These rebels are just some barbarians. Your Majesty's divine power can be defeated in a snap, and what is there to fear from the Li people? Concentrate the power of the original and pacify them in one fell swoop!"

Chang Xian said with his head held high and his chest held high, with a look of disdain and contempt in his eyes.

The so-called barbarians are the barbarians in the south, the barbarians in the east, the Hu people in the north, and the Li people in the west.

Manyue refers to the human race in the southwest, while Dongyi refers to the people in the southeast, the Hu people are in the north, the Jiuli people in the northwest, and the Central Plains and the northeast area are the orthodox.

These regional divisions have also been created after generations of regional discrimination among human races, and the orthodox dynasties are all in this area and the gradual development of local cultures.

The Central Plains is more developed, with connections in all directions and a vast world.

Other places are more or less less prosperous than the Central Plains, which makes the people of the Central Plains look down on other places, and gradually the names of Man, Yue, Yi, Hu, and Li appear.

These names are the names of the countries with the largest forces of all parties, that is to say, the southern part of the Man State and Yue State are relatively large, the East is the Yi State, the North is the Hu State, and the West is the Jiuli.

Gradually, these have become metaphors, and have become metaphors for those regional discriminations.

And everyone also knows that no matter Man, Yue, Hu, or Yi, they are all human beings, only Jiuli is not human, but just a witch with human blood.

Everyone thinks so, so Jiuli has always been thrown to the borderland in the northwest without being loved by his mother and uncle.

After hearing what Chang Xian said, Xuanyuan nodded and said, "You are right, but you think too simply. Although the rebellion of the kings is not a big problem, they cannot be left alone. The momentum is getting stronger and stronger. From now on, the imperial edict to fight against the rebels will be issued to remove the name of the rebellious king, and order the capable people in the world to kill the traitors. If anyone can kill the king, the next king will be his!"


Everyone's eyes were full of shock. Isn't this a direct move to cut off the foundation of those kings?

The reason why those kings can make people all over the world respond to their call is not because of the title of king? Under the name of "Feng Tian Jing Nan" and "Purging the Emperor to Clear the Court".

Now the Emperor can seize their most powerful support with a decree. Even if they do not approve of this decree and say that it was issued by treacherous ministers, they will still lose the hearts of the people in the end.

In addition, Xuanyuan said that the one who kills the rebellious king should be the next king!

This will make many powerful people of the human race surround and attack him, so that the rebellion is set.

It is even possible that the subordinates of the rebellious king will directly obtain their own position as king by killing the king.

After all, on the one hand, there is the decree of the Emperor, and on the other hand, there are the kings who are still painting a pie and do not know whether they will succeed, let alone.

Even if it succeeds, I am afraid that there will not be so many kings to be granted to themselves, after all, there are many rebellious kings in the world.

"Your Majesty is wise!!!"

Feng Hou smiled, bowed and said.

Although it seems that such a king is obtained entirely by strength, the relationship with Xuanyuan is only a relationship of interest.

But in fact, it is much stronger than those rebellious human kings, and even if it is for the sake of interests, it is still driven by Xuanyuan in the end.

Once people get something, they are even more reluctant to give it up.

After tasting the taste of power, not everyone is willing to give up the power in their hands.

"Your Majesty is wise!!!"

Other ministers also bowed to Xuanyuan.

Then there was a special person responsible for writing the edict. After Xuanyuan stamped the seal of the emperor, the edict was already formed.

Then, the person responsible for delivering the edict ran to the edict hall and began to read the edict to the entire human race with the help of the formation.

"Your Majesty has issued an order: the rebellious ministers and traitors have risen up, causing the human race to suffer unspeakably; from now on, the position of the human king shall be abolished, and the whole world shall fight against it; if the rebellious king is beheaded, he shall be the new king!"

"List of rebellious kings: Meng of the Man State, Gun of the Yu State, Chiyou of the Jiuli State, Li of the Baiyue State, Qin of the Nanyue State, Junzixian of the Gentleman State..."

In one breath, the person who passed through the imperial edict actually called out the names of more than 400 human kings in one breath.

It can be seen that the rebellion is getting more and more intense, and more and more human kings are participating in the rebellion.

For a time, the world fell into chaos again.

A piece of imperial edict can make all the kings in the world fall into self-precariousness. These people went from being high-spirited at the beginning, to being complacent with success later, to now this imperial edict made them feel a sense of crisis, so that even the people around them did not believe it.

No one believed that these people could really follow him all the time, instead of taking the opportunity to kill him and gain greater benefits.

You must know that the position of human king is something that many people dream of!

However, these human kings were not vegetarians. They immediately issued a proclamation against the traitors, saying that the traitorous officials in the world were causing trouble, the demons were harming the country, and the generals supported the troops and respected themselves, and had controlled the human emperor. The previous edicts were just false edicts. That's all, they are the real messengers of justice. They want to break into the capital, pacify the real rebellious officials and traitors, and return the government to His Majesty.

Of course, everyone knows that this is just the rhetoric of careerists, and everyone knows that these human kings are the real rebels.

Therefore, this letter against thieves was of little use and could not stop those who fled from their ranks day and night.

Before, when they didn't know the facts, they were still willing to follow these Human Kings to rebel. Now, after hearing the Human Emperor's edict, they fled here instantly.

And those high-level generals did not flee, because they knew about it, and the King of Humans also promised them many benefits, saying that after success, all the countries in the world could choose from.

Although most of those who escaped were those who did not enter the Hunyuan realm and had little impact on the war situation, in fact these people are indispensable. After all, conquering the world relies on the combat power of those in the high-end realm of Hunyuan, but internally there are still It depends on those who do not enter Hunyuan to defend it.

The powerful Hunyuan warriors in their hands followed them to continuously conquer and defeat the enemy.

Naturally, battles in the realm of Hunyuan cannot be fought within the Primordial Realm. They all go to Chaos to fight. As for the siege of cities and territories within the human race, they have to rely on their armies.

Although their victory or defeat is of little significance, after all, not every city is guarded by a strong Hunyuan warrior.

Moreover, the governance of one side also depends on those who are not in Hunyuan, so these people are also indispensable.

When the Human Kings once again tried to tempt their subordinates, they were horrified to find that they were collectively attacked by their subordinates. No matter who finally went to see the Human Emperor with his head, he would always rebel.

For a time, the world was completely in chaos.

This kind of chaos started from the inside out. The rebels' front line retreated crazily, and then internal troubles broke out.

Not long after, the rebellions in many parts of the human race that were once full of wars gradually subsided.

Many people were unwilling to stand opposite the Human King. When they heard that beheading the chief could lead to the position of Human King, they all betrayed the Human King one by one, and thus exchanged the position of Human King for a living person. stubble.

Although these human kings are not very loyal to Xuanyuan, fortunately they have no intention of rebellion and will obey the orders of the human emperor. They dare not rebel even more, because the strong ones among the human race still tend to obey To His Majesty the Human Emperor.

It wasn't like there weren't people who followed the Human King's path and fought to the end, but in the blink of an eye they were besieged by Hunyuan strongmen from other places, and were defeated one by one.

Others saw that the situation was over and defected directly, including Jun Zixian from Junzi Kingdom.

From the time he recommended Jade King Gun as the leader, he knew that this guy was actually very sinister.

Although the leader is Jade King Gun, in fact all the internal power belongs to him, and almost all kings obey him, because he was the one who instigated this conspiracy.

Even Tian Wangwan looked at the general trend and started a rebellion with them. However, he never thought that the rebellion would be put down soon after. He was so frightened that he fled in a hurry and left the territory of the human race.

When the new kings saw the fate of the old kings, they naturally no longer dared to defy Xuanyuan Yang, let alone rebel.

As a result, most of the world was calmed down and Xuanyuan's rule was restored again.

Only the rebellion in the northwest is left, and it has not subsided yet.

The country of Jiuli.

These Hunyuan people in Jiuli Kingdom have long known that they can't really get human resources, so they have risked their lives one by one, as well as the eighty-one kings who were secretly manipulated by Luo Hu, and their All his subordinates were controlled in every aspect.

In other words, it is actually impossible for these people to be seduced by an edict and rebel against their king.

And every time Chi You conquered a place, the Hunyuan strongmen in that place were bewitched by Luo Hu and became the minions of the Demon Sect.

Naturally, the Wu Clan didn't know this. They really thought they could control the human race in the future.

They also know that they and others must not interfere in the internal affairs of the human race, so they have always delegated power and provided no help. At most, it is only some material help.

"Now that most of the rebellions in the human race have been put down, we are the only ones left. In this way, Xuanyuan can free up his hands to deal with us. If this continues, we will die sooner or later..."

Chiyou looked at Luo Hu with a worried look on his face, wanting to seek help from him.

He knows that although the current power is huge, compared with the entire human race, it is like a mantis trying to do nothing but overestimating its own capabilities.

If Xuanyuan really personally led his troops to put down the rebellion, then they would have no other choice but to die.

Although this kind of death is not real death, he will come back sooner or later, but he doesn't know when it will be at that time.

If Pangu had not intervened in the old Lich War to make them return after ten thousand years, they would not have known how many years it would have taken for them to be born again.

Luo Hou was also worried, but he pretended to be calm and said, "Don't worry. I think the human race has settled the rebellion, but it has just been settled. Xuanyuan will not summon them, unless they really can't beat you. Otherwise, those new kings will definitely guard the old place to prevent the rebellion from resurrecting."

"In this way, we still have a chance? As long as we defeat the opponent, we can unify the world." Chi You's eyes showed the desire for victory again.

As long as he completely took down Xuanyuan when Xuanyuan led troops to attack him for the first time, he would not be unable to succeed and still have the opportunity to become the emperor of the human race.

"That's natural. Xuanyuan is the strongest, but you are also strong, with many brave generals under your command, and as many as three thousand Hunyuan strongmen. You may not be able to compete with Xuanyuan."

Luo Hou was also full of smiles. Such a huge group, even if it does not want to annex the human race, is not comparable to other small forces.

He has worked hard for so many years, and now it has finally become a climate.

Of course, Luohou would not really ignore the entire human race. After all, if he really controlled the human race, the Demon Sect would be able to truly dominate the prehistoric world.

Although not every one of the three thousand Hunyuan strongmen was directly controlled by Luohou, there were also eight hundred Hunyuan who were directly controlled by him.

The remaining two thousand or so were all good brothers who would never rebel. Even if the Human Emperor issued an edict, they would not obey.

In their view, the orders of the Human Emperor were far less important than loyalty and family affection.

"Humph! I will definitely take him down in one fell swoop!"

Chiyou snorted coldly. Although Xuanyuan was extremely powerful, as long as he did not gather too many people at once, there would be no problem.

Even if it was a one-on-one duel, he believed that with the help of Luohou, he could win.

No matter how strong Xuanyuan was, he would not be stronger than the Demon Ancestor, right?

He thought so.

What he didn't know was that if Luo Hou knew what he was thinking, he would probably be so angry that he would curse his mother. Just looking at Xuan Yuan's performance in killing the ancestors Yang Mei and Shi Chen in You Xiong Country, even if he was called again, he would not be a match.

If it weren't for the fact that Hun Yuan was immortal and would eventually return, Luo Hou would not have thought of leading these people to fight Xuan Yuan. He would only think of taking these people away from the human race and going to the Demon Sect.

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