Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 430: Thoughts of Immortal Sect and Buddhist Sect

Gonggong, who had been against Zhurong all his life, understood the true fire of the sun the best.

That was the pinnacle of the Great Dao of Fire in the prehistoric world, and it was the brightest pearl in the crown.

It could even be said that the crown would become more brilliant and dazzling because of this pearl.

If this pearl was lost, even the crown would be eclipsed and inferior.


For a moment, even Gonggong didn't know what to say. He looked at Zhurong, who was against him every day, with some complexity. He knew that Zhurong must be very uncomfortable at the moment.

He could understand this the most.


Even Gonggong wanted to comfort him.

But Zhurong raised his hand and stopped him, saying: "No need to say anything, it's just that the Great Dao perception is not enough. One day, I will be able to control the true fire of the sun!!!"

There was no anger or inferiority in his eyes, but it aroused his greater confidence.

The long period of inability to control the Sun's True Fire made him doubt whether this thing could be controlled by people other than the Jinwu clan!

And now, Xuanyuan's move also made him completely convinced that other people could also control the Sun's True Fire! It is not only the Jinwu clan that can control it!

After knowing this, Zhu Rong was only infinitely happy at this moment, not jealous, let alone angry, and the previous feeling of great gap disappeared instantly.

"Good ambition!"

Di Jiang couldn't help but praise him when he heard it. He looked at Zhu Rong with admiration. At this moment, he thought Zhu Rong had grown up.

In the past, Zhu Rong would probably turn around and pick up a weapon to fight! How could he think about these. He would only think about why that guy could control it, but he couldn't!

"By the way, why does he also know my time avenue..."

After Zhu Rong was puzzled, Zhu Jiuyin was also a little puzzled.

That guy actually has so many avenues.

When Xuanyuan ascended the throne, none of the twelve witch ancestors went, only Hou Tu of the witch clan went, but she did not tell them anything.

Although many people know that Xuanyuan has many avenues in his body, there are always some people who do not know.

Although the witch clan ancestors knew that Xuanyuan had many avenues, they did not know which avenues he had mastered.

Now they can know that even the avenue of time and the avenue of space are controlled by him.

In other words, Xuanyuan now probably controls most of the three thousand avenues.

There was a trace of confusion in Dijiang's eyes. He did not quite understand why Xuanyuan in front of him could control so many avenues.

"The avenue is unfair..."

In the end, Dijiang could only let out a sigh of resentment and said.

If the other party controlled the avenue of space, he would not feel anything at all, because there were many beings in the prehistoric world who cultivated the avenue of space.

But when one person controls more than two thousand avenues, it is unfair.

Moreover, he is a young man, a young man like him, who actually controls more than 2,000 kinds of great ways. How can they not feel unfair?

But it is just like this. Even Di Jiang can't sit still at this moment and can't help but sigh.

"The great way is really unfair!"

Zhu Jiuyin said indignantly, with dissatisfaction in his eyes.

If the great way favors the Wu clan once, the Wu clan can't always be like this.

And the great way seems to have only favored Hou Tu once, making her immortal and indestructible, making her one of the six emperors of the heaven, enjoying wealth and glory forever, and waiting for the vicissitudes of the world.

This is the external plug-in of the great way for the Wu clan, just this once.

Although the other ancestor witches didn't say anything directly, they undoubtedly felt a little unfair in their hearts.

"Speaking of which, even if this human emperor is the reincarnation of one of the three heavens in the past, he shouldn't have such great power, right?"

Suddenly, Xuan Ming said.

"Yes, this is too strange. If San Tian was so powerful in the past, how could he end up dead? This is really strange."

"I can't spy... I can't explore..."

One of the ancestor witches immediately went to watch Xuanyuan, but was backfired by his luck and almost stayed there, if he hadn't escaped quickly.

"What exactly is this existence..."

The ancestor witches whispered and began to discuss around the Emperor.


In the Zixiao Palace.

"Human Xuanyuan, I'm afraid he has the strength that is not inferior to mine..."

The words of the immortal gods and demons were full of fear.

He didn't expect that in a small prehistoric world, there would appear one after another who could fight against him.

No, that one could even crush him!

Thinking of Di Jun, he was even more fearful.

Hongjun was horrified when he heard this. The Emperor actually has such strength now? !

Is his cultivation level soaring? !

He couldn't help but show a hint of fear in his eyes. The human race was too dangerous and could not be left alone.

"Your Majesty, the human race is so talented that I'm afraid it will be disadvantageous to the immortal sect in the future..." Hongjun said with some fear.

He wanted to provoke the gods and demons of the immortals and let them kill the Human Emperor, so as to curb the strength of the human race as soon as possible.

The human race already has so many powerful Hunyuan warriors. What if another top warrior emerges? Isn’t that the second heaven? !

correct! Heaven! !

Heavenly Court will definitely not sit idly by and do nothing, and it certainly does not want to see such a powerful force replacing itself.


I can use the hands of the Heavenly Emperor to destroy the Human Emperor...

Or use the help of the Human Emperor to destroy Di Jun...

Anyway, as long as these two big forces fight, I will definitely not lose!

The Immortal God and Demon sneered when he heard this, and said lightly: "If you are confident that you can kill the Killer Emperor, then go ahead and I will raid the formation for you."

"Haha... Your Majesty is joking, how can a poor Taoist have such ability..."

Hongjun said with a smile.

Damn, this old antique is really hard to deceive...

Since you can't deceive the other party, let's start from heaven and the human race!

It is much easier to provoke a fight between two forces than to provoke a fight between two people! ! !

After all, the battle between two forces only needs to continuously produce small frictions to turn small frictions into major conflicts, and it only takes one small incident to completely break out.

This punch today, that punch tomorrow, if things go on like this, both sides must be holding fire in their hearts.

But if there are two people, it will be difficult. They cannot provoke each other casually. They have to carefully plan a big event to create a gap between the two. But it is not as easy as it sounds. If you are not careful, That might expose yourself.

At that time, it may have a huge adverse impact on itself.

Just when Hongjun was about to go to his old business to slander Heavenly Court and the human race, he saw the immortal gods and demons saying coldly: "The human race must not be enemies with them, but should support them."

Hongjun was stunned when he heard this and quickly asked: "Why?"

He was really confused and didn't know why the gods, gods and demons would say this.

For Heavenly Court and Human Race, if personal emotions are put aside, it is obvious that Human Race has more development potential, while Heavenly Court is far behind Human Race as a whole.

The strength of Heavenly Court is only that of Emperor Jun. If the factor of Emperor Jun is eliminated, then only one Taiyi Calculator will be left at the top, and the rest will be rubbish.

Well, this comparison is with the human race.

If compared with other ethnic groups, they are still unrivaled in heavenly power!

For this kind of ethnic group with greater development potential, it is naturally more beneficial to oneself to unite with those with less potential to eliminate them!

"Heaven is not suitable for preaching. Can you see someone from Heaven converting to the Immortal Sect?" The immortal gods and demons looked at Hongjun as if looking at a fool, and then said: "The human race is different. The human race is born to carry the power of all ways. The physique is destined to have many immortal disciples born, and by helping the human race gain the opportunity to preach, they can gradually encroach on or even control the human race. "

Hongjun's eyes lit up when he heard this, yes! You can use this to control the human race's government! ! !

What a good way this is! !

It's just that before, he only considered his own interests and did not take the interests of the Immortal Sect into account, so he did not think of such a path.

Unexpectedly, the main reason is that he is not the real ancestor of the Immortal Sect now. In fact, the gods and demons of the Immortal are the real source and the real ancestor. Therefore, the interests of the Immortal Sect were equal to their own interests in the past. Now the Immortal Sect The interests are equal to the interests of immortals, gods and demons.

Work for someone else? How can you really try your best? Naturally, you have to think about yourself first!

Although that road is difficult to follow, at least it has such lessons and opportunities, and it is not like a road with no opportunities at all.

And once they really take control of the human race, then they will really be the only immortals in the world!

"You are such a great talent!!! I am so ashamed!!"

Hongjun immediately gave up his previous idea and looked at the immortal gods and demons with a flattering smile and complimented him.

Who would want to destroy the human race when he has such a fucking chance to get the human race?

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Being able to receive such heartfelt praise from Hongjun, the immortal gods and demons were naturally extremely happy.

He knew how insidious and despicable this old thing was, and he had never really praised others for their chances in his life, but this time it was obviously true.

How can this make the immortals, gods and demons not happy?

Among Buddhism.

"Brother, do you think that if we join the human race and help them, will we have a chance to escape the control of the old thief in the future?!" Zhunti said with a look full of vicissitudes of life.

This was also the reason why he sought medical treatment in a hurry.

What is the connection between the two?

Jie Yin frowned when he heard this, then shook his head and said: "This matter will at most make Buddhism more prosperous. How can it really escape the control of the old thief?"

They now call Hongjun completely unpleasant, and they don't care about those things at all. They sound like an old thief, and they are obviously extremely angry.

But this can't be blamed on them, who made Hongjun be so cruel to them.

If this person had any conscience in his heart, he would not do this to them again and again.

For the first time, their chances of attaining enlightenment were deceived, and they were almost prevented from becoming Hunyuan. They were forced to come here to take the oath of heaven, and were forced to become a bullshit saint.

Fortunately, they finally escaped from the sea of ​​suffering and achieved Hunyuan.

Although this road was difficult, it was finally accomplished.

The second time it really ruined their foundation. This time, it hurt them even more than before.

Their luck in Buddhism was all reduced to Hongjun, and now Hongjun was lying on their bodies like a blood-sucking insect, sucking blood continuously, and they didn't know when they would be able to get rid of his control.

"Brother, this is my guess. When our Buddhist sect helps the human race win this war, if they can make Buddhism become the orthodox orthodoxy of the human race, then Buddhism will be completely prosperous. If Buddhism is completely prosperous, If so, then we have a chance to get rid of Hongjun's control!"

Zhunti said excitedly, and the more he talked about it, the more likely he felt it was.

Jie Yin became even more confused. He asked with some confusion: "Why can you get rid of it?"

He still doesn't understand the relationship between the complete prosperity of Buddhism and getting rid of Hongjun.

"If Buddhism is completely prosperous and becomes the mainstream of the ancient world, then we will be blessed with great luck, and we will have the opportunity to unite with the Tao. If we take this opportunity to unite with the Tao, wouldn't it be possible to plan the aura of heaven? At that time, we can Revise everything again and use the power of Buddhism to completely suppress the old thief!"

Zhun Qian said that his face was flushed, and even the golden cheeks could not block the flushed color. He was obviously extremely excited, and then when he said that he could completely suppress Hongjun, his face changed even more. It became the ultimate pleasure.

Jie Yin shook his head slightly, sighed, and said: "But these are just your guesses. They may not work. If they don't work, wouldn't it mean that they made a wedding dress for that old thief!"

Zhunti was stunned when he heard the words, as if he had been poured cold water on him. He stood there for a long time, then sighed and said: "Brother, that is the only way I can think of. If you have more ideas, If there is a good way, it’s not impossible to choose, but if there isn’t one, then that’s all we can do…”

He still decided to fight hard, not only for himself, but also for his senior brother, and also for Buddhism, the hard work of the two of them.

Zhunti has always been like this. For what he believes in, he will never regret it, even if he sacrifices everything.

He never complained about how tired he was. He only knew that as long as everything was hopeful, that would be fine and he could go for it.

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