Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, Xuanyuan has decided to lead the army of the entire Central Plains and the Northeast to the Northwest, and officially intends to start the final decisive battle.

As long as Chiyou can be pacified, Xuanyuan will be able to completely control the human race and eliminate all unstable factors with the help of this war.

At that time, Xuanyuan can start the real journey of unifying the four seas and eight wildernesses.

Although Xuanyuan has not been able to enter the late stage of Hunyuan, his strength has long surpassed many great powers in the late stage of Hunyuan with his human emperor's luck and the ten thousand ways of swordsmanship.

In addition, there are many great powers in the human race, and there are countless strong ones, so it is not impossible to compete with the Emperor of Heaven.

Xuanyuan is martial, so the human race is martial!

This is Xuanyuan's innate momentum to conquer the world, and he now spreads this momentum to his human race.

A hundred years have passed. Although it is only a blink of an eye in the prehistoric world, Xuanyuan has gathered countless Daluo Jinxians and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians.

"Where is Dahong!"

"I am here!"

With a loud shout, Dahong, who stood at the head of the ministers, had already walked out.

Behind him were dozens of generals in armor. Most of them were kings of the surrounding countries. They were kings in their own countries and generals in the court.

Among these people, there were also many Hunyuan strongmen listed by Xuanyuan, not the previous Hunyuan strongmen.

They were willing to fight bloody battles on the battlefield with those soldiers who were dedicated to the human race, unify the human race, and completely quell the rebellion of the barbarians.

"A hundred years have passed. The Divine Dynasty is ready to go. Can we quell the rebellion?"

"We should quell the rebellion!"

Dahong said in a firm voice. He had been waiting for this day for a long time.

After Dahong's firm voice appeared,

"Suppress the rebellion! Suppress the rebellion! Suppress the rebellion!!"

The soldiers behind him also roared.

As the roars spread, they reached the outside of the Human Emperor Palace.

"Suppress the rebellion! Suppress the rebellion!"

One after another, all the soldiers on duty in the palace roared wildly until it spread throughout Luoyang. Countless armies and countless people in the thirty-six realms shouted loudly.

At this time, all the civil and military officials in the court turned their eyes to the peerless emperor sitting on the high platform.

And the soldiers outside the palace also turned their eyes to the hall, and the soldiers and civilians outside the Forbidden City all looked at the Forbidden City.

At this moment, under the attention of everyone, Xuanyuan stood up and drew his sword, overlooking the kings and ministers in the hall, as if overlooking the entire world.

The bright yellow Human Emperor robe on his body seemed to come into being vaguely, and suddenly exuded a fierce Human Emperor majesty.

Behind Xuanyuan, the luck of the human race quickly gathered, forming a golden sword that was taller than a person.


A Dao rhyme that was overwhelming and sharp emerged spontaneously.

That was a Dao rhyme that was on par with the Dao of the Sword and the Dao of the Emperor.

In an instant, it swept all around!

In an instant, many ministers present were shocked. When they looked at Xuanyuan on the high platform, they always felt that there was something more ambiguous.

"Your Majesty's majesty makes me bow down to you!!!"

"Your Majesty's majesty makes me bow down to you, it's hard to see even a fraction of it!!!"

The powerful Hunyuan warriors below looked at the emperor on the stage in shock, full of admiration.

In this way, he should be the emperor!

This is the real emperor! The real emperor!

Domineering and unparalleled!

Shock the world!

Command the army!

Control the human race!

Suppress the prehistoric!

And all of this is just a thought of Xuanyuan!

This is the real imperial way! The real imperial way! The real tyranny!

As for the so-called benevolent king, in front of the real tyrannical emperor, he is so fragile, so weak and helpless.

And now, under the emanation of Xuanyuan's Daoyun, those Hunyuan strongmen who are watching Xuanyuan also feel the infinite power of ten thousand Dao in the Daoyun bursting out by Xuanyuan.

For a time, many people were able to get some insights from it, so as to improve their own cultivation.

Kunlun Mountains, Buzhou Mountain.

The Three Pure Ones gathered together and began to discuss something with each other.

"The human race has a great catastrophe. I have been blessed by the human race for a long time, so I should help."

The Taishang, who has always been serious, couldn't help but smile at this time.

He is the leader of the human sect, enjoying half of the luck of the human race, second only to the Emperor of Heaven, the Emperor of Earth, the Emperor of Man and the Holy Mother Nuwa.

And for all this, Tai Shang paid almost nothing. Instead, with the help of the luck of the human race, his cultivation level advanced by leaps and bounds, and he has actually reached the late stage of Hunyuan.

He left Tongtian behind early, not to mention Yuanshi.

Although Yuanshi had long escaped from Luohou's control, his cultivation level was still the most backward among the three, with only the early stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, which was inferior to many younger generations.

The reason was that he took a detour in his era.

Without the bonus of luck that was the general trend, his cultivation level naturally improved slowly.

Tongtian was quite standard, and his cultivation level was still in the middle stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

When they achieved Hunyuan in the past, Tongtian was the best among them, but now the luck is gone and the situation is gone, so the speed of cultivation has slowed down.

As for the so-called merits of Pangu's creation of the world, they have already used it to achieve the state of Hunyuan.

The three people looked at the power emanating from Luoyang, the capital of the human race, and felt a little palpitating in their hearts.

"This human emperor is really not an ordinary person, maybe he can really accomplish something great."

When Tongtian talked about Xuanyuan, his face was obviously full of admiration.

Although Yuanshi has always looked down on these acquired creatures, he also knows that the human race is not an ordinary acquired creature, not to mention Xuanyuan, the human emperor who was reincarnated from the ancient three days.

"Yes, the Human Emperor is extraordinary. No matter what disaster they encounter, I think the human race does not need us to worry."

The Supreme shook his head slightly and said: "The disaster of the human race is far better than the great disaster of the beasts in the past, and even more tragic than the Dragon Han disaster. The world will surely be devastated."

Among the three people, only he is more proficient in divination and fortune-telling. The other two are not proficient in this. Moreover, the fate of the human race is unpredictable. Although there is an ominous trend, there are also more variables.

"In this case, we should help!"

Tongtian said without hesitation.

Although he did not have much intersection with the human race, many of his disciples were from the human race.

He taught without distinction, and all races could be accepted under his knees.

"It should be so!"

Yuanshi also smiled and nodded.

There are many sacred beings who are friendly with the human race, and they are also ready to help the human race.

When the Dao rhyme in the Forbidden City rose to the sky, the Hunyuan strongmen who were secretly watching all this could not help but feel a little horrified.

Especially those sacred powers who had not been on good terms with the human race before, at this time, they were even more frightened.

If we say which group of people are most afraid of the rise of the human race, it is undoubtedly these innate sacreds who once tried to divide the human race in the early years of the human race.

But they can't stop the rise of the human race, and can only watch it happen.

But now these innate sacreds look at these human races, and they feel more and more that such a sharp-edged human emperor cannot appear.

"Everyone, if Xuanyuan really quells the rebellion of the human race, it will be terrible."

"Fellow Taoists, why don't we help the King of Jiuli? If we help them win this battle, the human race will no longer have to worry about it in the future, at least not like Xuanyuan!"

One by one, the innate sacreds began to plot behind them, intending to help the King of Jiuli.

Although the Jiuli King will not be controlled by them after he takes the throne, he may also intend to get involved in other places in the prehistoric world.

But as the saying goes, choose the lesser of two evils. Compared with Xuanyuan, Chiyou is naturally easier to deal with.

"Great good!"


Then, most of these people appeared in Jiuli Kingdom. They did not go directly to Luoyang to kill Xuanyuan.

Let's not talk about whether they can beat Xuanyuan. Even if they can beat him, the Luoyang formation, the center of the world, is not a vegetarian?

Gathering 100,000 Hunyuan strongmen, it took ten thousand years to build such a human race eternal city.

However, after all, some guys who wanted to directly destroy the Human Emperor gathered together and came directly to the sky above Luoyang.

"The Human Emperor has caused chaos in the world, causing chaos in the world. Now we can't bear to see the people in the dust and the lives of the people in the world, so we should kill the thieves for the world!"

A group of innate saints stood in the air, looking down at the human race in Luoyang below, and shouted.

"Your Majesty, there are thieves outside, I request to go to the battle!!!" Dahong shouted, and immediately bowed and asked for orders.

At this time, Emperor Xuanyuan, who was originally in the hall, ignored Dahong, but raised his head slightly to look up.

Through the layers of mountains, he reached those innate saints.

Xuanyuan shook his head slightly, smiled slightly, and said contemptuously: "My dear ministers, please watch how I kill the thieves."

Then, his figure flashed, and he went out of the city directly and came to the sky above Luoyang.

"Who are the ants, dare to come here and be presumptuous!"

Rumble! ! !

A tyrannical and unparalleled power rose to the sky, distorting the surrounding space.

This scene fell into the eyes of those innate saints, and a touch of horror appeared in their eyes.

They looked at Xuanyuan, who was alone in front of them, and they were horrified.

They were horrified to find that Xuanyuan in front of them was so powerful. These people had not noticed how Xuanyuan fought against the ancestors Yangmei and Shichen in the past.

If they had seen how Xuanyuan fought against the two ancestors, they would not have dared to come here to seek death.

The ministers below also left the hall and stood on the hall square, quietly watching the emperor who was fighting against more than a dozen Hunyuan strongmen alone.

If they had not known that the emperor was warlike, they would have rushed up and taken down the dozen Hunyuan.

A dozen Hunyuan strongmen dared to come here and act presumptuous. They really didn't know how to write the word death!

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for the emperor to fight in person.

But their emperor was too warlike. When he encountered something, he always thought that he could solve it himself and would never call other people.

Sometimes, they all vaguely thought that this Majesty was not suitable to be the emperor of the human world, but was more suitable to be a mighty and invincible general!

"Gentlemen, listen to the dragon's roar!!!"

Xuanyuan suddenly pulled out the Xuanyuan Sword, and a dragon's roar resounded through the world, and a golden dragon transformed by luck also appeared behind him.

There were bursts of dragon roars.

In those pale golden eyes, the majesty and domineering of the emperor of the human world were revealed, and he looked at the innate saints opposite as if he was looking at ants.

A domineering and unparalleled momentum was madly crushing forward.


The golden dragon roared to the sky, swallowing the universe!

"No, run!!!"

An innate saint saw this and shouted wildly.

These super antiques that have survived from ancient times to the present are all living fossils of the prehistoric times. After seeing Xuanyuan's magical powers, they were so scared that they started to run away.

However, when the golden dragon appeared in the world, it was destined that they could not escape at all.


With a long roar from the golden dragon.

The sky and earth collapsed, and time and space ceased to exist.

Everything had begun to gradually collapse, even time and space were no exception.

"Space Avenue?!"

"Time Avenue?!"

"How is this possible?! How could the human race master such a terrifying avenue!!!"

"And he has mastered everything!! Who is he! This can't be Xuanyuan!!!"

Accompanied by the shouts of the innate saints, Xuanyuan, who was standing in the sky, waved his hand.

There seemed to be a great terror in the dark, depriving, separating, and destroying everything inside.

The bodies of the dozen or so Hunyuan strongmen actually began to gradually decompose!

One by one, from the inside out, gradually decomposed.

From the flesh to the soul, everything was decomposing.

Only the eternal and indestructible true spirit could be preserved from it.

Seeing this, the ministers below were stunned and looked at all this after seeing it.

"Your Majesty is so powerful. He had to use a move to kill the ancestors Yangmei and Shichen before, but now he just drew his sword and those dozen Hunyuan are about to fall..."

"Yes, Your Majesty is too powerful. We are ashamed of ourselves..."

"Chiyou and the others are dead. They dared to rebel against Your Majesty. Your Majesty is so powerful that even if there are more of them, it will be useless!"

"The strongest people in the prehistoric world are the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor of Man!"

Just as these people were discussing, there was a sudden explosion.

Boom! ! !

The golden dragon that was flying behind him suddenly spit out a flame, instantly burning those Hunyuan strongmen who were being decomposed into ashes, and they have already fallen.


"Is this the true fire of the sun?!!"

"How is this possible?!!"

"Impossible!!! Absolutely impossible!!! How can someone in the world who is not a member of the Jinwu clan be able to master the true fire of the sun?!!"

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