Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 428: Become the Emperor of Heaven! Is the Emperor of Man rebelling?

"Impossible...absolutely impossible..."

When those saints who dared to attack the dignity of the Human Emperor were completely burned by the true sun fire spit out by a golden dragon, all the ministers below were dumbfounded and cried out that it was impossible.

Even though the human race has infinite possibilities, it is still impossible in the face of some magical powers!

Everyone in the ancient world knew that the true fire of the sun was the unique true fire of the Golden Crow clan.

The true fire of the sun is so domineering that only the Golden Crow clan born from the sun can control it!

In addition, there are countless great gods who play with fire in the world, but none of them can control the overbearing and unparalleled true fire of the sun!

Whether it is Wu Zhurong, the ancestor of fire, who was called the God of Fire in the prehistoric era, or the Lord Huodexing in the heaven, or all the creatures who practice the path of fire in the prehistoric era!

Among these people, the Nanming Lihuo of the Phoenix clan is already very good, but none of them can control the true sun fire that dominates everything in the sun!

However, at this moment, it was Emperor Xuanyuan who used it!

This scene made the courtiers below stunned for a moment.

And the next moment, it turned into an extremely fanatical gaze.

"This is destiny!!! Your Majesty should be the Emperor of Heaven!!!"

"It's my destiny!! Be the Emperor of Heaven!!!"

Waves of shouts rang out from the city below, round after round.

The sound was deafening and soared into the sky.

Heavenly Court, Nantian Gate.

Nantianmen is only a short distance away from Luoyang, the human capital, on the towering Buzhou Mountain next to it.

Clairvoyance and Shunfeng Er are guarding all this on the steps outside the door, and the one who really guards the Nantian Gate is the Giant Spirit God. The Giant Spirit God is a fierce general of the giant tribe in the Western Wilderness Mountains, and has also become the guard of the four heavenly gates in the heaven. One of the important gods.

"Hey, someone down there seems to be shouting about being the Emperor of Heaven..."

Shunfeng listened, frowned, and said something strange.

"Did I hear wrongly?"

He muttered to himself in confusion.

In this world, even the most ignorant person would not dare to shout this sentence, right?

"How is it possible? You are the most outstanding Shunfeng of the Shen'er clan. How could you hear it wrong? I think it is eighty percent that someone is really shouting that! Let me see who is gathering people to cause rebellion, so that the heavenly soldiers can go to quell the rebellion! "

The clairvoyant shouted loudly, but he couldn't believe that Shunfeng Er heard it wrong.

Both of them are the most outstanding people in their respective clans. In terms of cultivation strength, they may be a little behind, but they are only in the Taiyi Golden Immortal realm.

But when it comes to measuring strength in this area, it is even more unlikely that there will be any mistakes!

Wherever the clairvoyant gaze reaches, everything in the world seems to be glimpsed by him.

This is where the God Eyes and God Ears tribe are so powerful! You can peer up into the nine heavens and down into the nine secluded places. There is no escape from all directions.

However, because they were too weak, they were feared by many innate gods and persecuted the two tribes, which almost caused the two tribes to be almost exterminated.

Fortunately, he later took refuge in the Demon Clan and joined the Heavenly Family, thus preserving a bloodline.

But these are just side branches of the former Divine Eye Clan and Divine Ear Clan, and the orthodox ones have been killed long ago.

But even so, members of their two clans can still spy on many places.

Even Luoyang, which had a large formation to isolate and detect, was now being detected by clairvoyants and shunfeng ears.


In an instant, the clairvoyant found the place that Shunfeng Er mentioned. That was the capital of the human race, that was Luoyang, the capital of mankind!

In the entire city, hundreds of millions of human beings all kowtowed to the Human Emperor in the sky.

He could vaguely see something shouting in his mouth, but he didn't know what he was shouting about.

"Is it the voice coming from everyone?" The clairvoyant asked hurriedly towards Shunfeng Er.

Shunfeng listened to the wind and discerned objects. After thinking for a moment, he nodded and said, "That's right! It's the sound coming from the human capital of Luoyang!"


"The Emperor wants to rebel!!!"

Clairvoyance and Shunfeng Er looked at each other and said at the same time in horror.

"Go and report to the Giant Spirit God!!!"

Clairvoyance and Shunfeng Er said in unison again.

Immediately, the two of them ran away from the steps.


The giant spirit god leaned against the door and dozed off.

There is no way, he said he was a gatekeeper, but he was actually a guard. The restrictions imposed by Nantianmen themselves were many times more powerful than him!

If you give him another ten thousand, he won't be able to break through this Nantianmen!

Therefore, if there were really people who could break in, he wouldn't be able to stop them. And for those who could be stopped, Nantianmen itself would have taken them down long ago.

Therefore, the Giant Spirit God is one of the few upright gods in heaven who can be fine even if he leaves his post without authorization...

This can be regarded as a kind of preferential treatment for the giants of the Western Wilderness.

"My lord! My lord!!"

Suddenly, a burst of rapid shouting came, waking up the giant spirit god who was intoxicated in his sleep.


The Giant Spirit God opened his eyes in a daze, only to see his two subordinates shaking their bodies crazily.

"What's up……"

He struggled to get up and shook his neck.


It has been hundreds of thousands of years since I woke up...

This sleep was really long enough...

He moved his muscles and bones a little. If it weren't for the spotless heaven, I'm afraid he would have piled up a huge mountain on his body...

"That's it, sir, the human race is about to rebel!!!"

Clairvoyance came up with a heavy thunder, which suddenly woke up the giant spirit god who was still a little dazed just now.

"What?! What the hell is going on? Why don't you come quickly!"

There was a hint of shock in the eyes of the Giant Spirit God, as well as an unexplainable sense of disbelief.

He couldn't believe it. Why did the human race suddenly rebel?

Isn’t that guy from the Shennong clan in the human race in charge?

He remembered that that guy was a good person, very kind and kind, and he was dedicated to the human race.

He knows all these things.

Why is it that a good person is about to rebel?

"Impossible! How could the Shennong clan rebel! Are you two making fun of me?" The Giant Spirit God shook his head and stared at the two subordinates with eyes like torches.

They were always a little bored during their long errands, so the two guys made fun of him.

But the Giant Spirit God doesn't care about this, because it's nice to have a playmate.

Qianliyan and Shunfeng'er looked at each other, and then became speechless. Finally, Qianliyan covered his eyes and stepped aside, while Shunfeng'er began to explain patiently:

"It's like this, my lord, a human genius appeared while you were sleeping. Now this human genius has become the new human emperor. This human emperor shows his sharp edge and points his sword at the world.

And I heard about Luoyang, the human capital, um... it was the latest capital city established by the human race, not far from Buzhou Mountain. In the human capital, hundreds of millions of people shouted to the human emperor to be the emperor of heaven, and The clairvoyant also saw those people kneeling before the Human Emperor, so..."

The face of the Giant Spirit God was like changing his face in a Sichuan opera. As Shunfeng Er finished speaking, his expression changed.

Until the end, he didn't know what to say.

How could it be that so many major events had happened in just a few hundred thousand years, which had not changed in the past millions of years?

Everyone, including the New Emperor, fell asleep...

"You two had better not lie to me!!!" The Giant Spirit God was still a little worried that these two people were lying to him, and said in disbelief.

"Sir! In the past, it was all trivial matters to deceive you. How dare we deceive you about such a big matter!!!"

Qianliyan was so anxious that he almost knelt down, and Shunfeng'er beside him was also worried.

"Okay then, I'll go and report it."

The Giant Spirit God looked at these two people and they didn't look like they were lying, and he vaguely believed them in his heart.

So he nodded and walked towards the door.

Seeing this, Clairvoyant Eye and Shunfeng Er breathed a sigh of relief.

If the Giant Spirit God really didn't go, then the Emperor of Heaven would blame them later, and the two of them would probably suffer.

The Giant Spirit God ran all the way from Nantian Gate to the 32nd Heaven and arrived at the Chao Hui Hall.

I saw several handsome men sitting at the head and quickly ran over to wait in line.

When he waited for him, he quickly bent down and bowed: "Nantian Gate Gatekeeper General Ju Lingshen, I have something to ask your Majesty to see you!!!"

Bai Ze was a little surprised to see that the person below was actually the Queen of the Giant Spirit God, and asked curiously: "Oh? What's the matter with you, and you actually need to see His Majesty?"

"Celestial Master, the human race intends to rebel and praise the human emperor as the emperor of heaven among the people in the lower world. We need to inform your majesty!!!"

The Giant Spirit God did not dare to be vague and said quickly.

Bai Ze frowned when he heard this, praising the Human Emperor as the Emperor of Heaven?

"What's going on? Tell me quickly!"


The Giant Spirit God did not dare to be negligent, nor did he dare to add fuel to the fire, so he quickly told the whole story in detail.

After hearing what the Giant Spirit God said, all the demon commanders had a look of horror on their faces.

This is no longer as obvious as before, this is a blatant rebellion!

One is something that everyone knows is about to be done, and the other is something that has already been done. Although there is not much difference, the meaning is completely different!

"Quick, go quickly, I will take you there!"

Bai Ze said quickly, then quickly stopped the government affairs he was dealing with, and then led the Giant Spirit God towards the 33rd heaven.

The thirty-third heaven will not be opened easily. Except for the one-time ceremony of Yiyuan Meeting, it will only be opened at a special time.

And this kind of letting individual ministers go in to handle affairs is not really open.

Wait until Bai Ze brought the Giant Spirit God to the Lingxiao Palace.

Seeing the Heavenly Emperor's handsome figure above, Bai Ze bowed and said, "Your Majesty, the Giant Spirit God wants to inform Your Majesty about the human race's rebellion."

Hearing this, the Heavenly Emperor's Dharmakaya opened his eyes and said softly: "I already know about this, so please retreat for now!"

Bai Ze and Giant Spirit God were stunned when they heard this.

Your Majesty already knows?

Then what the hell are they doing...

But yes, His Majesty is so powerful that he should know such a big thing.

After all, according to what the Giant Spirit God said, he had already shouted clearly. How could Di Jun, who was just above Luoyang, not know.

"Then I resigned."

Bai Ze bowed to the Dharma body and pulled the giant spirit away.

The giant spirit scratched the back of his head, a little confused.

Why did His Majesty know about this but didn't say anything?

Why didn't he send troops to quell the rebellion...

He didn't understand this, so he asked Bai Ze beside him: "By the way, Demon General, why didn't His Majesty send troops to wipe out the human race?"

Bai Ze shook his head slightly and smiled: "Your Majesty intends to use the human race as a whetstone for the Heavenly Court. When the human race completely goes to war with the Heavenly Court, then it will be the best time."

Although from a certain perspective, the best time has been missed long ago, and it is not too late to wipe out the human race even now.

But that is only from the perspective of not wanting to give up the fruit position.

But if you look at it from the perspective of being beneficial to yourself, then this war is also the best opportunity for them to break through their own limitations.

Since Di Jun said those words to them that day, these people have completely gained a new understanding.

At least he won't be like before, only thinking about his achievements and dreaming about the spring and autumn.

The giant spirit was even more confused, but he didn't dare to ask any more questions. He shook his head and thought that it would be better not to think too much, and go back to play and sleep.

It's always better than the current situation with a full head full of thoughts.

After all, the Emperor of Heaven doesn't care, so what should I care about.


In the Yaochi.

"Brother, why can Xuanyuan use the true fire of the sun?"

Taiyi was still a little puzzled and asked doubtfully.

This true fire of the sun is extremely domineering. If they were not the golden crows born in the sun, I'm afraid even they would not be able to master this supreme level of fire.

You should know that the phoenix is ​​also a race that masters fire by nature, but they are not able to master the true fire of the sun, but they can master the fire of Nanming by nature.

Nanming fire is also the top fire second only to the true fire of the sun, and it is much more terrifying than the true fire of Samadhi.

It can be said that if the sun does not come out, Nanming is the master.

Di Jun smiled slightly and said to Taiyi and the other puzzled people: "Because he did not control the true fire of the sun by himself, but used a magical thought to provoke the sun to drive the true fire, so he could drive it a little.

This magical power is based on the sword, with luck as bones, and with the avenues of space, time, fire, and many other avenues as flesh and blood, and finally in the form of the dragon race."

"Provoke the sun?"

This time, Taiyi was even more confused.

The sun can also be provoked by other creatures? !

Except for them, how did a born creature do it? !

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