Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 429: Scorching Sun Xuanyuan, Vicious Weiyang

Chapter 429: Scorching Sun Xuanyuan, Vicious Weiyang...

"Yes, the sun is the sun of the human race, the sun in its heyday.

Suirenshi is like a rising sun, bringing a ray of morning light to the human race, making the human race feel the warmth.

Shennongshi is like a rising sun, bringing prosperity to the human race, making the human race feel proud of being a great race.

Now Xuanyuan is more like a blazing sun, at its most scorching, and also the most powerful time for the human race. He will lead the human race to the true pinnacle.

After Xuanyuan, the human race will also be strong for an era, just like the twelve hours of a day. Like the time of Wei in the middle, no matter how hot the sun is, it is still a little tender. Although the sun of Wei is not as sharp as the scorching sun and not as powerful as the scorching sun, it becomes more vicious and more difficult.

And the era after Xuanyuan is also the era when the human race is truly the strongest in all aspects! It is also the era when the human race is the weakest!

When that era comes, all races will be completely equal, and the human race will no longer be so-called strong..."

The charm in Emperor Jun's eyes flickered, his eyes penetrated all the obstacles of time and space, reached the final place, and saw everything from beginning to end.

But he couldn't see too much, but he could vaguely see that the human race in that era really reached the peak, and the four seas and eight wildernesses, eternal time and space, all bowed to the human race.

It was an era of unprecedented prosperity, an era of great unification in the true sense. In that era, there was no conquest, no war!

That was the era that Di Jun longed for and wanted to build, but he knew that he couldn't do that yet.

And he couldn't see the true appearance of that era, he just knew that it was the true pinnacle of the human race, but he didn't know that it was the era he longed to build with his own hands!


Taiyi, Xihe, and Madam Yuanmu looked at each other, and all saw the shock in each other's eyes.

They had never seen Di Jun with such an expression, nor had they seen Di Jun say such words.

"Then what does elder brother mean is that Xuanyuan is not worth mentioning?"

Soon, Taiyi discovered the blind spot.

The other two also looked at Di Jun after hearing this, and they were puzzled.

At the beginning, it was Di Jun who said that Xuanyuan would become his whetstone, but now it seems that Xuanyuan is not worth worrying about?

He said that Xuanyuan was strong, but now he said that although Xuanyuan was strong, he was not the strongest among the human race? Is there anyone stronger? And when that time comes, will the human race truly become the strongest?

These words made them all a little confused.

Is Xuanyuan a threshold that is difficult to cross?

Di Jun nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Xuanyuan is naturally a strong man. Although he is not the most powerful existence in the human race, he is also an existence that I may not be able to defeat.

And in my opinion, the next strong man is not the strongest individual. The real strongest individual is probably Xuanyuan. This boy is so sharp that he just corresponds to the existence of noon at noon."

Compared with an individual strong man like Xuanyuan, he is obviously more afraid of the next emperor of the world.

Because the person who can really take his position as the emperor of heaven must not be like Xuanyuan, who is like an extremely sharp sword, but a person who really controls the overall situation.

Sitting on the throne of the emperor of heaven is definitely not just relying on strength to reach the top, otherwise it should be Taiyi who sits on this position instead of Di Jun.

Di Jun really started to rise to prominence after he ascended to the throne of the emperor of heaven! Even after ascending to the throne of the Heavenly Emperor, there were many times when Taiyi was stronger than him.

It was not until after Zixiao Palace that Di Jun truly began to surpass Taiyi for the first time.

And then, the longer time passed, the stronger Di Jun became.

This is also a manifestation of the great fortune of being the Heavenly Emperor.

Taiyi remained calm, nodded, and said coldly: "No matter how the vicissitudes of life change, our Jinwu clan will always be at the top of the world, and will never fall to the fate of the Phoenix clan!"

The reason why they are compared with the Phoenix clan is because they are also the existences that dominate the prehistoric sky.

Of course, the Jinwu clan is always more than one level higher than the Phoenix clan in both horizontal and vertical comparisons.

What's more, now that all the members of the Jinwu clan are Hunyuan, they are truly Hunyuan strongmen, so how can they fall to the fate of the Phoenix clan?

Either the Jinwu clan will never get into trouble, or they will never be able to turn over.

The latter is obviously impossible, unless Pangu takes action.

The former's safety also refers to life-threatening situations, and other things are always uncertain.

"Of course, with my second brother and I here, the Jinwu clan will never get into trouble!"

Di Jun said confidently, and his noble temperament became even more outstanding.

He and Taiyi are both very conspicuous characters standing in the crowd, and even if they are wearing cloth, their transcendent temperament is not comparable to ordinary people.

Xihe and Madam Yuanmu also sat there quietly, looking at the two with admiration.

With Taiyi and Di Jun, the Jinwu clan is really extremely prosperous and noble.

In the past, the Heavenly Court relied on the reputation of the two of them, and today they also rely on the huge power of the Heavenly Court to stand at the top of the prehistoric world.

"Great skill, Di Jun, you are almost as good as Fuxi in this way!"

Suddenly, Ye Xuan appeared in front of several people.

He couldn't help but praise Di Jun.

If we talk about the way of deduction, Fuxi should be the first in the prehistoric world, followed by Su Mingshi of the human race, but Su Mingshi's destiny road has some limitations in some aspects, and Su Mingshi himself is not interested in this, so he is still inferior to Fuxi.

If we rank them again, then Di Jun must be ranked first.

Di Jun's strength is so strong that everyone thinks he is just strong.

Let everyone forget that Di Jun is actually good at deduction, otherwise he would not have the company of the River Map and the Luoshu.

However, it is precisely because Di Jun is too focused on strength and is burdened by the Heavenly Court that he cannot devote himself to this way, which makes him fall behind Fuxi and Su Mingshi.

But Di Jun was too strong, so although his deduction ability was not as good as Su Mingshi, if he had a strong cultivation base, he would surpass Su Mingshi again, and even be not much worse than Fuxi.


Di Jun's face changed drastically when he heard this, and he looked to the side in an instant. After finding that it was Ye Xuan, he was relieved and bowed his hands and said: "It turned out to be Daozun. I hope you will forgive me for my impoliteness before."

"Greetings to Daozun."

Taiyi saw this and hurriedly followed suit.

"Greetings to Daozun."

The other two also bowed.

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, and the void helped several people up, saying: "Stand up, no need to be polite."

"Thank you Daozun."

"Did Daozun say that Fuxi had already discovered this matter?" Di Jun asked tentatively.

Ye Xuan shook his head slightly and said: "No, Fuxi actually wanted to spy on the world outside the chaos before, but was blocked back. I'm afraid he is still healing now."

Di Jun's eyes showed a look of surprise when he heard this.

The world outside the chaos? !

That Fuxi is really bold, and his ability to deduce is indeed extraordinary.

The reason why Fuxi can possess such a terrifying deduction ability is because of the avenue he cultivated. The avenue of heaven and earth is the deduction of heaven and earth, so it is normal to be able to deduce to that level.

In addition, there are no other two in the prehistoric world.

"The world outside the chaos..."

Taiyi murmured to himself, and for a moment he was actually a little yearning.

Is there anyone stronger there?

If he fights with them, will he become stronger? !

For a moment, Taiyi's heart was full of desire and yearning.

He wanted to fight with people of the same realm. Only in this way can he constantly strengthen his own strength and make himself the most dazzling sun.

Of course, fighting with his elder brother would be completely asking for abuse, and Taiyi didn't want to go over to hit his self-esteem.

There is also a big distance between him and the gods and demons of immortals. In addition, there is almost no one in the prehistoric world who can really make him use his full strength.

That is to say, there is a huge gap in combat power in the prehistoric world. Pangu is in a class of his own, Emperor Jun is in a class of his own, the gods and demons of the immortals are in a class of their own, and then Taiyi is in a class of his own.

There are many people below Taiyi. Hongjun is one of them, the Star Ancestor is also in this class, and Zulong may be in this class.

"May I ask the Taoist Master, what is the existence of the world outside the chaos?"

Emperor Jun bowed slightly and asked with a bow.

"Nothingness, a land of nothingness, spanning infinite nothingness, always nothingness, like a world of great death and silence, there is no life there, nothingness everywhere, and even the existence of Tao does not exist."

Ye Xuan stood with his hands behind his back and said softly.

This also made the people present stunned for a moment.

"Nothingness? There is not even Tao? Isn't that the land of Hongmeng?"

Emperor Jun exclaimed.

The legendary land of Hongmeng is actually outside the chaos?

And the prehistoric world is in chaos, which means that this is a world that is constantly being created. So when will a new world be created in the prehistoric world?


That's not right!

There are already countless worlds in the prehistoric world!

Many caves and blessed places, three thousand great worlds, endless small worlds, and even infinite worlds! Countless small worlds! Countless worlds of Hengsha...

These are the worlds in the prehistoric world!

The prehistoric world wraps these worlds, and chaos wraps the prehistoric world, and the primordial world wraps the chaotic world.

So what world wraps the primordial world...

Or it is not wrapped by the world...

Strictly speaking, the primordial world is not a world, because the prehistoric world does not even have the Tao, so naturally there is no mention of the world.

The reason why the world is called the world is that it has the two most basic frameworks of space and time. However, now, there is not even the Tao, let alone time and space.

Time and space are also manifestations of the Tao.

"No, that place is not even Hongmeng, it is the real nothingness, a place where nothing exists, it is a dead silence." Ye Xuan shook his head slightly.

Then, he did not want to talk too much about this aspect, so he reminded: "The human race is strong and cannot be defeated by the Heavenly Court alone. If you want to win, it is better to unite with other forces."

"I will keep in mind what Daozun said, but I have another question."

Emperor Jun nodded solemnly and agreed, then asked with doubts.

"What's the matter?"

Ye Xuan said lightly.

Upon hearing this, Emperor Jun hurriedly said: "The Dao Zun said before that there are many, many worlds outside the chaotic world. Why did he say that there is nothingness outside the chaos this time?"

He was a little puzzled. At the beginning, Ye Xuan's words were always kept in mind, just to be able to conquer one world after another until he reached transcendence.

And they did encounter many civilizations that were completely different from the prehistoric civilization!

How to explain this...

"Outside the chaotic world, there is nothingness, but the world is not just this world of nothingness. There is a great terror in the dark, which connects these infinite worlds together, and can connect your world together through some special method."

Ye Xuan left an explanation for him, and then his figure disappeared, without saying anything more.

He was afraid that if he stayed, the other party would ask those strange questions again.

If he was asked about the things in the prehistoric world, he would know everything. Even if he didn't know it now, he would know it as long as he used the Great Dao.

But if he was asked about other things, he didn't know too much.

For example, if Di Jun asked about any special methods, he wouldn't be able to answer.

After Ye Xuan left, he left a group of saints in confusion.


In the Pangu Temple, many ancestor witches gathered together.

"Was that the true fire of the sun just now?"

Gonggong looked at Zhu Rong and asked.

Zhu Rong seemed to be stabbed in the heart...

He had been in the business for so long, but he couldn't master the true fire of the sun. But now, it was mastered by others in the blink of an eye.

He was still a young man.

He regarded the true fire of the sun as the best of his life, something that he must master, and that was what he thought was the highest achievement.

The innate control of the Jinwu clan in the past was nothing more than a racial advantage, which was nothing, and it didn't mean that the Jinwu clan's ability to control fire was better than his!

But now, a young man actually used what he thought was the highest pursuit...

At this moment, many ancient witches also cast their eyes on him, waiting for his answer.

Amid the fiery gazes of the crowd, Zhu Rong nodded and said in a complicated tone: "I don't know how he controlled this true sun fire, but this is undoubtedly the true sun fire, the same as that used by Donghuang and Tiandi."


Gonggong was the most surprised among these ancient witches.

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